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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Applied Organometallic Chemistry publishes reviews, full papers, communications, working methods papers, crystallographic reports and occasional reports on relevant conferences of applied work in the field of organometallics, including bioorganometallic chemistry, and metal/organic ligand coordination chemistry.

AOC publishes its content in four well-defined sections: (i) Environment, Biology and Toxicology; (ii) Speciation Analysis; (iii) Materials, Nanoscience and Catalysis; (iv) Main Group Metal Compounds. For each section there are dedicated Editors.


Instructions to Authors


Submit your manuscript in three hard copies and/or - in order to accelerate editorial processing - in an electronic version (e-mail attachment, CD-ROM, zip-disk or diskette) to the appropriate Section Editor:

Peter J. Craig
Department of Chemistry
De Montfort University, Leicester
PO Box 143
Leicester LE1 9BH
e-mail: pjcraig@dmu.ac.uk

Final manuscript submission. Upon final acceptance of the manuscript, authors must supply:

  • two hard copies of the manuscript
  • an electronic copy of the final version (see section below)
  • a Copyright Transfer Agreement with original signature(s) - without this we are unable to accept the submission, and
  • permission grants - if the manuscript contains extracts, including illustrations, from other copyright works (including material from on-line or intranet sources) it is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission from the owners of the publishing rights to reproduce such extracts using the Wiley Permission Request Form. Permission grants should be submitted with the manuscript.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere while they are under consideration by Wiley. Submitted material will not be returned to the author unless specifically requested.

Electronic submission. The electronic copy of the final, revised manuscript must be sent to the Editor together with two paper copies. Disks should be PC or Mac formatted; write on the disk the software package used, the name of the author and the name of the journal. We are able to use most word processing packages, but prefer Word or WordPerfect.

Illustrations must be submitted in electronic format where possible. Save each figure as a separate file, in TIFF or EPS format preferably, and include the source file. Write on the disk the software package used to create them; we favour dedicated illustration packages over tools such as Excel or Powerpoint.

Manuscript style. The language of the journal is English. All submissions must have a title, be printed on one side of the paper, be double-line spaced and have a margin of 3 cm all round. Illustrations and tables must be printed on separate sheets, and not be incorporated into the text.

  • The title page must list the full title, a short title of up to 70 characters and the names and affiliations of all authors. Give the full address, including e-mail, telephone and fax, of the author who is to check the proofs, which will be emailed as a PDF attachment.
  • Include the name(s) of any sponsor(s) of the research contained in the paper, along with grant number(s).
  • Supply an abstract of up to 300 words for all articles. An abstract is a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusions, and is understandable without reference to the rest of the paper. It should contain no citation to other published work.
  • Include up to ten keywords that describe your paper for indexing purposes.
  • Authors should conform to nomenclature, symbols and abbreviations adopted by the Commission on Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), except where trivial names are preferred or universally accepted. Compounds and figures should be numbered in separate sequences using Arabic numerals.
  • Five categories of paper will be published: Short Communications, Crystallographic Reports, Regular Papers, Working Methods Papers and Reviews. Papers in the first four categories should be submitted to the appropriate editor in the normal way with the category clearly indicated. Reviews will appear by invitation from the Editorial Board or at the initiative of the individual authors. Authors considering submitting a Review should contact the Editors at an early stage. Crystallographic Reports are required to fit on one page (exceptions are possible if deemed necessary by the Editors)and have to be written in the style shown in the free online sample copy, AOC 17(1).
  • For guidelines to the preparation for publication of the results of X-ray crystal structure determination, for both full papers and crystallographic reports, see document below.

Table of contents entries. From January 2004 (Volume 18), Applied Organometallic Chemistry will adopt a graphical style for the table of contents. Authors must submit the text and one figure (chemical structure, chemical reaction, diagram or illustration) for this abstract with the manuscript, on a separate piece of paper, as well as an electronic version of the abstract's text together with the manuscript on a disk. The table of contents entry should include the paper title and the authors?names (with the corresponding author indicated by an asterisk) and should contain the figure and no more than 80 words or 3 sentences of text summarizing the key findings presented in the paper. Summarized text and figure should fit into a box no more than 6.0 cm high and 10.5 cm long.

Reference style. References should be cited by superior numbers and listed at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear in the text. All references must be complete and accurate. Online citations should include date of access. If necessary, cite unpublished or personal work in the text but do not include it in the reference list. References should be listed in the following style:

  1. (for a journal citation) Vouvoulis N, Scrimshaw MD, Lester JN. Appl. Organometal. Chem. 1999; 13: 135.
  2. (for a book citation) Omae I. Applications of Organometallic Compounds. John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Chichester, 1998; 1-10.
  3. (for a chapter within a book) Hegedus LS. Palladium in organic synthesis. In Organometallics in Synthesis - A Manual, Schlosser M (ed); John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Chichester, 1994; 383 - 459.

Journal title abbreviations should follow the American Chemical Society system.

Illustrations. Supply each illustration on a separate sheet, with the lead author's name and the figure number, with the top of the figure indicated, on the reverse. Supply original photographs; photocopies or previously printed material will not be used. Line artwork must be high-quality laser output (not photocopies). Tints are not acceptable; lettering must be of a reasonable size that would still be clearly legible upon reduction, and must be consistent within each figure and set of figures. Supply artwork at the intended size for printing.

The cost of printing colour illustrations in the journal will be charged to the author.

Guidelines for chemical structures.Chemical structures should be prepared in either 77 mm (one column) or 159 mm (two column) widths. However, the one-column format should be used whenever possible as this allows greater flexibility in the layout of the manuscript. Chemical structures should be supplied at the same size as the intended printed version, so that no enlargement or reduction is required.

For drawings prepared with ChemDraw please use the 'ACS Document' setting.

Authors using different structural drawing programs should choose settings consistent with those above. Compound numbers should be bold, but not atom labels or captions.

Copyright. To enable the publisher to disseminate the author's work to the fullest extent, the author must sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, transferring copyright in the article from the author to the publisher, and submit the original signed agreement with the article presented for publication. Copies may be obtained from the journal editor or publisher, or may be printed from this website.

Further information. Typeset proofs will be sent to the designated author for checking, e-mail being used wherever possible. This stage is to be used only to correct errors that may have been introduced during the production process. Prompt return of the corrected proofs, preferably within two days of receipt, will minimise the risk of the paper being held over to a later issue. Twenty-five complimentary offprints will be provided to the author who checked the proofs, unless otherwise indicated. Further offprints and copies of the journal may be ordered. There is no page charge to authors.

Authors in Japan. Wiley-Japan can provide authors in Japan with a list of recommended services to check and improve the English of their papers before submission. Please contact Masayo Kobayashi in the Wiley-Japan office by e-mail (editorial@wiley.co.jp) or fax (03 3556 9763) for more information, stating which journal you are submitting to.


Editorial Board



Peter J. Craig
Department of Chemistry, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK
Tel: +44 (0)116 257 7102
or: +44 (0)116 257 7105 (Department)
Fax: +44 (0)116 257 7287
e-mail: pjcraig@dmu.ac.uk
Peter J. Craig
Department of Chemistry
De Montfort University
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK
e-mail: pjcraig@dmu.ac.uk
William R. Cullen
Department of Chemistry
University of British Columbia
2036 Main Mall, Vancouver
B.C. Canada
e-mail: wrc@chem.ubc.ca
Jun Yoshinaga
Institute of Environmental Studies
University of Tokyo
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
e-mail: junyosh@k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Peter J. Craig
Department of Chemistry
De Montfort University
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK
e-mail: pjcraig@dmu.ac.uk
Jörg Feldmann
Department of Chemistry
University of Aberdeen
Meston Walk, Old Aberdeen
AB24 3UE, UK
e-mail: j.feldmann@abdn.ac.uk
X. Chris Le
Department of Public Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
University of Alberta
Clinical Sciences Bldg
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: xc.le@ualberta.ca
Helmut Bönnemann
Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
Postfach 10 13 53
D-45466 Mülheim an der Ruhr
e-mail: boennemann@mpi-mulheim.mpg.de
Richard M. Laine
Department of Materials Science
  and Engineering Chemistry
Macromolecular Science
  and Engineering Center
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136, USA
e-mail: RickLaine@mse.engin.umich.edu
Marcel Gielen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B.)
High Resolution NMR Centre
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
e-mail: mgielen@vub.ac.be
Narayan Hosmane
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Northern Illinois University
De Kalb IL 60115, USA
e-mail: nhosmane@niu.edu
Edward R.T. Tiekink
Department of Chemistry
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117543
e-mail: chmtert@nus.edu.sg
Rudolph Willem
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B.)
High Resolution NMR Centre
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
e-mail: rwillem@vub.ac.be
Jörg Feldmann
Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen, Meston Walk, Old Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, UK
e-mail: j.feldmann@abdn.ac.uk

K.M. Baines
London, ON, Canada
V.I. Bregadze
Moscow Russia
M.I. Bruce
Adelaide, Australia
J.S. Casas
Santiago de Compostela
O.F.X. Donard
Talence, France
L.C. Ebdon
Plymouth, UK
J. C. Edmonds
Leicester, UK
W. Goessler
Graz, Austria
R.M. Harrison
Birmingham, UK135:
C.E. Holloway
North York, ON, Canada
G. Jaouen
Paris, France
R.O. Jenkins
Leicester, UK
B. Jousseaume
Talence, France
K. Jurkschat
Dortmund, Germany
G. Lawson
Leicester, UK
J. Lewis
Cambridge, UK
E. Lukevics
Riga, Latvia
S. Maeda
Kagoshima, Japan
R.J. Maguire
Ontario, Canada
W. Maher
Bruce, Australia
B. Marciniec
Poznan, Poland
K.C. Malloy
Bath, UK
S.W. Ng
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
J. Otera
Okayama, Japan
L. Pellerito
Palermo, Italy
V.S. Petrosyan
Moscow, Russia
M.D. Rausch
Amherst, USA
F. Ribot
Paris, France
D. Seyferth
Cambridge, MA, USA
L. Sita
College Park, MD, USA
J. Wardell
Aberdeen, UK
R. West
Madison, USA
B. Wrackmeyer
Bayreuth, Germany


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