

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



The Annals of Statistics publishes research papers of the highest quality reflecting the many facets of contemporary statistics. Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality, not on formalism.

The discipline of statistics has deep roots in both mathematics and in substantive scientific fields. Mathematics provides the language in which models and the properties of statistical methods are formulated. It is essential for rigor, coherence, clarity and understanding. Consequently, our policy is to continue to play a special role in presenting research at the forefront of mathematical statistics, especially theoretical advances that are likely to have a significant impact on statistical methodology or understanding. Substantive fields are essential for continued vitality of statistics since they provide the motivation and direction for most of the future developments in statistics. We thus intend to also publish papers relating to the role of statistics in interdisciplinary investigations in all fields of natural, technical and social science. A third force that is reshaping statistics is the computational revolution, and The Annals will also welcome developments in this area.

Instructions to Authors



Manuscripts should be written in LaTex using the imsart package (along with any other desired package) in conjunction with the Annals template. Together these files will set the proper margins and font. Instructions about using both these files, as well as additional tools, can be found at the IMS LaTex support page.

If your manuscript is not written in LaTex, please contact the Production Editor Patrick Kelly for further instructions.



The title should be descriptive and as concise as is feasible, i.e., it should indicate the topic of the paper as clearly as possible, but every word in it should be pertinent (e.g., avoid titles like “On an unsolved problem of …”.)


Abbreviated Title

An abbreviated title to be used as a running head is also required. This should normally not exceed 35 characters.


Affiliations and Addresses

Indicate the present institutional affiliation of each author as you would like it to appear. List the permanent mailing address, email address, and URL (if available) of each author after the references.



Each manuscript is required to contain a summary, clearly separated from the rest of the paper, which will be printed immediately after the title. Its main purpose is to inform the reader quickly of the nature and results of the paper; it may also be used as an aid in retrieving information. The length of a summary will clearly depend on the length and difficulty of the paper, but in general it should not exceed 150 words. Formulas should be used as sparingly as possible within the summary. The summary should not make reference to results or formulas in the body of the paper-it should be self-contained.



Footnotes should not be used except as described under Title Page Footnotes below. Such information should be included within the text.


Title Page Footnotes

The following items should be included as footnotes on the first page:

MSC 2000 subject classifications. Primary-; secondary-.

Key words and phrases.


Acknowledgment of support.

The list of classification numbers representing the primary and secondary subjects of the article can be found at http://www.ams.org/msc/ or in the Mathematical Reviews Annual Subject Index.  Typically, one primary and several secondary classifications are appropriate.  The key words and phrases should describe the subject matter of the article; usually they will be words and phrases that appear in the body of the paper. These words and phrases will be used in electronic and print indexing systems (e.g., Current Index to Statistics), so think of the words and phrases for which you would search if you were looking for a paper like this one.  The acknowledgement of support should reference all grants and contracts that provided support for the research.



References in the body of the paper may use either the citep{} command for a numbered bibliography, or cite{} for a name/year bibliography.

Abbreviations for journals should follow the standard of Mathematical Reviews and can be found at http://www.ams.org/msnhtml/serials.pdf or in the current index issue of Mathematical Reviews.

Complete references can be obtained using the MR Lookup feature.


Submission of Papers

From 1 January 2007, all submissions to Annals of Statistics must be made electronically through the IMS’s Electronic Journal Management System (EJMS). Your manuscript should be prepared according to the instructions on Preparation of Manuscripts.

Authors should then access the EJMS at http://www.e-publications.org/ims/submission/. If you are a first time user you must complete the registration, but you only need register once. As a registered user, you will have the ability to upload your manuscript as a PDF file.

As part of the submission process you will be required to specify the subject area or areas of the paper from a pop-up list which is also available here. This information will expedite the reviewing process of the paper but will only be used within that process. Please do your best to choose the subject area or areas closest to your paper, but if you are unable to do so please select “Other” and state the general subject area of the paper in your comments to the Editors.

If desired, you may use the "Comments to the editor" box to suggest referees who are experts in fields relevant for the submitted paper with the understanding that the editors, along with the associate editors, may or may not choose to utilize the suggestions. Please do not canvass or directly contact the suggested referees about your paper.


Supplemental files

You may also upload supplemental files. These may include:

Unpublished or not easily available papers cited in the manuscript

Letters or messages to the Editors too long or technical to be simply typed into the text box on the main submission page

Supporting technical appendices that you would not wish actually to be published with the paper. [Note: there may be an archive system in the future whereby such material will be available electronically if the paper is published.]


Please ensure that you fill in the “brief description” box clearly for each supplemental file.


Revisions of papers

Please submit revised papers via EJMS.  Detailed instructions are included in the email informing you of the editors' decision on the original paper.


Procedure for accepted papers

If your paper reaches final acceptance stage, you will be asked to provide Mattson Publishing Services and the Production Editor with a LaTeX file of the final version. You will also be asked to supply source files for figures (.eps or .jpg are preferred) along with a PDF file of the full paper. Later in the production process, the corresponding author will receive email regarding galley proofs. This email will also include instructions for returning corrections as well as links to forms required for publication.


Inexperienced Authors

The Editors are aware of the difficulties that inexperienced authors (particularly those who are not members of well-established departments) may face; see the Guidelines for Associate Editors for further details of our policy on this matter. If you are such an author, please try to find a colleague (maybe a more senior colleague such as your PhD advisor, or maybe a peer who can give you honest feedback) to read through your paper before submission to make sure it is clear and well presented. If that has not been possible, or you still have residual concerns about this aspect of your paper, please indicate this in the “Comments to the Editor” box when you submit the paper.


Supplement Instructions for Accepted Papers

If your paper has been accepted to appear in The Annals of Statistics and the supplement has also been approved by the Editor, please follow the three steps described below in order to prevent delays in the production process.

For each supplemental file please provide a title and a brief description or a descriptive title. Each supplemental file will be assigned an individual DOI. A section will be added prior to the reference list that informs the reader of the supplementary material.

Depending on the nature of the material, if there are multiple files you may provide either a Zip file containing all files or individual files. The supplemental files should be cited in text and an entry must be added to the reference list.


1. Cite the Supplementary Material in Text

Add author(s) and year of publication

The estimation of ß is much more complicated and we describe it in detail in the supplemental article [Ingermanson (2008)].


2. Add an Entry to Reference List

(author(s), year, Supplement to “Title of paper”. The DOI will be added by the typesetter.)

INGERMANSON, R. (2008). Supplement to “Discussion of: Statistical analysis of an archeologicalfind.” DOI: 10.1214/08-AOS99GSUPP.


3. Provide a title and description for each supplemental file connected to the paper.

(A zip file counts as one file and should contain an overall description.) This section should be added prior to the reference list. Please see http://www.e-publications.org/ims/support/ims-instructions.html and scroll down to “Supplementary Materials (For AOS)” for the code. Note the DOI and link will be filled in during production.


egin{supplement} [id-suppA]
%sname{Supplement A}
stitle{Analysis of the Talpiot tomb using Bayes' Theorem and random variables}
sdescription{We analyze the Talpiot tomb, which has been alleged to be the family tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. Using Bayes' Theorem, we derive a simple function that estimates the probability that the tomb houses the remains of Jesus and his family. Unfortunately, this function cannot be evaluated exactly, because several of the key parameters are unknown. By using random variables with reasonable probability distributions, we examine the mean behavior and range of the function under a variety of conditions. We conclude that the probability is low (on the order of 2\% or less) that the Talpiot tomb is the family tomb of Jesus of Nazareth.}


Copyright, Page Charges and Offprints

Following the acceptance of papers in for publication in IMS journals, the IMS Executive Director will contact authors regarding copyright transfers, page funding and paper offprints.



All authors are required to submit a signed copyright transfer form. The IMS must receive the signed Agreement before the manuscript can be scheduled for publication.


Page Charges

Payment of some or all of the estimated page charges associated with an article is voluntary. The editorial review of articles and administration of page charges are separate activities. Manuscripts are reviewed and accepted prior to soliciting page charges.

IMS encourages authors to apply unused grant money for page charges. Funds from page charges go to support IMS journals directly by allowing the to IMS keep subscription prices low, provide open electronic access to some journals, and to archive most journal articles in an open access repository ArXiv. Page charges are billed at $45 per page.

Editorial Board

Editors           Peter Bühlmann           

                     T. Tony Cai            


Associate Editors           Christophe Andrieu        Pascal Massart

                          Mouli Banerjee              Hans-Georg Müller

                          Rong Chen                Axel Munk

                          Song Xi Chen            Per Mykland

                          Anirban DasGupta         Wolfgang Polonik

                          Arnaud Doucet              Markus Reiß

                          Mathias Drton            Ya'acov Ritov                     

                          Lutz Dümbgen             Peter M. Robinson

                          Sam Efromovich           Judith Rousseau

                          John H. J. Einmahl        Alberto Roverato

                          Subhashis Ghosal          Sanat Sarkar

                          Tilmann Gneiting           Qi-Man Shao

                          Peter Hall            Xiaotong Shen

                          Xuming He                Ingo Steinwart

                          Tailen Hsing               Boxin Tang

                          Feifang Hu                 Jonathan Taylor

                          Jiming Jiang               Craig Tracy

                          Alois Kneip                Alexandre Tsybakov

                          Vladimir Koltchinskii       Ingrid Van Keilegom

                          Michael R. Kosorok        Martin Wainwright

                          S. N. Lahiri                Yazhen Wang

                          Bing Li                   Yuhong Yang

                          Runze Li                   Qiwei Yao

                          Nils Lid Hjort             Daniel Yekutieli

                          Wei-Liem Loh            Ming Yuan

                          Mark Low                 Cun-Hui Zhang

                          Enno Mammen              Harry Zhou

Managing Editor            Michael Phelan

Production Editor          Patrick Kelly

Past Editors           Susan Murphy and Bernard Silverman

                      Past Editors from previous years



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