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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Allergy and Asthma Proceedings is a peer reviewed publication dedicated to distributing timely scientific research regarding advancements in the knowledge and practice of allergy, asthma and immunology. Its primary readership consists of allergists and pulmonologists.

The goal of the Proceedings is to publish articles with a predominantly clinical focus which directly impact quality of care for patients with allergic disease and asthma.

Featured topics include asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, food allergies, allergic skin diseases, diagnostic techniques, allergens, and treatment modalities. Published material includes peer-reviewed original research, clinical trials and review articles.

Instructions to Authors


Allergy and Asthma Proceedings is pleased to announce that it is now accepting submissions electronically. Please see http://aap.msubmit.net for detailed author instructions for submitting on-line. Although this is the preferred method of submission, the journal will, until further notice, also accept manual submissions. Please use the following guidelines:


Electronic Submission Process

The manuscript submission process is broken into a series of 4 screens that gather detailed information about your manuscript and allow you to upload the pertinent files. The sequence of screens is as follows:


2. A screen asking for the actual file locations (via an open file dialog). After completing this screen, your files will be uploaded to our server.

3. A completion screen that will provide you with a specific manuscript number for your manuscript.

4. An approval screen that will allow you to verify your manuscript has been uploaded and converted to PDF correctly.

Before submitting a manuscript, gather the following information:

1. Corresponding Author full name, postal address, work telephone and fax number and email address

2.Title and Running Title (you can cut and paste this from your manuscript)

3.Abstract (you can cut and paste this from your manuscript)

4.Manuscript files in PDF, Word (Please make sure the "Language" is "English (U.S.)" via Tools->Language->Set Language), WordPerfect, EPS, text, Postscript, or RTF format. PLEASE NOTE - If your paper is accepted for publication, the publisher will NOT be able to use PDF text files. PDF is acceptable for figure files for production but not for text. PDF is acceptable for the initial submission and review process only. If possible, Manuscript files should be uploaded separately from the figure files. i.e. do not embed your figures into your document file. Figures/Images files are acceptable in TIFF, GIF, JPG, PDF, Postscript, or EPS format. Note - PDF is acceptable for figure files for production but not for text.

5.Completed publishing forms. These include Conflict of Interest and Copyright Release forms signed by all authors listed on the title page of the manuscript. These forms may be obtained by email request or downloaded from  http://www.oceansidepubl.com/aappubforms.htm . These completed forms should be faxed to the number above as soon as a manuscript number is assigned to your submission.

After the manuscript is submitted, you will be taken to a page that will allow you to review your manuscript that has been converted to PDF. If the conversion is not correct, you can replace or delete your manuscript files as necessary. After you have reviewed the converted files, you will need to click on "Approve Manuscript". This link will have a red arrow next to it. Throughout the system, red arrows reflect pending action items that you should address.


Manuscript Status

After you approve your manuscript, you are finished. You can get the status of your manuscript via:

1. Logging into the system with your password.

2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.

3. Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.

This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.


The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page. Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting the submission process.


Manual Submission Process   (see previous page for instructions on submitting electronically)

Authors:  Title page, Subtitle (if any),

First name, middle initial, last name of each author (with highest academic degrees),

Name of Departments and Institutions to which work should be attributed; (see Conflict of Interest below)

Disclaimers (if any); and Acknowledgment of Financial Support.(see Conflict of Interest below)


Manuscript:    Submit original copy along with a diskette containing the manuscript (no Mac disks). Please keep the article file separate from the figure files if providing digital figures or illustrations.

Please label the diskette with the software version used to create it.

Typed, double spaced (including references, legends, footnotes), unspecified length;

Originals only of all tables, figures, and illustrations.  Glossy photos, slides, electronic/digital figures and original pen and ink line drawings are acceptable.  Copies are not acceptable. See Cadmus guidelines for submitting digital art at http://cpc.cadmus.com/da/guidelines.asp 


Include date of presentation at scientific meeting

Author¡¯s telephone number, FAX number and e-mail address;

References in the text should be superscript numbers in order of appearance.

References with more than three authors should be presented as the first three authors followed by et al.


Abstract:  Astructured abstract, no longer than 250 words, to precede article.

Copyright: MANUSCRIPTS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING WRITTEN STATEMENT, SIGNED BY EACH AND EVERY AUTHOR: ¡°The undersigned author(s) transfer all copyright ownership, including electronic, of the manuscript (title of article) to OceanSide Publications, Inc in the event the work is published.  The undersigned warrant(s) that the article is original, does not infringe upon any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party, is not under consideration by another journal, and has not been previously published. The author(s) confirm that they have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.¡± Items are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are contributed solely to Allergy and Asthma Proceedings and have not been or will not be published elsewhere in any format except in abstract form.


Conflict of Interest:

Allergy and Asthma Proceedings requires all authors to make the following disclosures:

1. On the title page of the manuscript, authors must acknowledge:

a. all funding sources that supported their work and

b. all institutional or corporate affiliations of each author

2.All authors must submit a separate form (one for each author) stating specifically whether any of the following commercial associations, that might pose a conflict of interest, exist: consultant arrangements, stock or other equity ownership, patent licensing arrangements, or payments for conducting or publicizing the study.  Contact Allergy and Asthma Proceedings for blank Conflict of Interest forms. The disclosure will be held in strict confidence during the review process and will not influence any editorial decisions.  However, if the paper is accepted for publication, the Editor will determine how any conflict of interest should be disclosed.


In addition to these disclosures, all authors must complete a Conflict of Interest form. You may contact the Editorial Office at 401-331-2510 to request a form.


References: Please follow format below, e.g.:

1. Meltzer EO. Intranasal anticholinergic therapy of rhinorrhea. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992; 90:1055-1064.

2.Benson S, Olnes S, Phil A, et al. On the mechanism of protein synthesis inhibition by abrin and ricin. Eur J Biochem 1975; 59:573-588.

3.Swift DL, and Proctor DF. Access of air to the respiratory tract. In Respiratory Defense Mechanisms. Brain JD, Proctor DF, and Reid LM (Eds). New York: Marcel Dekker, 1977; 21-40.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Joseph A. Bellanti, M.D. 2004 – present


Associate Editor:  Russell A. Settipane, M.D. 2004 – present


American Board Members:

Sami L. Bahna, M.D.
     Shreveport, LA

William Berger, M.D.
     Mission Viejo, CA

Michael Blaiss, M.D.
     Memphis, TN

Malcolm Blumenthal, M.D.
     Minneapolis, MN

Warner W. Carr, M.D.
     Glenwood, M.D.

Bradley Chipps, M.D.
     Sacramento, CA

Linda S. Cox, M.D.
     Fort Lauderdale, FL

Timothy Craig,D.O.
     Hershey, PA

Lawrence M. DuBuske, M.D.
     Gardner, MA

Chitra Dinakar, M.D.
     Kansas City, MO

Mark S. Dykewicz, M.D.
Louis, MO

Stanley Fineman, M.D.
     Marietta, GA    Lawrence D. Frenkel, M.D.
     Rockford, IL

Marianne Frieri, M.D.
     East Meadow, NY

Sandra Gawchik,D.O.
     Chester, PA

Stanley Goldstein, M.D.
     Rockville Centre, NY

Daniel Hamilos, M.D.
     Boston, MA

Bettina C. Hillman, M.D.
     Tyler, TX

Richard Honsinger, M.D.
     Los Alamos, NM

Donald E. Klein, M.D.
     Providence, RI

Bobby Q. Lanier, M.D.
     Fort Worth, TX

D. Betty Lew, M.D.
     Memphis, TN

Eric Macy, M.D.
     San Diego, CA

Kevin McGrath, M.D.
     Fairfield, CT    Christopher C. Randolph, M.D.
     Waterbury, CT

Diane E. Schuller, M.D.
     Hershey, PA

Robert J. Settipane, M.D.
     Providence, RI

Russell A. Settipane, M.D.
     Providence, RI

Charles J. Siegel, M.D.
     Kansas City, MO

Ronald Simon, M.D.
     LaJolla, CA

Raymond G. Slavin, M.D.
     St. Louis, MO

Ricardo U. Sorenson, M.D.
     New Orleans, LA

Frank Twarog, M.D.
     Brookline, MA

John M. Weiler, M.D.
     Iowa City, IA

Peter Weller, M.D.
     Boston, MA

Hugh Windom, M.D.
     Sarasota, FL


International Board Members


Attilio Boner, PhD
     Verona, Italy

Jean Bousquet, M.D. PhD

Helen Chan, M.D.
     Hong Kong

Tse Wen Chang, PhD

Felicidad Cua-Lim, M.D.
     San Juan, Philipines

Alejandro Escobar, M.D.
     Mexico City, Mexico

Alessandro Fiocchi, M.D. PhD
     Milano, Italy

Sandra N. Gonzalez Diaz, M.D.
     Monterrey, Mexico  Kamal Maurice Hanna, M.D.
     Cairo, Egypt

S.T. Holgate, PhD
     Southampton, UK

Patrick Holt, PhD
     W. Australia

Jose´ G. Huerta Lo´pez, M.D.
     Mexico City, Mexico

S. Gunnar O. Johannson, PhD

Matti Korppi, M.D. PhD
     Koupio, Finland

Marek L. Kowalski, M.D.
     Lodz, Poland

Mario LaRosa, PhD
     Catania, Italy

Samuel Malka, M.D.
     Miami, FL Hugo Neffen, M.D.
     Sante Fe, Argentina

Elio Novembre, M.D. PhD
     Florence, Italy

Antero G. Palma-Carlos, M.D.
     Lisbon, Portugal

Giorgio Piacentini, PhD
     Verona, Italy

P. Pohunek, M.D. PhD
     Czech Republic

Kostas Priftis, M.D. PhD
     Athens, Greece

Johannes Ring, M.D. PhD

J. Rosado-Pinto PhD
     Lisbon, Portugal


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