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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The purpose of Applied Mathematics Letters is to provide a means of rapid publication for important but brief applied mathematical papers with the best possible typography that a camera-ready publication can provide. It is the intent of the editors to put this journal on the path of continuous evolutionary process insofar as the technicalities of printing and publication are concerned. Our intention is to guarantee that the time elapsed between the receipt of a paper in our editorial offices and publication shall not be more than 90 days on average. The brief descriptions of any work involving a novel application or utilization of mathematics, or a development in the methodology of applied mathematics is a potential contribution for this journal. All areas of mathematics are appropriate: from number theory through Lie algebras to differential games. All application areas are welcome as well, be it computer science, physics, anthropology, fluid dynamics or any other of the main fields of endeavor, where mathematics is used in nontrivial ways.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Requirements
All Papers
One of the principal aims of Applied Mathematics Letters is to provide a very fast means of publication for typeset quality, short, applied mathematical papers. This is why we have four categories of submission:
AMS-TEX and LATEX papers
Other typeset papers
'Plain' TEX papers

Typewritten papers.
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS. Papers may be submitted to any member of the Editorial Board, or direct to the Managing Editor. Authors should select carefully from our large Editorial Board the one member whose field of interest is closest to the work submitted. In order to shorten the time involved in the reviewing process, provide a list of SIX possible reviewers' names with full addresses on your letter of transmittal. There may arise situations where we may use one of those names in addition to our list of regular referees. The suggested reviewers should be from the general geographical region of the editor to whom the manuscript is sent, so as to minimize the turn-around time between the editor and the reviewers.
TYPING. Manuscripts should be typed or printed double-spaced on one side of the page only, with wide margins. Please note that for all categories of papers, in addition to any electronic version, three hard copies of each must be sent to the cognizant editor. Because of the six typeset page limit authors are encouraged to write concisely. The title should be brief. All papers should contain a short abstract and keywords. In the case of co-authors, it should be clearly indicated who is to receive correspondence and proofs for correction.
NOTATION. Because of the international character of the Journal, no rules concerning notation or abbreviation need be observed by the authors, but each paper should be self-consistent as to symbols and units which should all be properly defined. All authors should try to adhere to and be guided by A Manual for Authors, published by the American Mathematical Society, PO Box 6248, Providence, RI 02904, USA.
SYMBOLS. All mathematical symbols may be either hand- or typewritten, but no ambiguities should arise. Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified in the margin. A vector will be printed in bold face; to indicate this, the letter should be underscored with a single wavy line.

REFERENCES must be quoted in the text in square brackets, i.e., [2] or [2, p. 51], and grouped at the end of the paper in numerical order of appearance. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those given in the World List of Scientific Periodicals (latest edition). References should be arranged as follows:
Journal articles: 1. O. Rojo and R. Soto, New conditions for the additive inverse eigenvalue problem for matrices, Computers Math. Applic. 23 (11) 41-46 (1992).
Papers in a collection: 2. G.M. Nielson, Coordinate free scattered data interpolations, In Topics in Multivariate Approximation, (Edited by L.L. Schumaker et al.), pp. 175-184, Academic Press, New York, (1987).
Books: 3. R.A. Adams, Sobolev Spaces, Academic Press, New York (1975).

ILLUSTRATIONS. Authors should supply graphs and tables on separate pages, but indicate the desired location in the text. These should include all relevant details and be produced on a laser printer or alternatively, professionally drawn in black ink on plain white paper. Drawings should be about twice the final size required and lettering must be clear, "open" and sufficiently large to permit the necessary reduction of size.

PAGE PROOFS will be sent to the author (or the corresponding author) for checking (except for TEX versions; see below). The original manuscript and diagrams will be discarded after publication unless the Editor is notified.

REPRINTS. Twenty-five reprints of each paper will be supplied to the senior author gratis. Additional reprints may be purchased through an order form accompanying the acceptance letter. The reprint order form must be returned to the Editorial Offices before publication, or a 50% late surcharge will apply.

These require the least amount of work for our typesetting process and will ordinarily be published within three months of acceptance. Papers submitted in this form will also be subject to our regular refereeing process; however, the author(s) will not receive final proofs. The processes of typesetting and proof exchange in such situations may not be necessary and could decrease publication time by several months.
While we accept and publish papers submitted in LATEX, our preferred format is AMS-TEX.
For the specific 'style file' which we use, you may contact our editorial office via e-mail at rodin@rodin.wustl.edu, or by phone at (314) 935-5806. Specify AMS-TEX or LATEX style file.
Complete instructions concerning the use of TEX in general, and of AMS-TEX in particular, are to be found in The Joy of TEX, published by the American Mathematical Society. Complete instructions concerning the use of LATEX can be found in the book LATEX by Leslie Lamport.

To submit a manuscript, send a 3.5" or 5.25" diskette (formatted to Macintosh or DOS) of the TEX file with three hard copies of the printout to any of the Editors. The computer file may be sent via e-mail rather than on diskette.
All the information needed can be found in the TEXbook by Donald Knuth. We will convert the file to AMS-TEX here, before sending the galley proof to you.
All other electronic papers are transcribed to the AMS-TEX format in our office, just as typewritten papers are. These include manuscripts prepared by software packages such as Word PerfectTM, Microsoft WordTM, etc. Authors are then sent a galley proof for correction.
If possible, send any electronic version that may be available on a 3.5" or 5.25" diskette (formatted to Macintosh or DOS), as the use of these can also speed up the publication process. ASCII files should be included on diskettes for all electronic versions other than TEX.

To submit, please mail three copies of the manuscript to any of the Editors. Authors must be careful in their estimate as to how long their paper is going to be after it is transcribed in the editorial offices in the AMS-TEX format, so as not to exceed the six typeset page limit.
For complete up-to-date addresses of Editors please check the link to the Editorial Board at the beginning of these instructions. 

Editorial Board
Managing Editor:
Ervin Y. Rodin, Department of Systems Science and Mathematics, Campus Box 1040, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA Email: rodin@wustl.edu
Editorial Assistant:
C. Zimmerman, Department of Systems Science and Mathematics, Campus Box 1040, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St.Louis,MO 63130-4899, U.S.A.
Editorial Board:
R.P. Agarwal, Florida Institute of Technology, USA Email: agarwal@fit.edu
R. Ahlswede, Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, Bielefield, Germany
A.S. Alekseev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, , Email: aleks@sscc.ru
W. Alt, Universität Bonn, Germany, Email: wolf.alt@uni-bonn.de
A. Ambrosetti, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy, Email: ambr@sissa.it
S.M. Amin, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
H.T. Banks, NC State University, USA
C. Bardos, Universit?de Paris 7, Paris, Email: bardos@cmla.ens-cachan.fr
A. Bensoussan, President, CNES, Paris, France, Email: Alain.Bensoussan@cnes.fr
P. Bernhard, INRIA,Valbonne, France, Email: bernhard@mirsa.inria.fr
P. Boggs, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, USA Email: boggs@cam.nbs.gov
F. Brezzi, Istituto di Analisi Numerica del CNR, Pavia, Italy, Email: brezzi@dragon.ian.pv.cnr.it
P.L. Butzer, Lehrstuhl A für Mathematik, Aachen, Germany, Email: butzer@rwth-aachen.de
C. Cercignani, Instituto di Matematica Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Email: carcer@mate.polimi.its
N. Cercone, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Email: ncercone@uwaterloo.ca
S.B. Childs, Texas A & M University, Texas, USA, Email: bart@cs.tamu.edu
F. Clarke, Universit?Lyon I La Doua, Villeurbanne, France, Email: clark@jonas.univ-lyon1.fr
B. Codenotti, Inst. Di Matematica Computazionale, Pisa, Italy, Email: codenotti@imc.pi.cnr.it
T.F. Coleman , Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, Email: coleman@cornell.edu
J.R. Cox Jr, Washington University, MO, USA, Email: jrs@cs.wustl.edu
R. Dautray, Haut-Commissaire, France
A.W.M. Dress, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, Email: dress@mathematik.uni-bielefield.de
I. Ekeland, All submissions intended for, Prof. Ekeland are to be sent to, the office of the Managing Editor.
B. Fuchssteiner, University of Paderborn, Germany
S. Gelfand, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, U.S.A., Email: sxg@ams.org
J. Glimm, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY, U.S.A., Email: glimm@nyu.edu
K. Glover, Cambridge University, UK, Email: kg@eng.cam.ac.uk
R. Glowinski, University of Houston, TX, USA
I. Gohberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Email: gohberg@math.tau.ac.il
A. Goldberg, NEC Research Institute Inc., USA, Email: avg@research.nj.nec.com
R.L. Graham, University of California at San Diego, USA
G.J. Habetler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, U.S.A., Email: habetg@rpi.edu
F. Harary, New Mexico State University, USA, Email: fnh@nmsu.edu.csnet
M. Iri, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, Email: iri@ise.chu-u.ac.jp
R. Janssen, Munich Reinsurance Company, Germany, Email: rjanssen@munichre.com
R.E. Kalman, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zürich, Switzerland, Email: u9120@czheth5a.bitnet
P. Kaps, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Email: Peter.KAPS@uibk.ac.at
H.K. Kuiken, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Email: kuiken@win.tue.nl
A. Kurzhanski, Moscow State University, Russia,
T.J. Laffey, University College Dublin, Ireland, Email: tlaffey@irlearn
L. Lamport, Compaq, Palo Alto, USA, Email: lamport@pa.dec.com
P.D. Lax, New York University, USA, Email: lax@cims.nyu.edu
G. Lebon, Universite de Liége, Belgium
M. Levi, Penn State University, PA, USA
S.A. Levin, Princeton University, USA, Email: simon@eno.princeton.edu
P.L. Lions, Univ. Paris IX Dauphine, France
W.F. Lucas, Claremont Graduate School, USA, Email: bill.lucas@cgu.edu
P. Markowich, Unicversity of Vienna, Austria, Email: marko@aurora.tuwien.ac.at
B.J. Matkowsky, Northwestern University, USA, Email: b-matkowsky@nwu.edu
G. McCalla, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Email: mccalla@cs.usask.ca
N. Metropolis, Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA
A. Nachman, AFSOR, USA
J.R. Ockendon, University of Oxford, UK, Email: ejam@maths.ox.ac.uk
J.T. Oden, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
S.A. Orszag, Princeton University, USA, Email: sao@acm-vax.princeton.edu
E.L. Ortiz, Imperial College of Science and Technology, UK
R.S. Palais, Brandeis University, USA, Email: palais@binah.cc.brandeis.edu
L. Pandolfi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Email: ilucipan@polito.it
Jong-Shi Pang, Johns Hopkins University, USA, Email: msc-wjp@jhuvms.bitnet
N. Papamichael, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, Email: nickp@pythagoras.mas.ucy.cy
L.A. Peletier, Leiden University, The Netherlands, Email: peletier@wi.leidenuniv.nl
I. Prigogine, University of Brussels, Belgium
W.C. Rheinboldt, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Email: wcrhein@vms.cis.pitt.edu
E.Y. Rodin, Washington University, USA
D.J. Rose, Duke University, USA, Email: djr@duke.edu
T.L. Saaty, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Email: saaty@vms.cis.pitt.edu
J.C. Saut, Universit?Paris-Sud, France, Email: jean-claude.saut@math.u-psud.fr
M.H. Schultz, Yale University, USA
D. Serre, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France, Email: serre@umpa.ens-lyon.fr
M. Slemrod, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Email: slemrod@math.wisc.edu
R.P. Srivastav, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY, USA, Email: srivasta@ams.sunsb.edu
H.J. Stetter, Technical University, Austria, Email: stetter@uranus.tuwien.ac.at
R. Temam, Universit?de Paris-Sud, France
R.P. Tewarson, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, Email: tewarson@ams.sunysb.edu
S.C.C. Ting, M.I.T, USA
J.F. Traub, Columbia University, USA
J.N. Tsitsiklis, M.I.T., USA, Email: jnt@mit.edu
A. Tucker, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA, Email: tucker@ams.sunysh.edu
P.M. Van Dooren, Universit?Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Email: vdooren@anma.ucl.ac.be
E.L. Wachspress, Windsor, USA, Email: genewachs@compuserve.com
G.C. Wake, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, Email: g.wake@math.canterbury.ac.nz
T.M. Witten, Virginia Commonwalth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA Email: twitten@vcu.edu
L.A. Zadeh, University of California, USA, Email: zadeh@cs.berkeley.edu



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