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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Reasons to read The Breast:

  • High quality research papers
  • Specially commissioned review articles
  • Occasional mini-symposia on controversial issues
  • Annotated abstracts
  • Case reports
  • Bibliography covering articles published on benign and malignant disease
  • Plus correspondence, calendar of events, and much more!

The Breast journal has been specially designed to be an invaluable source of information for surgeons, medical oncologists, epidemiologists, biochemists, pathologists, radiologists, endocrinologists, medical statisticians and nurses. In addition to the physiology of the normal breast, it provides all the relevant diseases.

The Breast provides clear comprehensive coverage including aetiology, biology and investigative, medical and surgical aspects.




Instructions to Authors


The journal publishes articles in the following different categories: review article, leading article, original article, case report, short report, correspondence, book review. All articles and suggestions to: Professor Hans-Jörg Senn, Editorial Office The Breast, Centre for Tumor-Detection and Prevention, Rorschacherstrasse 150, Ch-9006 St. Gallen, Switzerland. Authors are requested to submit three copies of their manuscript. The Editor cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of typescripts. A paper is accepted for publication on the understanding that it has not been submitted simultaneously to another journal in the English language. Rejected papers will not be returned to authors except on request. Typescripts that contain the results of human and/or animal studies will only be accepted for publication if it is made clear that a high standard of ethics was applied in carrying out the investigations. In the case of invasive studies in humans, typescripts should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by a local ethical committee. The Editors reserve the right to make editorial and literary corrections. Any opinions expressed or policies advocated do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Editors.

These instructions are in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. JAMA 1993; 269: 2282-2286. Papers should be submitted in journal style. Failure to do so may lead to significant delays in publication. Spelling may be British or American. Papers should be typed in double spacing throughout on good, white A4 paper with a margin of at least 3 cm all round. Type only on one side of the paper. Three copies of the typescript and illustrations should be submitted and the authors should retain a copy for reference.

Papers should be set out as follows, with each section beginning on a separate sheet: title page, summary, text acknowledgements, references, tables, captions to illustrations. Title page. The title page should give the following information: 1) title of the article, 2) initials and surname of sach author, with highest academic degree(s), 3) name and address of the department or institution to which the work should be attributed, 4) name, address, telephone and fax number of the author responsible for correspondence and to whom requests for offprints should be sent and 5) sources of support in the form of grants. Summary. This should consist of not more than 150 words summarizing the contents of the article. Text. Headings should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. In general those for experimental papers should follow the usual conventions. Other papers can be subdivided as the author desires; the use of headings enhances readability. Normally only two categories of headings should be used: major ones should be typed in capital letters in the centre of the page and underlined; minor ones should be typed in lower case (with an initial capital letter) at the left hand margin and underlined.

Reports on important new results which fall within the scope of the journal may be submitted as a short communication or interesting case reports, which should not exceed 1000 words. The short communication should be typewritten, double-spaced and without subheadings. A maximum of 5 references is allowed. Only one figure or table may be included

Letters to the editor relating to published work in The Breast are welcome. No other (unrelated) letters will be considered for publication. Manuscripts may be submitted to:

Professor Hans-Jörg Senn
Center for Tumor-Detection and Prevention
Rorschacherstrasse 150
St. Gallen 9006
Tel: +41 71 243 0031
Fax: +41 71 245 6805
E-mail: hjsenn@siak.ch

Typescripts that contain the results of human and/or animal studies will only be accepted for publication if it is made clear that a high standard of ethics was applied in carrying out the investigations. In the case of invasive studies in humans, typescripts should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by a local ethical committee.

Digital Object Identifier
Churchill Livingstone assigns a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to every article it publishes. The DOI appears on the title page of the article. It is assigned after the article has been accepted for publication and persists throughout the lifetime of the article. Due to its persistence, it can be used to query Churchill Livingstone for information on the article during the production process, to find the article on the Internet through various Web sites, including IDEAL, and to cite the article in academic references. When using a Churchill Livingstone article in a reference section, it is important to include the article's DOI in the reference as volume and page information is not always available for articles published online. The References section shows samples of DOI included in references. Further information may be found at http://academicpress.com/doi.

Number of Copies
Authors are requested to submit three copies of their manuscript.


This should consist of not more than 150 words summarizing the contents of the article.

Reference Format
The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author. References should be entered consecutively by superscript Arabic numerals in the text. The reference list should be listed in numerical order on a separate sheet in double or triple spacing. References to journals should include the author's name and initials (list all authors when six or fewer, when seven or more, list only the first three and add et al), full title of the paper, journal title abbreviated using Index Medicus abbreviations, year of publication, volume number, first and last page numbers. For example:

1. Cochrane R, Gee A, Ellis H, Microscopic topography of the male breast. The Breast 1992; 1: 25-27. 2. Kleinberg DL, Noll GL, Frantz AG. Galactorrhoea: a study of 235 cases,including 48 with pituitary tumours. N Engl J Med 1977; 296: 589-600.

References to books should be as follows:

3. Haagenson CD. Disease of the Breast. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986, pp 173.

When citing a Churchill Livingstone journal, include the digital object identifier (DOI), if noted, from the article's title page. Please note the following example:

JoosU, Kleinheinz J: Reconstruction of the severely resorbed (class VI) jaws: routing or exception? J Craniomaxillofac Surg 28: 1-4, 2000. doi:10.1054/jcms.2000.0102

Line illustrations. All line illustrations should present a crisp black image on an even white background. Please bear in mind that, since figures are generally reduced to one column width (8.5 cm), any lettering on the figures should be sufficiently large to be legible after such reduction. Photographic illustrations and radiographs. These should be submitted as clear, lightly contrasted black and white prints (unmounted), sizes as above. Photomicrographs should have the magnification and details of staining techniques shown. X-ray films, should be submitted as photographic prints, carefully made to bring out the detail to be illustrated, with an overlay indicating the area of importance. Figures should be submitted appropriately lettered in capitals. The size of the letters should be appropriate to that of the illustration, taking into account the necessary size reduction. All illustrations should be clearly marked (by a label pasted on the back or by a soft crayon) with the figure number and author's name, and the top of the figure should be indicated with an arrow. Never use ink of any kind. Do not use paper clips as these can scratch or mark illustrations. Illustrations in colour cannot be accepted unless the cost of origination and publication is paid for by the author. Captions should be typed, double spaced, on separate sheets from the typescript. Patient confidentiality. Where illustrations must include recognizable individuals, living or dead and of whatever age, great care must be taken to ensure that consent for publication has been given. If identifiable features are not essential to the illustration, please indicate where the illustration can be cropped. In cases where consent has not been obtained and recognizable features may appear, it will be necessary to retouch the illustration to mask out the eyes or otherwise render the individual 'officially unrecognizable'. Permissions to reproduce borrowed illustrations or tables or identifiable clinical photographs. Written permission to reproduce borrowed material (illustrations and tables) must be obtained from the original publishers and authors, and submitted with the typescript. Borrowed material should be acknowledged in the captions in this style: 'Reproduced by the kind permission of... (publishers) from... (reference)'.

Photographic illustrations and radiographs. These should be submitted as clear, lightly contrasted black and white prints (unmounted), sizes as above. Photomicrographs should have the magnification and details of staining techniques shown. X-ray films, should be submitted as photographic prints, carefully made to bring out the detail to be illustrated, with an overlay indicating the area of importance.

Figures should be submitted appropriately lettered in capitals. The size of the letters should be appropriate to that of the illustration, taking into account the necessary size reduction.

All illustrations should be clearly marked (by a label pasted on the back or by a soft crayon) with the figure number and author's name, and the top of the figure should be indicated with an arrow. Never use ink of any kind. Do not use paper clips as these can scratch or mark illustrations. Illustrations in colour cannot be accepted unless the cost of origination and publication is paid for by the author. Captions should be typed, double spaced, on separate sheets from the typescript.

Patient confidentiality. Where illustrations must include recognizable individuals, living or dead and of whatever age, great care must be taken to ensure that consent for publication has been given. If identifiable features are not essential to the illustration, please indicate where the illustration can be cropped. In cases where consent has not been obtained and recognizable features may appear, it will be necessary to retouch the illustration to mask out the eyes or otherwise render the individual

These should be double spaced on separate sheets and contain only horizontal rules. Do not submit tables as photographs. A short descriptive title should appear above each table and any footnotes, suitably identified, below. Care must be taken to ensure that all units are included. Ensure that each table is cited in the text.

Units & Abbreviations
Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. All unusual abbreviations should be fully explained at their first occurrence in the text. All measurements should be expressed in SI units. Imperial units are acceptable from USA contributors. For more detailed recommendations, authors may consult the Royal Society of Medicine publication entitled Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Biological and Medical Editors and Authors.

Proprietary names of drugs, instruments, etc. should be indicated by the use of initial capital letters.

Copyright Information
In order for us to ensure maximum dissemination and copyright protection of material published in the jornal, copyright must be explicitly transferred from author to publisher. The copyright transfer agreement to be used for the jornal is reproduced in the first issue of each year. Extra copies are available from the Publisher or the Editors, or contributors may photocopy the agreement reroduced in the journal. A copy of this agreement must be signed by the principal author before any paper can be published. We assure you that no limitation will be put on your personal freedom to use material contained in the paper without requesting permission, provided acknowledgement is made to the journal as the original source of publication.

Permissions Information
If illustrations are borrowed from published sources, written permission must be obtained from both publisher and author, and a credit line giving the source added to the legend. If text material totalling 250 to 300 words, or any tables, are borrowed verbatim from published sources, written permission is required from both publisher and author. With shorter quotations, it is sufficient to add a bibliographic credit. Permission letters for reproduced text or illustration must accompany the manuscript. If you have been unable to obtain permission, please point this out.

Page proofs are sent to the author for checking. The proofs, with any minor corrections, must be returned to the production editor at Churchill Livingstone within 2 days of receipt.

Twenty-five free offprints are supplied to the author to whom offprint requests are made. An offprint order form will be sent to the author with the page proofs.


Editorial Board



H.-J. Senn, Center for Tumor-Detection and Prevention, Rorschacherstrasse 150
Fax: +41 71 245 6805


Deputy Editors

Ellis, Nottingham, UK
B. Thürlimann, St. Gallen, Switzerland


Past Editors:

J.M. Dixon, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK



P. Forrest, Univeristy of Edinburghl, Edinburgh, UK

U. Veronesi, European Institute of Oncology, via Ripamonti, Milan, Italy


International Editors: Australasia

J. Forbes, University of Newcastle



D.L. Page, VVanderbilt University Medical Center, Breast Consultation Service, Room C-3305, Dept of Pathology, 1211 21st Ave South, Nashville TN 37232-1661, USA


Section Editors:Endocrinology, Basic Science:

W. Miller, Edinburgh, UK

Epidemiology, Prevention

J. Cuzick, London, UK


Genetics, Familial Breast Cancer

 J. Garber, Boston, USA

 Imaging, Screening

R. Wilson, Nottingham, UK

 Molecular Biology, Pathology

 Ellis, Nottingham, UK

Public Relations

C. Zielinksi, Vienna, Austria


A. Wallgren, Böteborg, Sweden

Surgery, Gynaecology

M. Kaufmann, Frankfurt, Germany

Systemic and Multimodal Therapy

B. Thürlimann, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Editorial Advisory Board:

H.-O. Adami, Stockholm, Sweden

H. Bartelink, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

M. Baum, London, UK

I. Besznyak, Budapest, Hungary

M. Bilous, Westmead, NSW, Australia

R.W. Blamey, Nottingham, UK

M.A. Blankenstein, Ultrecht, The Netherlands

P. Boyle, Milan, Italy

B. Cady, Boston, USA

 Caleffi, Port Alegre RS, Brazil

S. Ciatto, Firenze, Italy

R.E. Coleman, Sheffield, UK

A. Costa, Milano, Italy

K. Cowan, Bethesda, USA

N. Davidson, Baltimore, USA
W. Dupont, Nashville, USA

A. Goldhirsch, Lugano, Switzerland
M. Greco, Milan, Italy

W.J. Gullick, Canterbury, UK
D.F. Hayes, Boston, USA

I.C. Henderson, San Francisco, USA

S. Eckhardt, Budapest, Hungary

 Fallowfield, London, UK

N. Houssami, Chiswick NSW, Australia

A. Howell, Manchester, UK

F. Jannicke, Hamburg, Germany

M. Kaufmann, Frankfurt, Germany

D. Kinne, New York, USA

O.R. Kochli, Zurich, Switzerland

D.B. Kopans, Boston, USA
E. Liu, Chapel Hill, USA
H. Magdelenat, Paris, France

P. Maguire, Manchester, UK

W. Mattheiem, Bruxelles, Belgium

E.B. Mendelson, Pittsburgh, USA

M. Merino, Bethesda, USA

J.-Y. Petit, Villejuif, France

D. Raghavan, Buffalo, USA

A. Rodger, Melbourne, Australia

C. Rose, Odense, Denmark

M. Roselli Del Turco, Firenze, Italy

G.F. Schwartz, Philadelphia, USA

. Semiglazov, St. Petersburg, Russia

J.F. Silverman, Greenville, USA

D.C.G. Skegg, Dunedin, New Zealand

N. Sneige, Houston, USA

E. Towpik, Warsaw, Poland

D.P. Winchester, Evanston, USA

D. Zaridze, Moscow, Russia

H. Zwierzina, Innsbruck, Austria






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