

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ASAIO Journal...Where your colleagues first read about hemodialysis, EMCO, heart-lung machines and ventricular assist pumps. Today, the ASAIO Journal continues to show you the future of medicine. For over 45 years, cardiothoracic surgeons, transplant physicians, biomedical engineers and many others have depended on this bimonthly journal to alert them to the latest research, development and application of biomaterials, advances in the design of artificial organ devices and findings from initial testing. You'll receive state-of-the-art investigations, laboratory and clinical trials, and discussions and opinions from experts around the world. Also included are papers presented at the ASAIO annual meeting as well as diagrams, photographs, charts, and graphs.

  • Index Medicus/Medline
  • Research Alert
  • Chemical Abstracts
  • Current Contents
  • EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
  • INIS Atomindex (International Nuclear Information System)
  • Kidney (New York, 1992)
  • Science Citation Index

    Instructions to Authors

    The primary purpose of the ASAIO Journal is to act as a source of information, usable by those caring for patients with the need for organ replacement by artificial means and/or those at the forefront of research and development in the field. Although one of our primary aims is to assist the practitioner in his/her care of such patients, and to afford access to information which may improve such patients' care, it is the Editors' wish to function as a forum for that information which, while still experimental, may shed light upon current thinking of those active in the fields appropriate to the aims of The American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, and the ASAIO Journal. To this end, original contributions are welcomed in areas of basic and applied, as well as clinical investigation.

    Criteria for initial considerations for papers submitted will be originality, statistical provability of all data, and applicability to the aims of the Journal as a whole. Additional weight will be afforded to those submissions which are concise and comprehensible. All potentially acceptable manuscripts will be subjected to the process of peer review.

    To increase the usefulness of the ASAIO Journal to the readership, submissions in the following categories, IN ADDITION TO ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, will be deemed appropriate for consideration by the Editors and Editorial Board:

    Special Articles: Succinct, comprehensive discussions and hypotheses.

    Review Articles: Critical presentations of broad topics of potential interest to those active in the areas of use and development of artificial internal organs.

    Case Reports: Careful, complete discussions of patients and clinical events which may serve to enlighten or advance the understanding of the development, testing or clinical use of artificial organs.

    Position Papers: Presentation and explanation of policy positions of major associations whose interests are pertinent to the readership of ASAIO Journal.

    Software Reviews: Reviews of computer software pertinent to any ASAIO Journal readers will be considered. Reviews should be free of commercial bias.

    Letters to the Editor: Concise, thoughtful responses to previous articles or editorials in the pages of the ASAIO Journal.

    Editorials: Comments by organizations or individuals on topics relevant to the readership, by both members of the Editorial Board and invited contributors.

    Organizational Announcements: Announcements or pertinent forthcoming meetings or events.

    GENERAL INFORMATION: For information and questions about the ASAIO Journal, phone the ASAIO Editorial Office at (718) 270-1584.

    MANUSCRIPTS: Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, using a standard sized typeface and margins of at least one inch. An original manuscript and five copies should be submitted together with three copies of GLOSSY Figures and Tables. Xerographic copies are preferred to carbon copies for the duplicates. Send manuscript submissions to: ASAIO Journal, Editorial Office, SUNY Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 52, Brooklyn, New York 11203. Manuscripts are accepted for publication with the understanding that their contents, or their essential substance, have not been published elsewhere, except in abstract form or by the express consent of the Editors. Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by written permissions for reproduction, obtained from the original publisher.
    Statistical methods should be identified. Priority claims are discouraged.
    Acknowledgments of aid or criticism should be approved by the person whose help is being recognized.
    Grantors may be listed at the conclusion of the text.

    TITLE PAGE: On the title page include title: subtitle (if any); first name, middle initial, and last name of each author, with academic degrees; name of Department(s) and Institution(s) to which the work should be attributed; disclaimer(s) (if any); name and complete address of author to whom requests for reprints should be sent, and an abbreviated title of not more than 40 characters to be used as a running head. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for negotiations concerning the manuscript should be listed separately and clearly labeled as such. Authors will be required to sign a statement conferring the manuscript copyright to the ASAIO Journal.

    ABSTRACT: The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should summarize relevant information in the paper.

    ABBREVIATIONS: Use standard abbreviations and units recommended in the Style Manual for Biological Journals (Fourth edition, Arlington, Va., American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1978). Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in the text. A list of abbreviations is available in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biological Journals," Annals of Internal Medicine 90: 95-99, 1979.

    DRUG NAMES: Generic names should be used. Proprietary names may be given (parenthetically) with the first use of the generic name.

    REFERENCES: References should be cited consecutively in the text as superscript numbers. The reference list should be typed double-spaced in the numerical order in which they are first cited in the text. The style of reference is that of Index Medicus, including end-page and volume number but omitting number and month of issue.
    Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author(s) and should be carefully rechecked before submission.

    For Journal Articles:
    Vitinghus E, Mogensen CE: Graded exercise and protein excretion in diabetic man and the effect of insulin treatment. Kidney Int 21: 725-729, 1982.

    For Books: Brownlee M (ed): Diabetes Mellitus. New York, Garland STMP Press, 1981.

    For Articles in Books: Kohner EM: Assessment and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, in Brownlee M (ed), Diabetes Mellitus, New York, Garland STMP Press, 1981, pp. 117-212.

    For Government Publications: Mackay BB (ed): Twelfth Annual Contractors Conference of the Artificial Kidney Program of the NIAMDD. Bethesda, Maryland, U.S. Government Printing Office (NIH publication No. 81-1979), 1979.
    References to articles that are in press must state name of journal and, if possible, volume and year. References to unpublished material, if essential, should be incorporated in the appropriate place in the text. Written permission from authors of unpublished data should be obtained and submitted. AUTHORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE REFERENCES. Please recheck all references before submission of the paper.

    ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrations should be professionally drawn and photographed. Submit THREE BLACK AND WHITE GLOSSY 5 ¡Á 7" PRINTS of each photograph, figure, or drawing (and two additional photocopies). Do NOT include Heads or Legends in the prints. Do not submit original artwork. All photographs must be black and white. Color prints are produced at an extra cost, which must be borne by the author. Illustrations should be untrimmed, unmounted, and unstapled. Use black ink for all figures, charts and line drawings. Make decimals, broken lines, symbols, lettering, etc. large and strong enough for clear, legible reproduction when reduced to one column width (approx 3") or two column width (7"). Do not combine very large type and very small type. Do not put crop or any other marks on photographs unless required for clarity illustration (i.e., arrows). Label all illustrations clearly. Name(s) of authors, figure number, and the orientation of the top of the figure should always be noted on a LABEL affixed to the back of the glossy print. Number figures in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Carefully consider proportion for each part of a multi-part figure. A vertically oriented 3 ¡Á 5" illustration cannot be combined with a horizontally oriented 5 ¡Á 3" illustration to produce a composite figure. Please note that artwork will not be returned. Figure legends should be clearly labeled and typed, double-spaced, on a separate page. Letters of permission from original publisher of borrowed figures must accompany the borrowed figures.

    TABLES: Tables should be typed double spaced on separate sheets, with number (Roman) and title. Symbols for units should be confined to column headings. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum, and those used, explained.

    REVIEW AND ACTION: All contributions (including solicited articles) are critically reviewed by the Editors, members of the Editorial Board, and/or appropriate consultant reviewers. Reviewers' comments are usually returned to authors. The decision of the Editors is final.



    Editorial Board


    Eli A. Friedman
    Brooklyn, NY
    Monica M. Beyer
    Brooklyn, NY



    Barbara Erler
    Brooklyn, NY

    Gas Exchange
    Joseph B. Zwishenberger
    Galveston, TX

    New Technology
    Steven R. Ash
    West Lafayette, IN

    Gregory L. Burns
    Salt Lake City, UT

    Medical Instrumentation
    Alan J. Snyder
    Hershey, PA

    Dialysis and Kinetics
    John K. Leypoldt
    Salt Lake City, UT

    Robert M. Lindsay
    Ontario, Canada

    Cardiac Assist
    Steven J. Phillips
    Bethesda, MD

    Tissue Engineering
    Michael J. Lysaght
    Providence, RI

    Harvey S. Borovetz
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Amy L. Friedman
    New Haven, CT

    Clinical Cardiovascular
    Wayne E. Richenbacher
    Iowa City, IA

    Tofy Mussivand
    Ottawa, Canada

    James F. Antaki
    Robert Bartlett
    Juan Carlos Briceno
    Richard Chan
    T. M. S. Chang
    William E. Collins
    Thomas A. Depner
    Leonard Golding
    Robert G. Guidoin
    Ned Hwang
    Marina Kameneva
    Andre Kaplan
    Carl M. Kjellstrand
    Robert Kormos
    Robert T. V. Kung
    Paul S. Malchesky
    Gail K. Naughton
    Donald Olsen
    Stephen Ottmers
    Emil P. Paganini
    George Pantalos
    Steven M. Parnis
    John F. Patzer
    Beth Marie Piraino
    Gerson Rosenberg
    Flora Siami
    Ghodrat Siami
    Jan-Stanley Simoni
    Brendan P. Teehan
    Steve Vaslef
    John T. Watson
    William J. Weiss
    David Willms

    George E. Schreiner




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