

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Annals of Surgical Oncology is one of the leading journals in Oncology and Surgery. Annals is a monthly publication that features original articles on the latest advances in oncology for surgeons from all specialties.


Annals is currently included in the following indexing services in print and/or electronic format: Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Excerpta Medica, Science Citation Index and Science Citation Index Expanded.


Annals benefits surgeons, oncologists, hematologists, radiologists, general practitioners, pathologists, researchers, academicians, and other clinical professionals interested in all aspects of the surgical treatment of cancer.


Abstracted/Indexed in: Academic OneFile, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Gale, Google Scholar, IBIDS, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Mosby yearbooks, OCLC, PubMed/Medline, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions

Instructions to Authors


The Annals of Surgical Oncology is the official journal of The Society of Surgical Oncology. The Annals publishes original and educational manuscripts ahout oncology for surgeons from all specialties in academic and community settings.

All manuscripts submitted to the Annals must be original; i.e., not published elsewhere (except in abstract form) and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Annals accepts manuscripts prepared according to the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (JAMA 1993;269: 2282-2286) at http://www.icmje.org/.

For more information on our perspective regarding duplicate submission, please see the Consensus Statement on Submission and Publication of Manuscripts, published in June 2001 (Ann of Surg Oncol 2001; 8:382-3).

Peer Review
All manuscripts submitted to the Annals are subject to peer review and editing. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two experts in the field, who may also be members of the Editorial Board. The decision of the Editor is final. Authors are notified of the decision by mail, with reviewer comments, if any.

As noted in the Uniform Requirements: "All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

"Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to (a) concept and design, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and on (c) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions (a), (b), and (c) must all be met. Any part of an article critical to its main conclusions must be the responsibility of at least one author.

"Increasingly, multicenter trials are attributed to a corporate author. All members of the group who are named as authors, either in the authorship position below the title or in a footnote, should fully meet the criteria for authorship as defined in the Uniform Requirements. Group members who do not meet these criteria should be listed, with their permission, under acknowledgments or in the appendix." (JAMA 1993;296:2282-6; www.icmje.org).

For more information on our perspective regarding Scientific Data from Clinical Trials: Investigators' Rights and Responsibilities, please see our statement published in June 2002 (Ann Surg Oncol 2002; 9:421-2).

Authors must indicate in the "Submission Cover Form" which accompanies the manuscript that they are willing to take public responsibility for the work, have reviewed the final version of the manuscript, and if requested, will produce data upon which the manuscript is based.

Copyright and Financial Disclosure
Copyright on all accepted manuscripts will be held by The Society of Surgical Oncology, Inc. It is necessary that a statement be signed by all authors, expressly transferring copyright to the Society in the event the paper is accepted for publication in the Annals. If the authors are or were US Government employees and wrote the work as part of their official duties, they must indicate this fact on the form.

All authors will be asked to complete a confidential disclosure form regarding affiliation with or financial involvement in any organization with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.

The copyright transfer and financial disclosure forms will be sent to the corresponding author from the Editorial Office when receipt of the manuscript is acknowledged. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to obtain the signatures of all authors on both forms.

Experimental Subjects
All authors are expected to abide by accepted ethical standards. In investigations that involve human subjects or laboratory animals, authors should provide an explicit statement in Materials and Methods that the experimental protocols were approved by the appropriate institutional review committee and meet the guidelines of their responsible governmental agency. In the case of human subjects, informed consent is essential.

Address for Contributions:
Editorial Office
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Suite 300
330 John Carlyle Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Telephone: 703-299-1185
Fax: 703-299-1049

The Annals uses the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 9th Edition (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998).

Authors are asked to submit one original manuscript and three copies (typed double-spaced with 1-inch-margins on 8 ? ( 11 paper), for a total of FOUR COPIES. An electronic disk is also required (see "Electronic Disk" below) as well as three complete sets of glossy black and white illustrations (see "Figures" below).

Each manuscript should include a title page, with the title of the paper, each author's full name, highest degree(s), and complete affiliation (department, institution, city, and state); name, complete address, and telephone and fax numbers for correspondence and reprints; four to six key words for indexing, and a running head that is no more than 45 characters. The e-mail address of the corresponding author is required. The last name of the first author should be typed in the top right-hand corner of each page, and the page should be numbered consecutively in the following order: title page, abstract, text of paper, acknowledgments, references, figure legends and tables.

The "Submission Cover Form," available in every journal, is required with every manuscript submission, whether new or revised.

Please note, rejected manuscripts and figures are not returned.

Each manuscript must include a structured abstract of no more than 250 words, divided into the following subheadings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

Authors must provide a brief 1-3 sentence explanation of their articles (except editorials). This abstract will appear in the table of contents.

Acknowledgments of grant support and assistance of others in the study or in the preparation of the manuscript should be made in a separate paragraph following the text and preceding the References (see "
Authorship" above). Acknowledgments should be as concise as possible. Due to page constraints, all appendices and acknowledgments will be published in the online version only. The online availability of the appendix or acknowledgment will be noted in the print version.

References must be cited in consecutive numerical order at first mention in the text and arranged numerically, not alphabetically, on a page titled "References." In each reference, list all authors' names when there are seven or fewer; if there are more than seven, list the first three authors followed by et al.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the references. References must be typed double-spaced. Material cited in the reference list "in press" must have been accepted for publication, not merely submitted for review. Ibid references are not permitted.

Unpublished data and personal communications should not be included in the reference list; rather, this information may be included in the text, with pertinent identification (A. Author, unpublished data) or B. Author, personal communication). The unpublished data of others and personal communications maybe used only when written authorization from the data owner or communicator is submitted with the original manuscript.

Sample References

1. Dehner LP. Primitive neuroectodermal tumor and Ewing's sarcoma. Am J Sury Potbol 1993;17:l-13.

2. Conti CJ, Slaga TJ, Klein-Szanto AJP. Skin Tumors: Experimental and Clinical Aspects (Carcinogenesis: A Comprehensive Survey, vol II). New York: Raven Press, Ltd., 1989.

Book Chapter
3. Wilkins EW Jr, Saita S. Surgery for Lung Cancer: The Massachusetts General Hospital Experience. In: Choi NC, Grillo HC, eds. Thoracic oncology. New York: Raven Press, Ltd., 1983:115-28.


Figures should be cited in consecutive numerical order at first mention in the text. All figures must be labeled on the back with the author's name and figure number (Arabic); the TOP should be clearly indicated. Figures should be no smaller than 3 ?X 5 and no larger than 8 x 10 and should be submitted as unmounted black-and-white glossy illustrations. They must be of high quality and mechanically lettered. Symbols should be large enough to withstand a 50% reduction and should be white on dark backgrounds and black on light backgrounds. High-quality laser-printed black and white computer-generated graphs may be suitable for publication.

Although black-and-white illustrations are preferred for publication, color illustrations will be considered if the author assumes all costs for the color separations and printing. An estimate of the costs will be provided to the author by the publisher before printing color figures.

Please note, figures for rejected manuscripts are not returned.

Each figure must have a descriptive legend typed double-spaced on a separate page after the reference list. Please make the legends as concise as possible. All identifying symbols (arrows, letters, etc.) and abbreviations should be explained clearly in the legend.

Original magnification and staining method should be included. Acknowledgment of previous publication must be noted (see "Permissions" below).


Tables should be cited in consecutive numerical order at first mention in the text and should enhance, not duplicate, information contained in the text. They should be numbered and titled, and typed double spaced on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. All abbreviations should be spelled out, and footnotes to the table indicated with superscript lower case letters. Footnotes to the table should be limited, and extensive description included in the text, not in footnotes, as appropriate. Indication of previous publication must be included in a footnote.

Electronic Disk
An electronic disk is required with all submissions, whether the manuscript is new or revised. The "
Diskette Guidelines/Submission Form," available in every journal, must accompany the disk. Please refer to the guidelines before preparing your disk.



Proofs and Reprints
Page proofs of articles will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail for approval before publication and must be returned within 2 days of receipt; late return may cause a delay in publication. Extensive correction to the page proofs other than for typesetting errors will be charged to the author.

The Annals employs soft proofing. Authors with accepted manuscripts will receive an e-mail approximately six weeks before the publication date. This e-mail will include a user ID and password for downloading galley proofs. Authors are required to review their galley proofs carefully. Reprint ordering information is also provided at the time the galley proofs are released.

Return proofs and the reprint order form to Annals of Surgical Oncology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Author Reprint Dept., 351 West Camden St., Baltimore, MD 21201-2436; USA; fax: (410) 528-4434 (mail via first class or courier; air mail or courier for overseas contributors). Reprints printed after publication of the issue are available to the author, but at a higher cost.

If a figure or table has previously appeared in copyrighted material, or if extensive material is quoted, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher, not the author, of the original work) to reprint it. Full credit to the original publication must be included in the legend of the figure or footnote to the table. Enclose all letters granting permission at the time of the submission of the manuscript. The author is responsible for payment of applicable fees for reprinting previously published material. The use of photographs that identify patients requires a written release form from the patient (or guardian) to do so. Obtaining this release is the author's responsibility, and a copy of the release must accompany the manuscript at the time of submission.

Instructions to Authors
Annals Instructions to Contributors February 2010 v1.pdf

Editorial Board


Charles M. Balch, MD
Professor of Surgery and Oncology
Johns Hopkins Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland


Senior Editor
Mark S. Roh, MD
Chair, Department of Surgery
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Associate Editors

Murray F. Brennan, MD
Chair, Department of Surgery
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center

New York, New York

Kirby I. Bland, MD
Chair, Department of Surgery
University of Alabama
at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama

Edward M. Copeland III, MD
Department of Surgery
University of Florida
College of Medicine
Gainesville, Florida

Donald L. Morton, MD
Director, John Wayne Cancer Institute
St. Johns Health Center
Santa Monica, California

Raphael E. Pollock, MD, PhD
Head, Division of Surgery
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

John E. Niederhuber, MD
Director, University of Wisconsin
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Madison, Wisconsin


Managing Editors
Deb Whippen, Ken Kornfield
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Editorial Office
Alexandria, Virginia

Editorial Assistant
Melissa Nunnally
Annals of Surgical Oncology

Editorial Office
Alexandria, Virginia

Business Manager
Rick Slawny
The Society of Surgical Oncology
Arlington Heights, Illinois

Publication Staff, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Jim Mulligan

Julie Bartynski
Journal Production Editor

Ray Thibodeau
Vice President, Advertising Sales

Christine M. Arnold
Account Manager

Editorial Board


Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Section Editor - Peter W. T. Pisters, MD
Gary N. Mann, MD
Jeffrey F. Moley, MD
Brian O’Sullivan, MD
Samuel Singer, MD
Vernon Sondak, MD

Breast Oncology
Section Editor - S. Eva Singletary, MD
Associate Section Editor - V. Suzanne Klimberg, MD
Benjamin Anderson, MD
David R. Brenin, MD
Tara M. Breslin, MD
Peter J. Dempsey, MD
Kelly K. Hunt, MD
Donald R. Lannin, MD
Eleftherios P. Mamounas, MD
Lisa A. Newman, MD
Craig D. Shriver, MD
Rache M. Simmons, MD
Kimberly J. Van Zee, MD
Donald L. Weaver, MD
David J. Winchester, MD

Endocrine Tumors
Section Editor - Robert Udelsman, MD
H. Richard Alexander, MD
Jeffrey E. Lee, MD
James A. Recabaren, MD

Gastrointestinal Oncology
Section Editor - Nicholas J. Petrelli, MD
Associate Section Editor - Steven A. Curley, MD
Thomas Anthony, MD
John F. Gibbs, MD
Jose G. Guillem, MD
Margaret Kemeny, MD
Vijay P. Khatri, MD
Keith Lillemoe, MD
Paul F. Mansfield, MD
Heidi Nelson, MD
David M. Ota, MD
Miguel A. Rodriguez-Bigas, MD
Richard S. Swanson, MD

Gynecologic Oncology
Section Editor - David M. Gershenson, MD
Robert L. Coleman, MD
Charles Levenback, MD
Carolyn D. Runowicz, MD

Head and Neck Oncology
Section Editor - John A. Ridge, MD, PhD
Thom R. Loree, MD
William M. Lydiatt, MD
Jeffrey N. Myers, MD
Jatin P. Shah, MD
Ashok Shaha, MD

Hepatic and Pancreatic Tumors
Section Editor - Douglas B. Evans, MD
Associate Section Editor - Yuman Fong, MD
Michael A. Choti, MD
Kevin C. Conlon, MD
W. Scott Helton, MD
Martin J. Heslin, MD
Steven D. Leach, MD
David M. Mahvi, MD
Ronald R. Salem, MD
Jean-Nicolas Vauthey, MD
Robert S. Warren, MD

Laboratory Research
Section Editor - Alfred E. Chang, MD
Associate Section Editor - William G. Cance, MD
Richard J. Barth, Jr., MD
James C. Cusack, MD
Jeffrey A. Drebin, MD
Lee M. Ellis, MD
Francesco M. Marincola, MD
Funda Meric-Bernstam, MD
Craig L. Slingluff, Jr., MD

Medical Oncology
Section Editor - Larry Norton, MD
Associate Section Editor - David P. Kelsen, MD
Paul A. Bunn, Jr., MD
Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, MD

Section Editor - Daniel G. Coit, MD
Associate Section Editor - John F. Thompson, MD
Richard Essner, MD
Douglas L. Fraker, MD
Jeffrey E. Gershenwald, MD
Stanley P. L. Leong, MD
Kelly M. McMasters, MD, PhD

Section Editor - Henry Brem, MD
Matthew G. Ewend, MD
Alessandro Olivi, MD
Allen K. Sills, MD

Pediatric Oncology
Section Editor - Eugene S. Wiener, MD
Associate Section Editor - Michael P. LaQuaglia, MD
Andrew M. Davidoff, MD
Charles N. Paidas, MD

Radiation Oncology
Section Editor - Joel E. Tepper, MD
Bruce D. Minsky, MD
Abram Recht, MD
Christopher Willett, MD

Reconstructive Oncology
Section Editor - Geoffrey L. Robb, MD
Peter G. Cordeiro, MD
Joseph M. Serletti, MD
Anthony A. Smith, MD

Thoracic Oncology
Section Editor - Harvey I. Pass, MD
Associate Section Editor - Joe B. Putnam, Jr., MD
Thomas A. D'Amico, MD
David S. Schrump, MD

Urologic Oncology
Section Editor - Paul Russo, MD
Peter R. Carroll, MD
Eric A. Klein, MD
Joel Sheinfeld, MD


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