

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE) provides a forum for innovative and scholarly work in agricultural and resource economics. First published in 1997, the Journal succeeds the Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics and the Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics, upholding the tradition of these long-established journals.

Accordingly, the editors are guided by the following objectives:

  • To maintain a high standard of analytical rigour offering sufficient variety of content so as to appeal to a broad spectrum of both academic and professional economists and policymakers.
  • In maintaining the tradition of its predecessor journals, to combine articles with policy reviews and surveys of key analytical issues in agricultural and resource economics.

Instructions to Authors

 Manuscripts should be submitted online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

  1. Submission. Authors are required to submit electronic copies of manuscripts to the AJARE ScholarOne Manuscripts site.
  2. File formats. Acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format and editable PDF. All non-PDF files submitted to ScholarOne Manuscripts are automatically converted to PDF format and HTML. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that converted files are consistent with their original manuscript (for example, in the layout of equations). Once accepted for publication a non-PDF version of the article will be required for the purposes of editing and typesetting. Please note: This journal does not accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents at this time. Please use Word's 'Save As' option to save your document as an older (.doc) file type. We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting. You can search online for reference styles for both EndNote and Reference Manager.
  3. Manuscript length. Regular articles must be no more than 7000 words, including tables, references, footnotes and appendices. Items for Policy Forum should be around 3000 words and no more than 5000 words. Survey articles may be longer, but should not exceed 9000 words.
  4. Author identification. To protect anonymity in the reviewing process, authors should avoid disclosing their identity in the manuscript. Authors should withhold their name, affiliation and acknowledgements from the paper until after it has been reviewed.
  5. Author Declaration. At time of submission, the corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, must make the following declaration:
    1 The Author(s) warrant that the manuscript being submitted for publication in the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics:
    (a) does not contain any material that is defamatory;
    (b) as far as the author(s) knows, does not infringe upon other published material protected by copyright; and
    (c) does not breach any other intellectual property rights.
    2 The Author(s) indemnify the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Inc., and the Editors of the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, against any loss, injury or damage arising in consequence of any claim made against the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Inc., or the Editors of the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, arising out of a breach of a warranty contained in Clause 1 above.
    3 The Author(s) declare that the manuscript being submitted for publication in the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics has not been published, is not being published, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
    4 The Author(s) agree that, unless otherwise agreed, that acceptance of the manuscript for publication has the effect of transferring copyright jointly to Blackwell Publishing and the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. Blackwell Publishing maintains the exclusive right to reproduction in any form, in whole or in part.
  6. Copyright. Authors publishing in the Journal will be asked to sign an Exclusive Licence Form. In signing the form it is assumed that authors have obtained permission to use any copyrighted or previously published material. All authors must read and agree to the conditions outlined in the form, and must sign the form or agree that the corresponding author can sign on their behalf. Articles cannot be published until a signed form has been received.
  7. Preparation of manuscripts
    Spacing. Double spacing throughout, including equations and tables.
    Abstract. Articles should be submitted with an abstract of no more than 200 words. Include a list of keywords after the abstract.
    Abstract: No heading
    Section: numbered (1.), bold, centred, captialise first letter
    Sub-section: numbered (1.1), bold, left justified, captialise first letter
    Sub-sub-section: numbered (1.1.1), italic, left justified, captitalise first letter
    References, Acknowledgements and Appendix: not numbered, bold, centred, captialise first letter
    Equations. Mathematical equations should not be used excessively. If long, they should be consigned to appendices either for inclusion at the end of the manuscript or for posting on an author's personal web site. To help minimize typesetting errors, authors of papers including equations should: (a) avoid graphics mode (e.g. equation editor) when drafting single-line equations; and (b) when checking proofs, confirm that the mathematical text is correct. Use italics in text when giving variables from equations.
    Footnotes. Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. Generally, incorporate all material in normal text. If used, footnotes should be brief and numbered consecutively in plain superscripts. Exceptions are (a) initial footnotes associated with the title of the article or author's name, denoted by an asterisk (or an asterisk and a dagger if two such notes are required), and (b) footnotes to a table, indicated by lower-case superscript letters with the notes typed below the table.
    References. See detailed instructions below.
    Numbers in text. Examples: one, two, eight, nine, 10, 11, 1000, 5500, 10 000, 55 000 000, 35 per cent.
    Abbreviations and acronyms. Keep to a minimum. Use only standard metric abbreviations.
    Tables. Number consecutively. Include a brief title. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Any essential explanation should be given as a footnote to the table.
    Figures. Number consecutively. Provide all figures in black and white. Ensure that the figure is of sufficient resolution to be clear when printed.
    • Each table and each figure must be placed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Use page breaks to ensure that each table fits on a single page. Each must be referred to in the text. Include indicators such as "Table 1 near here" in the manuscript.
  8. Manuscripts not complying with the above conditions will be returned to the author(s) before editorial adjudication.
    Pre-submission English-language editing. Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English. For more information about English-language editing, please check Wiley-Blackwell's information page. All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and use of one of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.
  9. Data storage and documentation. Analyses published in AJARE are expected to be replicable by other scholars. To this end, authors are expected to document their data sources, models, and estimation procedures as thoroughly as possible, and to make the data used available to others for replication purposes. If an exception to this rule is desired, for example due to confidentiality of data, this should be noted in the article, and the reasons for seeking an exception should be explicitly noted in the cover letter at time of submission.
  10. In no circumstances will authors be permitted to alter manuscripts after copy has passed to the printer.
  11. Page charges. A charge of $A20 per printed page will be levied on each article appearing in the Journal (not including book reviews). These charges are payable to Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd and will be invoiced when page proofs are sent to the authors. Contributors not associated with a research or educational institution in a developed country, and not in receipt of grant-based or institutional support, may apply to the Editors for exemption from page charges.
  12. Authors receive a PDF offprint of their published article, together with instructions about its permissible use. In summary, you may share the PDF offprint with colleagues, but you cannot post it online. You may post the originally submitted (pre-review) version of your paper online, provided that the Journal and Wiley-Blackwell are acknowledged. Twelve months after publication, you may post the accepted version (post-review) online, but you may not use the PDF offprint for this purpose.
  13. Wiley-Blackwell and the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society offer a prize of $A500 for the article judged the best in each volume.
  14. Whenever possible, we intend to conduct all Journal communications electronically, including submissions, reviews and revisions. Please address all emails to the Editorial Office Administrator, Ms Martha Rundell, at ajare@blackwellpublishing.com. If necessary, other communication should be addressed to:
    Ms Martha Rundell, Editorial Office Administrator, AJARE
    155 Cremorne St
    Richmond VIC 3121, Australia
    Tel: +61 (03) 9274 3136, Fax: +61 (03) 9274 3390

References in articles
We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote for reference management and formatting. You can download the most up-to-date EndNote reference style for Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Citing references in text
No comma between name and date (Black 2002).
Smith (1996) argued that …
Use et al. (in italics) for all references with three or more authors (Anderon et al. 2002).
If citing two or more references within brackets, use semicolons to separate them (Jones 2000; Brown and White 2003; Wilson et al. 2004).
Cite personal communications in text (John Smith, pers. comm., 2003) but do not include them in the reference list.

The reference list
Do not use et al. in the reference list. List all authors .
List single author papers before multiple author papers led by the same author.
Jones, A.G. (1999). …
Jones, A.G. (2001). …
Jones, A.G. and Smith, D.C. (1996). …
List items chronologically for same author(s).
Use letter-by-letter alphabetisation. 'Mc' names come after "Mann", for example.
Make sure every paper in the reference list is cited in the text, and vice versa. Free software (REFLIST) to check this is available at www.general.uwa.edu.au/u/dpannell
Give journal titles in full.
Examples of the formats for the main reference types follow.

Standard journal article:
Smith, K.J., Jones, I. and Brown, B. (1996). The price of eggs, Journal of Avian Economics 124, 980-983.
Book (Personal author(s)):
Black, M.K. (2003). Introduction to Agricultural Economics. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Edited book (Editor(s), compiler(s) as author; and citing revised edition):
Ringsven, M.K. and Bond, D. (eds.) (1996). Agricultural Marketing, 2nd edn. Clarenden, Oxford.
Chapter in a book:
Phillips, S.J. and Whisnant, J.P. (1995). Competition in the food marketing chain, in Laragh, J.H. (ed.), The Food Marketing Chain. Raven Press, New York, pp. 465-478.
Conference proceedings:
Kimura, J. and Shibasaki, H. (eds.) (1996). Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 15-19 Oct 1995, Kyoto, Japan. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Conference paper:
Bengtsson, S. and Solheim, B.G. (2000). Food market in Europe, in Lun, K.C. (ed.), Agriculture for a New Century, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Agricultural Economics, 6-10 Jan 2000, Geneva, Switzerland. North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 1561-1565.
Cooper, D. (1999). Economic analysis of oil mallee industries in Australia, PhD Thesis, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia, Perth.
Organization as author:
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (1996). Clinical exercise stress testing, Medical Journal of Australia 164, 282-284.
No author given:
Anon. (1994). Cancer in South Africa (Editorial), South African Medical Journal 84, 15.
Newspaper article:
Lee, G. (1996). Hospitalizations tied to ozone pollution: study estimates 50 000 admissions annually, The Washington Post, 21 Jun (Sect. A:3; col. 5).
Yet to be published ('forthcoming' now often preferred to 'in press' because not all items will be printed):
Leshner, A.I. (1996). Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction, New England Journal of Medicine (forthcoming).
Journal article in electronic format:
Morse, S.S. (1995). Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases, Emergergency Infectious Diseases (Serial online), 11(2). Available from URL: http://www.dfg.com/eid/11/ghg1323.htm [accessed 5 Jun 2004].
Monograph in electronic format:
Reeves, J.R. and Maibach, H. (1995). Clinical Dermatology Illustrated, 2nd edn. Monograph on CD-ROM, version 2.0. CMEA, San Diego.
Computer file:
Hemodynamics III (1993). Computer program, version 2.2. Computerized Educational Systems, Orlando, FL.

Editorial Board

Tom Kompas, Australian National University
Jeff Bennett, Australian National University
R. Quentin Grafton, Australian National University

Associate Editors
Colin Brown, University of Queensland
Dianne Dupont, Brock University
Iain Fraser, Imperial College London
Lata Gangadharan, University of Melbourne
Kalirajan Kaliappa, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Kurt Schwabe, University of California Riverside

Book Review Editor
John Rolfe, Central Queensland University

Editorial Board
Wiktor Adamowicz, University of Alberta, Canada
Kym Anderson, University of Adelaide, Australia
Donna Brennan, Reap Research, Australia
Ross Cullen, Lincoln University, USA
Richard Damania, World Bank, Washington DC, USA
Ron Duncan, Australian National University, Australia
Rob Fraser, Imperial College, UK
Tom Hertel, Purdue University, USA
Cathy Morrison Paul, University of California Davis, USA
Phil Pardey, University of Minnesota, USA
Deborah Peterson, Productivity Commision, Australia
John Quiggin, University of Queensland, Australia
Grant Scobie, NZ Treasury, New Zealand
Kerry Smith, North Carolina State University, USA
Dale Squires, University of California San Diego and National Marine Fisheries Service, USA
Kees Van Kooten, University of Victoria British Columbia, Canada
Linxiu Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Editorial Office
Ms Martha Rundell, Wiley-Blackwell, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9274 3136
Fax: +61 3 9274 3390
Email: ajare@blackwellpublishing.com


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