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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The primary goal of Autonomous Robots is to report on the theory and applications of robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. Thus, the journal is aimed at the growing trend in robotics toward mobility, intelligence and autonomy in an unstructured world. This trend has been made possible by small, inexpensive, high-performance computers. The term `robot' implies that the systems described here are capable of performing purposeful behaviors in the real world. They obtain inputs from the world through sensors and act upon the world through actuators. The connection between sensing and actuation may be simple signal processing or it may involve complex decision making, goal interpretation and other aspects of reasoning. Most autonomous systems display some form of mobility: on land, under water, in the air or in space. The mobility may make use of wheels, legs, fins, rotors or other actuators. The focus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether the system is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of major interest to the journal since living systems are prototypes for autonomous behavior.
Autonomous robots must be able to perform in the world. Hence, publication preference will be given to papers which include performance data on actual robots in the real world. Papers which include only simulation results will be considered for publication, but with a lower priority. Such papers should also include a section entitled `The path to implementation', where the transition from simulation to real world is discussed.
Papers published in these pages will report on original research in such areas as:

  • Control of autonomous robots
  • Real-time vision
  • Autonomous wheeled and tracked vehicles
  • Legged vehicles
  • Computational architectures for autonomous systems
  • Distributed architectures for learning, control and adaptation
  • Studies of autonomous robot systems
  • Sensor fusion
  • Theory of autonomous systems
  • Terrain mapping and recognition
  • Self-calibration and self-repair for robots
  • Self-reproducing intelligent structures
  • Genetic algorithms as models for robot development.



Instructions to Authors


Authors are encouraged to submit high quality, original work that has not appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals. Papers which have previously appeared in conference proceedings will also be considered, and this should be so indicated at the time of submission.

Process for Submission

1. Authors should submit five hard copies of their final manuscript to:

Professor George A. Bekey
Department of Computer Science
Robotics Laboratory
University of Southern California
941 West 37th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781
telephone: 213-740-4501
telephone: 213-740-7286
fax: 213-740-7512
e-mail: bekey@robotics.usc.edu

For prompt attention, all correspondence can be directed to this address.

2. Enclose with each manuscript, on a separate page, from five to ten index terms (key phrases).

3. Enclose originals for the illustrations, in the style described below, for one copy of the manuscript. Photocopies of the figures may accompany the remaining copies of the manuscript. Alternatively, original illustrations may be submitted after the paper has been accepted.

4. Enclose a separate page giving the preferred address of the contact author for correspondence and return of proofs. Please include a telephone number and a fax number and an e-mail address if available.

5. The refereeing is done by anonymous reviewers.

6. Papers exceeding 50 pages in length (including figures) may be returned to the author for shortening.

Electronic Delivery

IMPORTANT - Hard copy of the ACCEPTED paper (along with separate, original figures in camera-ready form) should still be mailed to the appropriate Kluwer department. The hard copy must match the electronic version, and any changes made to the hard copy must be incorporated into the electronic version.

The Kluwer LaTeX journal style file is no longer the preferred format for accepted paper submissions. Kluwer will accept any format for accepted paper submissions.

Via electronic mail

1. Please e-mail ACCEPTED, FINAL papers to: KAPfiles@wkap.com

2. Recommended formats for sending files via e-mail: a. Binary files - uuencode or binhex; b. Compressing files - compress, pkzip or gunzip; c. Collecting files - tar.

3. The e-mail message should include the author¡®s last name, the name of the journal to which the paper has been accepted, and the type of the file (e.g. LaTeX or ASCII).

Via disk

1. Label a 3.5 inch floppy disk with the operating system and word processing program (e.g. DOS/WordPerfect 5.0) along with the author¡®s names, manuscript title, and name of journal to which the paper has been accepted.

2. Mail disk to:

Kluwer Academic Publishers
Desktop Department
101 Philip Drive
Assinni Park
Norwell, MA 02061


Style for Manuscript

1. Typeset, double or 1.5 space: use one side of sheet only (laser printed, typewritten, and good quality duplication acceptable).

2. Use an informative title and provide an informative 100-250 word abstract at the head of the manuscript. The abstracts are printed with the articles. It should be a carefully worded description of the problem, the key ideas introduced, and the results.

3. Provide a separate double-spaced sheet listing all footnotes, beginning with "Affiliation of author" and continuing with numbered footnotes. Acknowledgement of financial support may be given if appropriate.

4. References should appear in a separate bibliography at the end of the paper. References should be complete, in the following style:

Style for papers: Author, last name followed by first initials, year of publication, title, volume, inclusive page numbers.

Style for books: Author, year, title, publisher, and location, chapter or page numbers (if desired).

Examples as follows:

(Book) Marr, D. 1982. Vision, A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation & Processing of Visual Information, Freeman: San Francisco, CA.

(Chapter in Book) D.J. Spiegelhalter, "Probabilistic reasoning in predictive expert systems," in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, edited by J.F. Lemmer, North Holland: Amsterdam, pp. 47-67, 1986.

(Journal Article) Huffman, D.A. 1976. Curvature and creases: A primer on paper. IEEE Trans. Computers C-25(10): 1010-1019.

(Conference Proceedings) Witkin, A. 1983. Scales space filtering. In Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Artif. Intell., Karlsruhe, West Germany, pp. 1019-1021.

(Lab. memo.) Yuille, A.L. and Poggio, I. 1983. Scaling theorems for zero crossings. M.I.T. Artif. Intell. Lab., Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Cambridge, MA, A.I. Memo. 722.

5. Provide a separate sheet listing all figure captions, in proper style for the typesetter, e.g., "Fig. 3. Examples of the zero crossings of the second derivative of the (a) Gaussian and (b) sine filter for the same input function."

6. Type or mark mathematical copy exactly as it should appear in print. Journal style for letter symbols is as follows: variables, italic type (indicated by underline); constants, roman text type; matrices and vectors, boldface type (indicated by wavy underline). In word-processor manuscripts, use appropriate typeface. It will be assumed that letters in displayed equations are to be set in italic type unless you mark them otherwise. All letter symbols in text discussion must be marked if they should be italic or boldface. Indicate best breaks for equations in case they will not fit on one line.

Style for Illustrations

1. Originals for illustrations should be sharp, noise-free, and of good contrast. We regret that we cannot provide drafting or art service.

2. Line drawings should be in laser printer output or in India ink on paper, or board. Use 8.5 x 11-inch size sheets if possible to simplify handling of the manuscript.

3. Each figure should be mentioned in the text and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Specify the desired location of each figure in the text, but place the figure itself on a separate page following the text.

4. Number each table consecutively using Arabic numerals. Please label any material that can be typeset as a table, reserving the term "figure" for material that has been drawn. Specify the desired location of each table in the text, but place the table itself on a separate page following the text. Type a brief title above each table.

5. All lettering should be large enough to permit legible reduction.

6. Photographs should be glossy prints, of good contrast and gradation, and any reasonable size.

7. Number each original on the back, or at the bottom of the front.

8. Include a separate page listing the captions for all figures.


Page proofs for articles to be included in a journal issue will be sent to the contact author for proofing, unless otherwise informed. The proofread copy should be received back by the Publisher within 72 hours.


It is the policy of Kluwer Academic Publishers to own the copyright of all contributions it publishes. To comply with the U.S. Copyright Law, authors are required to sign a copyright transfer form before publication. This form returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. Authors must submit a signed copy of this form with their manuscript.


Each group of authors is entitled to 50 free reprints of their paper. Additional reprints may be ordered from the Publisher prior to publication. An order form will be sent to authors with page proof.


Editorial Board



George A. Bekey
Department of Computer Science Robotics Laboratory University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781 TEL: 213-740-4501; 213-740-7286 FAX: 213-740-7512 EMAIL: bekey@robotics.usc.edu



James S. Albus National Bureau of Standards (USA) Peter Allen Columbia University (USA) Michael A. Arbib University of Southern California (USA) Suguru Arimoto University of Tokyo (JAPAN) Ronald C. Arkin Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Randall Beer Case Western Reserve University (USA) Michael Brady Oxford University (U.K.) Rodney A. Brooks Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) Ingemar Cox NEC Research Institute (USA) Paolo Dario University of Pisa (ITALY) Ernst Dickmanns Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen (GERMANY) Masakatsu G. Fujie Hitachi, LTD. (JAPAN) Toshio Fukuda Nagoya University (JAPAN) Maria Gini University of Minnesota (USA) Georges Giralt Laboratoire D¡äAutomatique et D¡äAnalyse Des Systems (FRANCE) Jim Hendler University of Maryland (USA)


Shigeo Hirose Tokyo Institute of Technology (JAPAN) Jessica Hodgins Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Ray A. Jarvis Monash University (AUSTRALIA) Leslie Kaelbling Brown University (USA) Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Kurt Konolige SRI International (USA) Jean-Claude Latombe Stanford University (USA) Larry H. Matthies Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA) David Miller KISS Institute for Practical Robotics (USA) Dmitry Okhotsimsky Russian Academy of Science (RUSSIA) Ivan Plander Slovak Academy of Sciences (SLOVAKIA) Marc H. Raibert Boston Dynamics (USA) Charles Thorpe Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Shin¡äichi Yuta University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Yuan F. Zheng The Ohio State University (USA)


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