

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Since 1972, AMBIO has brought international perspective to important developments in environmental research and policy

This multidisciplinary English language journal puts into perspective significant developments in environmental research, policy and related activities, for an international readership of specialists, generalists, students, decision-makers and interested laymen.

Founded in 1972, the year of the first UN Conference on the Environment, AMBIO addresses the scientific, social, economic, and cultural factors that influence the condition of the human environment.

The broad scope of coverage extends to ecology, environmental economics, geology, geochemistry, geophysics, paleontology, hydrology, water resources, oceanography, earth sciences, meteorology, and physical geography.

AMBIO is widely recognized as an important international forum for debate.

Authors are advised to check or latest Instructions for Authors as these area updated regularly.

Parties interested in issues (print and/or online) published prior to 2010 and requests for permissions prior to 2010 should be directed to:
Bo Söderström (E-mail: bo.soderstrom@ambio.kva.se)

Article on Oil Spills forthcoming! For more information, please click on the link under Additional Information on the right.

Related subjects » Ecology - Environmental Engineering and Physics - Environmental Management - Geography - Meteorology & Climatology - 环境科学

Impact Factor: 2.486 (2009) * 

Abstracted/Indexed in: 

Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Aqualine, ASFA, Biological Abstracts, Biological and Agricultural Index, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CAB International, CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Elsevier Biobase, EMBASE, Environment Index, Expanded Academic, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Geobase, GeoRef, Global Health, Google Scholar, HW Wilson, IBIDS, Index Copernicus, INIS Atomindex, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, JSTOR, OCLC, PubMed/Medline, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions, TOC Premier, Vitis - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts, Zoological Record

Copublisher/ Distribution Rights 

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4a, SE-114 18 Stockholm, Sweden

Instructions to Authors

Please read these Instructions carefully and follow them in detail when preparing your
manuscript. Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria outlined in these Instructions will be
sent back to authors without review.
No charges
Publication of color illustrations is free of charge in the print and online version of
Ambio, and there are no page charges.
Please write your text in American English. 
Online Submission
Authors can only submit their manuscripts online. Please follow the hyperlink “Submit
online” (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ambi/) and upload all of your manuscript
files following the instructions given on the screen. All correspondence, including
notification of the Editor-in-Chief’s decisions and requests for revision, takes place by e-
Under the heading “Additional Information”, authors need to answer “yes” to a
number of statements regarding the manuscript. This is required information to be able
to proceed with the online submission.
Cover letter
Submission of a manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a short
paragraph that describes the main finding of your submission, and its significance to the
field of research on the human environment. The cover letter should also include the
category of the paper (see below).
Types of papers published in Ambio fall into four main categories. Word counts include
text, references, figures and tables. Each figure or table should be considered equal to
300 words.
1. Report (Original Research)
Reports should present the results of current environmental research. A Report must be
an original piece of work, devoted to new findings and results. The subject should be
clearly introduced with non-specialists in mind. Reports can be up to 6000 words
including up to 5 Figures and 3 Tables. Reports should be organized as follows: Abstract,
Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion,
Acknowledgments, References and Author biography.

2. Review Paper 
Review Papers should summarize and examine in depth one or more important aspects
of an environmental subject of current significance. A Review Paper should review and
present the subject in perspective, with reference to the most recent literature. Review
papers can be up to 9000 words including up to 5 Figures and 4 Tables. All review
papers should, in addition to the main text, include Abstract, Keywords and Author
3. Synopsis 
Synopses are short papers on topical environmental issues, new ideas or perspectives.
Synopses are not peer-reviewed. Synopses can be up to 2000 words including up to 2
Figures and 1 Table. Synopses do not have Abstract, Keywords or Author biography. 
4. Short Comments
Comments or reflections on recently published papers in Ambio may be submitted as
Short Comments.  These can be up to 1000 words including up to 1 Figure and 1 Table.
Short Comments do not have Abstract, Keywords or Author biography.
Please consult a recent issue of Ambio (from March 2010 and onwards) when preparing
your manuscript.
Manuscript format
The manuscript should include: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Main text of article with
Headings, Acknowledgments, References and Notes, Illustrations and/or Tables with
legends, and a Biography for each author with full name, address, and e-mail. Use
double-spacing throughout the text. The article should be submitted as Word, RTF, or
TXT file for text. Please note that PDF is not a valid format. All manuscript files should be
formatted to contain line numbers.
Title Page 
In addition to manuscript title and word count, the title page must contain the full
names, positions and institutional mailing addresses of all authors as well as current fax
number, telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author. 
A short abstract, consisting of not more than 150 words, should be submitted on a
separate page. An abstract of a Review Paper should indicate the scope and the main
points of the article. An abstract of a Report (Original Research) should indicate the
scope of the report, the methods used, and main results. Synopses and Short Comments
do not have an abstract.
Provide 4 to 6 keywords. 

Numerals and Units of Measure 
Use thousand million instead of billion or use 109. Run together numbers with up to 4
digits (1500); indicate numbers with more than 4 digits as follows: 15 000 or 150 000.
Use the decimal point: 1.25. Metric and Celsius units must be used. Use the expression:
km hr-1 not km/hr or km per h, g L-1 not gm per liter. Convert currencies to appropriate
USD exchange rates. Specialized technical or scientific terms, abbreviations and
acronyms should be explained the first time they are used.
Italicize genera, species, and varieties, but not classes, orders and families.
References should not exceed 50 in number. You are requested to use the author/year
format of referencing and order the references alphabetically. In the text please use et al.
for papers with more than two authors. Personal communications and unpublished data
should be referred to in the running text and not given as notes. Avoid references to gray
literature, to non-scientific publications and to publications that are not immediately
accessible to the reader. In the list of references, all authors’ names up to 8 should be
given. The abbreviation et al. can be used for papers with more than 8 authors, and
following the first 8 names. Names of journals should be written in full. Please provide
first and last pages for excerpts from journals, books, etc. In references to books,
bulletins and reports, give number of pages, the city and the publisher. If a paper is
written in a foreign language, give the title in English and indicate at the end of the
reference the language in which the paper is written as follows: (In Swedish). If the
paper has an English summary add (English summary). 
Use the following forms for references:
Aarset, B., S. Beckman, E. Bigne, M. Beveridge, T. Bjorndal, J. Bunting, P. McDonagh, C.
Mariojouls, et al. 2004. European consumers’ understanding and perceptions of the
‘‘organic’’ food regime. The case of aquaculture. British Food Journal 106: 93–105.
Asmala, E., and L. Saikku. 2010. Closing a Loop: Substance Flow Analysis of Nitrogen and
Phosphorus in the Rainbow Trout Production and Domestic Consumption System in
Finland. AMBIO. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-010-0024-5
Bertills, U., J. Fölster, and H. Lager. 2007. Natural acidification only—report on in-depth
evaluation of the environmental quality objective work. Swedish Environmental
Protection Agency, Report 5766, Stockholm, Sweden, 116 pp (in Swedish, English
Connell, J.J., and R. Hardy. 1982. Trends in fish utilisation. Oxford: Fishing News Books.
Gren, I.-M. 2000. Cost-effective nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea. In Managing a Sea,
eds. I.-M. Gren, K. Turner, and F. Wulff, 152 pp. London: Earthscan.
Growcock, A.J. 2005. Impacts of Camping and Trampling on Australian Alpine and
Subalpine Vegetation. PhD Thesis. Gold Coast, Australia: Griffith University.
Handel, M.D. 2008. Anpassungsplanung für Klimaänderung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
English edition: Handel, M.D. 2001. Adaptation planning for climate change (trans:
Ashton, E.B.). London: Routledge.
Intervet. 2006. Diseases of Tilapia—an introduction.
Accessed 01 September 2009.

Marion, J.L., and S.E. Reid. 2007. Minimising visitor impacts to protected areas: The
efficacy of low impact education programmes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 15: 5–
Shoemaker, C. and P. Klesius. 1997. Streptococcal disease problems and control: A
review. In Tilapia Aquaculture, ed. K. Fitzsimmons, 671–680. NREAES, Ithaca.
Visschedijk, P.A.M., and R.J.H.G. Henkens. 2002. Recreation monitoring at the Dutch
Forest Service. In Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational
Protected Areas, eds. A. Arnberger, C. Brandenburg, and A. Muhar. Conference
Proceedings, 65–67. Vienna: Bodenkultur University.
Short notes, footnotes and technical comments should be incorporated as notes.
Figures, Photographs, and Tables 
Copies of Figures should be submitted on separate pages and numbered consecutively.
Figure texts should be fully explanatory. Photos and Figures should be of high quality (a
minimum resolution of 600 dpi in the format TIFF, EPS, GIF, JPEG or PPT), and be
labeled with the photographer's and author's name. Copyright permission must be
obtained for material copied from other publications. Figures should be prepared in a
form that allows for reduction in size. Tables should be no more than ½ A4 page. Be sure
to explain all abbreviations used. Whenever possible the information in Tables should
instead be presented in a Figure. 
For detailed instructions on how to prepare figures and/or illustrations, please visit:
Author Biography
A brief biography should be included for Review Papers and Reports.
Example: [Name of Author] is a [Professor/Associate Professor, doctoral candidate, etc.] 
at the [name of University/Institute]. His research interests include [example: political
ecology and political economy of aquaculture development]. 
All Reports and Review Papers are peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. The author
should suggest three to five potential reviewers who are qualified to judge the work
objectively, providing full names, institutions, and current e-mail addresses. Please
ensure that reviewers represent a broad international coverage. Potential reviewers
should not include anyone with whom authors have collaborated during the research
being submitted. 
Publishing space in Ambio is limited and we therefore have to reject more than half of
submitted manuscripts. If you are uncertain whether your manuscript is suitable for
publication in Ambio, please send e-mail with the Abstract to the Editor-in-Chief.

Upon acceptance of your article you will receive a link to the special Author Query
Application at Springer’s web page where you can sign the Copyright Transfer
Statement online and indicate whether you wish to order additional print offprints. Once
the Author Query Application has been completed, your article will be processed and
you will receive the proofs.
Copyright transfer
Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the Academy (or grant the
Academy exclusive publication and dissemination rights). 
On publication a PDF file (e-offprint) containing the published article will be sent to the
corresponding author. Additional print offprints can be ordered by the corresponding
author at the time the Author Query Application is received.
Proof reading
The purpose of the proof is to check for typesetting or conversion errors and the
completeness and accuracy of the text, tables and figures. Substantial changes in
content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without
the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. After online publication (Online First), further
changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the
Online First
The article will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs. This is the
official first publication citable with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). After release of
the printed version, the paper can also be cited by issue and page numbers.

Editorial Board


Elisabeth Kessler, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm
Bo Söderström, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. "Editor-in-Chief as of 1 August 2010"

Associate Editors:

Ingemar Ahlgren, Ph.D., Professor of Limnology, Uppsala University
Olof Andrén, Ph.D., Professor in Soil Biology/Agriculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
Jonas Ardö, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis, University of Lund
Marianne Clarholm, Ph.D., Professor in Applied Soil Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
Malin Falkenmark, Ph.D., Professor of International Hydrology, Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm
Björn Ganning, Ph.D., Professor of Ecology, Stockholm University
Harald Grip, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor in Forest Hydrology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå
Börje Karlsson, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Institute of Zoophysiology, University of Lund
Anders Malmer, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor in Soil Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå
Kevin J. Noone, Ph.D., Professor of Meteorology, Executive Director of IGBP
Lars Reuterswärd, Ph.D., Professor of Architecture and Development Studies, Lund University
Jesper Stage, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg
David Turner, Ph.D., Professor of Marine Chemistry, Gothenburg University

Editorial Board:

Gustaf Arrhenius, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Paul Crutzen, Max-Planck-Institut för Chemie, Abt. Chemie der Atmosphäre
Carl Folke, Department for Systems Ecology, Stockholm University
Arne Henriksen, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
Hans Hurni, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Don Mackay, Trent University, Environmental Modelling Centre, Environmental and Resource Studies
Jeffrey A. McNeely, IUCN
Mohan Munasinghe, University of Colombo
Frank Wania, University of Toronto
Li Wenhua, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Alexander J.B. Zehnder, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG)
Tomas Zylicz, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Economics Department, Warsaw University


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