

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Atherosclerosis brings together from all sources papers concerned with research and investigation on atherosclerosis, its complications, and related diseases, including: lipoprotein metabolism, arterial and vascular biology and disease, thrombosis, inflammation, disorders of lipid transport, diabetes and hypertension as related to atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular risk factors. The editors are also interested in clinical papers dealing with case studies of specific or general interest, new or unusual lipid syndromes, and the genetic basis and familial incidence of atherosclerosis and related diseases. High quality reports of controlled clinical trials of drugs or diets will be considered provided the paper deals with the mechanism of action of the drug or diet.
A reduced personal subscription rate is available to all members of theEuropean Atherosclerosis Society and theInternational Atherosclerosis Society. Please apply to the Publisher for more information.

Bibliographic & ordering Information
ISSN: 0021-9150
Commenced publication 1961


Instructions to Authors


Types of papers that can be submitted for consideration by the Editorial Board include: (a) Basic Research Papers reporting results of original research or investigation using in vitro, cell culture, or animal models. (b) Clinical Research Papers reporting results of original clinical research or investigation in human subjects.(c) Review Articles and Mini-Reviews, usually by invitation. Mini-Reviews should normally consist of current short reviews of topical information. (d) Rapid Communications. These papers should provide a brief but complete account of important new observations which merit urgent publication. The papers should be less than 5 printed pages (8-10 double-spaced typed pages) including figures and tables and should be concisely but adequately referenced. Authors should state in a covering letter why the paper merits urgent publication. Papers requiring revision will not be considered as Rapid Communications. The Editors will normally reach a decision on these papers within one month. (e) Hypotheses and Viewpoints of up to 1500 words are published occasionally. These contributions are subject to the normal editorial procedure. (f) Letters to the Editor are welcomed. If the letter is a commentary relating to published work in the journal, the other author(s) will have the opportunity to reply in the same issue of the journal. Letters should not exceed 4 double-spaced pages. (g) Announcements of meetings, workshops, courses etc. are welcomed, subject to available space.

Submission of papers
Manuscripts should be sent to one of the two Regional Editors:

Continent of Europe, United Kingdom and British Commonwealth (excluding Canada): Professor J. Shepherd, Department of Pathological Biochemistry, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 OSF, Scotland, UK. Fax: (0141)553 1703.

American hemisphere, Middle East, African, Asian and Pacific countries: Professor E.J. Schaefer, Lipid Metabolism Laboratorium, Tufts University School of Medicine / New England Medical Center, 711 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111, USA. Tel: (617)556-3228; Fax: (617)556-3103. E-mail: eharasti@hnrc.tufts.edu.

All Letters to the Editor should be sent to Professor E.J. Schaefer.

Letters to the Editors: J. Shepherd
Review editors: E.J. Schaefer and J.B. Marsh
Book review editor: J. Shepherd

To ensure fast and efficient correspondence, all authors are requested to provide e-mail addresses with submitted manuscripts. Authors are also requested to submit the names, addresses, email addresses, phone/fax numbers of four potential reviewers.

Manuscripts should be written in the English language (using either American or British spelling). The number of words per manuscript should not exceed 5000. Authors should submit one original and three copies in double-spaced typing on pages of uniform size, with a margin of 3cm. As a rule, research papers should be divided into sections, headed by a caption (e.g. Abstract, Introduction, Materials, Methods, Experimental Results, Discussion, etc.). Submission of multiple papers will normally be discouraged. Three copies of any paper of the authors cited as "in press" should be submitted with the manuscript. The preferred medium of submission is on disk with accompanying manuscript (See 'Electronic manuscript' below).

Electronic manuscripts
Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration hardcopies are sufficient. For the processing of accepted papers, electronic versions are preferred. After final acceptance, your disk plus three final and exactly matching printed versions should be submitted together. Double density (DD) or high density (HD) diskettes (3?or 5?inch) are acceptable. It is important that the file saved is in the native format of the wordprocessor program used. Label the disk with the name of the computer and wordprocessing package used, your name, and the name of the file on the disk. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.

Preparation of supplementary data
Atherosclerosis now accepts electronic supplementary material to support and enhance your scientific research. Supplementary files offer the author additional possibilities to publish supporting applications, movies, animation sequences, high-resolution images, background datasets, sound clips and more. Supplementary files supplied will be published online alongside the electronic version of your article in Elsevier web products, including ScienceDirect: http://www.sciencedirect.com.

Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 9-15, Higashi-Azabu 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044; Japan; Tel. (+81)3-5561-5032; Fax: (+81)3-5561-5045; E-mail: info@elsevier.co.jp.

An abstract of 50-200 words should be included. Abstracts should be typed on separate sheets in triplicate.

A keyword summary should be provided; normally 3-7 items should be included. Authors are encouraged to choose their own keywords but if in grave doubt which items to select, Medical Subject Headings (issued with the January Index Medicus, 1969) may be used as a guideline.

Three copies of illustrations should be submitted and to be accepted, must reach a certain technical standard. Line diagrams and graphs must be drawn in black ink on white card or gracing paper. Photographs, photomicrographs and autoradiographs should in general be submitted as clean medium-contrast prints on glossy paper. Electronmicrographs normally reproduce best from fairly high-contrast prints. Authors should prepare a plan for photomicrographs to show how illustrations, together with their legends, can be laid out neatly on one page. The top of all illustrations should be indicated on the reverse, together with the author's name. Legends for figures should be typed separately and with double spacings and, where relevant, should state magnification. Reproduction in colour is possible, but authors are expected to bear the extra costs involved.

Colour illustrations online
If, together with your accepted article, you submit usable colour figures (original photographs, high-quality computer prints or transparencies, close to the size expected in publication, or as 35 mm slides; polaroid colour prints are not suitable) then Elsevier will ensure, at no additional charge, that these figures will appear in colour in the electronic version of the journal. For further information on the preparation of electronic artwork, please see http://authors.elsevier.com/artwork.

Tables with titles and legends should be typed on separate pages and with double spacing. Authors should list on the title page or in the covering letter, the number of figures and/or tables to be found in the paper.

References should be given at the end of the paper, numbered in chronological order and quoted in the text at appropriate places. The number of references should not exceed 30 (except for Reviews). They should be arranged as follows: author's name(s) and initials, title of paper, title of journal (abbreviated according to International Serials Data System - List of serial title word abbreviations, 1985 (ISDS-ISO international Centre, 20 rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris, France), year, volume and first and last page number. References to books should include: author's and/or editor's name(s), title of book, place of publication, publisher, year, page numbers (if necessary). This journal should be cited as Atherosclerosis.

DNA sequences and GenBank Accession number
For each and every gene accession number cited in an article, authors should type the accession number in bold, underlined text. Letters in the accession number should always be capitalised. Example: (GenBank accession nos. AI631510, AI631511, AI632198, and BF223228), a B-cell tumor from a chronic lymphatic leukemia (GenBank accession no. BE675048), and a T-cell lymphoma (GenBank accession no. AA361117).

Twenty-five reprints are provided free of charge. Additional reprints (50 copies minimum) can be ordered at quoted prices on order forms sent out together with the proofs.


Editorial Board



E. Schaefer
Tufts University School of Medicine/New England Medical Ctr., Lipid Metabolism Lab., Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Ctr on Aging at Tufts Univ., 711 Washington Str., Boston, MA 02111, USA; , Tel: +1 617 556-3228, Fax: +1 617-556-3103, Email: eharasti@hnrc.tufts.edu
J. Shepherd
Department of Pathological Biochemistry, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF, Scotland, UK;, Fax: (0141) 553 1703

Associate Editors:

M. Brousseau
Boston, MA, USA
D. Freeman
Glasgow, UK

Honorary Consulting Editor:

D. Kritchevsky
Philadelphia, PA, USA
D. Seidel
München, Germany
G. Schonfeld
St. Louis, MO, USA

Editorial Board:

B. Angelin
Huddinge, Sweden
L. Badimon
Barcelona, Spain
P. Barter
Adelaide, Australia
U. Beisiegel
Hamburg, Germany
D. Black
Princeton, NJ, USA
A. Blann
Birmingham, UK
R. Bruckdorfer
London, UK
G. Camejo
Mölndal, Sweden
G. Campbell
Queensland, Australia
A. Catapano
Milan, Italy
L. Chan
Houston, TX, USA
M. Chapman
Paris, France
J. Cohn
Montreal, PQ, Canada
G. Dallinga-Thie
Utrecht, The Netherlands
J. Dallongelville
Lille, France
G. De Backer
Gent, Belgium
P. Durrington
Manchester, UK
O. Faergeman
Aarhus, Denmark
B. Griffin
Guildford, UK
R. Hegele
London, ON, Canada
S. Horiuchi
Kumamoto, Japan
B. Howard
Washington, DC, USA
S. Humphries
London, UK
E. Hurt-Camejo
Göteborg, Sweden
D. Illingworth
Portland, OR, USA
E. Janus
Melbourne, Australia
J. Jeremy
Bristol, UK
W. Jessup
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I. Jialal
Dallas, TX, USA
K. Kajinami
Kanazawa, Japan
R. Karas
Boston, USA
F. Karpe
Oxford, UK
M. Katan
Wageningen, The Netherlands
T. Kita
Kyoto, Japan
T. Kodama
Tokyo, Japan
G. Kostner
Graz, Austria
E. Leitersdorf
Jerusalem, Israel
A. Levy
Haifa, Israel
A. Lichtenstein
Boston, MA, USA
M. Mackness
Manchester, UK
S. Marcovina
Seattle, WA, USA
J. Marsh
Boston, MA, USA
L. Masana
Reus, Spain
Y. Matsuzawa
Osaka, Japan
P. Nestel
Melbourne, Australia
G. Olivercrona
Ume? Sweden
J. Ordovas
Boston, MA, USA
J. Pears
Macclesfield, UK
Z. Reiner
Zagreb, Croatia
R. Riemersma
Edinburgh, UK
R. Rosenson
Chicago, IL, USA
P. Rubba
Naples, Italy
L. Rudel
Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Y. Saito
Chiba, Japan
N. Sattar
Glasgow, UK
G. Schmitz
Regensburg, Germany
S. Schwartz
Seattle, WA, USA
U. Steinbrecher
Vancouver, BC, Canada
P. Talmud
London, UK
C. Tan
M. Tikkanen
Helsinki, Finland
A. Van Tol
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A. von Eckardstein
Zurich, Switzerland
G. Watts
Perth, Australia
N. Yamada
Tokyo, Japan
S. Yl?Herttuala
Kuopio, Finland

Editorial Assitants:

E. Harasti
Boston, MA
J. McIntosh

Glasgow, UK



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