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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Applied Engineering in Agriculture
An International Journal of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers

Applied Engineering in Agriculture emphasizes the practical applications of leading-edge research in every area of engineering for agriculture, food, and other biological systems. Authors from around the world representing industry, education and government share practical experience, studies of unique installations or applications, successful methods of technology transfer, and critical reviews of new technology. The latest techniques and approaches for field equipment, food processing, farmstead systems, energy, irrigation, drainage, farm structures, storage and handling, electronics, natural resources, and other related topics provide readers tools needed to solve challenges in a wide range of areas. In addition to technical accuracy, the articles in this peer-reviewed journal must represent original, useful contributions to engineering for agriculture, food, and other biological systems.

Instructions to Authors

Authors' Guide

All submitted manuscripts must be consistent with the purpose of ASAE as set forth in its Constitution and must not contain purely speculative matter. However, scientific evidence can be used to challenge current ideas or propose new ideas that will encourage progress and discussion. All material to be published must be free of evident commercialism or advancement of any private interest, and must neither obscure proper names required for an understanding of the subject matter nor contain material that can be used to imply Society endorsement of a product, service, etc. All material to be published must be free of personalities, either complimentary or derogatory.

Manuscript Submission

It is helpful, but not required, to prepare your manuscript using ASAE Manuscript Templates and to follow the Journal Manuscript Format. Please include line numbers and page numbers on each page (the templates will do this for you).

If your employer requires internal approval of the content, please complete the approval process prior to submission.

To submit a new manuscript online, go to http://asaejournals.manuscriptcentral.com/, create a new account or log in to the Author Center, and follow the instructions there for electronically submitting the first draft of a new manuscript.

If you do not have access to the internet, you may send your manuscript on disk (floppy, zip, or CD) along with one paper copy and the Copyright Transfer Form to: Nancy Vanderveen, ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI USA 49085-9659.

Copyright Transfer Form

A complete Copyright Transfer Form must accompany your submitted journal manuscript. (Note: The Copyright Transfer Form replaces the earlier Manuscript Submission Form.) The manuscript will not be reviewed until the Copyright Transfer Form is received. The form is available in the following formats:

¡¤  Word format, click here CopyrightForm.doc

¡¤ PDF format, click here CopyrightForm.pdf  (NOTE: You may type directly into this pdf file from Acrobat Reader and then print the form; however, Acrobat Reader does not permit you to save the information you typed into the form.)

Peer Review and Publication

After your manuscript is submitted, the review process is as follows:

1.   The ASAE manuscript coordinator checks the manuscript and the Copyright Transfer Form for completeness and routes the manuscript to the appropriate division editor. Manuscripts for the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health are first modified to remove author names so that the review is double-blind.

2.   The division editor routes it to the appropriate ASAE associate editor.

3.   The associate editor sends the manuscript to two or more qualified reviewers.

4.   The reviewers send their comments and recommendations to the associate editor. Note: This peer-review stage may take three months or longer.

5.   The associate editor evaluates the reviewers' comments along with the manuscript and makes a recommendation to the division editor. The division editor evaluates the recommendation and notifies the author of the manuscript status. The manuscript may be:

¡¤  Accepted for publication as is,

¡¤ Accepted for publication with minor changes, with no re-review necessary,

¡¤  Accepted for publication after substantial revision and additional review, or

¡¤ Rejected. The subject matter may be unsuitable for publication in any of the ASAE journals.

The comments of the anonymous reviewers will be forwarded to you, and also may be viewed at your Author Center at http://asaejournals.manuscriptcentral.com/.

When you are ready to submit your revised manuscript, return to your Author Center and follow the instructions for "Manuscripts to be Revised." View the comments of the editors and reviewers, and respond to them by telling what modifications you have made in your manuscript or why you have not made the suggested changes. Then, upload your revised manuscript. The revised manuscript and your comments will be routed back to the associate editor. The editor will check your revisions and send the manuscript out for additional review if necessary. When the manuscript is in its final form, it is approved for publication and the final files are routed to ASAE staff for publication.

Note that revisions must be completed and submitted within six months after you received the reviewers' comments. Late manuscripts may be rejected.

The ASAE publication staff will send you an edited version of the manuscript for your review, followed by page proofs. Please respond to these proofs quickly. Only minor editorial and layout issues can be addressed at this time. If substantial changes are necessary, the manuscript will be returned to the editor for review.

Electronic File Formats

For journal production, ASAE staff uses the files you uploaded, not the PDF conversion that is circulated for review. We can accept a variety of electronic file formats, but please keep the following in mind as you gather data and prepare your manuscript:

Word processing: Microsoft Word is preferred, but we can also accept Word Perfect.

Graphics: There are many different graphics formats, but the general rule is that if you can insert a file into Microsoft Word, then we will probably be able to use that file in our process. If you cannot insert the file, please upload the native electronic file and, if you can, submit a PDF (or mail a paper printout that we can scan). We can use Photoshop files but not Freehand or Illustrator. TIFF is recommended, and JPG is also fine. Digital photos must be at least 300 dpi (i.e., medium to high file size and quality).

Spreadsheet programs: We can use charts and graphs from Excel. If you are using another spreadsheet program, then try to "save as" Excel, if possible.

Presentation programs: We can extract images from PowerPoint.

Desktop publishing: We cannot use files created with page-layout programs such as Quark, PageMaker, etc.

Page Charges

Please note that authors are required to pay, at publication, a page charge based on the number of published journal pages. The current charge is $100 ($110 for non-members) per 8.5 by 11 inch published page in Transactions of the ASAE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture, and $50 ($55 for non-members) per 6 by 9 inch published page in the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. You will be advised of the total page charges when you receive the page proofs and billed when your article is published.


Up to 50 reprints are provided at no extra charge, and additional reprints with custom covers may be ordered. If you would prefer to distribute the reprints electronically rather than by paper, ASAE grants permission for you to post the PDF to your personal or organizational website and distribute the PDF electronically or in print form.

Website Posting

ASAE staff will notify you when the article is published and posted to the Technical Library at the ASAE website (http://www.asae.org/). ASAE Technical Library material is posted in both HTML and PDF formats. Searches and abstracts are available to all users. Full text is available to ASAE members and to users affiliated with institutions that have purchased a site license. Authors will be provided with guest access.

Editorial Board


Division Editors
Gerald N. Flerchinger, USDA ARS
Robert J. Gustafson, Ohio State University
Bruce R. Hartsough, University of California Davis
James A. Lindley, Curry-Wille & Assoc
Thomas R. Way, USDA ARS
Luther R. Wilhelm University of Tennessee
Roy E. Young, Penn State University

Published By
Applied Engineering in Agriculture is published by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers



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