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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


American Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, "The Gray Journal," presents coverage of the entire spectrum of the field, from the newest diagnostic procedures to leading-edge research. The Journal provides comprehensive coverage of the specialty, including maternal-fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology/infertility, and gynecologic oncology. It also publishes the annual meeting papers of several of its more than 30 sponsoring societies, including the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons. The Journal is recommended for initial purchase in the Brandon-Hill study, Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library .

Instructions to Authors

Submission. Authors are to submit manuscripts online at
http://ajog.edmgr.com. Should an extenuating circumstance prevent online submission, all required items are to be submitted on disk (including the scanned Checklist and Copyright Statement files) and sent to Sandra Perrine, Managing Editor, 965 W. Hackberry Court, Chandler, AZ 85248. Letters-to-the-Editor are to be e-mailed to ajog@rrohio.com as an attached Word or text file; if e-mail is not possible, the letter should be submitted on disk with two hard copy printouts and sent to Donna Stroud, Managing Editor, 5515 Scioto-Darby Rd, #202, Hilliard, OH 43026.

Previous publication. Noncompliance of the following may lead to an editorial judgment with regard to Inappropriate Acts, “Specific inappropriate acts in the publication process. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188:32A-38A. If a report by the same author(s) or some of the same authors has been previously published in any medium that deals in any respect whatsoever with the same patients, same animals, same laboratory experiments, or same data, in part or in full, as those reported in the manuscript being submitted, two reprints of the article(s) or two copies of the manuscript must be forwarded with the submitted manuscript. Additionally, two copies of any new manuscript being prepared for possible publication must be submitted. The author(s) are to inform the editor in detail of the circumstances, similarities, and differences of the reports. This requirement also applies to the submission of a manuscript in which a few different patients, animals, laboratory experiments, or data were added to those reported in a previous publication, submission or accepted manuscript. Articles previously published in another language will not be considered for publication in the Journal.

Previous submission (not published). In the event the manuscript was previously submitted elsewhere and not accepted, the author(s) must provide copies of the peer review comments and a detailed response to each point.

Human and nonhuman experimentation. Authors must follow the ethical standards for human experimentation, which were established by the Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: recommendations guiding physicians in biomedical research involving human subjects. JAMA 1997;277:925-6). It is assumed by the editors that a manuscript emanating from a particular institution is submitted with the approval of the requisite authority. Human experimentation that requires local institutional approval must have this approval before the experiment is started and upon request the authors are required to provide copies of the appropriate documentation. Institutional approval must be indicated in the Material and methods section of the submitted manuscript. If exempt from Institutional Review Board approval, an explanation is provided in the Material and methods section.

Reports of experiments on nonhuman animals or other species must state in the Material and methods section of the manuscript that the guidelines for the care and use of the animals approved by the local institution were followed. The type of nonhuman animals or other species used in an investigation must be named in the title, abstract, key words, and Material and methods section of the manuscript.

Trial/research guidelines. The following guidelines must be adhered to when formulating the study. Upon submission of the manuscript, authors are to indicate the type of trial/research on the Author Checklist.

Randomized Controlled Trials. Authors are to consult the CONSORT statement (Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman D, for the CONSORT Group. The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. JAMA. 2001;285:1987-91

Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews of Randomized Controlled Trials. Authors are to consult the QUOROM statement (Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S, Olkin I, Rennie D, Stroup DF. Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials: the QUOROM statement. Quality of Reporting of Meta-Analyses. Lancet 1999;354:1896-900

Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Authors are to consult the MOOSE guidelines (Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, et al. Meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology: a proposal for reporting. Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) group. JAMA 2000;283:2008-12

Diagnostic tests. Authors are to consult the STARD Initiative. (Bossuyt, PM, Reitsma, JB, Bruns, DE, et al. Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: the STARD Initiative. Clin Chem 2003;49:1-6.

Authorship. Each author must qualify by having participated actively and sufficiently in the study that is being performed and reported. Inclusion of each author in the authorship list of a report is based only (1) on substantial contributions to (a) concept and design, or analysis and interpretation of data and (b) drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and (2) on final approval by each author of the version of the manuscript. Conditions 1 (a and b) and 2 must both be met. Others contributing to the work (including participants in collaborative trials) should be recognized separately in the Acknowledgment. In the cover letter that accompanies the submitted manuscript, it must be confirmed that all authors fulfilled both conditions. Authorship is limited: see “REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF MANUSCRIPTS.?Additional authors may be considered on an individual basis only if all authorship requirements indicated above are met and a request has been submitted for Editor approval, or additional authors may be listed at the end of the article in the Acknowledgment section.

Conflict of interest. Authors are expected to inform the editor, in a letter accompanying the submitted manuscript, of any commercial association that might pose a conflict of interest, such as ownership, stock holdings, equity interests and consultant activities, or patent-licensing situations. Such information is confidential, is not given to the consultants, and does not play a part in the decision of the quality or timeliness of the manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted, the author and the editor will determine how best to release the information. The usual and customary listing of sources of support and institutional affiliations on the title page is proper and does not imply a conflict of interest; only where there is a possible conflict of interest is the author(s) expected to inform the editor.

Disclaimer. Statements and opinions expressed in articles and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the editor(s) or publisher. The editor(s) and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. Neither the editor(s) nor the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service advertised in this publication, nor do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such product or service.

Copyright statement. The specified copyright statement that follows the Information for Authors must be completed, signed by all authors, and submitted with the manuscript. If not completed in full, it will be returned to the author for completion. The copyright statement and checklist may be torn from a Journal issue, photocopied, or printed from online for submission.

Permissions. Direct quotations, tables, or figures that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner and original author along with complete reference information. Photographs of identifiable persons must be accompanied by signed releases. If not, all recognizable features must be masked.

Checklist. The checklist that appears with the copyright statement must be fully completed by the author(s) and sent with each submitted manuscript. A more complete description of each item that must be checked is provided under the following appropriate heading. If the checklist is not completed in full, the submission will not be considered.

Author's suggested reviewers. When authors submit manuscripts, they must provide the name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of at least three reviewers for editorial consideration. Suggested reviewers can be anyone knowledgeable in the area of study that is being presented. However, individuals located at the same institution as any of the author(s) or who worked at the study location during the time the study was conducted should not be suggested.

Books. Books received will be listed on the Journal's Web site:
www.mosby.com/ajog. They should be sent to the East Editorial Office. Books will not be returned.

Reprints. The corresponding author will receive a price schedule and order form from the publisher before publication.


The requirements for manuscripts submitted to the Journal generally conform to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals,?established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (
www.icmje.org). Manuscripts must be submitted in English, a font size no smaller than 12, with 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, and sides. Number pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner in the following order: title page, condensation, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, and tables. The author(s) accepts responsibility that the electronic file is correct, upon submission, revision, and acceptance.

Title page. The title page (page 1) should contain in sequence the title (excluding any conclusion statements, concise and suitable for indexing purposes); author line with first name, middle initial, and LAST NAME (surname to appear in all capital letters) of each author and each author's highest academic degree (both MD and PhD are acceptable, but honors degrees are not permitted); city(ies), state(s) and country(ies) other than the United States in which the study was conducted; divisional, or departmental, and institutional affiliations at the time the study was performed; source(s) of financial support; presented line, if applicable; disclaimers, if any; name, address, business and home telephone numbers, fax number, and e-mail address of author to whom requests for reprints should be addressed (if reprints will not be available, it should be so stated); and name address, business and home telephone numbers, fax number, and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence concerning the manuscript if different from the author to whom reprint requests are addressed.

Condensation. On page 2 of the manuscript provide a brief, concise condensation, delineating the essential point(s) made in the manuscript. This should be one typed sentence, double-spaced, and limited to a maximum of 25 words. It will appear in the published Table of Contents.

Abstract page, including key words/phrases. On manuscript page 3, type the abstract, double spaced, with the required margins and headed by the title of the article and name(s) of author(s). Below the abstract list 3 to 5 key words or short phrases for indexing purposes. A structured abstract is required for certain types of articles and a standard abstract format is required other types of articles; therefore, the author(s) should select and prepare the appropriate abstract to be used in the submitted manuscript. This applies to both independently submitted and society manuscripts.

A structured abstract is to be used for regular articles, limited to 150 words, and is to contain the following major headings:

Objective(s): Reflects the purpose of the study, that is, the hypothesis that is being tested.

Study Design: Include the setting for the study, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention, and the type of statistical analysis.

Results: Include the outcome of the study and statistical significance, if appropriate.

Conclusion(s): States the significance of the results.

A standard abstract is required for all other types of papers. The standard abstract for Case Reports and Brief Communications is limited to 50 words. Clinical Opinion and AJOG Reviews are permitted 50 to 150 words.

Abbreviations. Only standard abbreviations are acceptable. Consult the Scientific Style and Format by the Council of Biology Editors (
www.cbe.org) or the AMA's Manual of Style. Abbreviations in the title are not acceptable and they should be avoided, if possible, in the abstract. In the text they should be kept to a practical minimum. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is standard unit of measurement.

Text. Do not hesitate to write your manuscript in the first person and active voice if they are more appropriate to the information you wish to convey. The passive voice is generally more effective for describing techniques or observations, since the emphasis is on the “action?rather than on the person performing the action.

Although not appropriate for some types of articles, regular articles are customarily organized into sections and identified with the following headings:

Introduction: State concisely the purpose and rationale for the study and cite only the most pertinent references as background.

Material and methods: Briefly describe (but in sufficient detail to permit others to repeat the study), the plan, the patients, experimental animals or other species, material, and controls, the methods and procedures utilized, and the statistical method(s) employed. Address Institutional Review Board issues as stated in the human and nonhuman experimentation section of this document. If exempt from Institutional Review Board approval, an explanation is provided in the Material and methods section. The generic, chemical or proprietary names of drugs may be used. If the generic or chemical name is used, authors may, if they desire, insert the proprietary name in parentheses after the first mention in the text, with the name of the manufacturer, city, and state.

Results: Present the detailed findings. Include mentions of all tables and/or figures. Figures and tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text; presentation of data in either one or the other will suffice. Emphasize only your important observations; do not compare your observations with those of others. Such comparisons and comments are reserved for the Comment section.

Comment: State the importance and significance of your findings but do not repeat the details given in the Results section. Limit your opinions to those strictly indicated by the facts in your report. Compare your finding with those of others. No new data are to be presented in this section.

Statistics usage. In describing statistical analyses that have been performed, authors must clearly state which tests were used to evaluate a specific data set. When data are presented in tabular form, the statistical test used to evaluate the data should be indicated with a footnote for each test use.

Acknowledgments. Acknowledge only persons who have made substantive contributions.

References are limited depending upon the type of manuscript being submitted. See Requirements for certain types of Manuscripts. Number references consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Use the form of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals?(
www.icmje.org). Journal titles should conform to the abbreviations used in Cumulated Index Medicus.

Examples (if six or fewer authors, list all; if seven or more authors, list six then et al):

JOURNAL: Brosens JJ, Pijnenborg R, Brosens IA. The myometrial junctional zone spiral arteries in normal and abnormal pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:1416-23.

BOOK: Kim M. Amenorrhea: primary and secondary. In: Zuspan FP, Quilligan ED, editors. Handbook of obstetrics, gynecology, and primary care. St. Louis: Mosby; 1998. p. 3-10.

Personal communications and unpublished data if essential, may be used but not as a numbered reference. If used, they are to be referred to, within parentheses, at the appropriate location in the text. The author(s) must obtain written and signed permission for its use from the individual being quoted, and it must accompany the manuscript upon submission.

Published abstracts can be used as a numbered reference; however, reference to the complete published article is preferred.

Figures. The term figure includes all types of illustrations such as graphs, diagrams, photographs, flow charts, and line drawings. A reasonable number of black and white figures will be reproduced without charge. Color should be used in illustrations only when it illustrates a point that cannot be made in black and white. Selected color illustrations maybe accepted by the Editors at no cost to the authors. Authors may be required to pay some or all costs associated with color illustrations and will receive a price quote from the publisher prior to publication. Figures must be cited consecutively in the text with Arabic numerals. Consistency in size is strongly preferred. Any special instructions regarding sizing should be clearly noted. Freehand lettering on the figure is not acceptable. All lettering must be in proportion to the drawing, graph, or photograph. Figure legends should not appear on the figure. Multiple figures on a page cannot be accepted.

Hard copy figures are required for all accepted manuscripts, and figures on disk are encouraged. Please adhere to the following parameters for optimal reproduction.

Hard copy figures. On the back of each unmounted figure clearly identify the top, first author, manuscript title, and figure number. Do not use paper clips or mar the surface of figures in any way. All original or hard copy illustrations must be submitted on glossy or photographic printer paper. Any patterns or shadings must be dark enough for reproduction and distinguishable from each other. Lines, symbols, and letters should be smooth and complete.

Original drawings, appropriately done in black India ink, roentgenograms, and other material must be submitted as glossy prints with good black-and-white contrast.

Color photos must have a color balance consistent in lighting and film speed. Please note that 35-mm transparencies are enlarged to twice their original size. Polaroid prints are not acceptable.

Computer-generated figures must be legible, clearly printed with laser jet ink, full size at 300 dpi or greater full-page resolution, on photographic printer paper. Dot matrix prints and photographic halftones are not acceptable.

For color computer-generated figures, colors must be dark enough and of sufficient contrast for reproduction. With the exception of fluorescent colors, all colors can be reproduced in four-color figures. The preparation and submitting of color prints should follow the preceding guidelines for computer-generated figures.

Figures on disk. Figures should be included on disk and must be accompanied by a printed proof on glossy or high-quality photographic printer paper. The proof will be utilized at press to ensure that the final published figure matches what was intended. This is especially imperative with color figures, as RGB colors (monitor colors) do not translate into CMYK (printable color). There is often a distinct “shift" in color when translated into CMYK for printing. All images should be at least 5 inches wide, and provided as EPS, TIFF, PDF, or high-resolution JPEG files. Graphic software such as Photoshop and Illustrator should be used in the creation of the art. DO NOT USE presentation software such as PowerPoint, Corel Draw, Harvard Graphics, or word processing programs such as Microsoft Word. Gray-scale images must be at least 300 dpi. Combinations of gray scale and line art must be at least 1200 dpi. Line art (black and white or color) should be at least 1200 dpi. Color images need to be CMYK, at least 300 dpi.

Legends to figures. Legends for all figures must be typed together in numeric order double-spaced on one sheet of paper (or more if necessary) separate from the text of the manuscript. This page must be numbered in sequence after the references. Titles should be included in the legend, not on the print. Original magnifications should be provided. If a figure has been taken from copyrighted material, the legend must give full credit to the original source.

Tables. Tables should be typed on separate sheets of paper, one table to a page, and included at the end of the text. They should be numbered in Roman numerals. Each table must be cited in sequence at an appropriate point in the text. Titles should be brief yet indicate clearly the purpose or content of each table, and each column should be precisely defined by headings. Abbreviations and special designations should be explained in a footnote to the table. If a table or any part thereof has been taken from copyrighted material, a footnote to the table must give full credit of the original source. Arrangements must be made with the Editor for elaborate tables because of space limitations.


Regular research articles. Limit of 7 authors (multicenter studies limited to 12), maximum of 3000 words, and 25 references. The editor may consider additional references if pertinent and a reasonable number is maintained. Include structured abstract, of 150 words maximum and 3 to 5 key words/phrases for indexing purposes. If tables and/or figures are used, an equivalent number of words must be deducted from the total (see “Estimating Length of Manuscript)

Case Reports and brief clinical and basic science communications. Limit of 5 authors, 700 words, 3 references. Include standard abstract form, of 50 words maximum, and 3 to 5 key words/phrases for indexing purposes. If tables and/or figures are used, an equivalent number of words must be deducted from the total (see “Estimating Length of Manuscript)

Clinical Opinion. Limit of 7 authors and 3000 words. Include standard abstract format of 50 to 150 words and 3 to 5 key words/phrases. The 25 reference limit applies. In contract to an AJOG Review, a Clinical Opinion is not meant to be a systematic review of an extensively researched subject. As the name implies, it is meant to represent the authors' studied opinion on a specific issue of clinical importance or controversy.

AJOG Reviews. Limit of 7 authors and 6000 words or approximately 16 to 18 manuscript pages plus tables and illustrations (see box “Estimating length of manuscripts). Include Standard abstract format of 50 to 150 words and 3 to 5 key words/phrases. AJOG Reviews represent a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature with inclusion and exclusion criteria and an enumeration of articles accepted and rejected by criterion in the Methods section of the manuscript. AJOG Reviews cannot contain any new, unpublished information and may not be combined with other manuscript types. The 25 reference limit does not apply to AJOG Reviews.

Letters to the Editors. The letter should be brief, directly related to the published article, and submitted within 90 days from the publication date of the specified article. The reference limit is four, with the requirement that the related article is one of the four references. Authorship is limited to three. Letters are to be double-spaced and limited to a maximum of 400 words (excluding references, name[s] and address[es] of the author[s], and the phrase “To the Editors?. The editorial staff reserves the right to shorten letters if necessary and to make minor editorial alterations without reference to the writer. Letters may be published together with a reply from the original author. If the original author does not respond the following notation will be published “Response declined.?Because space for letters is limited, only a selection of letters submitted may be published. Letters are to be emailed to
ajog@rrohio.com as an attached word or text file; if e-mail is not possible, the letter should be submitted to the East Editorial Office on disk with two hard copy printouts.


The checklist and copyright statement forms must be completed and sent with each submitted manuscript. The forms may be photocopied or printed from online. If not completed, the submission will not be considered. An exposition of the requirements given in t he checklist is in the Information for Authors.

  • The manuscript including all figures, tables, and required items have been submitted online at https://ajog.edmgr.com.
  • The word count is ___________________, which includes the abstract, text, and references.
  • The completed checklist and copyright statement signed by ALL authors has been scanned and uploaded at the time of submission.
  • The author(s) agree that upon request original data quoted or utilized in the submitted manuscript will be provided.
  • The local institution as stated in the Material and methods section has approved human experimentation. Institutional Review Board Project No. _________ was obtained on ________________ (date).
  • The author(s) agree that upon request the Institutional Review Board Approval documentation will be provided.
  • If exempt from Institutional Review Board approval an explanation is provided in the Material and methods section.
  • Guidelines for the care and use of nonhuman animals or other species approved by the institution have been followed as indicated in the Material and Methods section. The species is named in the title, abstract, key words, and Materials and Methods section.
  • Trial / research type (check one)
    • Randomized controlled trial, and the CONSORT statement has been consulted.
    • Meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trial, and the QUOROM statement has been consulted.
    • Meta-analysis and systematic review of observational studies, and the MOOSE statement has been consulted.
    • Diagnostic tests, and the STARD Initiative has been consulted
    • Descriptive
    • Case/control
    • Prospective observational cohort
    • Analysis of data from a prospective or retrospective database
  • The cover letter with essential information is with the manuscript. Essential information may include, but not limited to: Authorship, Conflicts, Previous Publications, and IRB approval.
  • All elements of the manuscript are typed in English, double-spaced, with a font size of 12 or larger, and 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, and sides.
  • All pages are numbered in the following order: title page, condensation, structured or standard abstract, body of the text, acknowledgments only of persons who have made substantive contributions to the study, references, legends, and tables.
  • Signed, written permission from both the copyright holder and the original author for the use of tables, figures, or quotations previously published and their complete references are enclosed with the manuscript.
  • Signed, written permission for the use of quotations of personal communications and unpublished data has been obtained from the person(s) being quoted and is enclosed.

  • In the cover letter that accompanies the submitted manuscript I/we have confirmed that all authors fulfilled both conditions required for authorship.
  • The following authors are government employees thus exempt from the copyright statement;

Conflict of interest

  • In the cover letter that accompanies the submitted manuscript the commercial association of the author or of any coauthors that might pose a conflict of interest is described.

Previous publications

  • Enclosed with the submitted manuscript are two reprints of each article the author and/or some of the coauthors have previously published, have submitted for possible publication, or have in manuscript form dealing with the same patients, same animals, same laboratory experiment, or same data, in part or in full, as those reported in the submitted manuscript. Further explanation is provided in the covering letter that accompanies the submitted manuscripts.
  • Similarities and differences are provided in the covering letter that accompanies the submitted manuscript.

Previous submission (not published)
  • Copies of previous peer review comments and a detailed response to each point has been enclosed.

  • Name, address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address of at least three suggested reviewers are enclosed.

Title page
  • The following elements are given in the following sequence and are typed double-spaced.
    • Title
    • Author(s) name(s) and highest academic degree(s) are shown. Surnames appear in all capital letters (ie, Frederick P. ZUSPAN, MD).
    • City(ies), state(s), and country(ies) other than the United States in which the study was conducted is given.
    • The name(s) of the institution(s), section(s), division(s), department(s) in which the study was performed is provided and the institutional affiliations(s) of the author(s) at the time of the study is indicated.
    • Acknowledgment of financial support is cited.
    • Name, address, business and home telephone numbers, fax number, and e-mail address of author to whom requests for reprints are to be sent are included.
    • If reprints will not be available, this has been stated on the title page.
    • If the corresponding author is different from the author to whom reprint requests are to be sent, his/her name, address, business and home telephone numbers, fax number, and e-mail address has been added.

  • Page 2 of the manuscript is a single sentence limited to 25 words delineating the essential point(s) and is typed double-spaced.

Abstract and key words or short phrases
  • The abstract (structured or standard format) is typed double-spaced with required margins on page 3 headed by the title and author(s) name(s). Beneath the abstract 3 to 5 key words or short phrases are typed.
  • A structured abstract, with 150 words or less, is submitted as required for regular research articles and society regular research articles. The abstract contains the four required major headings: Objective(s), Study Design, Results, and Conclusion(s), each with a brief adequate presentation.
  • A standard abstract is submitted as required for Clinical Opinion and AJOG Review articles with 50 to 150 words and for Case Reports and brief communication articles with a maximum of 50 words, be they independent or society articles.

  • Are typed double-spaced.
  • Are numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text.
  • The format of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals?is used. Examples shown in Information for Authors have been followed.
  • Personal communications and unpublished observations are not used as numbered references but are mentioned in the text with the written approval of the person being quoted. The signed approval is enclosed.

  • Each is numbered with an Arabic numeral and cited in numeric sequence in the text.
  • Figure legends do not appear on the figure.
  • Consistency in size has been maintained.
  • All patterns or shadings are distinguishable from each other. Lines, symbols, and letters are smooth and complete and do not contain freehand lettering.
  • On acceptance all hard copy figures will be supplied and on disk if possible. The appropriate formatting guidelines as indicated in the Information for Authors have been adhered to.
Hard Copy figures, required on acceptance

Figure Legends
  • Are provided for each figure.
  • Are numbered and typed together in numeric order on one sheet of paper (more if necessary). The page is numbered in sequence after the References page(s).
  • Contains full credit to the original source of any copyrighted figures.

  • Each table headed by a title and numbered in Roman numerals is typed double-spaced on a separate page.
  • Tables are cited in numeric sequence in the text.


Must be signed by ALL authors, upon submission

Copyright Statement: “The undersigned author(s) transfers all copyright ownership of the manuscript entitled,
(printed manuscript title)
to Mosby, Inc., an Elsevier publication, in the event the work is published. The undersigned author(s) warrants that the article is original; does not infringe upon any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party; is not under consideration by another publication; and its essential substance, tables, or figures have not been previously published. This restriction does not apply to abstracts or press reports published in connection with scientific meetings. The author(s) confirms the final manuscript has been read and each author's contribution has been approved by the appropriate author.?BR>
The responsible author(s) must be named ___________________________________________________ (printed name)

____________________________________ (signature)

Each author's name must be printed underneath the signature

______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________


Editorial Board


THOMAS J. GARITE, Editor in Chief
Sandra Perrine, Managing Editor
MOON H. KIM, Editor in Chief
Donna L. Stroud, Managing Editor
E. J. QUILLIGAN, Editor Emeritus
FREDERICK P. ZUSPAN, Editor Emeritus
RICHARD C. BUMP, Associate Editor
STEVEN G. GABBE, Associate Editor
JAY D. IAMS, Associate Editor
ALBERTO MANETTA, Associate Editor
ROBERTO ROMERO, Associate Editor
LARRY SACHS, Statistical Consultant

Society advisors
Janice Bacon
Bryan D. Cowan
Melvin V. Gerbie
Alberto Manetta
Kenneth J. Moise, Jr
Ingrid Nygarrd
Phillip E. Patton

Advisory board for subspecialty areas
Ray O. Bahado-Singh
Judith Balk
Sarah L. Berga
Michael J. Birrer
Wendy R. Brewster
Frank A. Chervenak
Reese Clark
Arnold Cohen
Murray Freedman
Angela Gant
Robert E. Garfield
Robert L. Goldenberg
Steven R. Goldstein
Susan Hendrix
Moon H. Kim
George A. Macones
Laurence B. McCullough
Jennifer L. Melville
Thomas J. Musci
Leslie Myatt
Anita L. Nelson
Jennifer R. Niebyl
Pasquale Patrizio
Susan D. Reed
Joseph S. Sanfilippo
Nanette Santoro
Robert M. Silver
Stephen Vermillion
Kenneth Ward
Katharine D. Wenstrom

International advisors
John Bonnar, Dublin, Ireland
Jacob Bornstein, Haifa, Israel
Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Perugia, Italy
Guillermo Focaccia, Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina
Mary Hannah, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tsuyomu Ikenoue, Miyazaki, Japan
Ian R. Johnson, Nottingham, England
Marita Kuhnert, Marburg, Germany
Eduardo Lopez de la Osa, Madrid, Spain
Gunnar Lose, Glostrup, Denmark
Raaga Mansour, Cairo, Egypt
Enrique Oyarzun, Santiago, Chile
Bernhard Schuessler, Lucerne, Switzerland
Chan Ho Song, Seoul, Korea
Henk C. S. Wallenburg, Rhoon, The Netherlands
Don Wilson, Dunedin, New Zealand

MOSBY, INC, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr,
St Louis, MO 63146-3318
Sue Schulz, Senior Production Editor



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