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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research on equipment.

Review articles up to 10,000 words, special articles , case reports and historical notes are welcome. Also published are editorials, book reviews and obituaries of eminent anaesthetists; there is an active correspondence section in each issue and an online correspondence website. The Annual Report of Council is published each year.

Indexed / Abstracted in

Abstracts in Anthropology (Baywood Publishing)
Academic Search (EBSCO)
Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
BIOSIS® (Thomson ISI)
CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)
CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG)
Current Abstracts (EBSCO)
Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine (Thomson ISI)
EMBASE/Excerpta Medica (Elsevier)
Health Source Nursing / Academic
IBIDS: International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements
Index Medicus/MEDLINE (NLM)
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI)
Proquest 5000 (ProQuest)
ProQuest Health & Medical Complete (ProQuest)
Proquest Research Library (ProQuest)
RECAL Legacy Database
Reference Update (Thomson ISI)
Research Alert® (Thomson ISI)
Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)
Science Citation Index® (Thomson ISI)
SciSearch® (Thomson ISI)

Instructions to Authors

Notice to contributors

Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and is published monthly. It is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research on equipment. Although primarily a clinical journal, we do accept animal or basic science research but such articles must be relevant to human studies; this relevance should be specifically stated by the authors.

The Editorial Board of Anaesthesia supports the statement on Geopolitical Intrusion on Editorial Decisions, by the World Association of Medical Editors and is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. We also support and encourage the use of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) checklist.

All authors must meet the requirements of authorship as set out in the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors i.e. all have made a substantial contribution to the acquisition of data and its interpretation AND been involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it. Authors are advised that all submissions are checked for redundant publication and plagiarism using specific software. The Editorial Board takes all cases of possible publication misconduct seriously and will investigate these according to the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

The Editors regret that failure to comply with the following requirements may result in a delay in publication of accepted papers, and strongly urge authors to use the following Checklist before submitting their work.

Guidance Checklist

Before submitting your manuscript or item of correspondence, please check that you have:

• Included the names of all authors, and each of their positions and institutions, in the title page (manuscripts) or text of the submission (correspondence)

• Checked the spelling and formatting of all authors' names

• Specified exactly how authors would like their names cited if the author name does not conform with the following format:
o First name; then
o Surname

• Ensured the full postal address for the corresponding author is provided

• Provided the e-mail addresses of ALL authors

• Formatted the text files in either .doc, .docx or .rtf format

• Included all the Tables and Figure legends in the main text file, not as separate files

• Submitted separate figure files in either .pdf, .jpg, .tif or .ppt format (maximum size: 10MB)

• Completed and attached the author declaration electronically as a separate file in either .doc, .pdf or .jpg format; no signature is required

• Attached any other files in the following formats:
o .doc
o .rtf
o .pdf
o .jpg
o .tif
o .ppt
Please do not attach files in .bmp, .docm, .rar or .eps format - these files will be filtered and/or rendered unreadable.

Submission of correspondence, manuscripts and covering letter
Manuscripts should have page numbers at the bottom of each page. Use Times New Roman in 11 or 12 point. Submission should be via email to the address below with the manuscript as an attachment (Word for Windows or rich text format - see below for information regarding Figures), and the Authors' Declaration Form sent as an attached file.

Submission in any other format may slow down the review/publication process but is possible for those authors who do not have access to the appropriate technology - if this applies please contact the Editor-in-Chief in advance at the journal's Editorial Office:

Dr Steve Yentis, Editor-in-Chief, Anaesthesia,
1st Floor, Maternity Unit,
Nottingham City Hospital,
Hucknall Road,
Nottingham NG5 1PB,
E-mail: anaesthesia@aagbi.org

NB Online ('rapid') correspondence in response to a published article may also be submitted via a dedicated website; a selection of correspondence submitted via this route may also be published in the journal.

Covering letter/Declaration Form
No covering letter is required but all manuscripts must be accompanied by an Authors' Declaration Form, which may be downloaded here. Failure to do so will significantly delay the process of reviewing your manuscript.

Pre-registration of clinical trials
Researchers about to start clinical trials (any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or comparison groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome) that they are intending to submit to Anaesthesia should pre-register the trial on a public registry at or before the time of first recruitment. There are several public registries now available on the internet, e.g. listed at the World Health Organization portal.

Types of manuscript
Anaesthesia has the following regular sections: Editorials, Original Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Correspondence and Book Reviews. Historical Articles or Special Articles may also be included. Editorials and Reviews are often commissioned but authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief if they wish to discuss potential topics.

Content and style of manuscripts
Please note that Anaesthesia uses UK English spelling eg "ise" not "ize", "anaes" not "anes" etc. A typical manuscript will have the following sections in the following order:

Title page
The name and full postal address of the corresponding author should appear in the top left-hand corner. The rest of the page should follow this example:

Title of paper that does not state the conclusion or pose a question*
A. B. Author,1 C. D. Author2 and E. F. Author3
1 Position/designation of 1st author, primary institution, city, country.
2 Position/designation of 2nd author, primary institution, city, country.
3 Position/designation of 3rd author, primary institution, city, country.

Correspondence to: Dr Corresponding Author (incl. e-mail address)

*footnote if presented in part at any national or international meetings, with details including location and date.

NB Place the superscript number after the commas in the list of authors. Please do not include authors' qualifications. Key words are not required.

A Summary of fewer than 150 words should state the purpose of the study or investigation, basic procedures, main findings (giving actual results not just a broad description) and their statistical significance (using actual p values), and principal conclusions. The Summary should not be structured nor in note or abbreviated form. It should not state that 'the results are discussed' or that 'work is presented'. Abbreviations should not be used except for units of measurement. Use the same order when discussing the methods and results as in the main body of the text, and always mention the groups in the same order.

No heading is required for this section. The Introduction should give a concise account of the subject's background. Previously published work should only be quoted if it has a direct bearing on the present study. The Introduction should clearly and explicitly state the aims of the project.

A statement confirming Local Research Ethics Committee approval and written informed consent should be at the beginning of this section (see Ethical Considerations, below).

The Methods section must describe in sufficient detail the techniques and processes used so that the investigation can be interpreted and repeated by readers. Any modification of previously published methods should be described and the appropriate reference given. If the methods are commonly used, only a reference to the original source is required. If special equipment is used, then the manufacturer's details (including town and country) should be given in parentheses. Drugs should be identified by their recommended international non-proprietary names (rINNS. NB adrenaline and noradrenaline are used in preference to epinephrine and norepinephrine). Label groups in a way that is easy to follow; thus 'propofol group' and 'thiopental group' instead of 'Group P' and 'Group T'. (Occasionally, abbreviated group titles may be better, e.g. 'Group BLAB' instead of 'bupivacaine-lidocaine-adrenaline-bicarbonate group'). Remember to include inclusion/exclusion criteria, a justification of sample size (see Statistics, below) and the method of randomisation and blinding. The statistical methods used to investigate data should be given at the end of the Methods section (see below).

Express results as mean (SD), median (IQR [range]) or number (proportion) as appropriate. Results (including actual p values) must be presented for all measurements detailed in the Methods section, and in the same order. Results should not be repeated unnecessarily - for example if a graph is used, do not also present the same information in the text or in a Table. Results should not be given to an unwarranted number of decimal places and 95% confidence intervals should be used where possible (see Statistics, below).

The Discussion should not merely recapitulate the results but should present their interpretation against a background of existing knowledge. Any conclusions must be warranted by the results. In general, avoid a paragraph headed 'Conclusions' that merely repeats a summary of the results. Also avoid ending with 'further work is needed' (it almost always is) unless you have specific areas of research to suggest.

The authors should acknowledge those who have made substantial contributions to the study or preparation of the manuscript but whose contributions do not fulfil the requirements for authorship (see above). For Case Reports, a statement 'Published with the written consent of the patient(s)' should be included.

Competing interests
A statement should be made at the end of all manuscripts, stating any funding obtained and any potential competing interests. For example: 'No external funding and no competing interests declared' or 'Funded by the XXXX Association, grant no. yyyy. Author AB has received payments from ZZZZ Ltd for consultancy work' etc as appropriate.

Information or data not directly a result of the study but necessary for the reader to understand the manuscript should be included as an Appendix. Examples might include copies of questionnaires used, recognised mathematical processes used to generate results or previously published and validated classification systems. All should be appropriately referenced and the authors must obtain permission from the copyright holders if the contents have been previously published.

Number references (including articles in press) consecutively in the order they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets on the line (not superscript). Use [1-4] instead of [1,2,3,4]. Abstracts may be quoted as references so long as they have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Internet sites may be quoted as references by listing them in the normal way in the text (using Arabic numerals). Unpublished observations, personal communications and abstracts published only in proceedings of meetings should be quoted within the text of the manuscript, in parentheses. Please submit copies of any articles accepted for publication but not yet published. Information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be cited in the text as unpublished observations. References cited for the first time in Tables or Figures should be numbered in the sequence established by the first mention of the particular Table/Figure in the text. All references (including those in press) should be listed at the end of the text in the order they are quoted.For internet sites, please include the date accessed in parentheses. List all authors unless there are seven or more, in which case give the first three followed by 'et al.'. Spell out the names of all journals in full, and give the first and last page number, not just the first.

1. Author AB, Author CD. Title of paper. Journal Title Written Out in Full in Italics 1999; 12: 123-4.
2. Author AB, Author CD, Author EF, et al. Seven or more authors - what's the point? (chapter title). In: Editor GH, Editor IJ, eds. Title of Book. Place: Publisher, 1998: 345-67.
3. Author AB. Book Title, 5th edn. Place: Publisher, 2000.
4. Author(s) of website. Title of document/page. www.URL.co.uk (accessed 01/01/2010).

Include the Tables in the same file as the text, but after the References not in the middle of the text. Each Table should be on a separate page. Number the Tables consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each Table should have a brief Caption immediately above it; the Caption should provide enough information for readers to follow it without having to look through the text (e.g. 'Characteristics of patients receiving vecuronium or rocuronium for caesarean section' rather than just 'Patients' characteristics'). The Caption should explain whether the values refer to mean (SD), number (proportion), etc. Abbreviations should not be mentioned in the Caption without explanation. Abbreviations used in the body of the Table should be explained as footnotes in the order in which they are first mentioned, using the following symbols (nb not superscript) in the following order: *, *, †, ‡, §, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡, etc. The study groups should form the columns rather than the rows. If statistical comparisons are being made, a separate column with exact p values should appear.

Please supply each Figure as a separate file, rather than embed them within the body of the Word document, and preferably in TIFF or high-resolution JPEG format. We ask that they are both supplied at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch for photographs and 600 pixels per inch for line art or a combination of photograph and labelling.

Please ensure related graphs have the same format (fonts, use of symbols, etc). The same requirements for abbreviations and units apply as for those in the text. The title, plot frame, gridlines and legend box within the graph itself should be removed, with symbols and error bars explained in the Caption. Avoid the use of 3-D unless absolutely necessary. All Figures in colour will be converted to black and white unless authors specifically request otherwise (in which case a charge will apply). Please note that colour Figures may be used for the online version of the paper (without charge)

Captions for Figures
Each Figure Caption should include an explanation of the symbols used to provide enough information for readers to follow it without having to look through the text.

Thus this:

Figure 1 Itching after surgery in patients receiving saline (anae_blk_square) or chlorphenamine (anae_shaded_square.gif) No significant difference between groups.

Is preferable to this:

Figure 1 Itching after surgery.

See notes below for ethical considerations relating to photographs.

In general, we prefer a clear, precise style to jargon. Please avoid long, complicated sentences and the passive voice when the active is more appropriate (e.g. 'We chose epidural anaesthesia because...' instead of 'Epidural anaesthesia was chosen by the authors because...'). Remove unnecessary clutter and focus on the actual message of each sentence; thus 'Hypotension is important because...' instead of 'It would be remiss of us not to mention hypotension because...'). Remember that lungs are ventilated, not patients (nor are they intubated - their tracheas are). Similarly, patients are not induced - anaesthesia is - or put on ventilators. Correct terms are tracheal (not endotracheal) tube and neuromuscular blocking drugs (not muscle relaxants).

In general, the Journal does not encourage the use of abbreviations, especially in the Summary, since their frequent use makes papers cluttered and difficult to read. However, we will accept abbreviations in the following circumstances:

• Universal abbreviations that do not need to be written out in full when first mentioned in the text. These include abbreviations that appear in a large proportion of the articles published in the Journal, e.g. ASA, BMI, ECG, ICU, HDU, SD, SEM, 95% CI, IQR, ANOVA, SpO2, FIO2, pH.
• Acceptable common abbreviations that can be used but should be written out in full at their first mention, e.g.: CNS, CSF, HME, PEEP, PCA, SCBU, CTG, EEG, BIS, CVP, PAP, PCWP, ECT - unless they're only mentioned a few times, in which case please spell them out throughout. Please do not use abbreviations that are clumsy or will be unfamiliar to the majority of readers, e.g. DI (difficult intubation), TTFB (time to first breath), etc.
• Acceptable abbreviations that do not need to be written out in full when first mentioned but whose use should be restricted to situations where space is limited, such as in formulae or in Tables and Figures, e.g.: O2, CO2, N2O, HCO3-, Na+, K+, Mg2+.

Numbers and units
Numbers should be spelled out in full when they start a sentence, and when they are less than 10 (unless they are followed by units of measurement). Thus: 'Thirteen days later, five patients each received 7 ml solution...' Commas are not used to indicate thousands; thus 2000 and 20 000 instead of 2,000 and 20,000. Please give costs in sterling (£) with equivalent Euros and US dollars (€/$) in brackets. Use the format mg.kg-1 not mg/kg for all units. Use SI units thoughout the text except for vascular pressure measurements (mmHg or cmH2O) and haemoglobin concentration (g.dl-1). Litres are indicated by lower case 'l' not upper 'L'. Use the 24-hour clock for times.

Ethical considerations
Whatever their other merits, manuscripts will only be considered for publication in Anaesthesia if they adhere to the highest ethical standards. These are detailed in two editorials published in the journal, that are available here and here and which potential authors are strongly advised to consult. In brief:

1. Approval by a Research Ethics Committee (REC) or equivalent (e.g. Institutional Review Board) must be obtained prospectively for all studies on human subjects, including studies in which participants' skills are tested using manikins. While some audit and epidemiological surveys, and some assessments of medical equipment, may be exempt from this stricture if participants are appropriately protected against coercion and there is due regard to confidentiality, publication of the results would usually require at least written informed consent and assurances regarding confidentiality even if the REC has indicated that formal submission is unnecessary. If a local audit project is likely to lead to peer review publication, the REC should be informed of that intention.

2. While an essential preliminary step, REC approval does not guarantee that the ethical standards of a study will meet the requirements of the Editorial Board of Anaesthesia. If authors have any concerns that ethical issues might compromise publication, they are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief before embarking on the study.

3. The Editorial Board supports the view of the General Medical Council that full prospective written informed consent should be obtained from all subjects of clinical trials, including participants in manikin studies (see above). Authors who do not follow this guidance will need to be able to mount a robust defence of their decision.

4. Submission of a case report requires the written consent of the subject to publication (NB please do not submit this document together with your manuscript/Declaration Form). While the Editorial Board recognises that it might not always be possible to seek such consent (or the assent of the next-of-kin if the patient has died), the onus will be on the authors to demonstrate that this exception applies in their case. Please state in an Acknowledgement at the end of the text: 'Published with the written consent of the patient(s)' or similar, as appropriate.

5. Studies of novel treatments, in particular drug studies where the agent used is given via unlicensed routes (especially spinal and epidural), may have received approval from the REC or equivalent, but the Editorial Board is likely to reject such studies if it considers that the risks posed outweigh the potential benefits. Such a conclusion is more likely to be reached if the drug in question is not widely used in routine practice (as evidenced by inclusion in standard textbooks), if the study participants are especially vulnerable (e.g. children, women in labour), if there are questions over consent, or if only modest improvements in outcome are expected where other, well established methods already exist.

The following guidelines have been prepared by the Editorial Board of Anaesthesia to help authors avoid the common statistical errors that frequently lead to rejection of work submitted for publication. This should not be regarded as an exhaustive list and, of course, the Editorial Board and reviewers of manuscripts may ask authors for revisions that are not detailed here. However, adherence to these guidelines in a paper that is otherwise acceptable will give researchers a good chance of publication and help ensure that their work is statistically valid.

1. Randomisation methods must minimise the possibility of predicting or breaking the code.
2. Blinding must be as good as possible.
3. Where there are several outcomes to be reported, the most important (primary) outcome should be clearly stated.
4. Power analysis:
• Justification of sample size should always be performed before randomised controlled trials are started. Details provided should include the power level; the significance level at which a result is sought; and the expected control and study group proportions or mean and pooled SD, in order to allow reviewers and readers to follow the calculation.
• The power of study should be at least 80%.
• The 'clinically important difference' that the study is designed to detect should be clinically relevant and should not be set unreasonably large (sometimes done to justify small sample size).
5. Descriptive statistics:
• Use mean (SD) unless:
o Data are discrete (e.g. Apgar scores, sedation scores) or grossly non-normally distributed: use median (IQR [range]).
o You are interested in the 'true' value for the population (use SEM).
• Visual analogue scores (VAS) for pain may be treated as continuous data and be subjected to parametric tests as long as:
o The sample size is large (> 50).
o The data appear normally distributed.
• VAS for other modalities (nausea, drowsiness) have not been so extensively validated and are best treated as ordinal data.
6. Inferential statistics:
• Use simple tests where possible.
• Avoid multiple comparisons, or correct for them if used.
• Reference unusual tests.
• Include details of any computer package/version used.
7. When looking for relationship between variables:
• Possible simple descriptive association between two variables: correlation.
• Possible relationship between two or more variables, especially where one is predictive and other(s) dependent: regression.
• To compare two methods of measurement: Bland-Altman method.


1. In randomised trials, baseline data (age, ASA physical status, duration of operation, etc.) should not be subjected to statistical comparison, since it is already known that the subjects were randomly allocated and that any difference is therefore due to chance. Describe characteristics and, if possible, allow for differences in the analysis and discussion.
2. All outcomes mentioned in the Methods section must be reported in the Results section, and in the same order.
3. The number of decimal places used to describe data should be appropriate to the method of measurement (e.g. a mean systolic blood pressure of 124.75 mmHg is too precise).
4. 95% CI are often useful when reporting differences between groups. 95% CI must be used when reporting low or zero incidences (e.g. no headaches after 300 uses of a new spinal needle).
5. When reporting the effect of an intervention, absolute risk (AR), relative risk (RR) and 'number needed to treat' (NNT) are more easily understood by readers and may be preferable to odds ratio (OR).
6. Post-hoc comparisons should be avoided (comparing or categorising results in ways that were not stated in the original protocol).
7. Graphs and tables should be appropriate for the data to be displayed. Tables usually convey more precise numerical information; graphs should be reserved for highlighting changes over time or between treatments.
8. Avoid judgemental terms such as 'very' or 'highly' significant.
9. Report actual p values, rather than ranges or limits (e.g. p=0.032, rather than p0.05)

All conclusions should be warranted by the results and not extend beyond the confines of the study conditions. A negative result does not mean that there is definitely no difference (confidence in the conclusion is dependent upon the power of the study), and a positive result does not mean that there definitely is a difference (confidence in the conclusion is dependent upon the alpha error).

Review process
All papers are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and at least one Editor, plus external reviewers as deemed appropriate. The Editor-in-Chief's verdict on acceptance or rejection is final. Papers submitted with one of the Editorial Board members as an author are automatically sent out for additional external review. The median time from submission to decision during 2009 was 6 days.

Papers accepted for publication require an Exclusive Licence Form to be signed and returned to the Publishers before they can be published. Once accepted for publication, the manuscript will be sub-edited by an Editor; this usually involves some alterations to clarify points and maintain house style. Rather than be excessively prescriptive, the Editorial team tries to be as helpful as possible at this stage - with the aim of improving your paper and its readability. The article is then sent to the publishers who will send a set of proofs to the author, Editor and finally the Editor-in-Chief. Changes by the authors at proof stage should be kept to a minimum - authors may be charged for excessive alterations. Time from acceptance to publication is usually less than 2-3 months; appearance on-line may be considerably earlier than this.

Author Services. For FAQs and tips about preparing and submitting manuscripts and more, and for services like automated email tracking for your article through production, please visit the Author Services website.

OnlineOpen is available to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to non-subscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. With OnlineOpen the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a fee to ensure that the article is made available to non-subscribers upon publication via Wiley InterScience, as well as deposited in the funding agency's preferred archive. For the full list of terms and conditions, click here. Before acceptance, there is no requirement to inform the Editorial Office that you intend to publish your paper OnlineOpen if you do not wish to. All OnlineOpen articles are treated in the same way as any other article. They go through the Journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit. Any authors wishing to send their paper OnlineOpen will be required to complete the payment form.

Abstracts presented at specialist societies' meetings
The journal publishes abstracts of free papers/posters that have been presented to national specialist anaesthetic societies based in the UK and Ireland. Details and requirements can be downloaded HERE and a template HERE. Abstracts can only be submitted via the appropriate specialist society - do not submit direct to the journal.

Material storage policy
Please note that unless specifically requested, Wiley-Blackwell will dispose of all hardcopy or electronic material submitted two months after publication. If you require the return of any material submitted, please inform the Editorial Office or Production Editor as soon as possible if you have not yet done so.

The Publisher, Editorial Board and Editors cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this journal. The views and opinions expressed do not neccessarily reflect those of the Publisher, Editorial Board or Editors, neither does the publication of advertisements constitute any endorsement by the Publisher, Editorial Board and Editors of the products advertised.

Editorial Board


Dr D Bogod, Department of Anaesthesia, 1st Floor, Maternity Unit, City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 1PB, UK

Tel: +44 115 969 1169
Fax: +44 115 962 7713



Dr W. A. Chambers, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZN, UK

e-mail: Alastair.chambers@btinternet.com

Dr A W Harrop-Griffiths, Department of Anaesthesia, St Mary's Hospital, Praed Street, London, W2 1NY, UK

Tel: +44 207 886 1556
Fax: +44 207 886 6360


Dr J. A Langton, Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust, Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Management, Plymouth PL6 8DH, UK

Tel: +44 1752 792365
Fax: +44 1752 763287


Dr Michael Nathanson, Department of Anaesthesia, University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2UH, UK

Tel:  +44 (0)115 970 9195
Fax:  +44 (0)115 978 3891

Dr S A Ridley, Critical Care Complex, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Brunswick Road, Norwich, NR1 2SR, UK

Tel: +44 1603 286199
Fax: +44 1603 287751


Dr S M Yentis, Magill Department of Anaethesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London, SW10 9NH, UK

Tel: +44 208 746 8026
Fax: +44 208 746 8801


Dr P A Clyburn, Department of Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF4 4XN, UK

Tel: +44 2920 744602

Production Editor



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