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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Biological Rhythm Research , the official journal of the European Society for Chronobiology, brings together reports in this field which were previously scattered through many different journals of different disciplines. Concise, peer-reviewed and comprehensive - if you've got an interest in biological rhythm, who could ask for anything more?



Instructions to Authors


  • Formatting your manuscript
  • Language, structure and references
  • Illustrations, figures and tables
  • Proofing procedure
  • Copyright and permissions
  • Submission of manuscripts
  • Free copies

    Formatting your manuscript:

    It could speed up the publication process of your article when you would make use of our journal article template. With this template you can format your document with fixed styles for the various text elements. You can also adjust existing tables with it, or create new tables in a standard format.
    Please click on the icon (as shown below) on our website and the template will be installed automatically on your PC. The zip-file also contains a short manual that will show you how to work with it.

    Author template

    back to top.

    Language, structure and references:

    • The journal will accept only papers submitted in English. Manuscripts should meet high academic standards.
    • Contributors need to remember that they are writing for an international audience. National colloquialisms and idiomatic use of language should be avoided and gender neutral language used.
    • For non-English speakers: a native English speaker should read the article before submission.
    • Before submitting your paper: check on consistency of spelling, punctuation and use of abbreviations and improve where necessary.
    • The editors reserve the right to refuse any manuscript submitted, whether on invitation or atherwise, and to make suggestions and modifications before publication.
    • Only internationally accepted abbreviations are printed without definition. Other abbreviations should be defined at first mention in the text.
    • Abbreviations like 'e.g.', 'i.e.', 'etc.' (with stops!) may only be used when they are placed between parentheses. Otherwise, use 'for example', 'that is', or 'and so on'.
    • Use abbreviations and symbols for metric and non-metric units of measurement that are accompanied by numeric values, within and outside parentheses, for example, 4 cm, 12 min, 18 h, 45?C. Please note that the numeric values and the units are separated by one space, except ?C.
    • Dates should be written in the following form: 5 February 1999.

    Title page should contain the following elements:
    • Title
    • Author's name(s)
    • Affiliations
    • Abbreviated version of the title of no more than 40 characters (including spaces) for running heads
    • Abstract of about 200 words briefly summarizing the aim, results and conclusions of the work
    • A maximum of 6 keywords (avoiding overlap with words already used in the title)
    • Full address of the corresponding author in a footnote: phone, fax and postal address, and e-mail address

    The text may be divided in the following sections:
    • Introduction
    • Materials and methods,
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Acknowledgements (optional; should appear before the reference section)
    • References

    Formatting requirements:
    • Number the lines of your manuscript to aid the reviewing process
    • Do not distinguish more than four levels of headings and ensure that the heading structure is clear
    • Start headings, etc., left justified (i.e., 'flush left'), with two line spaces above (i.e., three Hard Returns) and one line space below (two Hard Returns)
    • Block quotations should be indented with [indent] and should have one space line (i.e., two Hard Returns) above and below
    • Do not use Hard Returns except when absolutely necessary, such as at the end of paragraphs or headings
    • Do not hyphenate words at the end of a line. Use only one hyphen for compound words.
    • When justifying text, do not use the space bar.

    References in the text must be arranged according to year of publication.
    When a reference is placed between parentheses, the name of the author and the year of publication must be separated by a comma (e.g., Sollberger, 1965). In case of co-authoring, the names of the authors must be separated by an ampersand, '&', (e.g., Jones & Smith , 1961). In case of multi-authoring (i.e., three or more authors), the name of the first author should be given followed by 'et al.' (e.g. Jones et al., 1990). Note that 'et al.' should not be in italic.
    In references placed in the running text (outside parentheses), the year of publication should be placed between parentheses. For example: 'In previous work by Nissim et al. (1990) ...'.
    In case of co-authoring outside parentheses, the two author's names should be separated by 'and', for example, 'Jones and Smith (1989) stated that ...'.
    References in the reference section must be arranged in alphabetical order by name of author according to the following style:
    • Use "a" and "b" to distinguish between two different titles (ordered alphabetically) of the same author (or the same group of authors) which were published in the same year. For example: Addison HJ (1996a):


    Editorial Board


    A. Alpatov
    J. Arendt
    I. Assenmacher
    L. Baillaud
    P. Cugini
    B. Cymborowski
    A. Diez-Noguera
    Th. Vanden Driessche
    L. Edmunds
    R. Hardeland
    S.I. Inouye
    B. Lemmer
    D. Lloyd
    R.Y. Moore
    N. Mrosovsky
    K. Nagai
    J. de Prins
    A. Putilov
    B. Quarrington
    P.H. Redfern
    A. Reinberg
    L. Rensing
    A. Rosenwasser
    N.H. Rubin
    R. Siegmund
    R. Silver
    A. Sollberger
    F.K. Stephan
    Y. Touitou


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