

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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主题范畴:Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology;    CLINICAL NEUROLOGY;    REHABILITATION

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aphasiology is concerned with all aspects of language impairment and related disorders resulting from brain damage. It provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of current research and expertise in all aspects of aphasia and related topics, from all disciplinary perspectives. Aphasiology includes papers on clinical, psychological, linguistic and neurological perspectives of aphasia. Studies using a wide range of empirical methods, including experimental, clinical and single case studies, surveys and physical investigations are published in addition to regular features including major reviews, clinical forum, case studies, and book reviews.

Instructions to Authors

Aphasiology publishes several kinds of contribution:

  • review articles - peer-refereed, reflective theoretically based papers exploring existing thinking, methodologies, and presenting new perspectives.
  • research reports - accounts of qualitative and quantitative enquiries, including implications for future practice and directions for future research.
  • clinical forums - discussion and exchanges of views on key clinical issues.
  • research notes - short reports on work of a preliminary nature.
  • book reviews - concise and critical insights into newly published books.

Contacting the Editors:

Professor Chris Code, Department of Psychology, Washington Singer Laboratories, Exeter University, Perry Road, Exeter, EX4 4QG, UK. Email: C.F.S.Code@exeter.ac.uk Tel: +44 01392 264642. Fax: +44 01392 264623

Professor Robert Marshall, College of Health Sciences Building, Room 124-F, 900 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40536-0200, USA

Book Reviews

Books for review, or offers to review a book, should be sent to:

Professor Roelien Bastiaanse, Book Review Editor, Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, PO Box 716, 9700 Groningen, The Netherlands.

Submitting a paper to Aphasiology

Please read these Guidelines with care and attention: failure to follow them may result in your paper being delayed. Note especially the referencing conventions used by Aphasiology and the requirement to avoid gender-, race-, and creed-specific language, and for adherence to the Ethics of Experimentation.

Aphasiology considers all manuscripts at the Editor's discretion; and the Editor's decision is final.

Aphasiology considers all manuscripts on condition they are the property (copyright) of the submitting author(s) and that copyright will be transferred to the journal Aphasiology and Psychology Press Ltd, if the paper is accepted. The publisher will hold copyright on all material published in the journal, including printed, electronic, and other publication formats, in all languages. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the article contains nothing that is libellous or infringes copyright.

Aphasiology considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to Aphasiology , that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication, nor in press elsewhere. Authors who fail to adhere to this condition will be charged all costs which Aphasiology incurs, and their papers will not be published.

  • Submissions should be sent to one of the Editors above
  • Please write clearly and concisely, stating your objectives clearly and defining your terms. Your arguments should be substantiated with well reasoned supporting evidence.
  • In writing your paper, you are encouraged to review articles in the area you are addressing which have been previously published in the journal, and where you feel appropriate, to reference them. This will enhance context, coherence, and continuity for our readers.
  • For all manuscripts, gender-, race-, and creed-inclusive language is mandatory.
  • Ethics of Experimentation: Contributors are required to follow the procedures in force in their countries which govern the ethics of work done with human subjects. The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) represents a minimal requirement.
  • Abstracts are required for all papers submitted, they should not exceed 150 words and should precede the text of a paper; see 'Abstracts'.
  • Manuscripts should be printed on one single side of A4 or 8 x 11 inch white good quality paper, double-spaced throughout, including the reference section.
  • Four copies of the manuscript must be submitted.
  • Authors should include telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail addresses on the cover page of manuscripts.
  • Bionotes should be contained on a separate sheet and be located at the beginning of a paper.
  • Accepted manuscripts in their final, revised versions, should be submitted as Microsoft Word files in PC format on disk, as well as hard copy.

Journal Production Editor: deborah.maloney@psypress.co.uk


Contributors are required to secure permission for the reproduction of any figure, table, or extensive (more than six manuscript lines) extract from the text, from a source which is copyrighted -- or owned -- by a party other than Psychology Press Ltd or the contributor.

This applies both to direct reproduction or 'derivative reproduction' -- when the contributor has created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source.

The following form of words can be used in seeking permission:


    I/we are preparing for publication an article entitled
    to be published by Psychology Press Ltd in Aphasiology.

    I/we should be grateful if you would grant us permission to include the following materials:
    We are requesting non-exclusive rights in this edition and in all forms. It is understood, of course, that full acknowledgement will be given to the source.

    Please note that Psychology Press Ltd are signatories of and respect the spirit of the STM Agreement regarding the free sharing and dissemination of scholarly information.

    Your prompt consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated.

    Yours faithfully


Structured Abstracts:

Authors submitting papers should note that from Volume 16 Issue 1 (2002), the journal is introducing Structured Abstracts. There is good evidence that Structured Abstracts are clearer for readers and facilitate better appropriate indexing and citation of papers.

The essential features of the Structured Abstract are given below. Note in particular that any clinical implications should be clearly stated.

Abstract (Between 150-400 words)
Background: Describe the background to the study;
Aims: State the aims and objectives of the study including any clear research questions or hypotheses.
Methods & Procedures: To include outline of the methodology and design of experiments; materials employed and subject/participant numbers with basic relevant demographic information; the nature of the analyses performed.
Outcomes & Results: Outline the important and relevant results of the analyses.
Conclusions: State the basic conclusions and implications of the study. State, clearly and usefully, if there are implications for management, treatment or service delivery.

Review Abstract:

Background: Outline the background to the review.
Aims: State the primary objective of the paper; the reasons behind your critical review and analyses of the literature; your approach and methods if relevant.
Main Contribution: The main outcomes of the paper and results of analyses; and any implications for future research and for management, treatment or service delivery.
Conclusions: State your main conclusions.


Contributors are required to follow the procedures in force in their countries which govern the ethics of work done with human or animal subjects. The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) represents a minimal requirement.

When experimental animals are used, state the species, strain, number used, and other pertinent descriptive characteristics.

For human subjects or patients, describe their characteristics.

For human participants in a research survey, secure the consent for data and other material -- verbatim quotations from interviews, etc. -- to be used.

When describing surgical procedures on animals, identify the pre anaesthetic and anaesthetic agents used and state the amount of concentration and the route and frequency of administration for each. The use of paralytic agents, such as curare or succinylcholine, is not an acceptable substitute for anaesthetics. For other invasive procedures on animals, report the analgesic or tranquillising drugs used; if none were used, provide justification for such exclusion.

When reporting studies on unanaesthetized animals or on humans, indicate that the procedures followed were in accordance with institutional guidelines.

Specific permission for facial photographs of patients is required. A letter of consent must accompany the photographs of patients in which a possibility of identification exists. It is not sufficient to cover the eyes to mask identity.


Papers should be prepared in the format prescribed by the American Psychological Association. For full details of this format, please see the Publication Manual of the APA (5th edition).

The publishers strongly encourage the submission of final, accepted manuscripts on disk (accompanied by hard copy). Click here for guidelines for presentation of final manuscripts on disk.

Typescripts. The style and format of the typescripts should conform to the specifications given in the Publication Manual of the APA (5th edition). Typescripts should be double spaced on one side only of A4 paper, with adequate margins, and numbered throughout. The title page of an article should contain only:

(1) the title of the paper (as concise as possible), the name(s) of the authors and full postal address(es) of their institution(s);
(2) a short title not exceeding 40 letters and spaces, which will be used for page headlines;
(3) name and address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent;
(4) your telephone, fax and e-mail numbers, as this helps speed of processing considerably.

Abstract. As above.

Headings. Indicate headings and subheadings for different sections of the paper clearly. Do not number headings.

Acknowledgements. These should be as brief as possible and typed on a separate sheet at the beginning of the text.

Permission to quote. Any direct quotation, regardless of length, must be accompanied by a reference citation that includes a page number. Any quote over six manuscript lines should have formal written permission to quote from the copyright owner. It is the author's responsibility to determine whether permission is required from the copyright owner and, if so, to obtain it.

Footnotes. These should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Essential footnotes should be indicated by superscript figures in the text and collected on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript.

Reference citations within the text. Use authors' last names, with the year of publication in parentheses after the last author's name, e.g., "Jones and Smith (1987)"; alternatively: "(Brown, 1982; Jones & Smith, 1987; White, Johnson, & Thomas, 1990)". On first citation of references with three or more authors, give all names in full, thereafter use first author "et al.". If more than one article by the same author(s) in the same year is cited, the letters a, b, c, etc., should follow the year.

Reference list. A full list of references quoted in the text should be given at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of authors' surnames (or chronologically for a group of references by the same authors), commencing as a new sheet, typed double spaced. Titles of journals and books should be given in full, e.g.,


    Baddeley, A. D. (1999). Essentials of human memory. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.

Chapter in edited book:

    Plomin, R., & Dale, P. S. (2000). Genetics and early language development: A UK study of twins. In D. V. M. Bishop & L. B. Leonard (Eds.), Speech and language impairments in children: Causes, characteristics, intervention and outcome (pp. 35-51). Hove, UK: Psychology Press.

Journal article:

    Schwartz, M. F., & Hodgson, C. (2002). A new multiword naming deficit: Evidence and interpretation. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19, 263-288.

Tables. These should be kept to the minimum. Each table should be typed double spaced on a separate sheet, giving the heading, e.g., "Table 2", in Arabic numerals, followed by the legend, followed by the table. Make sure that appropriate units are given. Instructions for placing the table should be given in parentheses in the text, e.g., "(Table 2 about here)".

Figures should only be used when essential. Where possible, related diagrams should be grouped together to form a single figure. Figures should be drawn to professional standards and it is recommended that the linear dimensions of figures be approximately twice those intended for the final printed version. (Maximum printed figure size 181 mm x 114 mm, including caption.) Make sure that axes of graphs are properly labelled, and that appropriate units are given. Each of these should be on a separate page, not integrated with the text. Figures will be reproduced directly from originals supplied by the author(s). These must be of good quality, clearly and completely lettered. Make sure that axes of graphs are properly labelled, and that appropriate units are given. Photocopies will reproduce poorly, as will pale or broken originals. Dense tones should be avoided, and never combined with lettering. Avoid pale tints, especially in bar graphs. Half-tone figures should be clear, highly-contrasted black and white glossy prints.

The figure captions should be typed in a separate section, headed, e.g., "Figure 2", in Arabic numerals. Instructions for placing the figure should be given in parentheses in the text, e.g., "(Figure 2 about here)". More detailed Guidelines for the Preparation of Figure Artwork are available from the publisher: Psychology Press Ltd, 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FA, UK (Email: deborah.maloney@psypress.co.uk).

Statistics. Results of statistical tests should be given in the following form:

"... results showed an effect of group, F(2, 21) = 13.74, MSE = 451.98, p < .001, but there was no effect of repeated trials, F(5, 105) = 1.44, MSE = 17.70, and no interaction, F(10, 105) = 1.34, MSE = 17.70."

Other tests should be reported in a similar manner to the above example of an F -ratio. For a fuller explanation of statistical presentation, see pages 136-147 of the APA Publication Manual (5th ed.). For guidelines on presenting statistical significance, see pages 24-25.

Abbreviations. Abbreviations should be avoided except in the most standard of cases. Experimental conditions should be named in full, except in tables and figures.


Offprints. Contributors receive 50 copies of their printed article free. Additional offprints may be ordered on a form provided by the publishers at a time the proofs are sent to the authors. Please note there are no offprints of any colour plate sections published in the journal. The corresponding author will receive one copy of the journal.

Proofs. Page proofs will be sent to the specified corresponding author of the article to check for typesetting accuracy. No changes to the original typescript will be permitted at this stage. Proofs should be returned promptly with the original copy-edited manuscript and query sheet.

Volume contents and author index. The list of contents and the author index for the whole of the year's issues are published in the last issue of the year of each journal. For Aphasiology, this is issue 12 (December).

Editorial Board


Chris Code - Exeter University, UK
School of Psychology
Washington Singer Laboratories
Exeter University
Perry Road
Exeter, EX4 4QG

North American Editor:

Robert C. Marshall, Ph.D., BC-NCD - College of Health Sciences Building
Room 124-F,
900 S. Limestone,
KY 40536-0200,

Associate Editors:

Sally Byng - City University, London, UK
Lise Menn - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
Xavier Seron - University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Claus W. Wallesch - University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Robert T. Wertz - VA Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA

Book Review Editor:

Roelien Bastiaanse
Faculteit Der Letteren
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
PO Box 716
9700 Groningen
The Netherlands

Editorial Board:

Rolien Bastiaanse - The Netherlands
Marcelo Berthier - Spain
Leo Blomert - The Netherlands
Jason Brown - USA
Hugh Buckingham - USA
Sally Byng - UK
Stefano Cappa - Italy
Patrick Doyle - USA
Susan Edwards - UK
Alison Ferguson - Australia
Carol Fratalli - USA
Elaine Funnell - UK
Professor Guido Gainotti - Italy
Jack Gandour - USA
Ian Garrow - UK
Manfred Herrmann - Germany
Argye Hillis - USA
J.R. Hodges - UK
Audrey Holland - USA
David Howard - UK
Richard Katz - USA
Herman J. Kolk - The Netherlands
Leonard L. LaPointe - USA
Matti Laine - Finland
Library of Congress - USA
Nina Simmons Mackie - USA
Jane Marshall - UK
Professor J C Marshall - UK
Skye McDonald - Australia
Malcolm McNeil - USA
Lise Menn - USA
D. Muller - UK
Bruce Murdoch - Australia
Jean Luc Nespoulous - France
Maria Pachalska - Poland
Claire Penn - South Africa
Brian Petheram - UK
Robert Pierce - USA
Friedmann Pulverm¨¹ller - Germany
Don Robin - USA
Avraham Schweiger - USA
Xavier Seron - Belgium
Leanne Togher - Australia
Connie A.Tompkins - USA
Claus Wallesch - Germany
Robert T. Wertz - USA
Klaus Willmes - Germany
Richard Wise - UK


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