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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The international quarterly journal Aquatic Ecology has succeeded the `Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology'. Aquatic Ecology publishes peer-reviewed, original papers relating to the ecology of fresh, brackish, estuarine and marine environments. Papers on fundamental and applied research in both the field and the laboratory, including descriptive or experimental studies, will be included in the journal. Preference will be given to studies that address timely and current topics and are integrative and critical in approach.
The aim of Aquatic Ecology is to provide a forum for the aquatic ecologist ¨Cboth limnologist and oceanologist alike¨C to address and evaluate ecological issues related to processes and structures at different integration levels (individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems). Studies that reveal the organisation of lower levels into higher levels and those that concern the intraspecific and interspecific interactions are especially welcome. Food web studies are thus of particular interest. This is also true for the aspects of recent ecophysiological investigations that report: 1). how excreted chemical substances and exudates (kairomones) can act as carriers of information (infochemicals); and 2). how both the flow of this information in the ecosystem and subsequent feed-backs might influence the transfer of matter and energy in the food webs.
Furthermore, Aquatic Ecology will also accept manuscripts concerning the influence of environmental factors on aquatic ecosystems. The latter factors also include those that cause environmental impacts and modifications and thus have implications for the structure and functioning of individuals, populations and communities within ecosystems.
Studies may concern the ecological aspects of all kinds of organisms living in marine, brackish, estuarine or freshwater environments. In addition, the studies that consolidate modelling and theoretical aspects from the above topics may also be submitted . Such contributions should be of interest to ecological theory formation in general.
In addition to original peer-reviewed papers, review papers and proceedings of thematic symposia/workshops are eligible for publication in the journal. Short communications, book reviews and critical comments as well as reactions to other papers published in Aquatic Ecology may also be submitted for publication.


Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts submitted for publication and communications concerning editorial matters should be sent to:

Editorial Office
Aquatic Ecology
P.O. Box 990
3300 AZ Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Fax +31-78-6576254

No page charges are applicable, but prospective authors should condense their pages as much as possible.

Aquatic Ecology welcomes research papers, review papers and proceedings of thematic symposia/workshops.
General papers describing original research should not exceed twenty pages of printed text, including tables, figures and references (one page of printed text = approximately 600 words). These will usually be published within five months after acceptance.
Short Communications should not exceed 4 printed pages in total. A short communication does not contain a separate introduction and materials and methods section, but instead results and references directly follow a short abstract.
Papers already published or in press elsewhere will not be accepted. If any part of the subject matter or experiments included in a manuscript submitted to the journal has been the subject of any prior publication, this prior publication must be identified.

The journal encourages the submision of manuscripts on floppy disk (see `Preparing Text on Floppy Disk' below). Submitting your text on floppy disk should expedite publication. Conventionally typed manuscripts should conform to the following guidelines:
Manuscripts should be written in correct English. Four copies should be submitted (the original manuscript plus three carbon or photocopies, each including all tables, figures and references). Besides, a hard copy, a text on diskette is highly appreciated. Four sets of original halftones are required. The author should retain a complete copy of the manuscript. Manuscripts should be typed clearly, double-spaced throughout on one side of A4 paper with margins of 3--5 cm. All pages (including the tables, figures, legends and references) should be numbered consecutively. As a guide for acceptable style please consult: Council of Biology Style Manual, 6th edition (1987), available from the American Institute of Biological Sciences, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.

The manuscript should be arranged in the following order.

Title page (page 1)

  • the title should be brief but informative.
  • a subtitle may be used to supplement and thereby shorten an excessively long main title.
  • the Author's full name (if more than one, use `and' before the last author's name and indicate to whom correspondence should be addressed).
  • Affiliation(s)/Address(es) should be complete, and should include a fax number and/or e-mail address for correspondence.

Key words/Abstract/Abbreviations (page 2)

  • Key words (a maximum of 6, in alphabetical order, suitable for indexing). Key words should differ from words mentioned in the title.
  • Abstract (brief and informative, not to exceed 250 words). No abbreviations should be used in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations (arranged alphabetically; only those which are not familiar and/or commonly used).

Main Text

The text should, if possible, be developed under the following headings:
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions

The relative importance of headings and subheadings should be clear. The approximate location of figures and tables should be indicated in the margin.
New paragraphs should be indicated by clear indentations.
The use of footnotes should be avoided if possible. However, if essential, they should be typed on the appropriate page, but clearly separated from the text with a line above them.

After the main text

  • Acknowledgements (also grants, support, etc., if any) should follow the text and precede the references.
  • Notes should be numbered consecutively with superscript numerals and listed in numerical order after Acknowledgements.


  • Literature references should be listed alphabetically, typed double-spaced, and in the text referred to by author name and year of publication enclosed in parentheses, e.g. (Smith, 1990).
  • Citations of personal communications and unpublished data should be avoided unless necessary. Such citations should in text appear only as: (D. Wilman, pers. comm.), (C.S. Andrew, unpubl.), and not in the reference list.
  • Abbreviate titles of periodicals according to the style of the Bibliogrpahy Guide for Editors and Authors (Biosis, Chemical Abstract Service and Engineering Index, Inc. 1974).
  • References should contain: author(s), name(s) followed by author(s) initials, year, title of article (only first word and proper nouns capitalized), journal (not inderlined), volume number and inclusive page numbers. Books must include the location and name of the publisher.



van Gijsegem F, Somssich IE and Scheel D (1995) Activation of defense-related genes in parsley leaves by infection with Erwinia chrysanthemi. Eur J Plant Pathol 101: 549--559

Books (edited by someone other than author of article)

Smith EL, Austem BM, Blumenthal KM and Nyc JF (1975) Glutamate dehydrogenases. In: Boyer PD (ed.) The Enzymes. Vol. 11 (pp. 293--367) Academic Press, New York

Books (monographs)

Hicks CR (1973) Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments. Holt, Rinehard and Winston, New York


  • Each table should be typed on a separate page
  • Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, followed by the title. Horizontal rules should be indicated; vertical rules should not be used. Table footnotes should be marked with superscript numbers.
  • Each table must be mentioned in the text.
  • Tables may be edited by the publisher to permit more compact typesetting.
  • Do not use abbreviations in the title.


  • Each figure must be mentioned in the text.
  • Line drawings must be in black ink on white paper or blue graph paper, and should not contain shading. Extremely small type should be avoided, since figures are often reduced in size.
  • Halftone reproductions must be clear well-contrasted glossy prints trimmed at right angles.
  • Original halftones must be supplied with each copy of the manuscript.
  • Colour plates will be inserted only at the author's expense. Quotes will be provided for each individual case. Colour transparancies (diapositives) give better colour plates than do photographs.
  • Figures as well as legends should be identified by Arabic numbers and headed `Figure 1', etc.
  • Where multi-part figures are used, each part should be clearly identified in the legend, preferably with lower case letters.
  • The top of the figure should be indicated on the back. Each figure should be identified by lightly writing the author's name and figure number on the back.
  • Do not give magnification or scales in the figure legends: instead draw bar scales directly, on the figures.
  • Do not use abbreviations in the figure legends.

Abbreviations and units

  • SI units should be used, e.g.: mg, g, km, m, cm, mm, ppm, cpm, Ci (Curie), l (litre), ml, s(second), min(minute), h (hour), mol, m-3, kg per ha or kg ha-1. The minus index form is always to be used in tables.
  • Use mg l-1, not mg/l.
  • If a non-standard abbreviation is to be used extensively, it should be defined in full on page 2 and follow the abstract.

The author will be sent an offprint order form and proofs, which should be returned to the Publisher without delay. If there are typesetting problems, e.g. misplaced figures or tables, it is the responsibility of the author to contact the Publisher urgently by fax ((++)31-78-6392254). Fifty offprints will be supplied free of charge.

Manuscripts on Diskette


  1. We strongly prefer manuscripts typed on IBM-compatible computers, with operating system MS DOS (version 3.2 or higher), and word processing package WordPerfect (4.2 or higher).
  2. We also accept files in most other word processing packages that run under MS DOS, and Apple Macintosh diskettes.
  3. If this combination is not available to you, please contact us as soon as possible.
  4. If you work with the Graphical User Interface Windows or on a Macintosh computer, use only regular fonts like Courier, Times, Helvetica or standard Symbol.


  1. File. Identify your file clearly on the label with a sensible name. Make absolutely sure that you send us your final version, and that the print-out is identical to what you have saved on the diskette.
  2. Consistency. Be absolutely consistent and check the use of punctuation, abbreviations, capitals and lower case in headings, spelling, etc. If possible, use the spelling checker on your computer.
  3. Special characters. If the ASCII character set or the character set(s) of your word processing package does not contain the special characters you need, key in a code between angle brackets, < >, and use this each and every time you want the character to appear. You could, for example, use for a lower case Greek gamma and for an upper case Greek gamma. Make the code self-explanatory. Note: Always supply us with a list of the codes that you have used!
  4. Headings. Start headings etc. flush left, with two lines space above (i.e. three Hard Returns) and one line space below (two Hard Returns). Distinguish different levels of headings and be consistent.
  5. Paragraphs. Indent all paragraphs with a [TAB] code, and separate them from one another with one Hard Return. Do not indent the first paragraph under a heading or subheading.
  6. Block quotations should be indented with an [Indent] code and should have one line space (i.e. two Hard Returns) above and below.
  7. Figures should be submitted in camera-ready form. The position of the figure in the text should be indicated in the margin of the hard copy. Figure legends should be placed at the end of your file.
  8. Tables. We prefer tables to be submitted in camera-ready form. If you also put your tables on diskette, please separate columns with [TAB] codes (not with spaces) and, consequently, adjust the tabular stops to position the columns.
  9. Equations. One-line equations without fractions can be typeset from the diskette when they are keyed in as plain text. Other equations cannot be used from the diskette: they will be typeset manually from the hard copy.
  10. References and Notes. Strictly follow the Instructions for Authors of the journal in which the article will be published for the style of referencing and the use of notes.


      1. Hyphenation. Do not hyphenate words at the end of a line. Use only one hyphen for words such as ``well-being', and ``re-do' and use two hyphens for sequences of dates and years such as ``conference dates are 12--15 September, 1992', ``age groups between 20--30 years are welcome', and page number indications in References, e.g. ``pp. 240--243'.
      2. Hard Returns. Do not use Hard Returns except when absolutely necessary, such as at the end of paragraphs, headings, etc. Otherwise, let the word wrap feature of your word processor do this work for you.
      3. TAB feature and Space Bar. If you need more than one space between two items, e.g. when you write in columns, always use the [TAB] feature of your word processing package. Use the space bar only for separating words from one another. Do not use the space bar to format tables, for centering or laying out texts, or for any other form of line or page formatting.

      Delivering your article

      1. Always supply us with both the hard-copy (printout) version of your final text preferably with a diskette.
      2. Label your diskette properly, giving exact details of operating system and software used.
      3. Always retain a back-up copy of your diskette.

      Further information is available from:
      Kluwer Academic Publishers
      P.O. Box 990
      3300 AZ Dordrecht
      The Netherlands
      Telephone: (++)31 78 6576000
      Fax: (++)31 78 6576254

    Editorial Board

    Ramesh D. Gulati
    Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Limnology, Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands; email: r.gulati@nioo.knaw.nl

    Associate Editor:
    Michael Arts
    National Water Research Institute, Burlington, ON, Canada
    Karel Essink
    National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ, Haren, The Netherlands
    Niels de Pauw
    University of Ghent, Belgium

    Consulting Editors:
    Dietrich Borchardt, University of Kassel, Germany; Carolyn W. Burns, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; Andrei G. Degermendzhy, Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; William R. DeMott, Indiana-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, USA; Eric von Elert, University of Konstanz, Germany; Paul Giller, University College Cork, Ireland; Z. Maciej Gliwicz, University of Warsaw, Poland; Peter M.J. Herman, NIOO/CEMO, Yerseke, The Netherlands; Victor N. de Jonge, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Xavier Lazzaro, ENS, UMR 7625, Paris, France; Luc De Meester, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Brian Moss, University of Liverpool, UK; Hans W. Paerl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA; J. Ringelberg, NIOO, Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands; Richard D. Robarts, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; Russell J. Shiel, Adelaide University, South Australia; Lars Tranvik, Uppsala University, Sweden; J. Urabe, Kyoto University, Japan; G. van der Velde, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Carl J. Watras, University of Wisconsin, USA; Robert G. Wetzel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

    Manuscripts submitted for publication and communications concerning editorial matters should be sent to:

    Editorial Office
    Aquatic Ecology
    P.O. Box 990
    3300 AZ Dordrecht
    The Netherlands
    Fax +31-78-6576254



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