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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Biofouling is an international, multi-disciplinary journal providing a forum for publishing pure and applied work on microbial, plant or animal fouling and its control, as well as studies of all kinds on bioadhesion and biofilms.

Papers may be based on studies relating to growth in water (eutrophication); attachment and growth on any natural or man-made surface in the freshwater, marine or aerial environments; fouling, bioadhesion and bioflims in the medical, dental, industrial or agricultural context.




Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts. All submissions will be subject to the normal process of peer review. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as PDF files to the Editor-in-Chief, LEN EVANS. Alternatively, papers may be submitted in any electronic format to mfbn@btinternet.com. Contributors should note that material submitted to the journal must be original, must not have already appeared in another publication and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration by the journal.

Revised manuscripts must be submitted within 2 months of conditional acceptance subject to satisfactory revision. Authors should send the final revised version as a word file for copy-editing.

Format and Presentation. Papers should be written concisely in English. Systeme International (SI) units should be used, as in Units, Symbols and Abbreviations, published by the Royal Society of Medicine Services Ltd, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE, UK. The first mention in the text of the Latin name of species used in the investigation should include the full generic and specific names, together with the authority. Thereafter the generic name may be abbreviated to the initial capital letter.

Title page. The title of the paper and the author(s) name(s) should appear at the beginning of the paper. All pages of the manuscript must be numbered. All manuscripts should include the fax number and email address of the corresponding author.

Abstract. This should contain 100-150 words summarising the significant coverage and findings. There should also be up to six indexing key words or phrases, and an abbreviated title of up to 35 characters.

Illustrations. Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photographs, photomicrographs, etc.) should be in the form of digital files, sent as e-mail attachments (preferred) accompanying the text, or on PC or Macintosh formatted disks, as tif, eps or jpeg file types. For Line Art these should not be lower than 600 dpi, and for Black & White or Colour Halftones not lower than 300-450 dpi. For Colour Halftones, images should be supplied as CMYK format, although RGB images at the correct resolution can be accepted, but with a slight colour loss. As long as the resolution is high enough tif, eps or jpeg formats are all acceptable; other acceptable formats include Powerpoint, Excell and Word. All illustrations should be submitted as separate files and not embedded in the text.

Tables and figures. Tables must be submitted as separate pages and not included as part of the text. The captions to illustrations should be submitted together on a separate page. Tables should be numbered by Roman numerals and figures by Arabic numerals. Original laser copies or high quality glossy prints of figures in a finished format suitable for reproduction should be submitted. The author(s) must arrange permission for the reproduction of illustrations and tables within articles. A limited number of colour figures are available per volume, and thereafter by payment. Prices available on request from the Publisher or the Editor-in-Chief.

The journal has a limited number of free colour pages within its annual page allowance. Authors should consult the editorial office with respect to colour reproduction at submission stage. Any figure submitted as a colour original may appear in a colour within the journal's online edition. Colour reproduction in excess of the journals budget will only be considered on condition that authors contribute to the associated costs.

References. References are indicated in the text by author and date, e.g. "Recent work (Smith, 1984)..."or "Recently, Smith (1984)...". If more than two authors are listed, cite the reference as "Smith et al. (1984)...". References should be collated and typed at the end of the paper in alphabetical and chronological order according to the first author and number of authors. Listed references should be complete in all details, including article titles. Abbreviations of journals and other serial publications should conform to Serial Sources for the Biosis Database " published by Biosis , Philadelphia. Work not accepted for publication may not appear in the References as "Submitted", but may be cited in the text as "personal observations" or "personal communication". Examples:

Busscher H J, Evans L V (eds) (1998) Oral Biofilms and Plaque Control. Harwood Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 348 pp
Wieczorek S K, Clare A S, Todd C D (1995) Inhibitory and facilitatory effects of microbial films on settlement of Balanus amphitrite larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 119: 221-228
Holah J T, Kearney L R (1992) Introduction to biofilms in the food industry. In: Melo L F, Bott T R, Fletcher M, Capdeville B (eds) Biofilms - Science and Technology. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 35 - 45

Early Electronic Offprints: Corresponding authors can now receive their article by e-mail as a complete PDF. This allows the author to print up to 50 copies, free of charge, and disseminate them to colleagues. In many cases this facility will be available up to two weeks prior to publication. Or, alternatively, corresponding authors will receive the traditional 50 offprints. A copy of the journal will be sent by post to all corresponding authors after publication. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased at the author’s preferential rate of ?5.00/$25.00 per copy.

Copyright. It is a condition that authors vest copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in Taylor & Francis Ltd. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may use their article elsewhere after publication provided that prior permission is obtained from Taylor & Francis Ltd. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

Editorial Board



Len Evans
The Clore Laboratory for Life Sciences
MK18 1EG
Tel:(0) 1280 820264
Fax:(0) 1280 822245


Maureen Callow
School of Biosciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 121 414 5579
Fax: +44 (0) 121 414 5925
Biofilms, antifouling coatings, biocides, adhesion, algae

Stephen Dexter
College of Marine Studies
University of Delaware
Lewes DE 19958
Tel: +1 302-645-4261
Fax:+1 302-645-4007
Microbial corrosion, marine corrosion, corrosion electrochemistry, cathodic protection, bioadhesion

Anne Meyer
Industry/University Center for Biosurfaces
110 Parker Hall, SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14214-3007, USA
Tel: (1) 716-829-2237
Fax: (1) 716-835-4872
Coatings, surface chemistry, biocompatibility, adhesion, proteins

Peter Steinberg
Centre for Marine Biofouling and Bio-Innovation
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052
Tel: 61 (2) 938 53273
Fax: 61 (2) 966 22913
Natural antifoulants, chemical ecology, macrofouling ecology, bacterial/eukaryote interactions, larval settlement, introduced species

Editorial Board:

I. B. Beech - University of Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK
L. Boulange - Ugine, SA, Isbergues, France
H. J. Busscher - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
A. S. Clare - University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
R. M. Donlan - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Atlanta, USA
Hans-Curt Flemming - Dept of Aquatic Microbiology, University of Duisberg, Duisberg, Germany
P. Gilbert - University of Manchester, UK
A. E. Goodman - Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
J. Gray - University of Oslo, Norway
J. Holah - Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association, Gloucestershire, UK
B. Little - Naval Research Laboratory, Mississippi, USA
P. Marsh - PHLS-CAMR, Porton Down, Salisbury, UK

Dr Rocky De Nys - School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, Australia
Professor Dan Rittschof - Nicholas School of the Environment, North Carolina, USA
Dr Michael Schultz - United States Naval Engineering, USA
Dr Judith Stein - GE Corporate Development, USA
Dr Paul Stoodley - Montana State University, USA
I. Sutherland - Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK
G. W. Swain - Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, USA


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