

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Image of Publication 

The Appita Journal is the journal of the Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry. It is published six times per year with subscribers including members, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, suppliers, libraries and government departments.

Regular features include industry news, articles, peer-reviewed papers, technical notes, supplier notes, conference calendar, section reports, membership information, corporate news and industry developments.

Instructions to Authors

The Journal
Appita Journal publishes original manuscripts related to the
pulp and paper industry, and associated fields such as forestry
and wood technology, paper products, and printing and
converting processes.
Papers may be submitted directly as follows:
Mr Ralph Coghill
Editor, Appita Journal
Email: Ralph@appita.com.au
Or alternatively to:
Emeritus Professor Robert Johnston,
Peer Review Editor, Appita Journal,
Email: Robert.johnston@eng.monash.edu.au
Or mailed on electronic media to:
The Editor, Appita Journal,
Suite 47, 255 Drummond Street
Carlton Vic 3053 Australia
Authors’ Responsibilities
Authors are responsible for the originality of the work,
permission to publish, permission to reproduce any cited
figures, proofreading and of keeping Appita up to date of any
changed contact details, in particular email addresses.
Publication Agreement
Papers are accepted for publication on the condition that the
authors sign a Publication Agreement giving Appita the
exclusive right to publish the manuscript. Ownership of
intellectual property remains with the authors, and they retain
the right to reproduce the article for non-commercial
purposes; to prepare derivative works from the article and to
authorise others to make any non-commercial use of the
article as long as the original publication in Appita Journal is
Peer Review Process
Each paper submitted for peer review will be refereed by one
or more reviewers, chosen by the Peer Review Editor, who
will make a critical appraisal of the substance and structure of
the paper and recommend whether it should be published
taking into consideration what is already published in the
literature on the subject concerned. After review the Peer
Review Editor will provide the author with a response
consistent with the reviewers comments. He will advise the
author whether the paper is rejected, requiring major revision
or requiring minor revision. The author then has an
opportunity to revise the paper in accordance with the
reviewers comments. If the paper is formally accepted, it is
edited for printing and then published generally in order of
acceptance date of the final manuscript.
Authors are advised when their paper is to be printed and will
be sent typeset proofs for correction. Authors who will be
absent when proofs are due should nominate someone to act
on their behalf to check the copy.

Authors reprints
The corresponding author will receive a complimentary PDF
of their paper. Printed copies, with specially printed cover,
stapled and free of other content, are available on order from
Appita (fees apply depending on number ordered).
Manuscript Preparation
Format – The manuscript must be submitted electronically,
by email or mailed on electronic media as a Microsoft Word
document. Tables and graphics must be embedded in the
document, at the appropriate position in the text, and may be
supplied separately as tiff, eps, or jpeg files if resolution of the
embedded graphic is inadequate. The paper should not
exceed 6000 words and should contain no more than twelve
figures. Papers larger than this may be subject to a fee to
cover publication costs of AUD 500.00 per typeset page. The
manuscript should be written in such a style as to be
understandable to readers who are only broadly familiar with
the general field without diminishing the detail and impact of
the scientific and technological findings. The tables and
figures should be as simple and concise as possible.
Micrographs should include a scale to indicate real
Colour – Authors are encouraged to use colour in the figures
in their manuscript. Accepted manuscripts are typeset in
colour, and if space allows we will print in colour. Priority
will be given to papers where colour is essential for
interpretation of the image.
Authors’ Details – Please include full first name, initials and
last name immediately under the title of the paper, with
superscript numbers (not symbols) to reference their details.
The authors’ positions and company addresses must be
shown, on separate lines, below the line of authors names. For
Warren Batchelor1, Jihong He2 and R. Paul Kibblewhite3
1Senior Lecturer
2Post-Doctoral Student
Australian Pulp and Paper Institute
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
3Research Scientist
Ensis Papro, Rotorua, New Zealand
Title – The main purpose of the title is to help abstracting
services and libraries to classify the paper.
Summary – The summary should be no more than 150 words.
Keywords – At least five keywords to help abstracting
services to classify the paper, must be provided.
Conclusion – The conclusion should be concise and should
not make references to planned future work.
References – References must not include unpublished work.
They should be numbered according to the order they appear
in the text, in italic round brackets, for example (7). The style
to be used is shown in the following examples:
For Journals:
(1) Covey, G.H. and Nguyen, K.L. – Chloride management in a
closed ECF bleach plant, Appita J. 49(5):332 (1996).
For Books:
(2) Padanyi, Z.V. – Physical aging and glass transition: effects
on the mechanical properties of paper and board, In Baker
C.F. (ed.) Products of Papermaking, Pira, UK, p.521 (1993).

For Conferences and Conference preprints:
(3) Lloyd, J., Allison, R. and Horne, C. – Laboratory kraft
pulping with low dissolved solids concentrations, Proc. 51st
Appita Ann. Gen. Conf., Melbourne, p.565 (1997).
For Patents:
(4) Wallis, A.F.A and Wearne, R.H. Chemical cellulose. Aust.
Pat. Appl. PJ 3803/98 (1989).
For internal publications:
(5) NZ Meterological Service – The climate and weather of the
Bay of Plenty region, NZMS Misc. Pub. 115 (1984).
Writing Style
Spelling and the use of capitals – Spelling should be
according to the Macquarie Dictionary. Please set your
spelling dictionary to English (Australian) in Microsoft Word,
to avoid some US spellings slipping through (e.g. ‘fibre’ not
‘fiber’). The use of capitals should be avoided except for
proper nouns. English (Australian) allows the use of either ‘z’
or ‘s’ in certain words such as ‘maximise’. Our preference is
to use ‘s’. The names of parts of a mill or of operational
details should not be capitalised, e.g. 'pilot plant' not 'Pilot
Plant', 'machine direction' not 'Machine Direction'.
The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors and The
Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors are
used as supplementary style guides.
Abbreviations and symbols – Abbreviations other than for
units of measurement, should be confined to common terms
(e.g., etc, viz) and to easily recognised terms which are
repeated. The term should be given in full when it first
appears followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.
The symbol ‘%’ should only be used in conjunction with
numbers, otherwise ‘per cent’ should be used.
The word ‘Figure’ should be spelled out when used in the
text, but abbreviated to ‘Fig.’ when mentioned in parenthesis
or in the caption to an illustration.
Some frequently used abbreviations:
A ampere
ac alternating current
a.d. air dry
approx. approximately
BOD biological oxygen demand
conc. concentration
m/v mass/volume
CD cross direction
min minute
h hour (not hr)
Kappa No. Kappa number
kg kilogram
CSF Canadian standard freeness (not mL or mL CSF)
dc direct current
cm centimetre
cm2 square centimetre
cm/s centimetre per second
gsm grams per square metre
g/L grams per litre
km kilometre
mm millimetre
L litre (not l)
MD machine direction
MG machine glazed
o.d. oven dry
kWh kilowatt hour
rh relative humidity
r/min revolutions per minute (not rpm)
s.c. stock concentration / stock consistency
s second (not sec)

In the general text, names of chemical elements and
compounds are spelt out. Chemical symbols are not to be used
in the text unless there is a specific reason to do so. Please
note that Australia has adopted the IUPAC spelling of ‘sulfur’
(not ‘sulphur’) and its compounds.
Equations – Each equation should be set on a separate line
and generally numbered using square brackets around the
number, for example [5] .
Headings – Only three types of headings should be used –
main headings, shoulder or sub-headings and run-on or subsub
headings. Where a number of items are listed in separate
paragraphs and require a series of minor subheadings, ‘run
on’ headings can be used.
Italics – Taxonomic names used to denote genera and species
are printed in italics. A genus name should have a capital
initial letter and the species name should be in lower case. The
genus capital letter only may be used following the first full
reference to the species:
Examples: Eucalyptus regnans, then E. regnans
Pinus radiata , then P. radiata
Numerals and units – At the beginning of a sentence all
numbers should be spelt out. When used in the text, round
numbers from one to ten should also be spelt out, but when
used in conjunction with other numbers or to designate
specific quantities of units of measurements they should be
expressed in numerals.
Decimal values below unity should include the zero before the
decimal point, e.g. '0.02'. Approximations should be
expressed in words rather than in numerals, e.g. 'Almost a
thousand runs have been completed'. A range of values should
be expressed as 12 to 18 mm, and not 12–18 mm; similarly 12
by 18 mm, and not 12 mm × 18 mm or l2 × 18 mm. For
numerals of large magnitude commas are used to separate
thousands: 1,200,000. Do not use the European convention of
spaces i.e. 1 200 000 as this can cause typesetting difficulties.
No comma is used for numbers 1000 to 9999 except in tables.
Do not use the comma to signify a decimal point – use a stop.
Place a space between the numbers and the unit, for example
0.5 °C not 0.5°C
Quotation Marks – Published work should be referred to by
means of references and not by direct quotation. Double
quotation marks (“ ”) should be used only where a direct
quotation by a person is made. In all other cases single
quotation marks (‘ ’) are to be used, e.g. in conjunction with
trade names or where a phrase or term is being used to have a
special meaning.
Units – All quantitative data must be expressed in SI units as
prescribed in Australian Standard AS 1000 ‘The International
System of Units (SI) and its Application’.
Note: Paper and paperboard density is expressed in g/cm3 and
bulk in cm3/g.
The correct units for tear index are mN.m2/g, for burst index
kPa.m2/g and for tensile index N.m/g.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editor: R. S. Coghill
Peer Review Editor: R. E. Johnston
Section Editor: C. N. Hunter
Technical Review Committee: N. Vanderhoek (Chair),
R. J. Allan, R. W. Allison, M. Ashburn, S. Chopra, T. A. Clark,
M. Cukier, A. Everson, R. Faltas, G. Garnier, S. Malton, I. H.
Parker, D. E. Richardson, A. Walters
Peer Reviewers: R. J. Allan, R. W. Allison, I. Bain, P. Banham,
W. J Batchelor, P. G. Bennett, J. S. Bonham, S. Brine,
R. J. Canty, N. B. Clark, T. A. Clark, V. Coleman, J. Colley,
G. H. Covey, M. Cukier, A. Dickson, G. G. Duffy, A. J. Eagle, A.
Emmanuel, R Evans, A. Farrington, A. G. Flowers, J. French, G.
Garnier, M. P. Gommans, S. Harper, H. G. Higgins, G. Hobbs,
B. Hutton, G. W. Irvine, A. G. Jamieson, A. P. Johnson,
R. P. Johnson, M. Jumpertz, A. J. Keeley, A. J. Kerr,
R. P. Kibblewhite, W. Knox, J. Lloyd, P. N. McFarlane,
A. J. Michell, R. Miotti, J. P. Mulcahy, M. J. Neilson, P. J. Nelson,
K. l. Nguyen, I. H. Parker, F. H. Phillips, W. D. Raverty,
M. Reich, D. E. Richardson, J. D. Richardson, L. R. Schimleck,
Wei Shen, K. R. Stack, I. D. Suckling, J. Tascone,
M. J. Uprichard, N. Vanderhoek, A. F. A. Wallis,
M. R. W. Walmsley, P. Whiteman, N. Wiseman, K Wong,
W. L. Wood


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