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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Biological Psychology publishes original scientific papers on the biological aspects of psychological states and processes. Biological aspects include electrophysiology and biochemical assessments during psychological experiments as well as biologically induced changes in psychological function. Psychological investigations based on biological theories are also of interest. All aspects of psychological functioning, to include psychopathology, are germane. The Journal concentrates on work with human subjects, but welcomes work with animal subjects conceptually related to issues in human biological psychology. Empirical reports are the core of the Journal but review articles as well as technical notes relevant to biological psychology are encouraged. A brief report section will publish well written papers of less than 900 words with minimal delays from the submission date. Book reports and critical commentary of relevance to our readership are also published. Finally, announcements are provided particularly of national and international meetings of interest to our readership.



 Biological Psychology

Instructions to Authors


Submission of the final article in electronic form is preferred. The preferred storage medium is a 5.25 or 3.5 inch disk in either MS-DOS or Macintosh format. Illustrations and tables will be handled conventionally. It is essential that the disk submitted for publication exactly matches the final manuscript. The disk should be forwarded to the Editorial Office when requested by the Editor. Please label the disk with your name, the files on the disk, and the work-processing package and computer used. Further details may be obtained from the Publisher.

(1) Papers must be in English.
(2) Papers for publication should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief R.F. Simons, Department of Psychology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA, email: rsimons@udel.edu . Submissions may be electronic or by paper. Electronic submissions may be via email attachment or on diskette. They may be in any major word processor format. Whenever possible, figures should be embedded in the document or appended to the end. If submission by paper is preferred, five copies of the text, tables and figures should be included. All submissions should include the corresponding author's telephone, fax numbers and email address. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. The Editor does not accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers submitted. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.
(3) An abstract of not more than 150 words should be provided at the beginning of each article.
(4) Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper only, in double spacing with wide margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Table, footnotes and legends for figures should be typed on separate pages. Titles and sub-titles should be short. The metric system based on the International System of Units (SI) should be used throughout. Details may be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (third edition,1983).
(5) The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (i) the title: (ii) the name(s) of the author(s); (iii) the full address of each author. Footnotes on the same sheet should list the author's present address if different from that at which the work was done: and the name of the author to whom correspondence including reprint requests should be addressed.
(6) Articles dealing with original investigations should first state the problem concisely in the introduction and arrange the material under Methods, Results, Discussion, References. Acknowledgements and information on grants received should be given before the References. The literature review should cite the most relevant papers only.
(7) Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals.
(8) In the text, references to publications should appear as follows: "Smith (1969) reported that...", or "...as previously found (Green,1972)." There should be a strict one-to-one correspondence between the names (years) in the text and those in the reference list. At the end of the manuscript, the complete references should be listed in alphabetical order as follows:
Lewis, C.D., & James, F.D. (1954). The stress of driving. Bristol: Edwards.
Journal articles
Andriessen, J.H. (1971). Comments on a new risk taking model. Acta Psychologica, 35, 173-189.
Book chapters
Pratt, J.T.S. (1964). Attention in schizophrenic patients. In B.R. Hall (Ed.). Psychological abnormalities in psychiatric patients (pp. 124-142). Beckenham: Chipstead University Press.
Please note that journal titles should not be abbreviated. Full details of the referencing format may be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (third edition,1983).
(9) Illustrations should be professionally drawn or computer printouts of comparable standard. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and referred to in the text.
(10) The Editor will accept only those tables that are essential. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals, and each Table should be typed on a separate page together with a table title at the top.
Papers which do not conform to the above instructions may be returned for the necessary revisions prior to review.
(11) Page proofs will be sent to the author. Corrections other than printer's errors may be charged to the author. Twentyfive reprints of each paper are supplied free; additional reprints are available on payment of the necessary costs if they are ordered when the proof is returned.

Author enquires For enquires relating to the submission of articles (including electronic submission), the status of accepted articles through our Online Article Status Information System (OASIS), author Frequently Asked Questions and any other enquires relating to Elsevier Science, please consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authors

For specific enquires on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authorartwork/

Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.

For complete up-to-date addresses of Editors please check the link to Editorial board at the beginning of these instructions.


Editorial Board



R. Simons, University of Delaware, Department of Psychology, Newark, DE 19716, USA
Honorary Editor:
J. Richard Jennings, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Founding Editors:
M.H. Lader, London, UK
P.H. Venables, Heslington, York, UK
Associate Editors:
J.C.N De Geus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T. Åkerstedt, Stockholm, Sweden
J.J.B. Allen, Tucson, AZ, USA
B. Ditto, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
S.S. Girdler, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
O.V. Lipp, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
D. Palomba, Padova, Italy
H. Yabe, Hirosaki, Japan
Book Review Editor:

O. Van den Bergh, Leuven, Belgium


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