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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



A distinctive blend of practicality and scholarliness makes the American Journal of Emergency Medicine a key source for information on emergency medical care. Covering all activities concerned with emergency medicine, it is the journal to turn to for information to help increase the ability to understand, recognize and treat emergency conditions. Issues contain clinical articles, case reports, review articles, editorials, international notes, book reviews and more. American Journal of Emergency Medicine is recommended for initial purchase in the Brandon-Hill study, Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library (2001 Edition).

American Journal of Emergency Medicine is ranked 4th out of 12 Emergency Medicine Titles on the 2002 ISI Journal Citation Report.

Instructions to Authors


Manuscript submission and editorial review policy

The scope of The American Journal of Emergency Medicine is as broad as the definition of emergency medicine itself, encompassing all activities concerned with acute medical care. AJEM invites the submission of original research, reports, correspondence, and opinion relating to acute adult and pediatric medicine and surgery and the related fields of trauma, toxicology, critical care, resuscitation, emergency medical services, behavioral emergencies, and environmental medicine.

Original contributions will be accepted on the basis of significance, validity, and clarity. Authors will be expected to justify conclusions by the data presented, maintain a lucid prose style, and describe methodology in sufficient detail for readers to evaluate results accurately. AJEM, in turn, is committed to a confidential, expeditious, and professional editorial process. Reviews will be objective, rigorous, and responsible.

Articles published in AJEM are indexed and abstracted in Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, ISI/BIOMED, and BIOSIS.

For the convenience of prospective authors, AJEM is a participating journal in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (N Engl J Med 1997;336:309-315). This agreement provides for a standardized manuscript format, allowing authors to submit articles to any one of over 500 scholarly medical publications without revision simply to accommodate the vagaries of any individual journal's technical and stylistic requirements.

Review policy

All original contributions, investigations, and reports will be subjected to multiple-peer review. To protect the integrity and anonymity of the review process, all reviews will be conducted in double-blinded fashion. To promote quality composition and investigation, legible comments from all referees will accompany returned manuscripts. To encourage criticism, correspondence, and open discussion of controversial issues, letters to the editor will be printed promptly. As a courtesy to contributors and to ensure the timeliness of AJEM's content, authors will routinely be notified of the action taken upon their manuscripts within 10 weeks of submission.

Guide for authors

We invite submissions on clinical and laboratory research and topics pertinent to adult and pediatric emergency medicine including emergency medical and health services, trauma, toxicology, resuscitation, behavioral emergencies, critical care, and environmental medicine. In general, AJEM publishes papers focused on didactics, patient satisfaction, and quality assurance documentation. The following are journal features for which we invite submissions:

Original contributions:
Reports of new clinical and laboratory investigations and research.

Brief reports:
Short papers, series of cases, and preliminary reports of work in progress; studies with small numbers pointing to the need for further investigation. Brief reports should be limited to 2,000 words of text (exclusive of tables, references, and figure legends). Single case reports should only be submitted as Correspondence (see below).

Research seminars:
Discussions of the history, methodology, and future of a particular area or subject in emergency medicine research.

Definitive, in-depth, state-of-the-art reviews of clinical and research subjects. Unsolicited reviews are not generally published in AJEM. Before submitting any unsolicited reviews, please forward an outline to the Editor for consideration.

Detailed reviews of important devices and drugs used in the practice of emergency medicine.

Concise articles guiding clinical practice, with references to additional, authoritative sources.

Editorial viewpoints on current controversies.

Clinical notes:
Descriptions of new techniques and procedures in emergency medicine practice and investigation.

Letters to the editor are limited to 800 words of text (exclusive of references, tables, and figure legends). These submissions should not contain an abstract. Single case reports should only be submitted as Correspondence.

Cover letter The cover letter accompanying all submitted manuscripts must (1) be signed by all authors, and (2) contain the following language: "The manuscript, as submitted or its essence in another version, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and will not be published elsewhere while under consideration by AJEM. The authors have no commercial associations or sources of support that might pose a conflict of interest. All authors have made substantive contributions to the study, and all authors endorse the data and conclusions." Authors with a potential conflict of interest should cite it in the cover letter.

Author responsibility Submissions are reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that they are original and not simultaneously under consideration by another journal. Accepted manuscripts become the property of AJEM and may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of AJEM. Any material previously published elsewhere must be accompanied by written consent of its author and publisher when submitted to AJEM. Photographs of an identifiable subject should be accompanied by a release signed by the subject or responsible party authorizing publication. If required, institutional clearance to publish should be submitted with the manuscript. AJEM is not responsible for statements made by any contributor. Authors should keep copies of all submitted materials. Photographs and figures are not returned, even if a manuscript is not accepted.

Repetitive publication Authors submitting papers to this journal must confirm that the paper, as submitted or its essence in another version, has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and will not be published elsewhere while under consideration by AJEM. Prior publication of some content of the paper may not preclude the paper's publication in AJEM. Authors must provide full information in the cover letter sent with the submitted manuscript on any possibly repetitive publication of content, including: (1) reworked data already reported; (2) cases or subjects in a study cohort already described in a published report; (3) previously reported single or multiple cases; (4) content already published or to be published in another format such as the proceedings of a meeting or symposium, a chapter in a book, or a letter to the editor; (5) content published in a language other than English.

Conflict of interest Authors are expected to disclose any commercial associations or sources of support that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. All funding sources supporting the work must be acknowledged in a footnote on the title page. All affiliations with or financial involvement in any organization on entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials of the research discussed (eg, employment, consultancies, stock ownership or other equity interest, patent-licensing arrangements) should be cited in the cover letter.

Human research and informed consent When appropriate, manuscripts reporting the results of experimental investigations on human subjects should include a statement indicating approval by the institution's Human Research Committee.

Author approval All accepted manuscripts are subject to copyediting. Authors will receive page proof of their articles before publication.

Reprints Forms for ordering reprints of the article (minimum: 100 reprints) or the issue will be sent to the corresponding author, who will also receive a copy of the journal issue in which the article appears.

Manuscript preparation Submit an original manuscript and two clear copies (total of 3), typed double-spaced on bond paper on a letter-quality printer with unjustified right margins (including abstract, references, legends, and footnotes) with a cover letter indicating the journal feature most appropriate for your submission, and the name, address, and phone number of the person responsible for correspondence regarding the manuscript. Number all pages consecutively.

Revised and accepted manuscripts must be submitted on a disk, preferably in Microsoft Word. A double-spaced hard copy version of the final manuscript, free of handwritten alterations, must accompany the disk. All components of the manuscript must appear within a single electronic file; references, figure legends, and tables must appear at the end of the manuscript. Please refrain from using end notes as references or automatic list numbering because these features are lost in conversion: simply type the reference number in parentheses in the text and type the reference list. Formatting, such as Greek letters, italics, super- and subscripts, may be used: the coding scheme for such elements must be consistent throughout. Authors are responsible for applying for permission for both print and electronic rights for all borrowed materials and are responsible for paying any fees related to the applications of these permissions.

Copyright A copyright transfer agreement will be sent to the corresponding author of each manuscript accepted for publication.

Title page On the title page include (1) the title; (2) a short running head of fewer than 50 characters/spaces placed at the foot of the page; (3) author(s) names, highest degrees, department(s) and institution(s); (4) name and address of author to whom reprint requests should be sent; (5) source(s) of support in the form of equipment, drugs, or grants (including grant numbers); (6) the name of organization and date of assembly if the article has been presented; and (7) ?Key Words,? a list of three to ten important words or phrases for indexing. Whenever possible, use terms from the medical subject heading of Index Medicus. To ensure blinded, impartial review, do not indicate the authors of the article on any other page.

Abstract On the second page include an abstract of fewer than 150 words stating the purposes, basic procedures, main findings, and principal conclusions. Be concise yet detailed.

Text When appropriate, divide the text into Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the article, summarize the rationale for the study or observation, give only strictly pertinent references, and do not review the subject extensively.

Methods: Identify the methods, apparatus, and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical method; provide references and brief descriptions of methods that have been published but may not be well known; describe new or substantially modified methods, giving reasons for using them and evaluating their limitations.

Results: Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all of the data in the tables and/or illustrations; emphasize or summarize only important observations.

Discussion: Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that follow from them. Do not repeat in detail data given in the Results sections. Include in the Discussion the implications of the findings and their limitations and relate the observations to other relevant studies. Link the conclusions with the goals of the study, but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by your data. Avoid claiming priority and alluding to work that has not been completed. State new hypotheses when warranted, but clearly label them as such. Recommendations, when appropriate, may be included. Acknowledgments Acknowledge only people who have made substantive contributions to the study, and specify the contributions. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from everyone acknowledged by name because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions.

Abbreviations, symbols, and nomenclature Usage should conform to that recommended in Council of Biology Editors Style Manual (5th ed., 1983) available from the American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1950 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814. Avoid abbreviations. Do not abbreviate names of organizations, institutions, symptoms, diseases, or anatomic characteristics. A list of acceptable abbreviations is included in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (see below). Generic names of drugs are preferred; a brand name may be given only with the first use of generic name. When the brand name of a product or pharmaceutical is used, supply the manufacturer's name and location (city and state).

Units of measurement Use SI units for linear dimensions, weight, clinical chemistry, and hematology. Use the Celsius scale for all temperatures. The use of other SI units is encouraged.

References Cite references consecutively in the text. Do not cite review articles. Use the same number each time the reference appears in the text. At the conclusion of the article, list references in numerical order, typed double spaced. Abbreviate journal titles according to Index Medicus style. Please provide inclusive pagination. Punctuation is shown below.

Journal articles: List all authors when three or fewer; when four or more, list first three and add et al.

Abraham E, Baraff LJ: Oral versus parenteral therapy of pyelonephritis. Curr Ther Res 1982;31:536-542

Books: Capitalize all important words in title.

Ludwig S, Fleisher GR, Henretig FM, et al (eds): Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Baltimore, MD, Williams & Wilkins, 1983, pp 203-209.

Chapter in a book: List editors of book.

Eliastam M: Cardiac emergencies. In Eliastam M, Sternbach GL, Bresler MJ (eds): Manual of Emergency Medicine. Chicago, IL, Yearbook, 1983, pp 1-28

References to unpublished information should be included parenthetically in the text. Do not cite review articles.

Tables Type tables double-spaced on separate sheets with number and title. Do not submit tables as photographs. Omit internal horizontal and vertical rules. Cite each table in the text in consecutive order.

Figures Submit three original figures, professionally drawn and glossy printed photographs no larger than 8" by 10". Submit x-ray films as glossy photographs. Do not mount or staple. On the back of the photograph, paste manuscript title and figure number, and indicate top of figure. Type legends consecutively on a separate sheet. Patients should be masked in photographs or permission from patient to publish must be obtained by author. If any figure has been previously published or is in press, obtain publisher's permission for its reuse and send permission with the manuscript.

Figures may be submitted in electronic format. Images should be provided in EPS or TIF format on Zip disk, CD, floppy, Jaz, or 3.5 MO. Graphics software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, not presentation software such as PowerPoint, CorelDraw, or Harvard Graphics, should be used to create the art. Color images must be CMYK, at least 300 DPI, with a digital color proof, not a color laser print or color photocopy (this proof will be used at press for color reproduction). Gray scale images should be at least 300 DPI and accompanied by a proof. Combinations of gray scale and line art should be at least 1200 DPI and accompanied by a proof. Line art (black and white or color) should be at least 1200 DPI and accompanied by a proof. Please include hardware and software information, in addition to the file names.

Editorial mail/inquiries Authors are required to supply an e-mail address. Send manuscripts by US Postal Service, Express mail, or Priority mail with confirmation. For further information on manuscript preparation, please consult "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (N Engl J Med 1997;336:309-315). Any inquiries should be by e-mail (ajemeditor@aol.com) or fax (301-469-7138), and manuscripts and other correspondence should be addressed as follows:

J. Douglas White, MD, Editor, The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, P.O. Box 1494, West Bethesda, MD 20827-1494


Editorial Board


Editorial Board

J. Douglas White,, Medical College of Virginia/VCU, Richmond, VA
Editorial Board:
William J. Brady,, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
C. Gene Cayten,, New York Medical College, Valhalla
Neal E. Flomenbaum,, Cornell Medical Center, New York
Glenn C. Hamilton,, Wright State University, Dayton
Jonathan Jui,, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland
Gabor D. Kelen,, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Toby L. Litovitz,, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Charles J. McCabe,, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Richard M. Novak,, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit
Joseph P. Ornato,, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond
Norman A. Paradis,, University of Colorado, Denver
Bruce M. Thompson,, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit
Howard A. Werman,, Ohio State University, Columbus
Loren Yamamoto, MD, MPH, MBA, University of Hawaii, Honolulu


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