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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Founded in 1849 by B.A. Gould, The Astronomical Journal is one of the world's finest journals in the field. The expanded coverage of quasars, galaxies, supernova remnants, and studies of the interstellar medium complement the more traditional areas of astronomy, including galactic structure and dynamics, astrometry, variable and binary stars, solar system studies, and cosmology. With an emphasis on observational papers and a generally short publication time, the Journal attracts many seminal papers, and is an indispensable journal for serious astronomers.

Frequency: monthly; two volumes/year. ISSN (print): 0004-6256. ISSN (electronic): 1538-3881. 500 pages/issue.

Instructions to Authors

Papers published in the Astronomical Journal present the results of significant original research not previously published. Articles submitted to the Journal should meet this criterion and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors are advised to examine carefully current issues of the Journal to familiarize themselves with Journal conventions and to note any changes in style before preparing a new paper for submission. In general, Journal style conforms to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.) and The Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed.). Questions about Journal style should be directed to the manuscript editing office in Chicago (773-753-8021 or aj@journals.uchicago.edu).

All AASTeX and Word/WordPerfect files that are submitted electronically to the Astronomical Journal office, according to the following instructions, are used by the University of Chicago Press to produce both electronic and paper editions of the AJ. This includes all tables formatted in the main body of the manuscript, all external tables prepared with the aastex style file, and all figure files received as PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript files.

Your electronic submissions are important, so please submit electronically if at all possible.

  1. Preparing the Manuscript with the AASTeX Package
  2. Preparing the Manuscript with Word/WordPerfect
  3. Figures, Graphics and Images
  4. Tables
  5. Cross Referencing
  6. Non-Electronic Submissions
  7. Nomenclature


Preparation of LaTeX Manuscript

Please see the Updated instruction for LaTeX manuscripts.


Preparation of Word Manuscript

All Word and WordPerfect manuscript must be accompanied by a PDF or PostScript version of the manuscript. This file must be sent to the FTP site along with the WORD/WordPerfect manuscript.

Please see the Format instruction for Word manuscripts from the University of Chicago Press.


Figures, Graphics and Images

Please see the Updated instruction for Figures, Graphics and Images from the University of Chicago Press.

Please Note: As of January 1, 2002, there will be a $50 charge per paper for manuscripts that have figures that will appear in b/w in the printed journal and color in the online edition. Addition charges may apply to manuscripts with a large numbers of color figures.



Since virtually everyone now uses computers, printed tables of numbers are less useful than their electronically delivered, machine-readable versions. Astronomical Journal no longer accepts camera-ready (plano) tables for publication.

We would now like to receive all tables electronically as part of the electronic manuscript produced with the AASTeX macros, using either AASTeX's deluxetable environment or LaTeX's table/tabular environments. Tables requiring special formatting can be sent as seperate files.

Tables should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and should be cited in the text by number, e.g., "see Table 1." Each table must be mentioned at least once in the text, and in proper numerical order, e.g., the first reference to Table 3 must not occur before the first reference to Table 2. In the printed article, the placement of tables will be determined by their first mention in the text. Tables should not be divided into parts, e.g., related tables should be numbered separately, not given as Tables 3A and 3B. Tables in an appendix may be numbered in the same sequence as the text tables or may begin a new sequence, e.g., Table 9 or Table A1.

All tables are typeset with horizontal rules only; no vertical rules are used. Each table should begin on a new page. Every table should have a concise title. Each column, including the first (stub column), must have a heading. Column headings should label the entries concisely (one or two words); the first letter of each word is capitalized. Units of measurement should be given in parentheses immediately below the column headings, not listed with the data in the body of the table. Secondary information should be incorporated in a note to the table. To indicate the omission of an entry, ellipsis dots (...) are used.

References occurring in the body of a table should be listed by assigning a number to each reference, in consecutive order of citation, with the full citations listed in numbered order in a bibliographic note to the table; e.g., in body of table, the reference column will show a "1, 2" and a note labeled "References." at the bottom of the table will read "(1) Smith & Roe 1986; (2) Peebles 1993". Citations by names and dates or by acronyms should not be used in the body of the table. All references cited in tables must appear in the Reference list at the end of the paper.

AASTeX Tables Notes

Extended Tables - Large Data Sets

Data sets that are too large to be published in their entirety in the printed Journal can be made available in the online edition of the Journal as machine readable tables that are archived at the University of Chicago Press. Such tables are charged at the single-page rate, regardless of total length.

To provide context for an extended table, a short LaTeX version of the table should be prepared and included in the manuscript. This table should be cited and numbered along with the other tables in the manuscript. The short version of the table should include the table caption, column headers and about 5 lines of data. In addition, the following footnote should be added to the table caption:

[The complete version of this table is in the electronic edition of
the Journal.  The printed edition contains only a sample.]

A simple example of a short LaTeX table can be found here.

The actual extended table itself should be either a LaTeX table or a simple tab delimited ASCII file.



To assist with the electronic production of the Journal we requests that authors extensively use the cross-referencing capabilities provided by Latex and AASTeX.


Manuscripts Not Submitted in Electronic Form

For manuscripts submitted in nonelectronic form, the Journal requires that authors submit two copies of the manuscript and two sets of original illustrations. The manuscript should be prepared with double line spacing throughout, on one side of the page only, on noncorrasable, uncoated 8 1/2 x 11 inch (22 x 28 cm) or A4 paper, with margins of 1 1/2 inches or 4 cm at the sides, top, and end of each page.

Clear copy of both text and figures should be submitted for editing and typesetting. Special typefaces, such as italic, should be reserved for special characters and not used for the main body of the text. Italics should be indicated by underlining if an italic font is not available. If printer's errors result from unclear manuscript pages, costs for corrections will be charged to the author.

Figure legends should be double-spaced; left margins should measure at least 1 1/2 inches.



If your paper lists objects that are newly-discovered, the IAU Commission 5, through its Task Group on Designations, requests that such objects be designated according to IAU specifications. The proper procedure is to design a name according to IAU rules and then to register it with the commission before the paper is published. Please be sure that all of your object that might have been named in the past are not now given new, redundant, names. This whole procedure is especially important now that virtually all astronomical literature is searchable by computer.


Editorial Board

Paul Hodge
University of Washington


Assistant Editor, Electronic Publishing
Toby Smith


Associate Editor
Julie Lutz


University of Chicago Press
Publication Manager:
Julie Steffen
Senior Production Controller:
James LaForest
Senior Manuscript Editor:
Greg M. Hajek
Manuscript Editors: Don Reneau, Ellen Credille and Kristin Sundbeck


AAS Publications Board
Sumner Starrfield (Chairperson)


Raymond G. Carlberg
Jean Turner
Michael F. A'Hearn
Jane C. Charlton
Patrick Osmer
Judith T. Karpen



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