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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Archives of Ophthalmology, published continuously since 1869, is an international peer-reviewed ophthalmology and visual science journal published 12 times per year. Archives of Ophthalmology’s impact factor is 3.203, the highest of any clinical ophthalmology journal. (The impact factor is a measure of citation rate per article, and is calculated by dividing 1 year’s worth of citations to a journal’s articles published in the previous 2 years by the number of major articles [eg, research papers, reviews] published by that journal in those 2 years.) Archives of Ophthalmology’s acceptance rate is 30.5% of the more than 1100 unsolicited submitted manuscripts it receives annually. The editor of Archives of Ophthalmology is Daniel M. Albert, MD, MS (see Archives Editors and Publishers).


Mission Statement: Continuing the publication founded by Herman Knapp, MD, in 1869, the objective of the Archives of Ophthalmology is education: To inform its readers of progress, problems, and pertinent research in the practice of ophthalmology through the publication of original contributions and observations.


Archives Express: Archives Express provides rapid peer review and publication of original research of exceptional clinical or public health importance. Clinical trials, in particular, will receive special consideration. Manuscripts considered for Archives Express must be screened and approved by the journal editor before submission.


Author Reprints: Authors who publish in the Archives of Ophthalmology receive 25 free e-prints of their article (if the corresponding author’s e-mail address is published with the article) and may sign up for e-mail alerts that notify the author when the article has been cited by HighWire-hosted journals. Reprints for authors are also available.


Access for Developing Countries: The online version of Archives of Ophthalmology is made freely available or nearly so to institutions in countries with a per person GDP of $3000 or less, through the World Health Organization’s HINARI program (see list of countries).

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Criteria and Information 


Note: Please read these instructions carefully technical deficiencies must be corrected before manuscripts can be reviewed.


Editorial Office Contact Information: Editor, Daniel M. Albert, MD, Suite 102, 2870 University Ave, Madison, WI 53705; (608) 262-7769; fax: (608) 265-5896; e-mail address: archophthalmol@jama-archives.org.


Prior Publication

Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they have not been published previously in print or electronic format and are not under consideration by another publication or electronic medium. A complete manuscript submitted following oral presentation that results in the publication of substantive information elsewhere, including magazines, or "tabloids," may be deemed ineligible for publication in the ARCHIVES. The ARCHIVES is willing to receive and evaluate manuscripts submitted following presentation or publication of preliminary findings (eg, in an abstract) at a major meeting, but only if publication in other print media is not under consideration. Press reports of the meeting should not be amplified by additional data or copies of tables and illustrations. When submitting a paper, authors should include copies of possibly duplicative material that has been previously published or is currently being considered elsewhere. If after submission but before publication of a manuscript, publication of the findings occurs in press reports, interviews, or other formats, the Editors should be notified.


If there is a question of author misconduct (eg, duplicate publication), submission may be disclosed to a third party.


Authors submitting manuscripts or Letters to the Editor regarding adverse drug or medical device reactions, reportable diseases, and the like should also report such to the relevant government agency.




Title Page. Give full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations of all authors. Designate a corresponding author and include a complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. Specify the address to which requests for reprints should be sent. Manuscripts should have no more than 6 authors; a greater number requires justification.


Data Access and Responsibility. For reports containing original data, at least 1 author (eg, the principal investigator) should indicate that he or she "had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis" (DeAngelis CD, Fontanarosa PB, Flanagin A. Reporting financial conflicts of interest and relationships between investigators and research sponsors. JAMA. 2001;286:89-91).


Funding/Support and Role of Sponsor. All financial and material support for the research and the work should be clearly and completely identified in an acknowledgment. The role of the funding organization or sponsor in each of the following should be specified: design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.


Group Authorship. If authorship is attributed to a group (either solely or in addition to 1 or more individual authors), all members of the group must meet the full criteria and requirements for authorship described in the following paragraphs. A group must designate at least 1 or more individuals as authors or members of a writing group who meet full authorship criteria and requirements and who will take responsibility for the group, in which case the other group members are not authors, but may be listed in an acknowledgment (Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, DeAngelis CD. Authorship for research groups. JAMA. 2002;288:3166-3168). To save space, if group members have been listed in the ARCHIVES, the article will be referenced rather than reprinting the list.


Authorship Requirements. Beginning September 1, 2005, authors will be required to identify each author's contributions to the work described in the manuscript (see the form at the end of these Instructions).


The following 3 statements must be signed by all listed authors and submitted in a cover letter (or by using the form following these Instructions) prior to our sending a manuscript out for review: (1) statement on authorship responsibility, (2) statement on financial disclosure, and (3) 1 of the 2 statements on copyright or federal employment.


Authorship Responsibility. "I certify that I have participated sufficiently in the conception and design of this work and the analysis of the data (when applicable), as well as the writing of the manuscript, to take public responsibility for it. I believe the manuscript represents valid work. I have reviewed the final version of the submitted manuscript and approve it for publication. Neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under my authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere, except as described in an attachment. If requested, I shall produce the data upon which the manuscript is based for examination by the editors or their assignees."


Financial Disclosure. "I certify that any affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (eg, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, expert testimony) are disclosed below."


Research or project support should be listed in an acknowledgment.


Copyright Transfer. "In consideration of the action of the American Medical Association (AMA) in reviewing and editing this submission (manuscript, tables, and figures), the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to the AMA in the event that such work is published by the AMA."


Federal Employment. "I was an employee of the US federal government when this work was investigated and prepared for publication; therefore, it is not protected by the Copyright Act and there is no copyright of which the ownership can be transferred."



Editorial Review and Processing

Peer Review. Manuscripts are sent to expert consultants for peer review. Peer reviewer identities are kept confidential. Authors, by special request, may keep their identities confidential but must submit a second electronic file of the manuscript with all identifying information edited out. Reviews and decisions on manuscripts in which the editor or one of the associate editors is a coauthor are managed independently by an editor, in conjunction with a member of the editorial board.


Archives Express. Archives Express provides rapid peer review and publication of original research of exceptional clinical or public health importance (Albert D. Editor¡¯s note. Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118:1242). All such manuscripts must be screened and approved for Archives Express before submission. Clinical Trials, in particular, will receive special consideration. Authors who wish to have manuscripts considered for Archives Express should call (608) 262-7769 or send the manuscript file and request letter to archophthalmol@jama-archives.org.


Accepted Manuscripts. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the ARCHIVES and may not be published elsewhere without permission from the publisher (AMA). After initial publication, certain articles will appear in translation in the Chinese-language edition. Selected manuscripts may also appear on the ARCHIVES Web site at http://www.archophthalmol.org.


Editing. Accepted manuscripts are edited according to AMA style and returned to the author for approval. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the manuscript editor and authorized by the corresponding author. If you wish to receive page proofs for approval, contact the manuscript editor assigned to your paper within 2 days of receiving the typescript.


Embargo Policy. Information regarding the content and publication date of accepted articles cannot appear in print, radio, television, or in electronic form or be released to the media until 3 PM CST on the second Monday of the month.


Reprints. Reprint order forms are included with the edited typescript sent for approval to authors. Reprints are shipped 3 weeks after publication. AMA does not charge a permission fee to authors who wish to use their articles or parts thereof in other books or journals. However, an author must obtain permission from AMA, as the copyright holder, for such use. To do so, send written request to Rhonda Bailey, Department of Licensing and Permissions, AMA, 515 N State St, Chicago, IL 60610; fax: (312) 464-5835; e-mail: rhonda_bailey@ama-assn.org. In the permission you receive, the proper credit line will be indicated.



Manuscript Preparation

Electronic Submission. Manuscripts should be submitted via our online manuscript submission and review system (http://manuscripts.archophthalmol.com). Print mail address and telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author also should be included on the title page of the manuscript. See Manuscript Checklist and details in these Instructions for additional requirements. Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your manuscript electronically.



Manuscripts submitted through our online system should NOT also be submitted by regular mail or fax.


Signed authorship forms should be sent by regular mail or fax.


Signed copyright transfer forms are required at the revision stage. Please do not fax the copyright transfer form at the time of submission.


Insert line numbers using the line-numbering feature in your word-processing program to facilitate communication about reviewers¡¯ comments.


If your manuscript is accepted, please note the following requirements:



Save the text in Word.


Tables should be included at the end of the article text file. Make certain that each item in the table is in its own table cell. Do not use paragraph returns (to start new rows) or tabs (to start new columns) to format the table.


Save any figures in a separate file. Please refer to the Instructions in "Submitting Digital Figures".


Mail 2 sets of high-resolution glossy prints, clearly marked with the manuscript number, to the editorial office: Archives of Ophthalmology, 2870 University Ave, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53705.


Text. The ARCHIVES requirements are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.icmje.org). Double-space manuscript (text, references, and tables) and leave right margins unjustified (ragged). The text should, in general, not exceed 12 double-spaced typewritten pages. Each manuscript component should begin on a new page, in the following sequence: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables (each table complete with title and footnotes on a separate page), and figure legends. Pages should be sequentially numbered in the upper right-hand corner, beginning with the title page.


Titles. Titles should be short, specific, and clear and typed on a special page. They should not exceed 84 characters, including punctuation and spaces, if possible. The title page should include the first name, middle initial, and last name of all authors with their highest academic degree and the professional affiliation of all authors with city location. It should also include the address to which requests for reprints should be sent.


Ethical Considerations. For experimental investigations of human or animal subjects, state in the "Methods" section of the manuscript that an appropriate institutional review board approved the project. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees (institutional or regional), the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki (41st World Medical Assembly. Declaration of Helsinki: recommendations guiding physicians in biomedical research involving human subjects. JAMA. 1997;277:925-926) should be followed. For investigations of human subjects, state in the "Methods" section the manner in which informed consent was obtained from the subjects (parents or legal guardians for minors).


Financial/Proprietary Interest. If the article discusses in any way a device, equipment, an instrument, or a drug, the authors must state in a footnote whether they do or do not have any commercial or proprietary interest in the product or company. Likewise, they must reveal whether they have any financial interest or receive payment as a consultant, reviewer, or evaluator.


Abstracts. The structured abstract will be used for manuscripts in the following categories: Clinical Sciences, Epidemiology, Laboratory Sciences, Socioeconomics, and Ophthalmic Molecular Genetics. The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should include the following headings: Objective(s), Methods or Design, Results, and Conclusions. The Methods or Design section should contain a description of setting, intervention, and main outcome measures, where applicable. Abstracts for Laboratory Science and Ophthalmic Molecular Genetics sections should also include a "Clinical Relevance" heading. Abstracts for Clinical Trial manuscripts should include a "Main Outcome Measures" and an "Application to Clinical Practice" heading. Free-form abstracts of 135 words or less will be used for Mechanisms of Ophthalmic Disease, Clinicopathologic Reports, New Instruments, Surgical Techniques, and Special Articles. No abstracts are required for Correspondence, Case Reports, Small Case Series, Editorials, or Photo Essays.


The main point of the article should be included in the first paragraph of the discussion.


References. List references in numerical order (not alphabetically). Once a reference is cited, all subsequent citations should be to the original number. All references must be cited in the text or tables. Unpublished data and personal communications should not be listed as references but parenthetically within the text. References to journal articles should include (1) author(s) (if more than 6, write "et al" after the third name), (2) title, (3) journal name (as abbreviated in Index Medicus), (4) year, (5) volume number, and (6) inclusive page numbers, in that order. References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editors (if any), (4) title of book, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) page(s), if indicated. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.


Web References. Please keep a print copy of any reference to Web-only information. If the URL changes or disappears, interested readers may contact the corresponding author for a copy of the information.


Units of Measure. Conventional units of measure are preferred, with Syst¨¨me International (SI) units expressed secondarily (in parentheses). In tables and figures, a conversion factor to SI may be presented in the footnote or legend to economize space. Exceptions to this policy include visual acuity measurements, intraocular pressure recordings, calories, hematocrit, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood cell counts, and ejection fraction, for which conventional units alone should be expressed. The metric system is preferred for length, area, mass, and volume. (See SI conversion table.)


Illustrations. Use only those illustrations that clarify and augment the text. More than 10 total illustrations per manuscript would have to be justified. For initial submission, all illustrations should be submitted as digital files. If your manuscript is accepted, you will be asked to submit 2 copies of illustrations (preferably 5 x 7 in), unmounted and untrimmed, with each set separately packaged. Do not send original artwork. Send high-contrast glossy prints or original laser prints. Figure number, name of senior author, and arrow indicating "top" should be typed on a gummed label and affixed to the back of each illustration. Illustrations submitted for publication may be relettered to achieve uniformity of lettering style throughout the journal. Magnification and stain should be provided when pertinent. If a specific figure arrangement is desired, please include a photocopied layout. Because of space limitations, the editors ask that authors crop out all extraneous portions on clinical photographs, CT scans, and ultrasound images (for example, identifying features or patient names), or indicate crop marks on photo margins.


Illustrations in full color are accepted for publication at no charge to the author if the editors believe that color will add significantly to the published manuscript.


Digital Enhancement of Images. Digitally enhanced images (CT/MRI, blots, photographs, photomicrographs, ultrasound images, x-ray films, etc) must be clearly identified in the figure legends as digitally processed images. If your manuscript is accepted, you will be asked to provide 3 clearly labeled copies of the processed and original images.


Legends. Legends must be typed double-spaced, beginning on a separate sheet of paper. Length should be limited to a maximum of 40 words and should allow the illustration to be fully understandable without recourse to the text. Use arrows, letters, etc, for enhanced understanding.


Authorized Use of Photographs. Recognizable photographs may be published only if specifically consented to by the patient. To facilitate proof, the consent should be in writing. Any restrictions or limitations on the consent must be strictly observed, eg, eyes are blocked out only as a condition of consent. Consent forms must include a specific statement that photographs and information related to a case may be published (in print or online) either separately or in connection with each other, in professional journals or medical books, provided that it is specifically understood that the patient shall not be identified by name. Parental consent for the above must include signatures of both living parents. Consent releases for minors without living parents must be signed by the legally appointed guardian. Submit consent forms with the manuscript. See "Informed Consent" above. (See patient consent form.)


Reprinted Material. Illustrations from other publications are rarely published but if used must be acknowledged. Include the following when applicable: author(s), title of article, title of journal or book, volume number, page(s), month, and year. The publisher¡¯s written permission to reproduce or adapt (in print and online editions of Archives of Ophthalmology and its licensed versions) must accompany the manuscript. (See permission form.)


Statistical Consultation. We recommend that statistical consultation be obtained as early as possible for studies with statistical content. The name and affiliation of the statistical consultant (if different from the author) should be included.


Animal Experimentation. In the case of animal experimentation, please indicate in the "Methods" section what animal-handling protocols were followed, eg, "Institutional guidelines regarding animal experimentation were followed."


Drug Names. The generic (nonproprietary) name of a drug is preferred in almost all instances. If it is necessary to include the brand (proprietary or trade) name for reproduction or interpretation of the study, the brand name should be given parenthetically, following the generic name, at first mention in the abstract, text, and each figure or table in which it appears. In addition, the brand name and supplier¡¯s name and location should be given in the "Methods" section. In the case in which a manuscript is comparing various brands of a single product, or in which an adverse event is described that might be unique to a single brand of product, both the brand name and generic name should appear at first mention and the brand name(s) should be used thereafter.


Acknowledgments. To ensure accuracy, if individuals are listed in an acknowledgment at the end of the manuscript, the corresponding author must submit the following signed statement: "I have obtained written permission from all persons named in the acknowledgment." Note: Research or project support should be listed in an acknowledgment in the manuscript.


Tables. Title all tables and number them in the order of their citation in the text. Double-space each table and start each table on a new page. If a table must be continued, repeat the title on a second sheet, followed by "(cont)." Any additional information about the tables should be included in your cover letter. Instructions for table creation are available online at http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/data/292/1/112/DC7/1.



Manuscript Categories

Book and Software Reviews. Books and software submitted are reviewed by experts in the field. Reviews are published monthly. The editor reserves the right to return books or software without review due to the large volume of submissions. Books and software for consideration should be submitted to Barbara Blodi, MD, Book and Software Review Editor, 2870 University Ave, Suite 206, Madison, WI 53705.


Case Reports, Small Case Series, Clinicopathologic Reports. Case Reports should not exceed 500 words and should have no more than 4 references and 2 figures or tables. Small Case Series of 2 to 5 cases should not exceed 1000 words, 5 references, and 4 figures or tables. Clinicopathologic Reports should not exceed 1000 words and should have no more than 8 figures or tables and 10 references. Refer to the general Instructions for Authors for other requirements. Please see the editorial on this topic (Levin LA, Bressler N. The case report: small is beautiful. Arch Ophthalmol. 1996;114:1413).


Clinical Science. Clinical Science manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words. References, figures, and tables are not limited, but you may be asked to cut or add references, figures, or tables at the discretion of the editor. Refer to the general Instructions for Authors for other requirements.


Clinical Trials. Manuscripts considered for the Clinical Trials section are generally reserved for large, randomized controlled trials that have sufficient statistical power to properly test the intervention in question. The Randomized Controlled Trials Checklist included in these Instructions is required at the time of submission. These manuscripts do not have specific length restrictions and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Please see the editorial on this topic (Beck RW. Reporting the results of randomized clinical trials: a priority of Archives of Ophthalmology. 2004;122:1038-1039).


Commentaries. Commentaries on articles from other journals are generally solicited, but unsolicited articles are welcome. A copy of the abstract of the article referred to in the Commentary is required. Commentaries should not exceed 500 words and should have no more than 10 references.


Controversies. Controversial topics in ophthalmology are discussed in a pro/con format in our Controversies section. Suggestions for topics and potential authors are welcome. Please submit suggestions to Neil Bressler, MD, Wilmer Eye Institute, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Maumenee 215, 600 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21287-9226 (e-mail: nbressler@jhmi.edu).


Correspondence. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words, 5 references, and 2 figures or tables.


Editorials. Editorials provide a forum for reflective, analytical, or interpretive opinions related to clinical, scientific, or socioeconomic matters. The editorialist must be objective, dispassionate, and informative and should provide alternative points of view. Editorials should not exceed 1350 words, with no more than 20 references.


Epidemiology. Epidemiology manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words. References, figures, and tables are not limited, but you may be asked to cut or add references, figures, or tables at the discretion of the editor.


History. Occasionally the journal publishes articles related to the history of ophthalmology, in our Special Article section. Articles for this section are often solicited, but suggestions for topics or authors can be submitted to James Ravin, MD, 3000 Regency Ct, Suite 100, Toledo, OH 43623 (e-mail: jamesravin@buckeye-express.com).


Laboratory Science. Laboratory Science manuscripts are descriptions of original research in the basic sciences applicable to ophthalmology and visual science. Manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words.


Mechanisms of Ophthalmic Disease. This section contains articles written by scientists who study aspects of the visual system that have relevance to clinical ophthalmology. It is meant to be read by clinical ophthalmologists, so that they can become aware of modern understanding of the pathophysiology of various visual disorders. Articles for this section are usually solicited by the section editor, Leonard A. Levin, MD, PhD. Queries can be addressed to Dr Levin at 2870 University Ave, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53705 or e-mailed to archophthalmol@jama-archives.org.


New Instruments. New Instrument manuscripts should not exceed 2000 words. References, figures, and tables are not limited, but you may be asked to cut or add references, figures,or tables at the discretion of the editor.


Ophthalmic Molecular Genetics. These manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words. References, figures, and tables are not limited, but you may be asked to cut or add references, figures, and tables at the discretion of the editor.


Photo Essays. Manuscripts for this section should emphasize the visual aspects of the subject presented. Pictures should be of high quality and self-explanatory. Photographs can be of clinical entities, laboratory studies and findings (eg, smears, scans, magnetic resonance images, ultrasonograms), therapeutic procedures, or a combination. The Photo Essay should be a collection of photographs that convey an important laboratory or clinical diagnosis and/or management story that becomes self-evident on inspection of the illustrations. A Photo Essay should not exceed 100 words and should have no more than 3 references. The number of photographs is limited to 5, with a limit of 40 words for each legend. Articles will be limited to 1 printed page, and all material must fit into this format. If fewer than 5 photographs are used, slightly more text will be allowed (approximately 50 words for every photograph under the maximum of 5).


Socioeconomics and Health Services. These manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words. References, figures, and tables are not limited, but you may be asked to cut or add references, figures, or tables at the discretion of the editor.


Surgical Techniques. These manuscripts should not exceed 2000 words. References, figures, and tables are not limited, but you may be asked to cut or add references, figures, or tables at the discretion of the editor.


Instructions for Preparing Reports of Randomized Controlled Trials

The checklist (see Table) should be used as a guideline and submitted with the manuscript. In addition, include a flow diagram illustrating the progress of patients throughout the trial (see Figure for example).

Editorial Board


Editor: Daniel M. Albert, MD, MS
Suite 102
2870 University Ave
Madison, WI 53705

Phone: (608) 262-7769
Fax: (608) 265-5896

Associate Editors:
Justin L. Gottlieb, MD
Leonard A. Levin, MD, PhD, Madison, Wis
Editorial Manager: Laura Hayes, Madison, Wis
Office Manager: Eleanor Albert, MA, Madison, Wis

George B. Bartley, MD, Jacksonville, Fla
Elisabeth J. Cohen, MD, Philadelphia, Pa
Thaddeus P. Dryja, MD, Boston, Mass
Robert A. Goldberg, MD, Los Angeles, Calif
J. William Harbour, MD, St Louis, Mo
Eve J. Higginbotham, MD, Baltimore, Md
Dan B. Jones, MD, Houston, Tex
Simmons Lessell, MD, Boston, Mass
Peter J. McDonnell, MD, Baltimore, Md
William F. Mieler, MD, Chicago, Ill
Stephen A. Obstbaum, MD, New York, NY
Annabelle A. Okada, MD, Tokyo, Japan
Michael B. Raizman, MD, Boston, Mass
Robert Ritch, MD, New York, NY
James G. Ravin, MD, MS, Toledo, Ohio
Arthur L. Rosenbaum, MD, Los Angeles, Calif
Robert N. Weinreb, MD, La Jolla, Calif
M. Roy Wilson, MD, MS, Omaha, Neb

Clinical Trials: Roy W. Beck, MD, PhD, Tampa, Fla
Ophthalmic Molecular Genetics: Thaddeus P. Dryja, MD, Boston, Mass
Epidemiology: Leslie Hyman, PhD, Stony Brook, NY
Socioeconomics and Health Services: Paul P. Lee, MD, Durham, NC
Clinicopathologic Reports, Case Reports, and Small Case Series: W. Richard Green, MD, Baltimore, Md
Controversies: Neil M. Bressler, MD, Baltimore, Md
Book and Software Reviews: Barbara A. Blodi, MD, Madison, Wis
Online Editors: Jon P. Gieser, MD, Chicago, Ill; Stephen D. McLeod, MD, San Francisco, Calif
Mechanisms of Ophthalmic Disease: Leonard A. Levin, MD, PhD, Madison, Wis
ARCHIVES CME: Jon P. Gieser, MD, Chicago, Ill

Offices: 515 N State St, Chicago, IL 60610

Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD, MPH
Editor in Chief
Scientific Publications & Multimedia Applications

Cheryl Iverson: Managing Editor

Editorial Processing Department

Department Director: Paula Glitman
Manuscript Editing Manager: Brenda Gregoline
Senior Manuscript Editor: Vickey Golden
Manuscript Editors: Tracy Frey, Novid Parsi, Kristine Simmons, Mahsa M. Tousi
Freelance Manuscript Editing Manager: Diane L. Cannon
Freelance Manuscript Editing Coordinators: Connie Manno, Cheryl L. Tobey
Freelance Copy Editors and Copyreaders: Catherine A. Alden, Karen L. Boyd, Lisa M. Cluver, Mary Coerver-Connolly, Allison Esposito, Laura King, Mary A. Kingzette, Nicole C. Netter, Caroline Woods
Editorial Systems Managers: Paul Frank, Monica Mungle
Systems Programmer/Internet Specialist: J.D. Neff
Editorial Assistant: Wanda Hill

Scientific Publications & Multimedia Applications

Executive Assistant to the Editor: Marla A. Hall

Scientific Online Resources

Director: Margaret Winker, MD
Electronic Media Department Director: Michelle Kurzynski
Associate Web Editors: Erin M. Giannini, Peter Kim
Web Office Manager: Nadine Siewnarine  


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