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出版社:UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60637-2954

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


For over fifty years The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science has published the best international work in the philosophy of science under a distinguished list of editors including A. C. Crombie, Mary Hesse, D. H. Mellor and Imre Lakatos.

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science encourages the application of philosophical techniques to issues raised by the natural and human sciences. These include general questions of scientific knowledge and objectivity, as well as more particular problems arising within specific disciplines.

Topics currently being discussed in the journal include: causation, the logic of natural selection, the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the direction of time, probability, confirmation, foundations of mathematics, supertasks and the theory of emotion.

The Journal publishes survey articles on important areas of recent research:

  • James Pryor, Highlights of recent epistemology
  • Stathis Psillos, The present state of the scientific realism debate
  • Nick Huggett, Philosophical foundations of quantum field theory
  • Fraser MacBride, Speaking with shadows: a study of neo-logism

The Journal will also publish occasional symposia on contemporary controversies.

Submission of articles
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science receives over 250 submissions a year. The editors seek advice from the members of the editorial panel and a large number of expert referees.

The new editors have instituted the policy of deciding on all submissions within six weeks of receipt. This is partly because we want to encourage authors to send us articles, but also because we think it is unnecessary, and therefore wrong, for authors to be kept waiting longer.

The editorial team also ensures comprehensive coverage of books on philosophy of science and related subjects and publishes longer review articles on books of major significance in the field.

The British Society for the Philosophy of Science
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science is published for The British Society for the Philosophy of Science by Oxford University Press. The Society holds monthly meetings during the academic year, at which papers are read and discussed. The venue for meetings is the Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences, Tymes Court Building, London School of Economics. These meetings are open to Society members and the general public. The Society also holds a three-day annual conference each September, and occasional one-day conferences at different venues.

Membership to the Society is open to anybody on payment of the annual subscription. Members can subscribe to the Journal at a reduced rate, receive the programme of monthly Society talks, and are entitled to vote at the general meetings of the Society. The annual membership of the Society is £7 for the UK and Europe, $11 for the USA and elsewhere. Student memberships are £1. For further information on joining, please write to the Membership Secretary, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Oxford Journals, Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK.

The Committee of the Society is responsible for the management of the Journal.

The Committee for 2002-2003 is:

  • President: Professor Donald Gillies
  • Hon. Secretary: Dr Robin Hendry
  • Hon. Treasurer: Dr A. J. Dale
  • Members: Dr Alexander Bird, Dr Hasock Chang, Professor James Ladyman, Dr Eleonora Montuschi

Further information about the The British Society for the Philosophy of Science is available at their web site.

Abstracting and Indexing Services
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

  • Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts
  • Institute for Scientific Information (ISI):
    • Social Science Citation Index
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Instructions to Authors



All submissions of articles and discussion notes should be sent to the editor:

Dr Peter Clark
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Department of Logic and Metaphysics
University of St Andrews
St Andrews
KY16 9AL
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462486
Fax: +44 (0)1334 462485
E-mail: bjps@st-andrews.ac.uk

Articles on any aspect of the philosophy of science will be considered. Discussion notes related to articles previously published are welcome.

Contributors should send three hard copies of their submission, which will not normally be returned. These need not be in any particular style on initial submission, but if they are accepted for publication we will require a version in the Journal's style. Submissions should be accompanied by the telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author. We will also require a version of accepted submissions on floppy disc. Whilst the publishers can accept most formats, the preferred format is Microsoft Word for PC or Mac. Please note that the disc MUST be accompanied by a completed disc submittal form.

Articles must be prefaced by an abstract of about 100 words.

Every effort will be made to ensure that decisions on all submissions take place within six weeks of receipt.

© The British Society for the Philosophy of Science
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers, or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in the UK by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE, or in the USA by the Copyright Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA.

It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign copyright to Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance.

Books for review
Books for review should not be sent to the editor but to: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Book Reviews, c/o Oxford Journals, Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK. All correspondence concerning reviews, other than books for review themselves, should be addressed to the Deputy Editor.

Editorial Board
Editor: Dr Peter Clark
Department of Logic and Metaphysics
University of St Andrews
St Andrews
Fife KY16 9AL
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462 459
Fax: +44 (0)1334 462 485
Email: bjps@st-andrews.ac.uk
Deputy Editor: Katherine Hawley
Department of Logic and Metaphysics
University of St Andrews
St Andrews
Fife KY16 9AL
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462 486
Fax: +44 (0)1334 462 485
E-mail: bjps@st-andrews.ac.uk
Assistant Editor: Patricia Barrie
Department of Logic and Metaphysics
University of St Andrews
St Andrews
Fife KY16 9AL
Tel: +44 (0)1334 462 486
Fax: +44 (0)1334 462 485
E-mail: bjps@st-andrews.ac.uk
Associate Editors: Alex Bird
Peter Milne
Adam Rieger
Denis Walsh
Michael Wheeler
Editorial Advisory Panel: Jeremy Butterfield
Nancy Cartwright
Dorothy Edgington
Marcus Giaquinto
Barry Gower
Keith Hossack
Colin Howson
Peter Lipton
Moshe Machover
John Milton
Michael Redhead
Peter Urbach
John Worrall
Elie Zahar


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