

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The British Journal of Dermatology publishes papers on all aspects of the biology and pathology of the skin. Originally the Journal, founded in 1888, was devoted almost exclusively to the interests of the dermatologist in clinical practice. However, the rapid development, since the 1950s, of research on the physiology and experimental pathology of the skin has been reflected in the contents of the Journal, which now provides a vehicle for the publication of both experimental and clinical ethical research and serves equally the laboratory worker and the clinician.

From time to time the Journal publishes reviews, which are usually invited, of recent advances in laboratory or clinical research, contact dermatitis, therapeutics and drug reactions. Regular features include fast-track papers, original articles, concise communications, case reports, book reviews, correspondence, news and notices, and selected society proceedings.

Colour publication is welcomed and all colour is published free of charge to the author.

Indexed/Abstracted in

  • ASCA
  • BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences
  • Current Contents
  • Science Citation Index


Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://bjd.manuscriptcentral.com. Full instructions are provided on the site. Submissions should be uploaded as Rich Text Format (RTF) files plus separate figure files. GIF, JPEG, PICT or Bitmap files are acceptable for submission, but only TIF or EPS files (as detailed at the end of this page) are suitable for printing. After acceptance, you will be contacted to provide print-quality figures if you have not already done so and a signed Copyright Assignment Form if this has not been returned.

If you cannot submit online, four copies of all material for publication should be sent to the Editor, British Association of Dermatologists, 19 Fitzroy Square, London WIT 6EH, UK.

The manuscripts are subject to the referee process, which has two stages; the manuscript is considered initially by an in-house member of the editorial team, and if suitable, it will then be given to an external reviewer. Manuscripts should be printed on one side of the paper only, with a wide margin, double spacing, and numbered pages. It should bear the title of the paper, name and address of each author, and the name of the hospital, laboratory or institution where the work has been carried out. The name and full postal address (with phone and fax numbers and e-mail address) of the author who will he responsible for reading the proofs (the corresponding author) should be given on the first page. The corresponding author must keep the BJD office informed of any change in details until the paper is published.

Authors should keep a copy of their manuscript; all material will be disposed of after publication unless the author specifies that it should be returned. In addition to the hard copy, an exact copy of the manuscript must be submitted on disk. Include all parts of the paper, other than the figures, in a single file and provide clear details of the file name, operating system and word-processing software used. Authors must adhere to acceptable use of U.K. English and syntax. The Editor reserves the right to make corrections, both literary and technical, to the papers. Papers received are assumed to have been submitted exclusively to the British Journal of Dermatology and all authors must give signed consent to publication in a Copyright Assignment Form sent with the manuscript. Authorship implies a substantial contribution. Copyright passes to the British Association of Dermatologists upon acceptance. Authors must inform the Editor of any possible conflict of interest capable of influencing their judgement, and if necessary, a disclaimer will be included. Perusal of unsubmitted data used may be requested by the Editor.

Manuscripts reporting placebo-controlled or parallel-group clinical trials must conform to the revised CONSORT statement and be accompanied by a checklist (Moher D, Shulz KF, Altman DG. Lancet 2001; 357: 1191-4, available from the BJD office or the CONSORT website: www.consort-statement.org).

The British Journal of Dermatology will in future require a signed declaration of consent to the publication of details from any patient where the individual can be identified, including all papers that contain clinical photographs or in which cases are described as individuals. It may be prudent for the authors of any paper containing patient details that could lead to the identification of individuals (e.g. patients with rare dermatoses noted in a Table or Figure with age and sex) to obtain the explicit consent of the patient(s) concerned. The Editorial office will be happy to provide guidance in cases of uncertainty.

Types of Articles

In addition to Review and Original articles, BJD also welcomes the following: concise communications usually describe completed laboratory or clinical work and are normally restricted to no more than 1100 words, 15 references, one table and two figures; case reports describe clinical case histories of interest, however, the journal does not include case reports unless they are of extraordinary significance; items of correspondence should not normally exceed 800 words, 10 references and two figures, and are also subject to expert review.

It is the Editor's decision as to which article type is most suited to a submitted paper.

Parts of the paper

The manuscript should be laid out as below.

Title In addition to the full title of the paper, authors should provide a short version for a running head, not more than 50 characters long, including spaces.

Authors' details Names should be given as initial(s) followed by surnames, and should be clearly linked to the respective addresses, if more than one, by use of the following symbols: * + + ?0 ? which, for more than six addresses, may be doubled as follows: ** ++, etc.

Summary All articles other than correspondence should have a summary. Original articles and concise communications should have a structured abstract, comprising the five headings: Background, Objectives, Patients/Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Keywords To aid abstracting and indexing services, authors should provide no more than six keywords after the summary of their paper, arranged in alphabetical order.

Main text Generic names of drugs must be given. Full names with abbreviations must be given with the first mention: thereafter, the abbreviation will be used. New abbreviations should be coined only for unwieldy names and should not be used unless the names occur frequently. All quantitative measurements should conform to the International System of Units (S1) where possible, but blood pressure should be in mmHg. BJD uses the negative indexing format, e.g. mg mL-1, not mg/mL. Please check that Greek letters and other special characters are reproduced correctly on the hard copy of the manuscript.

References Please verify your references before submission and send them as a plain, unstructured list. Avoid using 'endnote' programs for the electronic copy. Only papers closely related to the author's work should be referred to; exhaustive lists should be avoided. References should be in the Vancouver style, i.e. references appear as consecutive unbracketed superscript numbers in the text, e.g. 'our previous report1 and that of Smith et al.2...' and are brought together numerically in the reference list at the end of the article in the order of their first mention in the text. References to articles and papers should mention: (1) name(s) followed by the initials of the author(s), up to four authors (if more than four authors, include the first three authors followed by et al.); (2) title of paper; (3) title of the journal abbreviated in the standard manner (see Index Medicus); (4) year of publication; (5) volume; (6) first and final page numbers of the article (state if single-page article, letter or abstract). Thus: Cunliffe W], Shuster S. The rate of sebum excretion in man. Br J Dermatol 1969; 81: 697-9. References to books and monographs should include: (1) name(s) followed by the initials of the author(s) or editor (s); (2) chapter (if relevant) and book title; (3) edition, volume, etc.; (4) place; (5) publisher; (6) year; (7) page(s) referred to. Thus: MacKie RM. Lymphomas and leukaemias. In: Textbook of Dermatology (Champion RH, Burton JL, Ebling FJG, eds), 5th edn, Vol. 3. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1992; 2107-34. References to personal communications, unpublished data and manuscripts either 'in preparation' or 'submitted for publication' should be inserted, if essential, in the text only and not in the listed references. Publications 'in press' should be updated as soon as possible.

Tables There should be as few tables as possible and these should include only essential data. They should be printed on to separate sheets and should be given Arabic numbers. Legends should be provided and headings and columns laid out clearly. Avoid use of sub-headings within the table. Use the minimum amount of information; avoid wordy, over-full tables, and if possible, avoid having completely blank columns.

Illustrations Figure legends should be grouped at the end of tile manuscript. Three sets of illustrations should be provided. Illustrations should be referred to in the text as 'Figs', and be given Arabic numbers. Each figure should be marked on the back with the name of the author(s), the title of the paper, and the reference number used in the text. Orientation of the illustration should be indicated by marking the top with an arrow. Do not use pens or ballpoints: they can damage photographs. The journal will publish colour photographs free of charge. Photographs should be unmarked glossy prints. If using hard copies of scans, the photographs must have been scanned at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch). Specific features may be identified either directly on the prints, using Letraset or similar, or on an overlay or photocopy. Diagrams should be on separate sheets, drawn with black ink on white paper at approximately twice the size of the final reproduction. The final width of the figures will be either 82, 114 or 173 mm. Lines should be of sufficient thickness to stand reduction (no less than 4 mm wide for a 50% reduction), and letters should be a minimum of 14 pt Times New Roman or an equivalent size. A legend should be provided for each illustration, and photomicrographs should state the original magnification.

Electronic Artwork

If submitting artwork electronically, please read the information on the Blackwell Science website at:

Vector graphics (e.g. line artwork) should be saved in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS), and bitmap files (e.g. photographs) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Line art must be scanned at a minimum of 800 dpi, photographs at a minimum of 300 dpi.


From 2002, proofs will be sent as portable document format (PDF) attachments by email wherever possible with full instructions.

Editorial Board

R.A.C. Graham-Brown, Department of Dermatology, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester LE1 5WW, UK

Assistant Editor
D.J. Eedy, Craigavon, UK

Editorial Advisory Board

Prof. J.N.W.N. Barker, London
S.M. Breathnach, London
R.D.R. Camp, Leicester
N.H. Cox, Carlisle
J. Ferguson, Dundee
D.R. Garrod, Manchester
C.E.M. Griffiths, Manchester
I.M. Leigh, London
C.S. Munro, Glasgow
N.J. Reynolds, Newcastle upon Tyne
H.C. Williams, Nottingham

M. Amagai, Tokyo, Japan
W.M.H. Eaglstein, Miami, USA
Prof. R.L. Edelson, New Haven, USA
J.M. Hanifin, Oregon, USA
S.I. Katz, Maryland, USA
Prof. B. Krafchik, Toronto, Canada
R. Marks, Melbourne, Australia
Y. Miyachi, Kyoto, Japan
N. Prose, Durham, USA
J.R. Stanley, Pennsylvania, USA
A. Taïeb, Bordeaux, France
G. Todd, Cape Town, South Africa
P.C.M. Van De Kerkhof, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
K. Wolff, Vienna, Austria
Xue-Jun Zhu, Beijing, China

Section Editors

J.S.C. English, Nottingham, UK
Dr J.S.C.English, Nottingham, UK
A.M.H. Heagerty, Solihull, UK
R.W. Groves, London, UK
W.H.I. McLean, Dundee, UK
C. Moss, Birmingham, UK
G.M. Murphy, Dublin, Eire
A.D. Ormerod, Aberdeen, UK
D.N. Slater, Sheffield, UK
S. Stevens, Cleveland, USA

Editorial Manager
J. Caulfield, BAD Office, London

Editorial Co-ordinator
J. Ibitoye, BAD Office, London


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