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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



The American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism publishes results of original studies about endocrine and metabolic systems on any level of organization. Molecular, subcellular, and cellular studies in whole animals or humans will be considered. Specific themes include mechanisms of hormone and growth factor action; hormonal or metabolite control of organic and inorganic metabolism; paracrine and autocrine control of endocrine cell performance; activation of gene expression; function and activation of hormone receptors; endocrine or metabolic control of ion channels and membrane function; differentiation of endocrine and reproductive cell function; temporal analysis of hormone secretion and metabolism; and mathematical modeling and kinetic analysis of hormone action or metabolism. Novel molecular, immunological, magnetic resonance, or electrophysiological studies of hormone action or receptor activation are also welcome.

Instructions to Authors


Instructions for Preparing Your Manuscript

This document will take you through all the major steps of preparing your manuscript for submission to the American Physiological Society Journals, from how best to format and organize the paper itself, to how to create digital images suitable for print and web publication, to advice on how to present supplemental data files such as video clips and long tables.

When you are ready to submit, see the Guide to Uploading Manuscripts.

These instructions pertain to all of the American Journal of Physiology sections, as well as the Journal of Applied Physiology, the Journal of Neurophysiology, and Physiological Genomics. Advances in Physiology Education, News in Physiological Sciences (invited only), and Physiological Reviews (invited only) have specific instructions that you should review if you are submitting to them.

Exceptions for the Journal of Neurophysiology

The Journal of Neurophysiology departs from usual Journal style in some areas; specifically regarding keywords, and references. These exceptions are marked below with the "JN" icon: , and bordered to the left with a bold black line.

Main Contents
General Information
Ethical Policies and Standards
Technical Requirements
Manuscript Sections
Types of Articles
Mathematical Equations and Modeling
Data Supplements

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


Editor-in-Chief: Michael M. Mueckler

Michael M. Mueckler, Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology at Washington University School of Medicine assumed the editorship of the AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism on January 1, 2001. Mueckler received his Ph.D. in Oncology in 1983 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was then awarded a fellowship from the Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund
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Associate Editors
C. Burant
M. Magnuson
M. McDaniel
L. Rossetti
C. F. Semenkovich
G. Shulman

Editorial Board
D. Accili
M. Ader
A. Arduini
P. Arvan
A. Barkan
E. Barrett
N. Barzilai
P.-O. Berggren
M. Beylot
D. Bier
S. Bonner-Weir
G. Brooks
H. Brunengraber
J. Bryan
T. A. Buchanan
W. Cefalu
M. J. Charron
B. Chatterjee
A. Cherrington
C. Cobelli
J. Corbett
P. Cryer
M. Czech
D. Drucker
R. Easom
D. Ehrmann
J. E. Friedman
A. Giacca
I. Goldberg
I. D. Goldfine
L. Goodyear
J. Granneman
G. H. Greeley
J. Habener
A. Halseth
G. Hammer
P. Hansen
M. Hawkins
M. K. Hellerstein
J. Holloszy
G. Holman
E. Horton
J. Johnson
B. Kahn
C. R. Kahn
J. K. Kelleher
P. Kern
S. Klein
A. Kowluru
E. Kraegen
B. Landau
R. LeBoeuf
T. Leff
F. Levine
L. Luzi
D. Moller
L. Moss
K. S. Nair
C. Newgard
J. Oram
M. A. Permutt
K. Petersen
L. Philipson
D. Piston
K. S. Polonsky
C. Postic
A. Powers
M. Prentki
D. Rader
J. Radziuk
E. Ravussin
M. Reitman
R. A. Rizza
R. Roth
N. Ruderman
L. Satin
M. Schwartz
R. Sherwin
I. A. Simpson
W. I. Sivitz
R. Sorenson
W. C. Stanley
D. T. Stein
R. Stein
M. C. Sugden
J. Treadway
E. Volpi
D. H. Wasserman
R. Weiss
M. White
B. Wolf
R. Wolfe
K. Yarasheski

Publications Committee
Dale Benos, Chair
P. A. Hansen
M. A. Knepper
H. Raff
E. D. Rannels

Ex Officio
J. A. Williams, APS President
M. Frank, Executive Director, APS
Margaret Reich, Director of Publications and Executive Editor

Editorial Staff
A. G. Trudgett, Editorial Manager
Nancy McClusky, Journal Supervisor
Martin Mould, Copy Editor

Editors Corner

Reviewers' Section


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