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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Applied Mathematics and Computation


Applied Mathematics and Computation addresses work at the interface between applied mathematics, numerical computation, and applications of systems ?oriented ideas to the physical, biological, social, and behavioral sciences, and emphasizes papers of a computational nature focusing on new algorithms, their analysis and numerical results.

In addition to presenting research papers, Applied Mathematics and Computation publishes review articles and single–topics issues.

Please also visit the Electronic Service of Applied Mathematics and Computation atExternal link http://www.elsevier.com/locate/amc.

Bibliographic & ordering Information
ISSN: 0096-3003
Commenced publication 1975


Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts may be submitted to the Editors, Dr. Melvin Scott, 11326 Aristotle Drive, Number 203, Fairfax, VZ 22030, USA, and Dr. John L. Casti, Complexica Inc. 552 Agua Fria St., Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA, or to any of the Associate Editors. Authors should submit an original and four copies of the manuscript. Please make sure to include a complete address for the corresponding author with telephone and facsimile numbers and e-mail addresses.

Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under the U.S. Copyright Law.

Manuscript Format: Authors should provide an original and four copies of the manuscript, typed on one side, DOUBLE SPACED, with 1 to 1?inch margins, on 8?x 11 inch paper, and should be organized using the guidelines below.

The manuscript should be organized as follows:
Title page: Include title, authors, affiliations of authors, and address for correspondence and proofs. If the title exceeds 45 characters, include a short running title.
Abstract: Include a short one -paragraph abstract of up to 200 words (or, in the case of a very long paper, 300 words).
Keywords: Include a list of 5 to 10 keywords or phrases that best describe the overall contents of the article for indexing and retrieval purposes.
Notation: Use typewritten letters, numbers, and symbols wherever possible. Identify special symbols when they first occur, including boldface, script letters, etc. Distinguish between the Arabic number "1" and the letter "l" and between zero and the letter "O", capital or lower case, whenever confusion might result.
Tables: Should be typed on separate sheets. Arabic numerals should be used in numbering tables.
References: Citation of references in the text is indicated by full-sized bracketed numbers, i.e., [1]. References should be listed at the end of the article in the ORDER CITED in the text, and should conform to the following style.
Journal: J. S. Bramley, The numerical solution of unstable ordinary differential equations. Appl. Math.Comput. 4:307-316 (1978).
Book: R. Varga, Matrix Interactive Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Clifs, NJ, 1962, p.219.
Chapter of Book: K. Fan, On systems of linear inequalities, in Linear Inequalities and Related Systems (H.W. Kuhn and A.W. Tucker, Eds.), Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 38, Princeton Univ. Press, 1950.
Theses and Reports: B.E. Cain, Inertia Theory for Operators on a Hilbert Space. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1968.

Figures. Illustrations should be submitted as original line drawings or glossy photostats of originals, as professionally done as possible, complete and ready for photoreproduction. Lettering and data points should be large enough so when reduced to fit on the journal page (4 5/16 in. width x 7 in. depth maximum) they can be read with ease. Figure captions should appear on a separate sheet.

Web Submission Site:

Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically by using online manuscript submission at http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/amc. At the same time, it should be emphasized that either submission via the online (preferred) or hardcopy submission should be made, but not both. Authors interested in online submission are requested to go to the website and upload their manuscript and its associated artwork. An electronic (PDF) proof is generated and the reviewing process is carried out using that PDF. It is crucial that all graphical and tabular elements be placed within the text, so that the PDF is suitable for reviewing. This will also allow the preferred position of placement to be indicated; however please note that due to journal conventions, it may not be possible to meet all requirements for placement of artwork. Moreover, the PDF file may be edited after acceptance to follow journal standards. Authors and editors send and receive all correspondence by email via the website and no paper correspondence is performed.

Proofs. The corresponding author receives proofs, which should be corrected and returned to the Publisher within 48 hours of receipt.

Page charges and reprints. There are no page charges. Reprints may be ordered prior to publication. Order forms are included with author proofs.
For complete up-to-date addresses of Editors please check the link to the Editorial Board at the beginning of these instructions.


Editorial Board



J. L. Casti
Complexica, Inc. 552 Agua Fria St., Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA, Email: castiwien@cs.com
M. Scott
13517 Maverick Lane, Herndon, Virginia, VA 20171, USA., Email: MScott8223@aol.com

Senior Associate Editor:

U. Trottenberg GMD/FIT
St. Augustin, Germany

Associate Editors:

R. Agarwal
Melbourne, Florida, USA
G. Chaitin
Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
M. Diestler
Vienna, Austria
L. Duckstein
Tucson, AZ, USA
M. Golberg
Las Vegas, NV, USA
D. Hicks
Houghton, MI, USA
A. Jameson
Princeton, NJ, USA
G. Klir
Binghamton, NY, USA
V. Lakshmikantham
Melbourne, FL, USA
C. Martin
Lubbock, TX, USA
A. Miele
Houston, FL, USA
S. Rinaldi
Milan, Italy
T. Saaty
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
K. Sigmund
Vienna, Austria
H. Srivastava
Victoria, BC, Canada
L. Tesfatsion
Ames, IA, USA
F. Udwadia
Los Angeles, CA, USA
S. Ueno
Ishikawa, Japan
E. Wood
Princeton, NJ, USA

Founding Editor:

R. Kalaba


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