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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy is one of the few journals at the forefront of fundamental and technical science, biological and medical disciplines, therapeutics and pathological description. Original, analytical studies together with synthetic and critical articles are accepted for publication.

The objective of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy is:

- to create an interface between clinical and laboratory responses to drugs and to investigate critical approaches to different pathologies with regard to biological and clinical data,

- to provide a niche for authors whose work is not directly defined by the criteria of existing journals.

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy publishes original articles, reviews, preliminary communications, letters to the editor, notes on recently published papers and dossiers (AIDS, diabetes, physical factors of disease, obesity, cardiology, cancer, endorphins, human genetics, neurogenetical diseases, Alzheimer's disease, etc.) which fall within the general scope of basic and clinical medicine and pharmacology. General fields of interest include molecular and cell biology, genetic disease, immunology and immunoregulation and chemotheraphy. Special emphasis is placed on studies of specific topics such as drugs on cell structural and functional elements, the mechanism of gene regulation in normal and pathological cells, the role of viruses and parasites in animals and humans and the therapy of diseases they include. Brief reports of meetings, symposia and conferences will also be considered for publication as well as announcements of scientific meetings or academic courses of interest to the readers



 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Instructions to Authors


Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy comprises the following: editorials (three typewritten pages); short general reviews (seven pages); original articles (eight pages, four tables, four figures); correspondence (two pages, one table or one figure), notes, news, clinical studies; clinical trials; papers concerning biomedico-technology, biomedico-economy, biomedico-epistemology, biomedico-politics will also be published.

  • On submission of an article for publication, the author guarantees that the article is original, that it has not been submitted for publication to another journal, and that it has not been previously published. The authors are requested to submit four copies of their manuscript which will be sent to three referees. Upon acceptation, a diskette containing the final version of the article should be provided.

  • Original articles should, when possible, be set out under the following subheadings : Summary; Introduction; Materials and methods; Results; Discussion and Conclusion, References.

  • The author's hospital, institute, research center or university address should be given at the beginning of the article together with telephone/fax number and e-mail.

  • The Summary should consist of no more than 250 words stating the key points of the article. The summary should be written in a clear and concise style so that all readers, whatever their speciality or discipline, can understand them.

  • The authors are requested to supply three keywords at the end of the Summary.

  • Abbreviations should be avoided. If they are absolutely necessary, they should be explained in full at the bottom of the first page.

  • References: Each citation in the text corresponds to a reference in the bibliography; each reference is quoted in the text. The references must be numbered and listed in alphabetical order of the first author's surname. All references listed must be quoted in the text by the corresponding number (in square brackets). The complete list should be typed double spaced at the end of the paper. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the Index Medicus. Submitted manuscripts should be cited as 'in press' only if they have been officially accepted for publication. Otherwise, they should be cited in the text only, as 'unpublished results' or 'submitted for publication' or 'manuscript in preparation' following the author's names. All references should be presented using the following format (using the same punctuation):

Journal article
1 Eriguchi M, Mathe G. Control curve model for comparative phase Ill trials: heterogeneity of the population. Biomed Pharmacother 1986; 40: 143-59.

Chapter in book
2 Lee XJ. Phase II trials in cancer : present status and analysis methods. In: Mathe G, Reizenstein P, Dicato M, Eds. Clinical trials in oncology: ethics, errors, methods and results. Geneva: Bioscience Ediprint; 1986. p. 57-72.

  • Figures: Four copies of illustrations are required; these should be numbered consecutively. Photographs must be distinct and sent as glossy prints. Line drawings will only be accepted if they are well drawn and can be reduced to a single column width (75 mm). Lettering (in lower case), figures and symbols (within the figure itself) should be sufficiently large so that they are still 2 mm high when reduced. Legends describing the figures must be typed on a separate sheet.
    Colour photographs will normally not be accepted, unless they are indispensable, in which case the authors will be required to pay the cost of their production.

  • Tables should be typed on separate sheets, numbered with Roman numerals and given a title. The editor can request that necessary modifications to the content and form of articles be made and will not accept the article for publication until the various instructions given above have been complied with.

  • Proofs will be sent to the author indicated on the title page. They should be carefully corrected and returned to the publisher within 48 hours after reception (preferably by fax). If this period is exceeded, the galleys will be proofread by the editorial staff of the publishing house only and printed without the author's corrections. Should substantial changes in the original manuscript be requested, they will be made at the author's expense. An order form for reprints (exceeding the 25 reprints free of charge) will accompany the proofs and should be returned to the publisher with the corrected proofs. A letter of copyright transfer will be sent to the author together with the proofs. It should be returned to the publisher, duly signed, together with the author's corrections.
  • As soon as the article is published, the author is considered to have transferred his rights to the publisher. Requests for reproduction should be sent to the publisher.


Editorial Board
G. Math?/B>, Hôpital Suisse, F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
A. Carpi, Pisa, Italy
M. Eriguchi, Tokyo, Japan
D. Machover, Hôpital Paul Brousse, F-94800 Villejuif, France
A.A. Matheacute;, Stockholm, Sweden
H. Tapiero, Facult?de Pharmacie, F-92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France
Editorial Secretary
M.C. Feuillet, Villejuif, France Tel: 33 (0)1 49 58 11 53, Fax: 33 (0)1 47 26 80 97, Email: feuillet@vjf.inserm.fr
Senior Editors:
P. Angeloni, Rome, Italy
J.R. Bertino, New York, NY, USA
S. Bykovskaya, Moscow, Russia
E.H. Cooper, Cumbria, UK
P. Godeau, Paris, France
S. Machado, Sao Paulo, Brazil
D. Metcalf, Melbourne, Australia
M. Oguro, Chiba, Japan
S. Orbach, Paris, France
P. Pontiggia, Pavia, Italy
A.V. Schally, New Orleans, LA, USA
G. Tannenbaum, Montreacute;al, Canada
K.D. Tew, Philadelphia, USA
D. Zagury, Paris, France
Advisory Board:
G. Batist, Montreacute;al, Canada
C. Battista, Naples, Italy
B. Bonavida, Los Angeles, CA, USA
F. Calvo, Paris, France
D. Cassuto, Paris, France
S. Chouaib, Villejuif, France
B. Dell'Isola, Paris, France
M. Dicato, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
M. Eriguchi, Tokyo, Japan
F. Fekete, Paris, France
W.H. Fridman, Paris, France
J. Frija, Paris, France
P-A. Gevenois, Brussels, Belgium
K. Gomi, Tokyo, Japan
S. Hauser, San Francisco, CA, USA
J. Jolivet, Montreal, Canada
R. Kohen, Jeacute;rusalem, Israel
K. Koizumi, Numazu, Japan
F. Labrie, Quebec, Canada
T.J. Lampidis, Miami, FL, USA
F. Lavelle, Vitry, France
M. Lynch, Iowa City, IA, USA
O. Lyon-Caen, Paris, France
B. Marincek, Zurich, Switzerland
P.M. Martin, Marseille, France
M. Martinez de Pancorbo, Vizcaya, Spain
F. Modabber, Geneva, Switzerland
H. Rochefort, Montpellier, France
H. Sanchot, Montpellier, France
J. Treleaven, London, UK
T.R. Tritton, Burlington, VT, USA
K. Umezawa, Yokohama, Japan
D. Vittecoq, Villejuif, France
Y. Yamada, Saitama, Japan
J. Zittoun, Créteil, France
R. Zittoun, Paris, France



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