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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The MIT Press is proud to announce The American Journal of Bioethics. AJOB provides a rapid, peer-reviewed collection of scholarship about emerging issues in bioethics. The Journal is available in a unique print and internet format. Subscribers receive access to the ajobonline portal, which features on-line news updates, live bioethics events, rankings of bioethics graduate programs, and other materials.

AJOB is an authoritative forum for the discussion of new developments in the whole range of questions in bioethics, including both perennial and emergent controversies in cell and molecular genetics, reproductive technology, end of life care, human research, distribution of resources, transplantation, diversity, and health services research. Each quarterly issue features a target article accompanied by twenty peer commentaries, as well as a response to the peer commentary by the target author. Essays, photography and graphic arts, electronic media, book reviews, and comments on the law and medical science make the journal an essential resource.

Instructions to Authors


General Information:

The American Journal of Bioethics is a refereed journal and articles are accepted on a nonremunerative basis. Submitted manuscripts must wholly comprise original material and are reviewed with the explicit understanding that their essential substance or contents have not been nor will be submitted for publication elsewhere in any form, unless and until such time as AJOB rejects said material. Authors wishing to discuss manuscript ideas are encouraged to call the Editorial Office at 215-573-8104 or to write to the AJOB Editorial Office at 3401 Market Street, Suite 320, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3319. The MIT Press and The American Journal of Bioethics accept no responsibility for the statements and opinions expressed by contributors. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, and the scope and nature of peer review and peer commentary in AJOB, no clinical use of AJOB should be attempted. Discussions, views, and recommendations as to medical procedures, choice of drugs, and drug use are the responsibility of the authors. The names The American Journal of Bioethics and AJOB are copyrighted (c) 2000 The MIT Press.

Guidelines for Submissions of Essays and Target Articles:

Please submit two copies of the manuscript conforming to the following requirements:
  1. Manuscripts may not exceed 7500 words in length (excluding references), should be in Microsoft Word or .rtf format, and should be e-mailed as an attachment to the following address: manuscript@bioethics.net. One paper copy of the submission should be sent to the Editorial Office (address below), though submission is not considered complete until electronic mail attachment is received.
  2. Title page: The name, address and professional affiliation of all authors should appear on the title page.
  3. Abstract: An abstract of no more than 150 words should precede the text of the manuscript. Six keywords should be included for indexing purposes as well.
  4. Graphics: Please convert all graphics to TIFF or EPS format. Line art should be a minimum of 600 dpi, and halftones a minimum of 266 dpi in resolution. Please be sure to include a high quality paper copy of each image.
  5. References: The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy and thoroughness of citations. References cited must follow the guidelines of the author-date system.

    The author's last name and the year of publication (with no punctuation between them) is enclosed in parentheses and directly follows the citation.
    (Feingold 1994)

    When citing specific pages or sections of a work, that specification follows the year of publication, preceded by a comma.
    (Kimura and Hampson 1994, 58)

    For works with more than two authors, et al. should be used, and lowercase letters differentiate separate works by the same author written in the same year.
    (Curlee et al. 1994)
    (Anderson 1994a, 1994b)

    A corresponding list of works cited should appear at the end of the article. Please abbreviate first name and spell out the last name for authors. Use headline capitalization for titles of journals and sentence capitalization for titles of books, journal articles, and chapters. Please do not abbreviate the names of Journals. Some examples of common citation formats are provided:

    Single author, journal:
    Feingold, A. 1994. Gender differences in personality: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin 116(3): 429-456.

    Two authors, journal:
    Kimura, D., and E. Hampson. 1994. Cognitive pattern in men and women is influenced by fluctuations in sex hormones. Current Directions in Psychological Science 3(2): 57-61.

    More than two authors, journal:
    Ubel, P. A., C. L. Bryce, L. A. Siminoff, A. L. Caplan, and R. M. Arnold. 2000. Pennsylvania's voluntary benefits program: Evaluating an innovative proposal for increasing organ donation. Health Affairs 19(5):206-11.

    Single author, book:
    Macklin, R. 1999. Against relativism. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Chapter in edited collection:
    Charon, R. 1994. Narrative contributions to medical ethics. In A matter of principles: Ferment in U.S. bioethics, ed. R. P. Dubose, R. Hamel, and L. J. O'Connell, 260-283. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press.

    Papers published in conference proceedings are treated like chapters in books. If further detail is needed on citation or reference list formatting, please consult chapters 15-17 of the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition.

  6. Notes: Avoid extracts, tables, and paragraphing in notes. Footnotes will be converted to endnotes in the typeset version.
  7. Quotations: Quotations of more than two lines should be set off in a separate paragraph with double indentation. Quotations of less than two lines may remain in the main body of the text, placed within double quotation marks. All extract citations must include page numbers.
  8. Copyright: Authors of accepted articles will be asked to sign a Transfer of Copyright form transferring copyright of the article to the publisher, or retaining said copyright, under certain circumstances.
  9. Conflicts of Interest: The conflict of Interest policy for The American Journal of Bioethics can be found online at http://bioethics.net. Authors must disclose any financial or other material, professional, or scholarly relationships that involve the area under discussion in their essay. A statement of such conflicts to include honoraria, payments, stock holdings, and other relationships as identified in the 2002 statement of the Council of Editors of Scientific Journals and of the Center for Science in The Public Interest, should appear on the first page of the manuscript. All disclosed conflicts of interest in articles submitted to AJOB will be reviewed by a conflict of interest committee comprised of members of the editorial board, but not the editors. This committee will make recommendations as to the disclosure to peer reviewers, and the nature of disclosure required should the article be accepted. All appropriate disclosures will be printed alongside each article in the paper and online AJOB. Each member of the editorial office staff will also make available, on request, a yearly report of all income received by each editor (apart from W-2 salary from editors' and staff's home institutions).
Procedures, Criteria for Acceptance:

Once the Commentary stage of the process has begun, the author can no longer alter the article, but can respond formally to all commentaries accepted for publication. The target article and commentaries then co-appear in AJOB, and authors' responses appear in subsequent issues. Continuing Commentary and replies can appear as well in later issues.

Criteria for acceptance: To be eligible for publication, a paper should not only meet the standards of a journal such as Science or The New England Journal of Medicine in terms of conceptual rigor, empirical grounding, and clarity of style, but it should also offer a clear rationale for soliciting Commentary. That rationale should be provided in the author's cover letter, together with a list of suggested commentators.

A paper for AJOB can be: (i) the report and discussion of empirical research that the author judges to have broader scope and implications than might be more appropriately reported in a specialty journal; (ii) an unusually significant theoretical article that formally models or systematizes a body of research; or (iii) a novel interpretation, synthesis, or critique of existing experimental or theoretical work. Occasionally, articles dealing with social or philosophical aspects of bioethics will be considered. Submission of an article implies that it has not been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Multiple Book Reviews and previously published articles appear by invitation only. The Editorial Board and professional readership of AJOB are encouraged to nominate current topics and authors for Commentary.

In all the categories described, the decisive consideration for eligibility will be the desirability of Commentary for the submitted material. Controversiality simpliciter is not a sufficient criterion for soliciting Commentary: a paper may be controversial simply because it is wrong or weak. Nor is the mere presence of interdisciplinary aspects sufficient. Some appropriate rationales for seeking Open Peer Commentary would be that:

  • the material bears in a significant way on some current controversial issues in The American Journal of Bioethics;
  • its findings substantively contradict some well-established aspects of current research and theory;
  • it criticizes the findings, practices, or principles of an accepted or influential line of work;
  • it unifies a substantial amount of disparate research;
  • it has important cross-disciplinary ramifications;
  • it introduces an innovative methodology or formalism for consideration by proponents of the established forms;
  • it meaningfully integrates a body of relevant bioethical data;
  • it places a hitherto dissociated area of research into a bioethical perspective.

In order to assure communication with potential commentators (and readers) from other AJOB specialty areas, all technical terminology must be clearly defined or simplified, and specialized concepts must be fully described.


Editorial Board

Executive Managing Editor, AJOB
Center for Bioethics
University of Pennsylvania
3401 Market Street, Suite 320
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-3319
fax (425) 984-8652

Glenn McGee
University of Pennsylvania

David Magnus
University of Pennsylvania

Kelly A. Carroll
University of Pennsylvania

J. John Kwon
University of Pennsylvania

Mark P. Aulisio
Case Western Reserve University

Paul Root Wolpe
University of Pennsylvania

Editorial Board 2003-2005

George J. Agich, Ph.D.
Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Lori B. Andrews, J.D.
Chicago-Kent College of Law

David Asch, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania

Robert Baker, Ph.D.
Union College

Charles Bosk, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania

Daniel W. Brock, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health

Baruch Brody, Ph.D.
Baylor College of Medicine

Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania

Tod Chambers, Ph.D.
Northwestern University

James F. Childress, Ph.D.
University of Virginia

Norman Daniels, Ph.D.
Harvard University

Arthur R. Derse, M.D., J.D.
Medical College of Wisconsin

Rebecca Dresser, J.D.
Washington University

Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., M.P.H
National Institutes of Health

Ruth R. Faden, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Johns Hopkins University

Ellen Fox, M.D.
Veterans Health Administration

Gail Geller, Sc.D.
John Hopkins University

Doris Goldstein, M.L.S., M.A.
Georgetown University

Susan Dorr Goold, M.D.
University of Michigan

Lawrence Gostin, J.D.
Georgetown University

Henry T. Greely, J.D.
Stanford University

Eric T. Juengst, Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University

Jeffrey P. Kahn, Ph.D., M.P.H.
University of Minnesota

Mark G. Kuczewski, Ph.D.
Loyola University Chicago

John Lantos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Susan E. Lederer, Ph.D.
Yale University

Franklin G. Miller, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health

Kathryn Montgomery, Ph.D.
Northwestern University

Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D.
University of Virginia

Kathryn L. Moseley, M.D.
University of Michigan

Hilde L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Michigan State University

Pilar N. Ossorio, Ph.D., J.D.
University of Wisconsin

John J. Paris, S.J., Ph.D.
Boston College

John A. Robertson, J.D.
The University of Texas at Austin

Barbara Katz Rothman, Ph.D.
City University of New York

Pamela Sankar, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania

Mark V. Sauer, M.D.
Columbia University

Udo Sch¨¹klenk, Ph.D.
University of the Witwatersrand

Peter A. Singer, M.D.
University of Toronto

Karen K. Steinberg, Ph.D.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Gregory Stock, Ph.D.
University of California at Los Angeles

Carson Strong, Ph.D.
University of Tennessee

Jeremy Sugarman, M.D., M.P.H, M.A.
Duke University

Carol Taylor, Ph.D., R.N.
Georgetown University

Rosemary Tong, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina

James Tulsky, M.D.
VA Medical Center

Robert M. Veatch, Ph.D.
Georgetown University

Gladys White, Ph.D., R.N.
Veterans Health Administration

Peter J. Whitehouse, M.D., Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University

Daniel I. Wikler, Ph.D.
Harvard University

Benjamin Wilfond, M.D.
National Institutes of Health

Susan M. Wolf, J.D.
University of Minnesota

Stuart J. Youngner, M.D.
Case Western Reserve University

Laurie Zoloth, Ph.D.
San Francisco State University

For more information and more specific guidelines, please contact the editorial office:

Kelly Carroll, Managing Editor
The American Journal of Bioethics
3401 Market Street, Suite 320
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3319
Ph: 215-573-8104


Perspectives on Science: Historical, Philosophical, Social
Quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

What Genes Can't Do
Lenny Moss
Cloth / August 2002


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