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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The first issue of the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology was launched in July 1989. Also known as the Red Journal, AJRCMB was developed to address the shift in modern pulmonary science to lung cell and molecular biology. The founding editors were Jerome S. Brody, M.D., Robert M. Senior, M.D., and Mary C. Williams, Ph.D. John A. Mcdonald, Ph.D., M.D., served as editor from 1993 to 1998. The current Editor, Michael J. Holtzman, M.D., is Seldin Professor and Director of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis, Missouri.

The AJRCMB publishes papers that report significant and original observations in the area of pulmonary biology. The focus of the Journal includes, but is not confined to, cellular, biochemical, molecular, developmental, genetic, and immunologic studies of lung cells and molecules


Instructions to Authors

To submit your manuscript, go to Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/atsjournals. Within this site (ScholarOne) you may use the "Create a New Account" icon to create a user account if you do not already have an existing account. The system automatically designates the individual who uploads the manuscript as the "Corresponding Author." To assure the uninterrupted flow of correspondence during the Peer Review process, all users should avoid creating more than one account. If you are not sure if you already have an existing account or forgot your User ID and Password, please e-mail Ms. Fay Ling in Technical Support (fling@thoracic.org). Technical support is available from Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time, by e-mail (fling@thoracic.org), or by phone (212) 315-8638. Manuscripts that do not conform to guidelines may not be processed.

All correspondence related to manuscripts should be addressed to:

Kenneth B. Adler, Ph.D., Editor
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
ATS Peer Review Office
61 Broadway
New York, NY 10006-2755
Tel: (212) 315-8619
FAX: (212) 315-8616
E-mail: kenneth_adler@ncsu.edu

Copyright Form

Upon submitting any revised version of a manuscript that has been approved for submission, all Authors must complete the Assignment of Copyright Form and email to forms@thoracic.org. The Assignment of Copyright Form in PDF is available at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/societyimages/atsjournals/COPYRIGHTFORM.pdf. When the work is the product of more than one author, each author must complete and send a form.

Public Access Policy

If any of the authors have been supported financially by the NIH to conduct the research that is reported in the article, they should indicate this on the copyright form and provide the grant number and contact name on the title page of the manuscript. The ATS will submit an electronic copy of the final published version on the authors' behalf to the NIH National Library of Medicine's (NLM) and PubMed Central (PMC) at a time in compliance with NIH requirements. If any of the authors of a manuscript have been supported by the Wellcome Trust or other member of the Untied Kingdom PMC Funders Group, then the ATS will submit an electronic copy of the final published version to the United Kingdom PMC in compliance with requirements.

Cover Letter

A cover letter must accompany each manuscript and should be entered in the "Author Comments" box, one of the data entry screens appearing during the online submission process. It should identify the corresponding author, and should state that the material is original and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. It must also state that no part of the research presented has been funded by tobacco industry sources. The letter must include a statement indicating that all authors have read the manuscript and approve its submission. Requests for rapid publication should be made in the cover letter together with a brief explanation of the rationale ( see Rapid Communications below).

Author Disclosure

Upon submitting an original scientific manuscript, review article, editorial, or letter to the editor that has been approved for submission to the Journal, each and every author and co-author is required to submit a completed American Thoracic Society Disclosure Form online via the following secure ATS website: http://coi.thoracic.org. Journal editors, deputy editors, associate editors and peer reviewers also make disclosures to ATS, according to instructions they receive, at time of appointment.

The ATS Disclosure Form is a “universal ATS disclosure” intended to apply to all ATS activities in which the submitter participates. Individuals are asked explicit questions about relationships with commercial and non-commercial entities relevant to respiratory, critical care and sleep medicine. Examples of information requested include: (a) use of provided dollar ranges to disclose relevant personal financial interests;; (b) disclosure of relevant institutional relationships with commercial entities, if known to the author (note: ATS does not require individuals to make specific inquiries of the authorities of their institution); and (c) disclosure of any relationship with the tobacco industry or its affiliates and subsidiaries that benefited the ATS member/non-member or the tobacco industry in its promotion of tobacco products. (Note: the Journal also continues its policy of not accepting research funded by tobacco industry sources.) Disclosure of known involvement of a spouse, life partner, or dependent with relevant entities is also required.

Author disclosures will be considered in relation to the submitted manuscript by the Editor as part of the review process, and summarized within a statement prepared by the Journal that will be published with the manuscript after final approval.

The Journal assumes that all individuals have “competing interests” that may at times cause conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest depends on the situation, and not on the character or actions of the individual. The ATS defines conflict of interest as a “divergence between an individual’s private interests and his or her professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual’s professional actions or decisions are motivated by personal gain” and/or a “financial or intellectual relationship that may impact an individual’s ability to approach a scientific question with an open mind.”

After an article has been published, readers sometimes write to a journal because they have reason to believe that authors failed to disclose financial relationships with an entity that has an interest in the subject of the article. The Journal will handle these inquiries according to the recommendation of the American Medical Association. Queries will be forwarded to authors, and authors will be required to provide a written explanation. New disclosures will be published in the correspondence columns of the Journal.

The Journal strongly opposes contractual agreements that deny investigators the right to examine data independently or to submit a manuscript for publication without first obtaining the consent of the sponsor. Researchers should not enter into agreements that interfere with their access to data or their ability to analyze data independently, to prepare manuscripts, and to publish them. Authors should describe the role of the study sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the report for publication. If the supporting source had no such involvement, the authors should so state. If a study is funded by an agency with a proprietary or financial interest in the outcome of the study, the corresponding author must include the following statement in the "Author Comments" area of the manuscript submission website, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com: "I had full access to all of the data in this study and I take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis."

How to Submit Author Disclosure for Peer Review

Step 1: Each and every author must comply with ATS policies for disclosure of competing interests and relationships with the tobacco industry (click here to see the ATS COI and tobacco policies) and submit an up-to-date ATS disclosure form upon submisssion of a manuscript to the AJRCMB. The form is obtained at: http://coi.thoracic.org.

Step 2: Each author should save his/her completed form as a PDF file, which should be named consistent with the file naming convention defined on the website (e.g. blue200810OC.pdf). Each author should also establish an account at the ATS COI Manager archive, http://coi.thoracic.org, by way of providing basic contact information and determining a user name and password. An electronic copy (PDF file) of the completed form can then be stored on the site in a secure manner (available only to the author and a limited number of authorized ATS administrative staff), to be updated as needed for future Journal submissions or other ATS activities.

Step 3: Each author should also e-mail a second e-copy (PDF file) to the ATS Peer Review Office at forms@thoracic.org. Authors should be sure to include the journal and manuscript number in the subject heading of the email. A limited number of authorized ATS staff will assist the Editor in reviewing disclosures and preparing a statement to be published as a footnote in the official publication.

If you have any questions about submitting disclosures for revised manuscripts, please contact the ATS journal peer review office.

Human and Animal Study Guidelines

The American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology endorses recommendations concerning human research described in the Declaration of Helsinki. Manuscripts that do not conform to these standards may be rejected on that basis. Manuscripts reporting human research must state within the text that the institutional review board for human studies approved the protocols and that informed written consent was obtained from the subjects or their surrogates if required by the institutional review board.

Animal studies must conform to NIH guidelines (Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. NIH publication No. 86-23. Revised 1985. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9325). Humane care for animals is required, and details should be provided. For example, paralyzing agents are not an acceptable alternative to anesthesia and should be used only in conjunction with suitable anesthetic agents.

Genomics Data in ATS Journals

1. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that all data collected and analyzed in their experiments adhere to the Minimal Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) guidelines. The MIAME checklist is available at:


We require that authors submit all primary microarray data to one of the public repositories (ArrayExpress, GEO, or CIBEX), in a format that complies with the MIAME guidelines, by the time of publication.

2. Nucleic acid or protein sequences should be deposited in EMBL or Genbank databases and accession numbers submitted prior to publication of manuscripts.

Criteria For Authorship

Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work, the data analysis, and the preparation of the manuscript, and have reviewed and approve the manuscript as submitted to take public responsibility for it. This would include substantial participation in some or all of the following aspects of the work relating to the manuscript:

involvement in the conception, hypotheses delineation, and design of the study

acquisition of the data or the analysis and interpretation of such information

writing the article or substantial involvement in its revision prior to submission

Manuscript Preparation

All manuscripts should be concisely written and should contain complete documentation of results. References should be selected to document key ideas and observations. Manuscripts must be written in American English. All submissions should include a cover letter, and all original manuscripts should include, in the following order: (a) title page, (b) abstract, (c) keywords, (d) text, (e) acknowledgments, (f) references, (g) footnotes, (h) tables, (i) figure legends, and (j) figures.

Title Page

The title page should include a concise and descriptive title (limited to 100 characters, including spaces); the first name, middle initial, and last name of each author; the departmental and institutional affiliation of each author; and the telephone and fax numbers as well as the e-mail address of the corresponding author. (The corresponding author listed on the title page does not have to be the same person listed as the corresponding author for Peer Review in the ScholarOne system.) A running title of no more than 50 characters (including characters and spaces) be included. Please note that the title that appears on the manuscript itself must be identical to the manuscript title entered into the ScholarOne site.


The abstract summarizing the rationale, methods, results, and conclusions of the study should be limited to 250 words or less. References should be avoided but, if used, must be presented in full rather than by a reference number. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph.


A list of keywords for inclusion in the published article should be included. These will be published just below the abstract on the first page of the article.


A list of abbreviations is attached at the end of these Instructions. Other terms frequently used should be written out completely at first use, abbreviated in parentheses, and abbreviated thereafter. A separate section listing all abbreviations used in the manuscript, however, is not required.

Source of Materials

Generic names of drugs should be used instead of trade names. The location (city, state, country) of a manufacturer listed in the text should be provided after the first reference to the manufacturer.


The text is limited to 5,000 words. If a manuscript exceeds this word limit, authors are encouraged to submitted additional material as an Online Supplement (see guidelines below).

The text should include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods (not to exceed 500 words), Results, and Discussion. If a manuscript varies from this format, the rationale for the change should be explained in the cover letter. Subheadings may be used if desired.


Acknowledgments to individuals and research support should be placed in a single paragraph after the Discussion. Grant and funding information, however, should be acknowledged as a footnote on the title page of the manuscript, rather than in this section.

References and Supplemental Information

References should be limited to 50; exceeding this limit may delay manuscript processing. References should be typed double-spaced beginning on a separate sheet and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. All authors' names (do not use "et al."), complete article titles, and inclusive page numbers should be cited. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. If an article cited in the References is in press, one copy must be attached at the end of the manuscript submitted online. Unpublished observations and personal communications should be referred to as such in the text and not be referred to in the reference list. Submit written permission when citing a personal communication. Manuscripts "submitted for publication" are considered unpublished work and should not be included in the reference list. They should be cited in parentheses in the text as "unpublished data" or "unpublished observations." If overlapping work or supplemental information is discussed within the manuscript text, a labeled copy of the overlapping article or supplemental information should be attached at the end of the submitted manuscript file.

Examples of References

Journal Articles

Evans CM, Williams OW, Tuvim MJ, Nigam R, Mixides GP, Blackburn MR. Mucin is produced by Clara cells in the proximal airways of antigen-challenged mice. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2004;31:382-394.

(This follows the general NCBI/PubMed style.)

Articles in Press

Kimelman D, Kirschner M. Synergistic induction of mesoderm by FGF and TGF-B and the identification of an mRNA coding for FGF in the early Xenopus embryo. Cell (In press)

Complete Books

Weibel ER. Stereological Methods. London: Academic Press; 1979.

Articles in Books

Burgess JK, McParland BE. Analysis of gene expression. In: Conn MP, editor. Laser capture microscopy. San Diego: Academic Press; 2002. p. 259-270.


Carré PC, King TE Jr., Mortenson RL, Riches DWH. Overexpression of the interleukin 8 and fibronectin genes by alveolar macrophages in bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia [abstract]. Am Rev Respir Dis 1993;147:A479.

Government or Association Reports

U.S. Public Health Service. Smoking and Health. A Report of the Surgeon General. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1979. DHEW Publication No. (PHS)79-50066.

Journal Article in Electronic Format

Manoloff ES, Francioli P, Taffé P, van Melle G, Bille J, Hauser PM. Risk for Pneumonocytis carinii transmission among patients with pneumonia: a molecular epidemiology study. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 2003 Jan [cited 2003 Feb 14] Vol. 9(1). Available from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol9no1/02-0141.htm

Risk for Pneumonocytis carinii transmission among patients with pneumonia: a molecular epidemiology study. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] Jan [cited Feb. 14, 2003] Vol. 9(1). Available from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol9no1/02-0141.htm

Citation Managers

If you use use a citation manager to organize and style your references, you must make sure that you have downloaded the corrected style. For EndNotes you may go directly to http://www.endnote.com/support/enstyledetail.asp; for Reference Manager, go to http://www.refman.com/ and select “Get the Latest Styles and Filters” in the yellow box on the left.


Authors are responsible for obtaining proper written permission to reprint materials from any other copyrighted sources. This permission must be obtained prior to submission and included with the manuscript upon submission. Credit should be given within the manuscript for use of reprinted materials.


Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. Designate footnotes to tables by these superscript symbols and in this order: *, † , ‡ , §, ||, , **, , etc.


Tables should be typed double-spaced on separate sheets. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and should have a short title. Use superscript symbols for footnotes (see Footnotes). Each table should be self-explanatory and should not appear as part of a figure or be included within the figure legend. All tables should appear directly before the figure legend section and must be submitted as a word processing file, not as art.


Figures should be limited to a total number of 7 and no more than two journal pages, including legends. Figures should be numbered with Arabic numbers, and composite figures should be labeled with uppercase letters (e.g., Figure 3B) and should correctly correspond to their citations within the text. Each figure should appear on its own separate page. The labels and text within a figure should not be larger than the type used in the text of the published article: no larger than 10 point (2.5 mm in height) and no smaller than 6 point (1.5 mm in height). The size of the symbols must also be in scale with the figure, and all figures within an article should be the same point size. To further save space, all figure titles and explanations of symbols should appear only in the figure legend , not in the actual figure. Labels should be placed within the body of the figure, not outside of it. Figures should not exceed the page dimensions of 17.4 x 21.3 cm (6 7/ 8 x 8 3/ 8 inches); single-column figures should not exceed 8.4 x 21.3 cm (3 5/ 16 x 8 3/ 8 inches); and double column figures should not exceed 17.4 x 21.3 cm (6 7/ 8 x 8 3/ 8 inches). It is preferred that figures be submitted at final size. Light and electron micrographs should be composed to fill the width of either a single or double column. Photographs (micrographs and gels) should be carefully cropped and be of sufficient magnification to illustrate important observations. Micrographs should include internal scales; legends should not contain the magnification. If needed, figures may be reduced for better layout. For computer-generated figures, avoid using screens and light dot-pattern shading because they do not reproduce well. Instead, differentiate bars in a graph by using hatch marks or other large patterns.

Legends should present a short title and sufficient explanation to be intelligible without reference to the text.  


The submission of the Revised Manuscript starts from the Corresponding Author's "Author Center"; the process is initiated by clicking on the manuscript title in the "Manuscripts to be Revised" field. The revised Manuscript ID number is set automatically by the ScholarOne system (the character R1, R2, or R3 is appended to the previous manuscript ID). You will see a confirmation appear on the screen once your revision is fully submitted and an emailed confirmation will also be sent to you. Please note that the author is required to input "Responses to Reviewers" and "Responses to the Associate Editor" before the revision is submitted. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Fay Ling in Technical Support at fling@thoracic.org or call (212) 315-8638.


The cost of publishing color art in the Journal is partially subsidized by the ATS with a portion of the costs billed to authors. In addition, authors are offered discounts depending on their ATS membership status. Nonmembers are billed $700 (first color page)/$425 (each additional page that contains color).  Full U.S. ATS members are billed $400/$200, U.S. affiliate members are billed $450/$250, and U.S. trainee members are billed $300/$150. International Level A members are billed $400/$200, international Level B members are billed $300/$150, international Level C members are billed $100/$75 and international trainee members are billed $100/$75. Member discounts are based solely on the corresponding author’s membership status in the Society. (If you are not a member of the ATS and would like to join, please visit the ATS “Become a Member” page, or contact membership@thoracic.org or 212-315-8685).

Corresponding authors with manuscripts accepted for publication will be asked to confirm in writing their acceptance and responsibility for payment of this color art billing. If the color quote is not accepted, the author must indicate whether the figure should be printed in black and white or be deleted. There is no charge for having color figures appear in an online data supplement. However, if a figure in the main part of the article appears in color online, it must also appear in color in the printed version of the article.

Submitting Figures for Provisionally Accepted Manuscripts

Digital figures must be submitted as TIFF, press-quality PDFs, or EPS files; color art may only be submitted in the RGB format. Fonts in EPS files should be converted to "create outlines" or "convert to paths," as this will eliminate the need to download the fonts for outputting. However, if graphs or charts were originally made in a Microsoft Office file (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) please submit the figures in those formats. Do not save Microsoft Office files as TIFFs or JPEGs. Black and white line art must be processed at a minimum of 900 dpi (data per inch), halftones at 300 dpi, combos (color image + type, or black and white image + type) at 500 dpi, and color at 300 dpi. Please consult the Submission of Digital Art Guidelines for the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.

Below are the instructions regarding the ftp site for sending the large file. If you upload to the FTP site, please send an e-mail notification to cschutt@thoracic.org

The instructions to authors to send the large file(s):

Go to http://dropbox.yousendit.com/americanthoracicsociety, no Log In is needed

Choose “ATS PeerReviewManuscript” from the drop-down menu of the “Recipient”.

Enter the Subject in the ‘Subject box’ and a short message in the ‘Message box’. (Authors should put the manuscript ID in Subject box and a short message in “Message box” for you to identify the files)

Upload the file(s), then click the “Send it” button at the bottom of the screen.


Electronically submitted figures must be accurate representations of actual research images. Specific features within an image should not be enhanced, obscured, moved, deleted, or added. The grouping of images from different parts of the same gel, or from different gels, fields, or exposures must be made explicit by using dividing lines (or other graphic means of demarcation) and must also be stated in the figure legend. Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable if applied to the entire image, as long as these techniques do not obscure, eliminate, or misrepresent any information present in the original, including backgrounds (backgrounds should not be faded out to the extent that they are undetectable). Nonlinear adjustments (e.g., changes to gamma settings) as well as other manipulations such as pseudo-coloring must be disclosed in the figure legend. Authors should always have access to their original unprocessed images to provide to the Editor upon request. All figures will undergo image analysis for signs of inappropriate manipulation; if there are any questions about a figure, the Editor may contact the corresponding author at any point, even after the publication of the article.

Manuscript Handling

The author will automatically receive a confirmed Manuscript ID number once a manuscript has been uploaded onto the ScholarOne website. Dates of submission of original and revised manuscripts will be published. Submission of a manuscript to the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology is interpreted as indicating that the data are original and have not been submitted or published elsewhere (including websites) except as an abstract.

Major Technological Advances

Manuscripts reposting major technological advances that do not have a testable hypothesis will be considered.  These manuscripts must be limited to 3,000 words with 3 figures.  The author should choose the "MA" designation for manuscript type when the manuscript is first uploaded.

Rapid Communications

Concise reports of original observations of sufficient importance where rapid publication would substantially enhance research in the field will be considered for rapid review and publication. These reports should be definitive studies, fully documented, and referenced. Editors will provide decisions within 3 weeks of receipt and accepted manuscripts that require limited revision will be published 3 to 4 months after receipt. Editorial decisions may not be accompanied by the usual detailed reviewer comments.

Request for and justification of rapid publication should be made in the author's cover letter. In addition, the author should choose the "RC" designation for manuscript type when the manuscript is first uploaded.

The entire publication, including figures, tables, acknowledgments, footnotes, and references, is limited to 4,000 words with a 4 figure limit. Micrographs are counted as one page and each graph is counted as one-half page.

Submission Fees (before acceptance)
Authors are billed for submission fees at the time of the submission of a manuscript. These fees vary according to ATS membership status. Nonmembers are billed $100; full members (US and all international levels) are billed $50, U.S. affiliate members are billed $65, and U.S. and international trainee members are billed $40.  Submission fees are not refundable. Please write to the Publisher if there is a hardship or special circumstances.

Page Charges (after acceptance)
Authors are billed for page charges at different rates depending on their ATS membership status. Nonmembers are billed at the rate of $100 per printed page. Full U.S. ATS members and international Level A members are billed $70, U.S. affiliate members are billed $80, U.S. and international trainee members are billed $40, international Level B members are billed $45, and international Level C members are billed $20 per printed page. Member discounts are based solely on the corresponding author’s membership status in the Society. Level B and C memberships comprise countries with limited resources. (If you are not a member of the ATS and would like to join, please visit the “Become a Member” page, or contact membership@thoracic.org or 212-315-8685.)


Color cover illustrations will be chosen each month from an article appearing in the Journal. The choice of cover art illustration will be made by the Editor. Authors are also encouraged to submit suitable high-quality color figures that do not appear in the actual article. These figures should be related to the topic of their article and be accompanied by a short explanatory legend. Color figures will be published on the cover without additional charge; normal plate charges will continue to apply for color figures used within an article. The dimensions of cover illustrations should be 7-1/2 X 10 inches (width X height). These figures should be submitted according to the Submission of Digital Art Guidelines for the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.


The Editor invites editorials. Invited editorials should be submitted online to Manuscript Central. When uploading, authors can choose the manuscript type Editorial (ED) and indicate in the cover letter that this is an invited Editorial.

The goal of an Editorial is to summarize and translate important topics of research in respiratory biology. These short commentaries will review the historic development of information on the topic, the current understanding of the topic, and its relevance to basic lung biology and disease. Areas of importance for future studies may be identified as well. Topics for Editorials will be selected to highlight an interesting research publication in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and will be published in the same issue.

Editorials should be approximately 800-1000 words and contain no more than 16 references. The title for an editorial should not exceed 85 characters (count letters and spaces). No abbreviations should be included in the title.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor provide a format to discuss previously published material or other controversies. Presentations of unpublished investigations are not appropriate as Letters. Letters that confirm previously published material without adding significant new information are less likely to be published. Because of space limitations, priorities will be assigned to submitted Letters, and publication will depend on this priority rating.

Letters to the Editor should be no longer than 400 words and cite no more than 6 references. The title should be brief and reflect the content of the letter. Illustrations and tables are discouraged.

Letters to the Editor can be uploaded via ScholarOne as manuscript type Letter-to-the-Editor (LE).

Translational Reviews

The goal of Translational Reviews is to highlight an important scientific topic in respiratory cell or molecular biology and to provide a perspective on this topic for normal and abnormal function of the respiratory system. These reviews therefore aim to translate state-of-the-art basic research in the respiratory sciences into a form that is relevant to respiratory function and/or disease. The reviews should define why a topic is of importance, should present the current understanding of this topic, and should indicate the future directions of research in the area. Authors are encouraged to use their own work to illustrate general concepts in the field.

Translational Reviews should be 3,000 or 4,000 words of text (including references). Illustrative material, especially summary diagrams, is strongly encouraged. References should be representative rather than exhaustive. The review should also include an abstract limited to 250 words.

Online Data Supplement

Authors may submit supplemental material for posting on the online data supplement, including additional text, tables and figures (and supporting information), as well as video and audio files. In addition, Excel spreadsheets may also be submitted if it is necessary to include large datasets that would not easily convert to a PDF Format. The supplemental material must be appended to the main manuscript in one file (except for videos and other media that would not convert to PDF format). The cover sheet should identify the material as "online data supplement" and indicate the manuscript title and authors. This material will also be peer reviewed.

One important use of the online supplements might be to include an extended Materials and Methods section for which there is not sufficient room in the print version.

Supplemental material must have an independent reference section, sequentially numbered as "E1, E2." Figures and tables should be labeled "Figure E1", "Table E1," etc.

If supplementary material is included with an original submission, it must be included again when the revised manuscript is submitted. The staff will create the hypertext link between the Online Data Supplement and the online version of the article.

Articles in Press

Upon acceptance for publication, articles are posted online within days of acceptance as Articles in Press (http://ajrcmb.atsjournals.org/articlesinpress.shtml). Please note that these articles have not yet been copyedited or proofread. Final online and print publication of a manuscript will differ slightly from Articles in Press as a result of copyediting; there may be differences in the quality and position of the graphics.

The Articles in Press are citable, searchable, and establish publication priority. The official publication date appears below the title followed by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), an automatically generated unique identifier for intellectual property in the digital environment.


The American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology no longer mails hardcopy galley proofs to the Corresponding Author. Instead, once the article has been typeset, the Corresponding Author will receive an e-mail containing a live URL link to a PDF file of the typeset article. The e-mail also contains detailed instructions on making corrections.

Embargo Policy

An article published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology may not be discussed by journalists or presented in other public media, such as websites, prior to posting on the Journal's website. It is permissible to present the article's content at a scientific meeting. The ATS, however, may refuse to publish a manuscript, despite acceptance for publication by an editor, if information has been disseminated prematurely in the media. For more information, contact Brian Kell, Director of Communications, (212) 315-6442, Fax: (212) 315-8651, bkell@thoracic.org

(Reprints of these Instructions may also be obtained from the Peer Review or Editorial Office).

Last Updated: June 2010


A, ampere
µA, microampere(s)
mA, milliampere(s)
Å, angstrom (10 -8 cm)
AA, arachidonic acid
ACTH, adrenocorticotropin
ADP, adenosine diphosphate
AMP, adenosine monophosphate
cAMP, cyclic AMP
ATP, adenosine triphosphate
ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase

BCG, Calmette-Guerin bacillus
bp, base pair
BSA, bovine serum albumin

C, complement
°C, degree Celsius
cDNA, complementary DNA
CFA, complete Freund's adjuvant
CFU, colony-forming unit
Ci, curie(s)
µCi, microcurie(s)
mCi, millicurie(s)
Con A, concanavalin A
cpm, counts per minute
cps, counts per second
CTP, cytidine triphosphate
cycle/min, cycle(s) per minute
cycle/s, cycle(s) per second

D, dalton
d, day
DEAE, diethylaminoethyl
diam, diameter
DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium
DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide
DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid
DNase, deoxyribonuclease
DNP, dinitrophenyl
dpm, disintegrations per minute
dps, disintegrations per second
DTT, dithiothreitol

EBV, Epstein-Barr virus
EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EGTA, ethyleneglycol- bis-(β-aminoethyl
ether)- N, N'-tetraacetic acid
ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EM, electron microscopy

°F, degree Fahrenheit
FACS, fluorescent-activated cell sorter
FBS, fetal bovine serum
FCS, fetal calf serum
FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate
FMLP, formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine

g, gram
GTP, guanosine triphosphate

h, hour
HBSS, Hanks' balanced salt solution
Hepes, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine- N'-ethane sulfonic acid
HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography
HSA, human serum albumin

IFN, interferon
IEF, isoelectric focussing
Ig, immunoglobulin
i.m., intramuscular
i.p., intraperitoneal
IU, inernational unit(s)
i.v., intravenous

K d, dissociation constant
K i, inhibition constant
Km, Michaelis constant
kb, kilobase(s)
kbp, kilobase pair(s)
kD, kilodalton(s)

liter(s), liter(s)
µl, microliter(s)
ml, milliliter(s)
LPS, lipopolysaccharide

m, meter
µm, micrometer(s)
M, molar
mAb, monoclonal antibody
MEM, Eagle's minimum essential medium
mo, month
mol, mole(s)
mol wt, molecular weight
M r, relative molecular mass

N, normal (concentration of ionizable groups)
n, number in a study or group
NAD +, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
NADH, NAD + reduced
NADP, NAD + phosphate
NADPH, NADP reduced
ND, not determined
No., number
NP-40, Nonidet P-40
NS, not significant

OD, optical density
osM, osmolar
osmol, osmole(s)
µosmol, microosmole(s)
mosmol, milliosmole(s)

P, probability
PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PBS, phosphate-buffered saline
PCA, perchloric acid
PG, prostaglandin (also PGE, PGF, etc.)
pI, isoelectric point
Pipes, [(1,4-piperazinebis (ethane sulfonic acid)]
PMA, phorbol myristate acetate
PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte
PMSF, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride

r, correlation coefficient
RBC, red blood cell
RIA, radioimmunoassay
RNA, ribonucleic acid
mRNA, messenger RNA
tRNA, transfer RNA
RNase, ribonuclease
RNP, ribonucleic protein
rpm, revolutions per minute

s, second(s)
s, sedimentation coefficient
S, Svedberg unit of sedimentation coefficient
SD, standard deviation
SEM, standard error of the mean
SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate
SOD, superoxide dismutase
sp act, specific activity
SV-40, simian virus 40

t test, Student's t test
t 1/2, half-life, half-time
TCA, trichloroacetic acid
TdR, thymidine deoxyribose
TLC, thin layer chromatography
TRITC, tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate
Tris, tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane
TX, thromboxane

U, unit
UDP, uridine diphosphate
UDT, uridine triphosphateimage
UV, ultraviolet

V, volt
vol, volume

W, watt
wk, week
wt, weight

yr, year

Editorial Board

Editor's Office
Steven D. Shapiro, M.D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Deputy Editors
Kenneth B. Adler, Ph.D.
North Carolina State University

Mark A. Perrella, M.D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Peer Review Office
(All Submissions)
ATS Peer Review Office
61 Broadway
New York, NY 10006-2755
Tel: (212) 315-8619
Fax: (212) 315-8616

Peer Review Supervisor
Jillian D. Porteus

Peer Review Technical Support and Database Analyst
Fay Ling
Editorial Production
ATS Editorial Office
61 Broadway
New York, NY 10006-2755
Tel: (212) 315-6440
Fax: (212) 315-6456
Internet: http://www.thoracic.org

Managing Editor
Christina Shepherd

Editorial Production
Karen Kwak
Business Affairs
Donald E. Temple

Membership & Subscription
Jeffrey Delgado

Advertising Representatives
Cunningham Associates
180 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
Tel: (201) 767-4170
Fax: (201) 767-8065

Associate Editors

Steven M. Albelda, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania

Augustine M.K. Choi, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh

Pamela B. Davis, M.D.
Rainbow Babies/ Children's Hospital

Gregory P. Downey, M.D.
University of Toronto

Paul S. Foster, Ph.D.
Australian National Univeristy
Joe G.N. Garcia, M.D.
Johns Hopkins University

Peter M. Hensen, Ph.D.
National Jewish Center for Immunology

Marc B. Hershenson, M.D.
University of Michigan

Michael J. Holtzman, M.D.
Washingtion University

Gary W. Hunninghake, M.D.
University of Iowa

Steven L. Kunkel, Ph.D.
University of Michigan
Geoffrey J. Laurent, Ph.D.
University College London

Stephen B. Liggett, M.D.
University of Cincinnati

William C. Parks, Ph.D.
Washington University

Hajime Takizawa, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Tokyo

Peter F. Weller, M.D.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Jeffrey A. Whitsett, M.D.
Children's Hospital Medical Center

Jo Rae Wright, Ph.D.
Duke University

Guy A. Zimmerman, M.D.
University of Utah

Editorial Board

Carol B. Basbaum, Ph.D.
San Francisco, CA

Kenneth L. Brigham, M.D.
Nashville, TN

Arnold R. Brody, Ph.D.
New Orleans, LA

Steven L. Brody, M.D.
St Louis, MO

George H. Caughey, M.D.
San Francisco, CA

David M. Center, M.D.
Boston, MA

David D. Chaplin, M.D., Ph.D.
Birmingham, AL

Harold A. Chapman, Jr., M.D.
San Francisco, CA

Erika C. Crouch, M.D., Ph.D.
St Louis, MO

Douglas C. Dean, Ph.D.
St. Louis, MO

Claire M. Doerschuk, M.D.
Boston, MA
Jeffrey Drazen, M.D.
Boston, MA

Jack A. Elias, M.D.
New Haven, CT

Henry J. Forman, Ph.D.
Birmingham, AL

Jack Gauldie, Ph.D.
Hamilton, ON, Canada

Sandra J. Gendler, Ph.D.
Scottsdale, AZ

Craig Gerard, M.D., Ph.D.
Boston, MA

Jonathan M. Green, M.D.
St Louis, MO

Nobuyuki Hara, M.D., Ph. D.
Fukuoka, Japan

Curtis C. Harris, M.D.
Bethesda, MD

Stephen T. Holgate, M.D.
Southampton, UK

Patrick G. Holt, D.Sc.
West Perth, WA, Australia

George D. Leikauf, Ph.D.
Cincinnati, OH

Andrew H. Limper, M.D.
Rochester, MN

Dwight C. Look, M.D.
Iowa City, IA
John A. McDonald, Ph.D., M.D.
Salt Lake City, UT

J. Mark Madison, M.D.
Worcester, MA

William J. Martin II, M.D.
Indianapolis, IN

Sadis Matalon, M.D.
Birmingham, AL

York E. Miller, M.D.
Denver, CO

Redwan Moqbel, Ph.D.
Edmonton, AB, Canada

Joel Moss, M.D., Ph.D.
Bethesda, MD

Brooke T. Mossman, Ph.D.
Burlington, VT

Harry S. Nick, Ph.D.
Gainesville, FL

Toshihiro Nukiwa, M.D., Ph.D.
Sendai, Japan

Linhua Pang, M.B., Ph.D.
Nottingham, UK

Marlene Rabinovitch, M.D.
Toronto, ON, Canada

David M. Rodman, M.D.
Denver, CO

Paul Rothman, M.D.
New York, NY

Robert M. Senior, M.D.
St Louis, MO
Julian Solway, M.D.
Chicago, IL

Jonathan S. Stamler, M.D.
Durham, NC

Theodore J. Standiford, M.D.
Ann Arbor, MI

Kurt R. Stenmark, M.D.
Denver, CO

Galen B. Toews, M.D.
Ann Arbor, Ml

Dale T. Umetsu, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford, CA

Michael J. Walter, M.D.
St. Louis, MO

Steven J. Weintraub, M.D.
St Louis, MO

Jonathan C. Weissler, M.D.
Dallas, TX

Michael J. Welsh, M.D.
Iowa City, IA

Jonathan Widdicombe, Ph.D.
San Francisco, CA

Marsha A. Wills-Karp, Ph.D.
Cincinnati, OH

G. Scott Worthen, M.D.
Denver, CO

Reen Wu, Ph.D.
Davis, CA


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