

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

      Bipolar Disorders is an international journal that publishes all research of relevance for the basic mechanisms, clinical aspects, or treatment of bipolar disorders. It intends to provide a single international outlet for new research in this area. Papers on biochemistry, physiology, neuropsychopharmacology, neuroanatomy, neuropathology, genetics, brain imaging, epidemiology, phenomenology, clinical aspects, and therapeutics of bipolar disorders will be considered. In particular, papers that provide leads for development of new therapeutic strategies for these disorders are especially welcome. The journal considers submissions on the topics of schizoaffective disorders and recurrent depressive disorders, as these are cyclic disorders with areas of overlap with bipolar disorders.

 The journal accepts full-length research papers, brief reports, invited editorials, news and views, review articles, letters to the editor, rapid communications, and case reports of unusual interest. A special feature is an international grand rounds section in which cases of special relevance are discussed. The journal is committed to rapid review and publication on manuscripts. In case of studies of unusual novelty and importance for the field, the review process is completed within 30 days, for publication as rapid communications in the next issue of the journal.

Instructions to Authors

Bipolar Disorders - An International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences will consider for publication full-length research papers, brief reports, invited editorials, news and views, review articles, rapid communications, case reports, and letters to the editors. Full length research papers and review papers should generally not exceed a total of 7,500 words. Brief reports, news and views, invited editorials and case reports should generally not exceed 2,000 words. Letters to the editors should be less than 600 words. Rapid communications may have the length of either a full length paper or a brief report.

Manuscripts, including tables and figures, should be sent in 5 copies to:

Editors-in-Chief, Bipolar Disorders
Jair C. Soares, M.D.
Samuel Gershon, M.D.
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
UPMC Health System
3811 O'Hara St
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel. +1-412-605-1411
Fax +1-412-606-1420

Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has been read and approved by all authors. The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to Blackwell Munksgaard if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.

The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the publisher. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers translation rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm or video-cassettes or in electronic databases and the like or reproduced photographically without the prior written permission of Blackwell Munksgaard.

As a general rule, papers will be evaluated by four independent reviewers. One copy of the manuscript will be kept in the editorial office in case revision is recommended. Revised manuscripts should be accompanied by a point-by-point reply to the recommendations of reviewers and editor, specifying the changes made in the revised version.

Authors should include in a cover letter the names and complete addresses, including fax or email, of five potential reviewers, which will be used at the discretion of the editors.

The journal does not hold itself responsible for loss or damage to mailed manuscripts, or for statements made by contributors.

Rapid Communications will be considered for important scientific contributions; authors should explain in their accompanying letter why they intend to publish their paper as a rapid communication.

Manuscripts - Provide your manuscript on one newly formatted 3.5-inch floppy disk; 5 printed, double-spaced copies including figures and tables must accompany the disk. The paper manuscript and the file on the disk must be the same. Label the disk clearly with the journal name, author and title, file content, computer system (DOS, Windows or Macintosh), word processor (Word, WordPerfect etc.) and version used. Do not convert your manuscript to ASCII format. Include only the files corresponding to the manuscript. The following rules are in general agreement with 'Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals' accepted by an International Steering Committee (see ref. 1 below).

The paper should be submitted in English. Begin each manuscript component (title page, etc.) on separate pages. The pages of the manuscript - text, reference list, tables and legends to figures, in that order, should be numbered consecutively.

Title page - The title page should contain: 1. a concise informative title; 2. author(s)'s names; 3. name of department(s)/ institution(s) to which the work is attributed; 4. name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript, and requests for offprints should be referred; 5. if the title exceeds 40 characters (letters and spaces), a running head of no more than 40 characters; 6. a word count for the whole paper.
Funding sources: All funding sources supporting the work submitted should be properly acknowledged. Authors are expected to disclose any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted manuscript. This information will be published as a footnote on the title page of the published article.

Abstract and key words - The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be arranged in a structured fashion to include objectives, methods, results and conclusions. It should state the purpose of the study, basic procedures (study subject /patients / animals and methods), main findings (specific data and statistical significance), and principal conclusions. For the News and Vies articles, a short (up to 100 words) non-structured abstract should be provided. Below the abstract, provide 3-10 key words that will assist indexers in cross-indexing your article. Use terms from the Medical Subject Headings list from Index Medicus, whenever possible.

Introduction - Present the background briefly, but do not review the subject extensively. Give only pertinent references. State the specific questions you want to answer.

Patients and methods / Materials and methods - Describe selection of patients or experimental animals, including controls. Do not use patients' names or hospital numbers. Identify methods, apparatus (manufacturer's name and address), and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Provide references and brief descriptions of methods that have been published. When using new methods, evaluate their advantages and limitations. Identify drugs and chemicals, including generic name, dosage and route(s) of administration. Authors must indicate that the procedures were approved by the Ethical Committee of Human Experimentation in their country, and are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. All papers reporting experiments using animals must include a statement in the Materials and Methods section giving assurance that all animals received humane care. The authors accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the whole content, including findings, citations, quotations and references contained in the manuscript.

Results - Present results in logical sequence in tables and illustrations. In the text, explain, emphasize or summarize the most important observations. Units of measurement should be expressed in accordance with Syst¨¨me International d'Unite (SI Units).

Discussion - Do not repeat in detail data given in the Results section. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study. Relate the observations to other relevant studies. On the basis of your findings (and others') discuss possible implications / conclusions. When stating a new hypothesis, clearly label it as such.

Acknowledgements - Acknowledge only persons who have made substantive contributions to the study. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from everyone acknowledged by name because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions. Authors are expected to disclose any commercial or other relationships that could constitute a conflict of interest. All funding sources supporting the work should be acknowledged.

Tables - Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Type each table on a separate sheet, with titles making them self-explanatory.

Illustrations - All figures should clarify the text and their numbers be kept to a minimum. Details must be large enough to retain their clarity after reduction in size. Illustrations should preferably fill single column width (81 mm) after reduction, although 2/3 page width (112 mm) or full page width (168 mm) will be accepted if necessary. Submit five unmounted copies of each illustration, identifying them with a label on the back which indicates the number, author's name and the top edge. Magnifications should be indicated in the legends rather than inserting scales on prints. Line drawings should be professionally drafted and photographed; halftones should exhibit high contrast. Where possible, authors should send digital versions of each figure saved as a separate file in TIFF or EPS format. Click here for more information on submitting electronic artwork. Color illustrations in small numbers may be accepted free of charge at the discretion of the Editors. Otherwise the author must pay for color reproduction and printing of the illustrations at a rate of GBP 250 for the 1st figure, GBP 175 each for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th figures, and GBP 100 each for all subsequent figures. Decisions regarding free color illustrations will be made at the time of acceptance of the article. Authors required to pay for color must complete a color work agreement form and fax it to the production editor on +44 (0)131 226 3803 as soon as the manuscript has been accepted.

Legends - Legends should be typed double-spaced in consecutive order on a separate page. They should be brief and specific. If micrographs are used, information about staining methods and magnification should be given.

Abbreviations, symbols and nomenclature - They should be standardized and in accordance with ELLIS G (ed.). Units, symbols and abbreviations. The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE, 1975.

References - Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables and legends by Arabic numerals (in parentheses). All references cited, and only these, must be listed at the end of the paper. References should be according to the style used in Index Medicus and International list of periodical title word abbreviations (ISO 833).


1. International Steering Committee. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309.
Gershon S, Soares JC. Current therapeutic profile of lithium. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1997; 54:16-20.
Soares JC, Mann JJ. The anatomy of mood disorders--review of structural neuroimaging studies. Biol Psychiatry 1997; 41: 86-106.
Post RM, Weiss SRB. Kindling and stress sensitization. In: Young LT, Joffe RT ed. Bipolar Disorder - Biological Models and Their Clinical Application. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1997: 93-126.

Proofs - All manuscripts will be carefully revised by the publisher's desk editor. Page proofs together with separate block "pulls" to indicate quality of photographic reduction will be sent to the author's address on the title page and should be returned within 3 days of receipt. Alterations to the text, other than corrections, may be charged to the author.

Offprints - Senior authors receive 50 free offprints of their articles. Additional offprints may be ordered on the offprint order form which will be sent with the proof.

Checklist for authors - Complete this checklist before sending your manuscript:

¡¤  Letter of submission with names and complete addresses (including fax or email) of five suggested reviewers

¡¤  Five complete copies of manuscript including glossy prints or laser printouts of illustrations and a diskette containing the final version of the paper

Title page

¡¤  Title

¡¤  Short title of less than 40 spaces

¡¤  Author(s) and affiliation(s)

¡¤  Address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of corresponding author

¡¤  Word count


¡¤  Article proper (double spaced)

¡¤  Structured abstract (arranged in objectives, methods, results and conclusions)

¡¤  Key words

¡¤  Introduction

¡¤  Materials and methods

¡¤  Results

¡¤  Discussion

¡¤  Acknowledgements

¡¤  References

¡¤  Tables

¡¤  Figure legends

¡¤  Figures

¡¤  Permission to reproduce any previously published material, and patient permission to publish photographs

Authors must make sure that their article is written in idiomatic English and that typing errors have been carefully eliminated.

Editorial Board


Jair C. Soares
Samuel Gershon
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
UPMC Health System
3811 O'Hara St
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel. +1-412-605-1411
Fax +1-412-606-1420

Associate Editors:
Robert H. Belmaker, Beer Sheva, Israel
K. N. Roy Chengappa, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Elliot S. Gershon, Chicago, IL, USA
Gordon F. Johnson, Sydney, NSW, Australia
David J. Kupfer, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Husseini K. Manji, Bethesda, MD, USA
Robert M. Post, Bethesda, MD, USA

Consulting Editors for Statistics:
Donald Hedeker, Chicago, IL, USA
Andrew C. Leon, New York, NY, USA
Kevin Lynch, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Beth A. Reboussin, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Thomas Ten Have, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Editorial Board:
Martin Alda, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lori Altshuler, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jay D. Amsterdam, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Chittaranjan Andrade, Bangalore, India
Jules Angst, Zurich, Switzerland
Francesc Artigas, Barcelona, Spain
Ross J. Baldessarini, Belmont, MA, USA
Michael Berk, Parktown, South Africa
Tom G. Bolwig, Copenhagen, Denmark
Marc L. Bourgeois, Bordeaux, France
Charles L. Bowden, San Antonio, TX, USA
Joseph R. Calabrese, Cleveland, OH, USA
Giovanni B. Cassano, Pisa, Italy
J. Raymond DePaulo, Baltimore, MD, USA
David L. Dunner, Seattle, WA, USA
Valentim Gentil, Sao Paulo, Brazil
S. Nassir Ghaemi, Cambridge, MA, USA
Joseph F. Goldberg, New York, NY, USA
Frederik K. Goodwin, Washington, DC, USA 
Guy M. Goodwin, Oxford, UK
Paul Grof, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Jonathan Himmelhoch, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
David S. Janowsky, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Siegfried Kasper, Wien, Austria
Tadafumi Kato, Tokyo, Japan
Paul E. Keck, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Matcheri S. Keshavan, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Terence A. Ketter, Stanford, CA, USA
K. Ranga Rama Krishnan, Durham, NC, USA
Yves Lecrubier, Paris, France
Brian E. Leonard, Galway, Ireland
Joan L. Luby, St. Louis, MO, USA

Mario Maj, Naples, Italy
Alan G. Mallinger, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
J. John Mann, New York, NY, USA
Bruno Muller-Oerlinghausen, Berlin, Germany
Vishwajit L. Nimgaonkar, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Willem A. Nolen, Utrecht, The Netherlands
George N. Papadimitriou, Athens, Greece
Perry F. Renshaw, Belmont, MA, USA
A. John Rush, Dallas, TX, USA
Neal D. Ryan, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Janusz K. Rybakowski, Poznan, Poland
Mogens Schou, Risskov, Denmark
Daniel Souery, Brussels, Belgium
Vidar M. Steen, Bergen, Norway
Stephen M. Strakowski, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Trisha Suppes, Dallas, TX, USA
Alan C. Swann, Houston, TX, USA
Michael E. Thase, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Mauricio F. Tohen, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Eduard Vieta, Barcelona, Spain
Jerry J. Warsh, Toronto, ON, Canada
Shigeto Yamawaki, Hiroshima, Japan
Lakshmi N. Yatham, Vancouver, BC, Canada
L. Trevor Young, Hamilton, ON, Canada


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