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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Current Issue Cover

The American Journal of Sports Medicine, founded in 1972, is the official publication of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. The Journal is published bimonthly by the AOSSM. It contains original articles that have undergone peer review. Contact information is available on the Editorial Board page.

The Journal is indexed by Current Contents, Index Medicus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and EMBASE/Excerpta Medica.

The Journal is registered with the Copyright Clearance Center.

Instructions to Authors

The American Journal of Sports Medicine is the official publication of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. The Journal welcomes the submission of original research articles and case reports related to sports medicine from all countries.


The journal no longer accepts submissions by mail. Please submit manuscripts to our online submission site at http://ajsm-submit.highwire.org/.

Revisions of papers submitted before December 1, 2002, should be submitted online as a resubmission. Please indicate the earlier manuscript number when submitting these revisions.

| Manuscripts | References | Figures |  Tables | 

Manuscripts must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication, before or during the peer-review process. Papers presented at AOSSM meetings must be submitted to the Journal for first rights of refusal. Accepted manuscripts, including tables and figures, become the permanent property of the AOSSM and may not be published elsewhere without written permission from the copyright holder.

When manuscripts have been received by the editorial office, the corresponding author will be sent an acknowledgment giving an assigned manuscript number, which should be used with all subsequent correspondence or telephone or email contact for anything related to that particular manuscript. Authors will be asked to download the copyright transfer and conflict of interest forms. Both of these forms need to be signed by all authors and returned to the AJSM office. If you have a scanner, you may simply scan the signed forms and upload onto the submission site; if you do not, you may mail/FAX those forms to the editorial office and they will be scanned in for you. These forms must be in our possession before your paper can or will be published.

Articles intended for the "Current Concepts" section of the Journal are solicited by the Associate/Current Concepts Editor, Timothy E. Foster, MD. Please do NOT submit articles for this section; a query letter may be written to Dr. Foster regarding possible material or suggestions for this section.

When accepted articles have been assigned to an issue, authors will be required to carefully read and correct their manuscripts that have been copy edited by a staff member. Any extensive changes made by authors on the page proofs (except for correction of typographical errors) will be charged to authors at the rate of $2 a line. Authors are responsible for ordering reprints of their articles; a reprint order form is provided with the page proofs for this purpose.

Material published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine is copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright holder.

Manuscript Formats

Manuscript pages should be typed double-spaced with the pages numbered.
Please Note: Manuscripts will be converted to a PDF (portable document format) file that reviewers may download to read. Therefore, be sure that there is NO identifying material anywhere on the submitted manuscript. Authors will be asked to enter all of the identification information separately, so please delete all of this on the manuscript to be uploaded. Remember to check throughout the paper. If there is identification material on the uploaded file, the author will be asked to delete it and upload again, so please save yourselves this time/action. The system handles most common word processing formats; however, Word and PDF are preferred. To ensure that the resulting PDF file is readable, we recommend that you use only certain fonts in your Microsoft Word or WordPerfect document: Times, Times Roman, Courier, Helvetica, Arial, and the Symbol font for special characters. Using other fonts will make the PDF more difficult to read. Submission of a manuscript implies that all authors know and approve the content of the article. PLEASE NOTE: Journal policy discourages the inclusion of more than five authors on an article. If more than five authors are listed, the contribution of each author to the work should be explained in the transmittal letter. Other persons who contributed significantly to the work should be included in the "Acknowledgments" section.


Abstracts should summarize the contents of the article in 200 words or less. The abstract should be structured in the following format:
Background: In one or two sentences, summarize the scientific body of knowledge surrounding your study and how this led to your investigation.
Hypothesis: State the theory (ies) that you are attempting to prove or disprove by your study.
Study Design: Identify the overall design of your study. Select one of the following or designate your own: case report, series of case reports, cross-sectional study, case control study, prospective cohort study, retrospective cohort study, retrospective review of prospectively collected data, metanalysis, prospective randomized clinical trial, prospective nonrandomized clinical trial, uncontrolled retrospective review, controlled laboratory study, descriptive anatomical study.
Methods: Succinctly summarize the overall methods you used in your investigation. Include the study population, type of intervention, method of data collection and length of the study.
Results: Report the most important results of your study. Only include positive results that are statistically significant, or negative results that are supported by adequate power.
Conclusions: State the answer to your original question or hypothesis. Summarize the most important conclusions that can be directly drawn from your study.
Clinical Relevance: If yours was a laboratory study, describe its relevance to clinical sports medicine.
Abstracts longer than 200 words will be edited and the corresponding author will be asked to approve the reduced abstract or to assist in shortening it to the required length. Abbreviations are not allowed in abstracts.


In general, follow the standard IMRAD (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion) format for writing scientific articles. The author is responsible for all statements made in the work, including copy editor changes, which the author will have an opportunity to verify. Any material that is submitted with an article (such as tables and figures) that has been reproduced in another source (that is, that has been copyrighted previously) must conform to the current copyright regulations. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission for reproduction of copyrighted material and for providing the editorial office with that documentation before the material will be reproduced in the Journal. A permission request form is available on the submission site.

Reports on surgery, except in rare instances, require a minimum follow-up of two years.

Use generic names of drugs. If a particular brand was used in a study, insert the brand name along with the name and location of the manufacturer in parentheses after the generic name.

Put the name and location of equipment manufacturers in parentheses behind the name of the product.

Units of measure following a number are abbreviated (such as kg, cm, ml). Use metric units in measurements (that is, centimeter versus inch, kilogram versus pound). Journal policy is to limit use of abbreviations; abbreviated terms that are not used frequently in an article will be spelled out. Common abbreviations are used without definition (such as ACL, EMG, MRI). When uncommon abbreviations are used, give the full term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses the first time it is mentioned in the text, such as femur-ACL-tibia complex (FATC).


Type acknowledgments in the box provided on the submission page. Give credit to sponsors, donors, or grantors; technical assistants; and professional colleagues who contributed to the quality of the paper but are not listed as authors. Please briefly describe the contributions made by persons being acknowledged in this section. Journal policy precludes acknowledgment of the manuscript typist.


References should be typed double-spaced in alphabetical order and numbered according to the alphabetical listing. If references are not in alphabetical order the uploaded file will be REJECTED and will have to be resubmitted with the references in the correct form. When author entries are the same, regardless of the number of authors, put the most recently published reference first. List only the first three authors; use et al. for four or more authors. In general, use the Index Medicus form for abbreviating journal titles and the AMA Manual of Style for format. Note: references must be retrievable. Do not include in the reference list presentations from meetings that have not been published. Data such as presentations and articles that have been submitted for publication but have not been accepted must be put in the text as unpublished data immediately after mention of the information (for example, "Smith and Jones (unpublished data, 2000) noted in their study . . .").

It is imperative that authors double-check their references and assure that they are correct and complete!

Figures (Illustrations)

Formats accepted for review are GIF, TIFF, EPS, JPEG. Formats not supported include the following: Any file utilizing OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) technology to display information or embed files, Bitmap (.bmp), PICT (.pict), Excel (.xls), Photoshop (.psd), Canvas (.cnv), CorelDRAW (.cdr) and locked or encrypted PDFs. Multi-page PowerPoint files (.ppt) are not supported; one slide per file is acceptable. Your images will be converted to PDF and appended to your manuscript file. If your images are included within your manuscript file you do not need to upload them separately.

Color will be used in the journal where needed (example, histology slides or arthroscopic surgery photographs). All other figures, such as bar graphs and charts, should be submitted in black and white. Be sure all symbols or arrows are described in the legend. If figure parts are provided, the legend must clearly state what is happening in each part of the figure. Terms used for labels and in the legend must be consistent with those in the text.

Figures for papers accepted for publication must meet the requirements of the publisher, Sage Publications. Files for line drawings should be created at 1200 dpi, for color photographs at 600 dpi, and for black and white photographs at 300 dpi. Please remember that many image formats (such as JPEG and GIF) are not acceptable for reproduction in the Journal. Figures should be submitted in the original form created. Images embedded in Word or PowerPoint are not acceptable for publication. Glossy prints can be sent to the journal once the paper is accepted if you cannot meet the digital art requirements for publication.

Examine all figures carefully to ensure that the data are presented with the greatest possible clarity and that the inclusion of the figure helps the reader better understand the text. Likewise, determine if a figure would communicate the information more effectively than lengthy narrative.

All photographs of patients that disclose their identity must be accompanied by a signed photographic release, granting permission for their likeness to be reproduced in the article. If this is not provided, the patient's eyes must be occluded to prevent recognition.

Please remember that it is the author's responsibility to obtain and submit signed permission to reproduce any copyrighted figures that have been published previously. A permission form can be downloaded from the submission site.


For tables, the system accepts most common word processing formats. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and have a title. Please be sure the title is not a "tag," but that it describes the content and purpose of the table. Tables should enhance, not duplicate, information in the text. Simple tables that repeat textual material will be deleted.

Please remember that it is the author's responsibility to obtain and submit signed permission to reproduce any copyrighted tables that have been published previously

Editorial Board


Bruce Reider, MD
American Journal of Sports Medicine
6300 North River Road, Suite 500
Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone: 847/653-8000
FAX: 847/653-8001
email: breider@ajsm.org


Timothy E. Foster, MD
Boston, Massachusetts
email: CurrentConceptsAJSM@msn.com


Robert E. Leach, MD
Boston, Massachusetts


Jack C. Hughston, MD
Columbus, Georgia


T. David Sisk, MD

Germantown, Tennessee

Douglas W. Brown, MD
Portland, Maine

William E. Garrett, Jr., MD, PhD
Durham, North Carolina

Bruce Reider, MD
Chicago, Illinois

Peter J. Fowler, MD, FRACS
London,Ontario, Canada

Robert J. Johnson, MD
Burlington, Vermont

Clarence L. Shields, MD
Los Angeles, California



John P. Albright, MD
Iowa City, Iowa
James G. Garrick, MD
San Francisco, California
Jacques Menetrey, MD
Geneva, Switzerland
Louis C. Almekinders, MD
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Mark Grabiner, PhD
Cleveland, Ohio
Robert H. Miller, MD
Memphis, Tennessee
Allen F. Anderson, MD
Nashville, Tennessee
Ben K. Graf, MD
Madison, Wisconsin
Nicholas Mohtadi, MD, FRCS
Calgary, Canada
Jack T. Andrish, MD
Cleveland, Ohio
Richard J. Hawkins, MD
Vail, Colorado
Michael Oberlander, MD
Concord, California
Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Michael Hayes, MD
Stepney, Australia
Lonnie E. Paulos, MD
Salt Lake City, Utah
Steven P. Arnoczky, DVM
East Lasing, Michigan
Stephen M. Howell, MD
Sacramento, California
Giancarlo Puddu, MD
Rome, Italy
James Baldwin, MD
Portland, Oregon
Markku Jarvinen, MD, PhD
Tampere, Finland
Per A. Renstrom, MD
Stockholm, Sweden
Bruce D. Beynnon, PhD
Burlington, Vermont
Dieter Kohn, MD
Homburg/Saar, Germany
Thomas D. Rosenberg, MD
Salt Lake City, Utah
Marlene DeMaio, MD
Annapolis, Maryland
Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD
Minneapolis, Minnesota
K. Donald Shelbourne, MD
Indianapolis, Indiana
Lars Engebretsen, MD
Oslo, Norway
Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD
Santa Monica, California
Laura Timmerman, MD
Oakland, California
Donald C. Fithian, MD
El Cajon, California
Rene Marti, MD
Amsterdam, Holland
Thomas L. Wickiewicz, MD
New York, New York
Freddie H. Fu, MD
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Edward McFarland, MD
Baltimore, Maryland
Edward M. Wojtys, MD
Ann Arbor, Michigan
William E. Garrett, Jr., MD, PhD
Durham, North Carolina
Keith Meister, MD
Gainesville, Florida
Savio L-Y. Woo, PhD
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



Donna Tilton, ELS
American Journal of Sports Medicine
6300 North River Road, Suite 500
Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone: 847/653-8000
FAX: 847/653-8001
e-mail: dtilton@ajsm.org


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