

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The American Journal of Public Health has a fresh, new look and is fully online, accessible through www.ajph.org. Now there is full text display, key word search, links to Medline, online letters to the editor and much more. Check it out!

The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) is the No. 1 publication dedicated to original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health. This prestigious journal also regularly publishes authoritative editorials and commentaries and serves as a forum for the analysis of health policy. The stated mission of the Journal is "to advance public health research, policy, practice, and education." All published papers have undergone rigorous peer review (only one out of five submitted papers is accepted for publication). Each month, the nation's most influential public health professionals turn to AJPH for the most current, authoritative, in-depth information in the field.

The goals of both the online and the print versions of the Journal, published monthly by the American Public Health Association (APHA), are

To publish the best scientific research in the field of public health

To serve as a forum for diverse viewpoints on major public health issues and policies

To promote awareness of models of practice in public health

To increase public and professional understanding of public health problems and their solutions through delivery channels relevant to different audiences and their needs

AJPH, first published in 1911, is the official Journal of the American Public Health Association, 800 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20001-3710; (202) 777-APHA(2742). APHA is a professional society founded in 1872 to represent all disciplines and specialties in public health.

Instructions to Authors

"What AJPH Authors Should Know"

The foremost mission of the American Journal of Public Health (the Journal) is to promote public health research, policy, practice, and education. We aim to embrace all of public health, from global policies to the local needs of public health practitioners. Contributions of original unpublished research, social science analyses, scholarly essays, critical commentaries, departments, and letters to the editor are welcome. The Journal adheres to the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Deciding What to Submit

Informal Inquiries. The editors cannot respond to individual queries regarding the appropriateness of planned contributions. Therefore, if a planned contribution is close to completion, please consult the guidelines detailed here in order to better judge a paper's appropriateness for our readership. It is also helpful to consult recent issues of the Journal regarding our scope of coverage of public health issues. On our web site, http://www.ajph.org, you can search for and view abstracts in specific subject areas at no charge. If you are a subscriber or member, you have access to full text as well. Alternatively, you may purchase access from your personal computer to individual articles for 1 day at a cost of US$7 and to all articles for 2 days at a cost of US$20. Simply find the article you wish to view, click on full text, and follow the prompts.

Authors desiring special guidance on writing or reviewing for scholarly publication are encouraged to attend the seminar offered each year by the Editorial Board of the Journal at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.

Authors wishing to discuss groundbreaking public health initiatives with the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mary Northridge, may e-mail her at men11@columbia.edu, or contact Editorial Assistant Cynthia Dunbar at 212-342-2313 or cd254@columbia.edu. Organizations wishing to discuss publication of special supplements should contact the APHA Director of Publications, Ellen Meyer, at ellen.meyer@apha.org</A.< P>

Appropriate Format. A variety of Journal formats are available in order to reach diverse audiences and fill varied needs within public health. Scholarly essays, critical analyses, and policy papers may be submitted as Commentaries (up to 2500 words, 2 tables/figures, and an unstructured abstract of 120 words). Papers that report the results of original quantitative or qualitative public health research are published as Research and Practice articles (up to 3500 words, 4 tables/figures, and a structured abstract of 180 words). Preliminary or novel findings may be reported as Briefs (up to 800 words, 2 tables/figures, and an abstract of up to 80 words).

Essays in the Health Policy and Ethics Forum present critical views on public health policy and ethics controversies (up to 3500 words, 4 tables/figures, and an unstructured abstract of 120 words). Government, Politics, and Law encourages both new and familiar voices to sound off on essential public health topics, with arguments grounded in critical analysis (up to 3500 words, 4 tables/figures, and an unstructured abstract of 120 words). Public Health Matters features social science scholarship (both research reports and general analytical articles), the work of new disciplines within public health, and applications of frameworks to or critical perspectives of public health problems (up to 6500 words, 4 tables/figures, and an unstructured abstract of 120 words). Public Health Then and Now is devoted to history that bears on contemporary public health (up to 5500 words, 4 images, and an unstructured abstract of 120 words). Voices From the Past presents brief historical extracts from the works of public health pioneers that are republished with an accompanying biographical sketch (up to 2500 words, no abstract). Field Action Reports feature practice-based programs and initiatives that have the potential to advance the public's health, both locally and more broadly (up to 1000 words, 3 tables/figures/images, and a summary). Letters comment briefly on findings of Journal articles or other noteworthy public health advances (up to 400 words, no abstract, limited to 10 references). Please note that word counts refer exclusively to the main text and do not include abstract, references, or acknowledgments.

You may see other formats in the Journal. Editorials, Images of Health, Going Public, and Faces of Public Health are typically commissioned by the Journal's editors. If you wish to submit in one of these categories, please contact ajph.submissions@apha.org for referral to the appropriate editor.

On-line Submission

We hope authors will enjoy their experience with the Journal's new on-line submission, review, and production tracking system. Advantages include savings on postage; instantaneous file access; reference checking via links to MEDLINE; manuscript status information; automated record keeping; deadline reminders for authors, editors, and reviewers; faster peer review and publication; and enhanced archival capability.

If you have not done so previously, you must first register at http://submit.ajph.org and go to the Author Area. At the beginning of the submission process, you enter some basic manuscript, keyword, and author information. Then you upload relevant electronic files. The system subsequently converts your manuscript file to a PDF and appends other figure files for the anticipated review process. If you encounter any difficulties, technical assistance is available during normal business hours at FEEDBACK on the site.

The following instructions apply specifically to electronic submission of new manuscripts. Instructions for preparing revised manuscripts are provided through correspondence at later stages of review. Instructions for preparing final version production files are available at http://www.ajph.org/misc/production.shtml.

Providing Manuscript, Keyword, and Author Information

In the Manuscript Information section, you will be prompted to fill in a series of required information fields. Explanations of the content of some fields are given below. These fields will remain a part of your manuscript record and will be viewed on a confidential basis by editors and staff as needed. Reviewers will see only the abstract information. Information that you will need to complete in this section includes

Author contributions;

Article type and category;

Special theme, conference, or companion paper designation;


Cover letter;


Human participant protection statement;

Submission agreement signature; and

Suggested reviewers.

Authorship and Contributorship. Individual contributions of each author must be specified in a single brief statement. Listing more than 6 authors requires justification.

Example: E.C. Frampton conceived of the study and supervised all aspects of its implementation. S. Hampton assisted with the study and completed the analyses. R.E. Lewison synthesized analyses and led the writing. N.C. Smithson assisted with the study and analyses. All authors helped to conceptualize ideas, interpret findings, and review drafts of the manuscript.

Authors must confirm that the content has not been published elsewhere and does not overlap or duplicate their published work. Exceptions are made for abstracts and reports from scientific meetings. Upon acceptance, all authors must certify that they will take public responsibility for the content and provide any relevant data upon request. All authors must also certify that they have contributed substantially to conception and design or analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting or revision of content, and approval of the final version. Copyright is transferred to the American Public Health Association upon acceptance.

Cover Letter. Disclose all possible conflicts of interest (e.g., funding sources for consultancies or studies of products). A brief indication of the importance of the paper to the field of public health is helpful in gaining peer review. Do not include this cover letter in the manuscript file that you later will upload for review.

Abstract . Good abstracts are paramount. Use complete sentences, and spell out acronyms at first mention. Abstracts for all articles, except Research and Practice articles and Briefs, should be 120 words or less (not including headings); abstracts for Research and Practice articles and Briefs should be no more than 180 and 80 words, respectively. Research and Practice articles have structured abstracts with four headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Article types/departments that have unstructured (without headings) abstracts are as follows: Briefs; Commentaries; Field Action Reports; Government, Politics, and Law; Health Policy and Ethics Forum; Public Health Matters; and Public Health Then and Now. Departments that do not have abstracts include Editorials; Letters; and Voices From the Past.

You will need to copy and paste your abstract into the text box provided on the first page of the online submission form. We use this version of your abstract to solicit referees to review your manuscript. Potential reviewers may view it before they accept or decline the assignment.

We ask that the authors of Editorials, which are not published with abstracts, copy the first few paragraphs (Introduction) of their paper into the abstract text box located on the first page of the submission form.

Acknowledgments. Disclosure of all financial and material support is required. Upon acceptance, the first author will be asked to certify that all persons who have contributed substantially to the work but who do not fulfill authorship criteria have been listed, and that written permission for listing them has been obtained.

Your acknowledgments should be copied and pasted into the space provided on the first page of the submission form.

Human Participant Protection. If human participants are involved, a statement of approval by an institutional review board (IRB) and the participants' informed consent is required. The Journal adheres to the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (http://www.wma.net). If IRB approval was not obtained, an explanation is required.

Next, you will be asked to select Keywords and to list Author Information. Then you will be ready to upload your files.

Uploading Your Files

After completing Manuscript, Author, and Keyword information, you will next answer a few questions about word counts and the number of tables and figures. You will then upload files for review purposes. Contained within the main Manuscript File should be your title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. This file will be converted to a PDF file that reviewers can print and read. You also may upload other figure files for review; these will be appended to the PDF version of your manuscript. In addition, supplementary and image files may be uploaded within the system.

Please submit only a Word .DOC manuscript file. (If you prefer, you may submit in PDF format, but for review purposes only; a Word .DOC file will later be required as a final version for production if the article is accepted.) The Journal follows the guidelines of the International Committee and the American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th ed) for all quantitative research articles.

Title Page (page 1 of the Manuscript File). All that is necessary on the title page is the title itself. Authorship information must not appear on the title page (nor anywhere else in the Manuscript File). AJPH's review process is double-blind--to ensure an impartial evaluation, reviewers' identities will not be divulged to authors, and author's identities will not be available to reviewers until after an editorial decision is made. If you would like to include information such as the word counts for your abstract, main text, and references, as well as the number of tables/figures on the title page, please do so. This easily accessible information can be very useful to editors and reviewers.

Abstract (page 2 of the Manuscript File). Copy and paste your abstract as provided in the Manuscript Information section previously.

Text (begins on page 3 of the Manuscript File). Add subheads for clearer presentation and informed reading (at least 1 subhead for every 2 pages). Text heads should be brief. Editorial staff reserve the right to shorten heads to fit. Use acronyms sparingly, if at all.

We recommend that you use only certain fonts: Times, Times Roman, Arial, and the Symbol font for special characters. Using other fonts could make the PDF more difficult to read.

References (within the Manuscript File). Consult the AMA Manual of Style for examples of formatted references (or see JAMA. 1998;279:68). Essential content items to include in your reference list are listed in the "References" section of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, created by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The Journal lists up to 6 authors; for more, list the first 3 and add et al. Number references in the order cited in text, tables, and figures (assume tables and figures fall at first call-out). If you have used an automatic footnote or endnote system, please remove all automatic links between citation numbers and the references (Note that some bibliographic software offer one-step removal of linking codes specifically for submitting manuscripts to publishers.). Verify all references using MEDLINE. For secondary sources, direct quotations, and citations from books or reports, give specific page numbers. Cite personal (written or oral) communications in the text only, giving source, date, and type (if e-mail, provide sender's address). For Public Health Then and Now and Public Health Matters only, authors may follow endnote style (Documentation 1) in the Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed. 1993:487-635). Note that Letters and Responses are limited to 10 references.

References should appear after the main text (and before tables and figures) in the manuscript file that you will upload. They will become both a part of the PDF and a separate HTML file with links to the MEDLINE database and to journals hosted by HighWire Press. These links will allow editors and reviewers immediate access to works cited.

Tables and Figures (within the Manuscript File). Please note the following guidelines for the number of tables, figures, and images: Articles (4 tables/figures), Briefs (2 tables/figures), Commentaries (2 tables/figures), Field Action Reports (3 tables/figures/images), Public Health Matters (4 tables/figures), and Public Health Then and Now (4 images).

Each table and figure should have a self-contained title that is fully comprehensible without reference to the text. Tables should each be placed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript file you will upload. Figures in Excel format should appear directly after tables, each on a separate page. Figures in other than Excel format can either (1) be pasted onto the end of the Manuscript File, each on a separate page, or (2) be uploaded as figure files (see Other Figure Files below).

Lettering in figures should be large enough to read once reduced to print. Figures should include legends and should be professionally drawn or created using a computer program. Click here for a more in-depth explanation of our graphics requirements.

Note: Excel tables are preferred. Only simple or text-heavy tables should be created in Word. Do not upload Excel files as figure files. Instead, you must submit Excel-based figures by cutting and pasting them into the end of your manuscript file. If you try to upload them as figure files, they will not appear with the PDF, and may prevent conversion altogether.

Other Figure Files. Upload non-Excel black-and-white charts and graphs as Figure Files. Formats not supported include the following: Bitmap (.bmp), Canvas (.cnv), CorelDRAW (.cdr), Excel (.xls), PhotoShop (.psd), PICT (.pict), and locked or encrypted PDFs. Multi-page PowerPoint files (.ppt) are not supported; however, one slide per file is acceptable. Your figures will be converted and appended to the PDF of your manuscript.

Supplementary/Image Files. Upload relevant prior publications in press or in process if they contain related or potentially duplicative findings. These are files that will not appear with the print article, though they might accompany the final version of the paper on-line at the Editor-in-Chief's discretion. Supplementary files are not converted to PDF for review but will be available to editors and staff exactly as you upload them.

Images. AJPH uses photography and graphics to illustrate the issues raised in our published articles. We are particularly interested in finding images for these departments: Commentaries, Editorials, Field Action Reports, Going Public, and Public Health Then and Now.

Do not include images in your Manuscript File. High-quality digital photos and other images should be uploaded as "Supplementary/Image Files." These files are not converted to PDF for review but will be available to editors and staff exactly as you upload them. Image formats accepted are TIFF, PSD, EPS, WMF, PDF, and JPEG files of minimum 300 dpi resolution at 4 by 6 inches. TIFF files are preferred. Do not submit low-resolution images such as GIFs saved from your Web browser as image files.

Any images uploaded as "Figure Files" will appear in the PDF, and thus will be seen by reviewers. You may upload a small, low-resolution image as a Figure File, IF you also upload a high-quality version as a supplementary/image file, or plan to send one by mail or e-mail upon acceptance. For further guidance on images, we recommend you carefully read our graphics requirements.

Appendixes and Extensive Tables. Appendixes are not published in print but may accompany the final version of the paper on-line at the Editor-in-Chief's discretion. A text note can indicate availability either from the author or (at moderate cost) from the National Auxiliary Publication Service. For more information, consult the Production Editor at ajph.production@apha.org.

Submission Checklist

Cover letter with conflict of interest disclosure

Justification for more than 6 authors

Explanation of authors' contributions

Abstract (correct format and word limit)

Text (manuscript file in Word format)

References (accuracy, style, and numbering)

Acknowledgments (funding sources, contributors who didn't fulfill authorship requirements)

Human Participant Protection (IRB approval, consent)

Tables (numbered, with title and footnotes)

Figures (numbered, black-and-white, EPS, WMF, PPT, or PDF)

Related supplementary material, including images (TIFF, PSD, EPS, WMF, PDF, or JPEG of more than 300 dpi, 4" x 6")

Review, Editing, and Production

We acknowledge new and revised manuscripts upon receipt. About 60% of submissions are rejected upon initial screening by the editors, usually within 1 week of receipt. Peer review of the remainder requires about 2.5 months, although our new Internet-based tracking system promises greater speed for the future. The review process is double blind, with authors unaware of the identities of reviewers and reviewers unaware of the identities of authors until acceptance. Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to submit final source files for editing and production. Please visit our Production Page for information regarding the production process. The Journal publishes about 20% of initial submissions. Publication of uncommissioned manuscripts currently occurs 4 to 12 months after acceptance.

Questions Send an e-mail to ajph.submissions@apha.org.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Staff at APHA

800 I Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20001-3710


Executive Director/Publisher

Georges Benjamin, MD, FACP

 Director of Publications

Nina Tristani


Manager of Production

Brian Selzer




Submissions, Reviews & General Inquiries

Teena Lucas teena.lucas@apha.org








Maya Ribault

Jr. Associate Production Editor






Advertising & Career Mart

Ashell Alston

Director of Advertising



Eutha Mitchell

Advertising Assistant

eutha.mitchell@apha.org Subscriptions

Vivian Tinsley

Subscription Coordinator

Please contact Vivian Tinsley for all subscriber inquiries. Members can contact Yvonne Kazim for membership inquiries. vivian.tinsley@apha.org




 BR>  Typesetting & Design

Jennifer Strass

Desktop Publisher Manager



Ellie D'Sa

Graphic Designer



Maya Ribault

Permissions and Licensing Coordinator





Commercial Reprints

Matt Neiderer




Yvonne Kazim. Please contact Yvonne Kazim for all membership inquiries.




Online Publishing Staff at HighWire Press

Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

Journal Manager

Greg Brown Production Specialist

Michael Llavore Journal Tracking System Manager

Janet Gomez





Mary E. Northridge, PhD, MPH

Columbia University

New York, New York

Deputy Editor

Farzana Kapadia, PhD

New York University

New York, New York Feature Editor

Gabriel N. Stover, MPA

Los Angeles, California Image Editor

Aleisha Kropf

Bloomington, Indiana



Associate Editors 

Mary T. Bassett, MD, MPH

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

New York, New York Felipe González Castro, PhD, MSW

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona

 Michael R. Greenberg, PhD

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, New Jersey


Sofia Gruskin, JD, MIA

Harvard University

Boston, Massachusetts

 Said Ibrahim, MD, MPH

Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

 Robert Kim-Farley, MD, MPH

UCLA School of Public Health

Encino, California


Stewart Landers, JD, MCP

John Snow Inc.

Boston, Massachusetts

 Stella M. Yu, ScD, MPH

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Rockville, Maryland







International Associate Editors 

Kenneth Rochel de Camargo Jr., MD, PhD

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Daniel Tarantola, MD

The University of New South Wales




Associate Editor for Statistics and Evaluation 

Roger Vaughan, DrPH, MS

Columbia University

New York, New York



Department Editors 

Leslie M. Beitsch, MD, JD

Government, Politics, and Law

Florida State University College of Medicine

Tallahassee, Florida Elizabeth Fee, PhD

Images of Health,

Public Health Then and Now,

Voices From the Past

Bethesda, Maryland

Theodore M. Brown, PhD

Images of Health,

Public Health Then and Now,

Voices From the Past

University of Rochester Medical Center

Rochester, New York Bernard M. Dickens, PhD

Health Policy and Ethics Forum

University of Toronto

Toronto, CANADA

Deborah Holtzman, PhD, MSW

Framing Health Matters

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Atlanta, Georgia Kenneth R. McLeroy, PhD

Framing Health Matters

Texas A&M University

Bryan, Texas



Freelance Staff 

Gretchen Becker


 Greg Edmondson


 Jennifer Holmes



Gary Norton


 Michele Quirk


 Beth Staehle



Trish Weisman


 Brent Winter


 Alexe van Beuren



Chris Filiatreau


 Sara Smith


 Eileen Wolfberg



Michele Pryor

Graphic Designer

 Vanessa Sifford

Graphic Designer





Editorial Board 


Hector Balcazar, PhD

University of Texas

El Paso, Texas Bobbie Berkowitz, PhD, RN

University of Washington

Seattle, Washington

Russell Brewer, DrPhH

Academy for Educational Development

Washington, District of Columbia Bonnie Duran, DrPhH

University of Washington

Seattle, Washington

Neil Hann, MPH, CHES

Oklahoma State Department of Health

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Alice M. Horowitz, PhD, MA

National Institute of Dental Research

Chevy Chase, Maryland

Cassandra L. Joubert, ScD

Children's Institute

Fresno, California Louise-Anne McNutt, PhD

University at Albany, SUNY

Rensselaer, New York

Dana B. Mukamel, PhD


Irvine, California Brian Saylor, PhD, MPH

Institute Circumpolar Health Studies/UAA (retired)

Anchorage, Alaska

David H. Wegman, MD, MSc

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Lowell, Massachusetts Lynne S. Wilcox, MD, MPH

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Atlanta, Georgia

Jeffrey R. Wilson, PhD, MS

Arizona State University


Jared Lane K. Maeda, MPH

University of Illinois at Chicago

Chicago, Illinois


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