

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care  is a multidisciplinary, refereed journal devoted to issues and practices in the care of childbearing women, infants, and families. It is written by and for professionals in maternal and neonatal health, nurses, midwives, physicians, public health workers, doulas, psychologists, and social scientists, childbirth educators, lactation counselors, epidemiologists, and other health caregivers and policymakers.

The aims of Birth  are:

  • To publish well-designed, orginal research in pregnancy and childbirth, from sophisticated advances in medicine to the parents' physical and emotional needs
  • To publish comprehensive reviews on topics of major importance in maternal and newborn health
  • To provide a timely and lively forum for current issues in maternal and newborn care and education
  • To underline the importance of evidence-based medicine in making effective changes in clinical practices



Instructions to Authors


Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care  is in its 30th year of publication.  It is an editorially independent, interdisciplinary journal published quarterly by Blackwell Publishing, Inc.  Birth publishes original, peer-reviewed research and review papers on clinical practice in the fields of perinatal medicine, perinatal nursing, and the social sciences.

Birth is ranked as the #1 nursing journal worldwide (of 33 in that category), according to the most recent edition of the Journal Citation Reports from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).* The Journal is also highly ranked in the categories of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics. The ISI tracks and compares scholarly journals worldwide.

Readers and subscribers of Birth are nurses in obstetrics, public health, and neonatology; midwives; physicians; childbirth educators; lactation counselors; doulas; psychologists and social scientists; epidemiologists; and other health workers and policymakers in perinatal care. 

Author Responsibility
Although the publisher and Editorial Board endeavor to ensure that no inaccurate or misleading statements, data, or opinions appear in Birth, it is their policy that all material published in the articles and advertisements are the sole responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Therefore, the publisher, editors, and their respective employees, officers, and agents accept no responsibility or liability for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading statements, data, or opinions.

Submission Requirements
A paper is considered for publication on the understanding that it has been submitted solely to Birth and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. A paper presented at a scientific meeting may be considered if it has not been published in full in a proceedings or similar publication. Authors have a responsibility to inform the editor about potential conflicts of interest and any previous reports that might be regarded as prior or duplicate publications of the same data.

On submission, papers are reviewed by two or more members of the editorial board of Birth and/or by outside experts in the field. Reviewers' comments are sent to the primary author with suggestions for revision as needed. Reviews take from 6 to 10 weeks. Authors are expected to provide final revised versions of articles on electronic disk, formatted in, or compatible with, Word for Windows, version 6.0 or higher (preferred).

The manuscript format is as follows:

  • Authors should submit papers to the editor in triplicate of 8 to 10, typed, double-spaced pages (including references), with consecutive, numbered, parenthetical references in the text that refer to numbered references at the end of the paper.
  • The title page contains the author name(s) and degree(s) and a 30- to 50-word statement of current author affiliations and, if appropriate, the institution, identifying numbers, and locations of grants supporting the work.
  • The second page contains a concise abstract, in a structured format for research and review papers, with internal headings of Background (includes objective), Method(s), Results, and Conclusions.
  • Tables should be double-spaced, with no internal vertical rules, and placed on separate pages at the end of the article.
  • Photographs should be black-and-white glossy prints with the primary author's name and placement instructions indicated on the back.
  • Authors must attribute all quotations or borrowed material to author and source and obtain written permission to use this material from the copyright holder.
  • References must be complete and in the following style:
  • Lieberman E, Lang J, Richardson DK, et al. Intrapartum maternal fever and neonatal outcome. Pediatrics  2000;105(1):8-13.
    Goldenberg RL, Rouse DJ. Interventions to prevent prematurity. In: McCormick MC, Siegel JE, eds. Prenatal Care: Effectiveness and Implementation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999:105-138.

*2002 Journal Citation Reports?nbsp; Copyright 2003 by Institute for Scientific Information?o:p>

Editorial Address
Letters and other editorial correspondence should be addressed to Diony Young, Editor, Birth, 43 Oak Street, Geneseo, NY 14454, USA. Tel/Fax +1 (585) 243-0087


Editorial Board


Diony Young
43 Oak Street
NY 14454

Tel/Fax: +1 (585) 243-0087

Editor Emeritus: Madeleine H. Shearer

Editorial Board

Leah Albers, CNM, DrPH, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Beverley Chalmers, PhD, DSc(Med), Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Linda Chaudron, MD, MS, Rochester, New York, USA
Eve R. Colson, MD, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Sarah Danner, CPNP, CNM, Hot Springs, South Dakota, USA
Murray W. Enkin, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto, Ontario, Canada   
Bruce L. Flamm, MD, Riverside, California, USA
Jo Garcia, BA, MSc, London, United Kingdom
J. Christopher Glantz, MD, MPH, Rochester, New York, USA
Robert L. Goldenberg, MD, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Josephine Green, PhD, Leeds, United Kingdom
Philip Hall, MD, BScMed, FRCSC, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Elina Hemminki, MD, Helsinki, Finland
David P. Hopkins, MD, MPH, Portland, Oregon, USA
Cynthia R. Howard, MD, MPH, Rochester, New York, USA
Karyn Kaufman, RM, DrPH, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Marc J.N.C. Keirse, MD, DPhil, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Marshall H. Klaus, MD, Berkeley, California, USA
Michael Klein, MD, CCFP, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ruth A. Lawrence, MD, Rochester, New York, USA
Ellice Lieberman, MD, DrPH, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
M. Kay Libbus, DrPH, RN, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Judith Lumley, PhD, Carlton, Victoria, Australia
Rona McCandlish, MScEpid, RM, RGN, Southampton, United Kingdom
Margaret Matlin, PhD, Geneseo, New York, USA
Fay Menacker, DrPH, RN, Hyattsville, Maryland, USA
Patricia D. Mullen, DrPH, Houston, Texas, USA
Judy Norsigian, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
M.P.M. Richards, PhD, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Judith P. Rooks, CNM, MPH, Portland, Oregon, USA
Elizabeth Shearer, MEd, MPH, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Pamela Shrock, RPT, PhD, Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA
Penny Simkin, PT, Seattle, Washington, USA
Ruth T. Wilf, CNM, PhD, Narbeth, Pennsylvania, USA


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