

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Archives of Pharmacal Research publishes original research reports that aim to develop new drugs in the fields of medicinal chemistry and pharmacology/pharmacy

All manuscripts should be addressed to Young-Ger Suh, Editor-in-Chief of the Archives of Pharmacal Research, 1489-3 Suhcho-3-Dong, Suhcho-Ku, Seoul 137-073, Korea.

Indexed in:
Current Contents
SCI-Web of Science
Research Alert
Chemical Abstracts
Biological Abstracts
Biochemistry-Biophysics Citation Index
Excerpta Medica
Index Medicus/Medline

Publication of the journal is supported in part by funds from the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and the Korean Research Foundation .


Instructions to Authors
1. Aims and scope

The Archives of Pharmacal Research publishes original research reports that aim to develop new drugs in the fields of medicinal chemistry, natural products, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutics, and basic biomedical sciences. The journal specifically aims to enhance scientific understanding in the fields and, thus, technical reports that document pharmacological and toxicological observations will not be generally accepted in the journal.

2. Types of papers

The Archives of Pharmacal Research considers manuscripts for publication in the following types of papers:

Research Articles : These full-length research papers should describe original and important pieces of work in detail from the fields covered by the Journal. Maximum length of manuscripts should not exceed 6,000 words (24 typescript pages) excluding figures and tables.

Invited Reviews : Invited review should be a review article written on the current topic of a specific interest within the scope of The Archives of Pharmacal Research. Authors wishing to submit a review article should send a short synopsis to the Editors before the preparation of the manuscript. Please note that the invited reviews will be subjected to appropriate evaluation process.

3. Submission

Submission of a manuscript to The Archives of Pharmacal Research implies that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicates and computer file in English including one set with original figures and should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief:

Young-Ger Suh
The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea
1489-3 Suhcho-dong, Sucho-ku, Seoul 137-071 Korea
Telephone: (02) 584-3257, FAX: (02) 521-1781
E-mail: pskor@chollian.net

In addition to regular submission, APR is testing the feasibility of electronic submission of manuscripts. Therefore, authors may be able to transmit text part of the manuscript in electronic form via e-mail (pskor@chollian.net). Please note that, even with the electronic submission, hard copy version of graphic artworks (e.g., figures, drawing and photos) should be separately sent to the Society office via regular mail to confirm integrity of artworks in the manuscript.

4. Review of manuscripts

A panel of at least two independent referees whose names are not normally disclosed to authors will review all manuscripts. Authors will be informed of the reviewer's comments.

5. Proofs

Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy of their papers. Proofs will be sent to corresponding authors to be checked for typesetting accuracy. No changes to the original manuscript will be allowed at this stage. The Editors reserve the right to make any necessary correction to a paper prior to publication. Authors will be asked to transfer the copyright of their papers to the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea.

6. Page charge

Fee of US $ 20 per printed page will be charged to the authors upon the acceptance of the manuscript on the form accompanying the proofs. Payment is not a condition of publication: articles can be accepted or rejected on their merit alone.

7. Reprints

Fifty reprints of each paper will be sent to the corresponding author free of charge. Additional copies may be ordered on the form accompanying the proofs.

8. Manuscript Format

All manuscripts should be prepared in English. Manu-scripts must be double-spaced and written on only one side of the paper with at least 3.0 cm margins all around.

All pages should be numbered. The title page should contain the following: the title, names of all the authors with their affiliation, a running title of not more than 50 characters including spaces and complete mailing address, which includes telephone and FAX numbers and E-mail address of the corresponding author. The manu-script should include in sequence abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, tables (each on an individual page with legends), figure legends, and figures (each on an individual page without legend). Figures and tables must not be included in the body of the text.

Authors should only use abbreviations sparingly and should always define an abbreviation when first used by placing it in parentheses after the full term, e.g. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The metric system for all measurements should be expressed in lowercase letters without periods (ml, nm, min, etc.).

Structures : CS ChemDraw Ultra (version 5.0 or later) will be our primary illustration software for illustration of chemical structures. Therefore, authors are strongly recommended to use the software and to save their structures in ACS format for manuscript submission. A detailed setting for the illustration software would be: chain angle (120), Bond spacing (18% of length), Fixed length (0.508 cm), Bold width (0.071 cm), Line width (0.021 cm), Margin width (0.056 cm), Hash spacing (0.088 cm).

Abstract : An abstract should be a concise selfcontained summary of the principal results of the work described and no longer than 200 words for research articles.

Key words : Key words must be carefully selected to reflect the scope of the paper. Normally six key words or phrases will be sufficient.

Running title : Running title must be presented to introduce the scope of paper shortly and clearly (less than six words).

References : References should be assembled alphabetically on a separated sheet. In the text, they should be referred by name and year (Harvard system). When referring to more than one paper from a same author from a same year, the alphabets a, b, c, etc. should be placed next to the year of publication to distinguish the articles. In the text, when referring to a work by sole author, the name of author should be given like (Robinson, 1998) and (Robinson, 1999; Jeong, 2000). When referring to a work by two authors, the name of authors should be given like (Robinson and Jeong, 2001). When referring to a work by more than three authors, the name of the first author should be given followed by et al. such as (Robinson et al., 2002). Literature references must consist of names and initials of all authors, title of the paper referred to, abbreviated title of the journal and the volume, year, and first and last page numbers of the paper. The style and punctuation of the references should conform with the following examples:

Journals : Lai, Y. -L., Mehta, R. C., Thacker, A. A., Yoo, S. -D., MacNamara, P. J., and DeLuca, P. P., Sustained bronchodilation with isoproterenol poly(glycolidecolactide) microspheres. Arch. Pharm. Res., 10, 119-125 (1993).

Books: Azria, M., The Calctionins: Physiology and Pharmacology. Karger, London, (1989). Borchartdt, R. T., Hidalgo, I. J., Hillgren, K. M. and Hu., M., Pharmaceutical applications of cell culture: An Overview, In Wilson, G., Davis, S.S., Illum,L. and Zweibaum, A. (Eds.). Pharmaceutical Application of Cell and Tissue Culture to Drug Transport. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1-14, (1991).

Journal names should be abbreviated in accordance with Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts List of Serials.

Tables : Each table should be placed on a separate page and numbered in one consecutive series of Roman numerals in the order cited in the text. Tables should be formatted with horizontal lines only: vertical ruled lines are not required. Column heading should be kept as brief as possible and should indicate units of measurements. Any annotation to headings or to tabulated items must be identified by superscript lowercase italic letters, a, b, c, etc. and added in sequence at the foot of the table.

Figures and schemes : A list of figure and scheme legends must be submitted on a separate sheet to accompany the figures and schemes. Each legend must give a concise description of the figure and scheme concerned, together with any essential experimental details not described in the text. In particular, the key to any symbols or distinctive line formats used on the figure must be given.

All figures (drawings, schemes, charts and photographs) should be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals in the order cited in the text. Good quality line drawings using black ink on plain white paper or tracing paper should be submitted with all lettering, etc. Figures generated by a laser quality printer or good quality black and white photographs are acceptable. Figures must be large enough for the necessary reduction for printing. Each figure should be marked in pencil on the back with the figure number and the name of the first author. Essential half-tone figures, reproduced from the original, will be included at the Editors discretion. Color photographs will be printed at the Editors discretion, on the understanding that the authors will bear the cost.

Editorial Board


The APR Editorial Board

Dr. Kil Soo Kim

President, Ewha Womans U., Korea
E-mail : kskim@ewha.ac.kr

Dr. Young-Ger Suh
Seoul National U., Korea

E-mail : ygsuh@snu.ac.kr

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Medicinal Chemistry
Dr. Jin-Hyun Jeong
Kyunghee U., Korea

E-mail: jeongjh@khu.ac.kr
Home : http://khu.ac.kr

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Medicinal Chemistry
Dr. Hyeung-geun Park
College of Pharmacy Seoul National University

E-mail: hgpk@plaza.snu.ac.kr
Home : http://pharmacy.snu.ac.kr/hgpark/

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Drug Metabolism/Natural Products
Dr. Dong Hyun Kim
Korea Institute of Science and Technology

E-mail: dhkim@kist.re.kr
Home : http://dmd.kist.re.kr

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Pharmacology & Toxicology
Dr. Hwa-Jung Kim

Ewha Womans U., Korea
E-mail : hjkim@mm.ewha.ac.kr

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Natural Products
Dr. Eun-Kyoung Seo
Ewha Womans U., Korea

E-mail: Yuny@ewha.ac.kr
Home : http://www.ewha.ac.kr

ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Pharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
Dr. Suk-Jae Chung
Seoul National U., Korea
E-mail : sukjae@plaza.snu.ac.kr

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dr. Young-Jin Chun

Chung-Ang U., Korea
E-mail: yjchun@cau.ac.kr

 ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Medicinal Chemistry
Dr. Sanghee Kim
Seoul National U., Korea

E-mail: pennkim@snu.ac.kr
Home : http://plaza.snu.ac.kr/~pisi02


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