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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aquaculture Nutrition is an exciting journal, published on a bimonthly basis, providing a global perspective on the nutrition of all cultivated aquatic animals. Topics range from extensive aquaculture to laboratory studies of nutritional biochemistry and physiology. The Journal specifically seeks to improve our understanding of the nutrition of aquacultured species through the provision of an international forum for the presentation of reviews and original research papers.

Aquaculture Nutrition publishes papers which strive to:

  • increase basic knowledge of the nutrition of aquacultured species and elevate the standards of published aquaculture nutrition research.
  • improve understanding of the relationships between nutrition and the environmental impact of aquaculture.
  • increase understanding of the relationships between nutrition and processing, product quality, and the consumer.
  • help aquaculturalists improve their management and understanding of the complex discipline of nutrition.
  • help the aquaculture feed industry by providing a focus for relevant information, techniques, tools and concepts.


Print ISSN: 1353-5773
Online ISSN: 1365-2095
Issues per Volume: Bi-monthly

Instructions to Authors


One original and three copies of each typescript should be submitted to the Editorial Office:

The Editor
Aquaculture Nutrition
Institute of Nutrition
PO Box 185

e-mail: an@nutr.fiskeridir.no

A disk should accompany the final version of the manuscript where possible. Authors are requested to use an IBM-compatible system (see below for more details).

A covering letter must be included, signed by the corresponding author (i.e. the author to whom correspondence should be addressed), and stating on behalf of all the authors that the work has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Copyright of accepted manuscripts and all published material becomes the property of the Journal and all accepted papers should be accompanied by a copyright assignment form. This may be accessed at:



Preparation of the Manuscript


All sections of the typescript should be on one side of A4 paper, double-spaced and with 30 mm margins. Articles are accepted for publication only at the discretion of the Editor(s). Authors will receive prompt acknowledgement of receipt of their paper and a decision will be reached within 3 months of receipt. A manuscript should consist of the following sections:


Title page

This should include: the full title of the paper; the full names of all the authors; the name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) at which the work was carried out (the present addresses of the authors, if different from the above, should appear in a footnote); the name, address, and telephone and fax numbers of the author to whom all correspondence and proofs should be sent; a suggested running title of not more than fifty characters, including spaces; and six key words to aid indexing.

Main text

Generally, all papers should be divided into the following sections and appear in the order: (1) Abstract or Summary, not exceeding 150-200 words, (2) Introduction, (3) Materials and Methods, (4) Results, (5) Discussion, (6) Acknowledgements, (7) References, (8) Figure legends, (9) Tables, (10) Figures.

The Results and Discussion sections may be combined and may contain subheadings. The Materials and Methods section should be sufficiently detailed to enable the experiments to be reproduced. Trade names should be capitalized and the manufacturer's name and address given.

All pages must be numbered consecutively from the title page, and include the acknowledgements, references and figure legends, which should be submitted on separate sheets following the main text. The preferred position of tables and figures in the text should be indicated in the left-hand margin.

Units and spellings

Système International (SI) units should be used. The salinity of sea water should be given as g L-1. Use the form g mL-1 not g/mL. Avoid the use of g per 100g, for example in food composition, use g kg-1. If other units are used, these should be defined on first appearance in terms of SI units, e.g. mmHg. Spelling should conform to that used in the Concise Oxford Dictionary published by Oxford University Press. Abbreviations of chemical and other names should be defined when first mentioned in the text unless they are commonly used and internationally known and accepted.

Scientific names and statistics

Complete scientific names should be given when organisms are first mentioned in the text and in tables, figures and key words. The generic name may subsequently be abbreviated to the initial, e.g. Gadus morhua L., otherwise G. morhua. Carry out and describe all appropriate statistical analyses.

References (Harvard style)

References should be cited in the text by author and date, e.g. Lie & Hemre (1990). Joint authors should be referred to by et al. if there are more than two, e.g. Hemre et al. (1990).

More than one paper from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters a, b, c, etc., placed after the year of publication. Listings of references in the text should be chronological. At the end of the paper, references should be listed alphabetically according to the first named author. The full titles of papers, chapters and books should be given, with the first and last page numbers; journal titles should be abbreviated according to World List of Scientific Periodicals.

Lie, O., Lied, E. & Lambertsen, G. (1988) Feed optimization in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): fat versus protein content in the feed. Aquaculture, 69, 333-341.

Lall, S.P. (1989) The minerals. In: Fish Nutrition (Halver, J.E. ed.), 2nd edn, Vol. 1, pp. 219-257. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.

Work that has not been accepted for publication and personal communications should not appear in the reference list, but may be referred to in the text (e.g. A. Author, unpubl. observ.; A.N. Other, pers. comm.). It is the authors' responsibility to obtain permission from colleagues to include their work as a personal communication. A letter of permission should accompany the manuscript.

Illustrations and tables

These should be referred to in the text as figures using Arabic numbers, e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc., in order of appearance. Three copies of each figure should be submitted and each figure should be marked on the back with its appropriate number, together with the name(s) of the author(s) and the title of the paper. Where there is doubt as to the orientation of an illustration the top should be marked with an arrow.

Photographs and photomicrographs should be unmounted glossy prints and should not be retouched. Labelling should be clearly indicated on an overlay or photocopy. Colour illustrations are acceptable when found necessary by the Editor; however, the author may be asked to contribute towards the cost of printing.

Line drawings should be on separate sheets of white paper in black indelible ink (dot matrix illustrations are not permitted); lettering should be on an overlay or photocopy and should be no less than 4 mm high for a 50% reduction. Please note, each figure should have a separate legend; these should be grouped on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. All symbols and abbreviations should be clearly explained.

Tables should be self-explanatory and include only essential data. Each table must be typewritten on a separate sheet and should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g. Table 1, and given a short caption. No vertical rules should be used. Units should appear in parentheses in the column headings and not in the body of the table. All abbreviations should be defined in a footnote.

All tables and figures that are reproduced from a previously published source must be accompanied by a letter of permission from the Publisher or copyright owner.

It is the policy of Aquaculture Nutrition for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork.

Therefore, please note that if there is colour artwork in your manuscript when it is accepted for publication, Blackwell Publishing require you to complete and return a colour work agreement form before your paper can be published. This form can be downloaded as a PDF* from the internet. The web address for the form is:


If you are unable to access the internet, or are unable to download the form, please contact the Production Editor at the address below, or:

Phone: +44 (0)131 226 7232, +44 (0)131 7184423 (direct line)
Fax: +44 (0)131 226 3803

And they will be able to email or FAX a form to you.

Once completed, please return the form to the Production Editor at the address below:

Blackwell Publishing Ltd
23 Ainslie Place

Any article received by Blackwell Publishing with colour work will not be published until the form has been returned.

* To read PDF files, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have this program, this is available as a free download from the following web address:




These should be brief and must include references to sources of financial and logistical support.


Page Proofs and Reprints

Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/main.html This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available; in your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs. Proofs must be returned to the Editor within 3 days of receipt, ideally by fax. Only typographical errors can be corrected at this stage. Major alterations to the text cannot be accepted.

Offprints of articles may be ordered at the proof stage. The corresponding author will be provided with five free copies of the published issue. Where there are more than two authors, the corresponding author will receive two free copies for distribution to each author.



The Journal welcomes submission of accepted manuscripts on disk. These should be IBM-compatible and must be accompanied by an accurate hard copy.  Do not justify.  A file description form should also be completed and sent with the disk:  http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/fdf.pdf.  Particular attention should be taken to ensure that any articles submitted in this form adhere exactly to the journal style in all respects. Further details can be obtained from the Publisher; the Editor(s) will supply 'disk submission' forms on acceptance of a manuscript. Disks will not be returned to the authors.

Editorial Board


Dr Rune Waagb? Head of Fish Nutrition and Health Research, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION AND SEAFOOD RESEARCH (NIFES), PO Box 176, Sentrum, N-5804, Norway
e-mail: an@nutr.fiskeridir.no


Dr K Jauncey, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, UK
e-mail: kim.jauncey@stir.ac.uk

Dr Gro-Ingunn Hemre, Institute of Nutrition, Directorate of Fisheries, P.O. Box 185, Sentrum, N-5804 Bergen, Norway
e-mail: gro-ingunn.hemre@nutr.fiskeridir.no 


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