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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


As medical technology continues to develop, the subject of bioethics has an ever increasing practical relevance for all those working in philosophy, medicine, law, sociology, public policy, education and related fields.

Instructions to Authors


In order to ensure that manuscripts are reviewed as quickly as possible, authors are requested to observe the following requirements:

  • Manuscripts should be no more than 6,000 words in length. (Longer manuscripts should be accompanied by a separate motivation, and may or may not be considered.)
  • Please email the paper submitted and all supplementary materials (abstracts, biographical material, contact details), in the format Word 97 or WordPerfect 8.
    Send email to the Managing Editor at biomanag@health.wits.ac.za.
  • Please ensure that the manuscript is ANONYMOUS by putting your name, contact details (including email address), and any self-identifying references in a separate file.
  • If email is not possible, send ONE hard copy of the paper and other materials, along with a disk. These will not be returned.
  • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  • The biographical material should not exceed 3-4 lines.
  • Manuscripts are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they won't be submitted for any other publication while they are being offered to us.

Journal Style

  • Footnotes should be consecutively numbered and collected at the end. The easiest way to do this is to use the endnote function in Word. Do not include an alphabetical list of references. Referencing in footnotes should follow this style:


Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. 1998. Code of Medical Ethics: Current Opinions with Annotations. Chicago, IL. American Medical Association: 3-7.

Articles in Books:

A. Asch. 1998. Can Aborting 'Imperfect' Children Be Immoral? In Ethical issues in modern medicine. J.D. Arras and B. Steinbock, eds. Mountain View, CA. Mayfield Publishing: 384-388.


M.L. Lee et al. Legalizing Assisted Suicide - Views of Physicians in Oregon. NEJM 1996; 334: 310-315.

Immediately repeating footnotes can use Ibid; for repeated footnotes not
immediately following use:

Author's surname, op. cit. note (give previous note number), pp. (give page

  • Everything should be double-spaced - this includes quotations and footnotes.
  • Manuscripts should be typed on one side of white A4 or American quarto paper. Good quality photocopies are acceptable.
  • There should be margins of 1.5" (4 cm) at the left, right, top, and bottom of the page.
  • A word count should be included.
  • It is intended that decisions on publication will be made within three months of receipt of a submitted manuscript.


Editorial Board


Editorial Correspondence

All editorial correspondence should be directed to:

Managing Editor - Bioethics
University of the Witwatersrand
Faculty of Health Sciences
7 York Road
Johannesburg 2193
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 717 2718
Fax: +27 11 643 1264
Email: biomanag@health.wits.ac.za




Ruth Chadwick
Director and Professor of Bioethics
Institute for Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy
Furness College
Lancaster University
Tel: 01524 592832
Fax: 01524 846339 or 01524 592503
Email: r.chadwick@lancaster.ac.uk
Bioethics Email: bioethics@lancaster.ac.uk

Prof. Udo Sch?/SPAN>klenk, PhD
Head, Division of Bioethics
University of the Witwatersrand
Faculty of Health Sciences
Wits 2050
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 717 2718
Fax: +27 11 643 1264
Email: bioethic@chiron.wits.ac.za
web: http://health.wits.ac.za/bioethics

Editorial Board
John D. Arras
Atsushi Asai
Richard Ashcroft
Margaret Pabst Battin
Hasna Begum
Alastair V. Campbell
Arthur L. Caplan
Jan Crosthwaite
Abdallah Daar
Anne Donchin
Len Doyal
Raanan Gillon
Heta Aleksandra Gylling
John Harris
Matti Hayry
Helen Bequaert Holmes
Nils Holtug
Patricia Illingworth
Frances Kamm
Helga Kuhse
Anton Leist
Ruth Macklin
Glenn McGee
Jeff McMahan
Jonathan D. Moreno
Maurizio Mori
Laura Purdy
James Rachels
Jennifer Radden
John A. Robertson
Carlos M. Romeo-Casabona
Julian Savulescu
Peter Singer
Bonnie Steinbock
Torbjörn Tännsj?BR>Chin Liew Ten
Rosemary Tong
Johannes J. M. van Delden
Wibren van der Burg
Mary Anne Warren
Dan Wikler
Robert Young



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