

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The official journal of the ISN is intended to be a forum for recent progress in the science and practice of neuropathology, with a strong emphasis on disease mechanisms. It will be broad in scope, encompassing advances in neighboring disciplines, including cell biology, molecular genetics, immunology and virology. Although primarily directed to pathologists, Brain Pathology addresses all members of the scientific community interested in diseases of the nervous system.

Instructions to Authors

The official journal of the ISN is intended to be a forum for recent progress in the science and practice of neuropathology, with a strong emphasis on disease mechanisms. It will be broad in scope, encompassing advances in neighboring disciplines, including cell biology, molecular genetics, immunology and virology. Although primarily directed to pathologists, Brain Pathology addresses all members of the scientific community interested in diseases of the nervous system.

Brain Pathology publishes original research articles, reviews, historical notes and, in each issue, a symposium on a specific topic which is compiled by a guest editor. If you wish to write a review for Brain Pathology, please contact the editor preferably with a brief outline of your intended submission

Manuscript Submission.
Authors should send three copies of their manuscript (including three sets of glossy prints of figures) along with a 3.5 floppy disk containing electronic files of the manuscript and graphics to the editor:

Dr. Harry V. Vinters
Section of Neuropathology
UCLA Medical Center, CHS 18-170
Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA
Tel. 310 825 6191
Fax 310 267 0545

A handling fee of $50 will be charged for each submission. Neither manuscripts nor figures will be returned to the author. The peer review process will usually lead to a decision within 4 weeks after submission of the manuscript.

Page Charges.
The charge to authors is $100 per printed page. A summary of page charges and color figure charges will be presented to the corresponding author prior to publication.

Manuscript Preparation

Give a concise title with no abbreviations. Provide first and last names of all authors, together with their institutional affiliations. This page should also contain the full address of the corresponding author, with telephone, fax numbers and email address

Abstract. An abstract (of 200 words or less) is required for original research articles, technical notes, reviews and contributions to Brain Pathology's symposia.

Tables. Tables should be concise and easy to comprehend. They must have a title and be cited in the text.

Figures. There is no limit on the number of figures, however, manuscripts including color figures will assessed a flat charge of $500. Figures should be sized to fit one column (3.125? 8 cm) or two columns (6.5? 16.5 cm). Figures may be cropped or re-sized at the editor’s discretion. Identify each figure on the back with its figure number, first author's name and “top.?Include micron bars on micrographs. We must have at least one set of high-quality glossy prints for scanning and color reference. Do not send inkjet printouts.

Electronic figures (optional). Must adhere to the following specifications (Do not send JPEG, GIFF, or other compressed formats):

File format: TIFF or Photoshop
Color mode: CMYK
Resolution: Color (400 dpi)
Greyscale (600 dpi)
Black and White (1200 dpi)
Image size: Minimum width (3.125?or 8 cm)
Media: CD-R, CD-RW, 100 MB Zip, 250 MB Zip

References. Only published papers and those in press should be included in the reference list. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts and personal communications should be cited parenthetically in the text. References should be cited as numbers in brackets. In the reference list, references are to be arranged alphabetically and numbered accordingly. Therefore, the numbers in parentheses in the text will not reflect a sequential order. All authors should be cited. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. The following are examples of Brain Pathology's reference style:

1. Forno LS, Eng LF, Selkoe DJ (1989) Pick bodies in the locus coeruleus. Acta Neuropathol 79: 10-17

2. Raine CS (1985) Demyelinating diseases. In: Textbook of Neuropathology, Davis RL, Robertson DM (eds.), Chapter 11, pp. 468-547, Williams & Wilkins: Baltimore, London, Sydney

3. Russell DS, Rubinstein LJ (1989) Pathology of Tumours of the Nervous System, 5th Edition, Edward Arnold: London, Melbourne, Auckland

Proofs. The corresponding author will receive proofs which must be returned to the editorial office within 48 hours. The use of fax transmission is strongly recommended.

Society News. Information to be published in the section entitled Society News should be forwarded to Dr Françoise Gray, Dept de Neuropathologie, Hopital Henri Mondor, 94010 Creteil, Cedex, France; Fax: +33 147 107 683; E-mail: francoise.gray@rpc.ap-hop-paris.fr

Publication Schedule. Brain Pathology is published quarterly, i.e., in January, April, July and October. Deadline for the receipt of articles is three months prior to publication, i.e., on the 1st of January for the April issue, on April 1st for the July issue, etc.

Copyright. All statements in, or omissions from, manuscripts published in Brain Pathology are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Editorial Board
Harry V. Vinters
Clayton A. Wiley, 1996 - 2000
Paul Kleihues, 1990 - 1995

Case Editor
Ronald Hamilton

Managing Editor
Duncan A. MacRae

Associate Editors

Cristian Achim
Adriano Aguzzi
Roland Auer
Oliver Brüstle
Herbert Budka
H. Brent Clark
V. Peter Collins
Dennis Dickson
Ulrich Dirnagl
David Ellison
Felice Gianspero
C. Giannini
Hans-Hilmar Goebel
Michel Goedert  
Manuel Graeber
Francoise Gray
Matti Haltia
Brian Harding
Bradley T. Hyman
James W. Ironside
Yoichi Katayama
Hans Lassmann

David N. Louis
Seth Love
Eliezer Masliah
Antonio Migheli
Klaus A. Nave
J. A. R. Nicoll
Hiroko Ohgaki  
George Perry
Karl Plate
Guido Reifenberger
Moses Rodriguez
Sergio Rosemberg
Marc K. Rosenblum
Raymond Sobel
Maria Grazia Spillantini
Wolfgang Streit
Fabrizio Tagliavini
Harry Vinters
Andreas Von Deimling
Hartmut Wekerle
Otmar Wiestler


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