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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Print ISSN: 0269-2813
Online ISSN: 1365-2036
Frequency: Fortnightly
Current Volume: 19
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2003: 8/47 (Gastroenterology & Hepatology); 32/184 (Pharmacology & Pharmacy)
Impact Factor: 3.529

Letter from the Editors

We write to you as the co-editors of Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, a gastroenterology journal specializing in clinical aspects of gastroenterology. We have been co-editors since 1992 and 1987 (respectively), and have been privileged to see the journal increase in size and stature. 

Our current subscribers tell us AP&T is the only gastroenterology journal they read cover-to-cover, as all the papers are germane to their practice. Because we believe you might be persuaded to subscribe, there are details below on how to apply for a free 30-day online trial.

AP&T is the clinical journal that meets the needs of practitioners. Our goal is to publish high quality papers, both original research and superb review articles, of direct relevance to those whose job it is to care for patients.

We hope the free trial will stimulate your interest enough to prompt a subscription. We personally guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Walter Peterson                               Roy Pounder


Ten Good Reasons why authors prefer Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics

  1.  Latest Impact Factor is 3.529.
  2.  Median time between submission and first decision is 18 days.
  3.  Superfast submission (costing $1000) guarantees first decision in 6 working days - the fee pays the reviewers (but doesn't buy acceptance!)
  4.  Median time between acceptance and full publication in 2004 is only 9 weeks. Twice monthly publication  started in January 2003.
  5. OnlineEarly publication means that articles are now published in electronic format about 8 weeks after acceptance.
  6. PDF off-prints provided free-of-charge to all authors - for non-commercial use.
  7. Corresponding author receives free 1-year electronic subscription to AP&T, as well as a FREE 3-month print subscription (NEW!)
  8. Submit manuscripts electronically (or by paper if you prefer).
  9. The electronic submission software of AP&T is superior to other journals, and easy to use.  
  10. <SPAN nostyle="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; mso-fareast-language: EN

Instructions to Authors


Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics will consider original scientific papers, letters and reviews. These include, but are not limited to, the basic and clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and therapeutic use of drugs in the alimentary tract including the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Descriptions of adverse effects (but not case reports) and pharmacoepidemiological and toxicological aspects will also be considered. AP&T publishes only studies performed in human subjects.

Electronic Submission
Authors should submit manuscripts including figures to the AP&T manuscript submission website.

Please read and apply the loading instructions given at this site. Should authors encounter difficulties they may contact the Blackwell Publishing support desk in the USA (Tel.: +1 434 817 2040 ext. 167, E-mail: support@scholarone.com).

SuperFast papers
We offer a separate fast appraisal and publication service for manuscripts. A submission fee of US$ 1,000 guarantees peer-review within 6 working days. Once a manuscript is accepted in final form, it will be published within 9 to 13 weeks. This service will not slow the standard prompt service provided by the journal.

Authors planning to submit a SuperFast paper are encouraged to contact Roy Pounder in the London Editorial Office in advance of submission, so that peer review can be planned in advance (roypounder.apt@rfc.ucl.ac.uk). The submission fee should be paid in the form of a cheque, made out to ????Blackwell Publishing Ltd????. This should be sent to: Professor R E Pounder, Centre for Gastroenterology, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Rowland Hill Street, London NW3 2PF at the time of submission of the paper. For all forms of manuscript submission (electronic, or SuperFast): Papers must be submitted exclusively to the Journal and are accepted on the understanding that they have not been and will not be published elsewhere.

The Copyright Assignment Form, available on the journal??s website (http://www.APandT.org) must be signed by the corresponding author and sent by post to: Professor R E Pounder, Centre for Gastroenterology (10th Floor), Royal Free and University College Medical School, Rowland Hill Street, London NW3 2PF, UK.

The Editors retain the usual right to modify the style and length of a contribution (major changes being agreed with the corresponding author) and to decide the time of publication.

Presentation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be typed (with a wide margin) and double-spaced. Authors should retain one copy of all material, as the Editors cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, manuscripts.

When submitting the manuscript on disk, all artwork should be in the appropriate electronic format. Save vector graphics (e.g. line artwork) in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS) andnbitmap files (e.g. half tones) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF at 250-300 dpi at final size). Ideally, vector graphics that have been saved in metafile (.WMF) or pict (.PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the text file. For more detailed instructions, visit:www.blackwellpublishing.com/lecmed/digill.htm

A title page should contain the authors?? names, appointments and place of work at the relevant time. A full and a short running title should be given, together with a small number of keywords for indexing purposes. The text should start with a structured Summary, not exceeding 200 words, organized into sections under the headings Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions. The paper should then proceed conventionally: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Only 3 levels of headings should be used. Pages should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, but tables, footnotes, figure legends (including magnifications) and acknowledgements must be submitted on separate sheets. Reports of clinical trials should adhere to the tenets of the CONSORT statement (JAMA 2001; 285: 1987?C91).

Tables and Figures
Where there is any possibility of doubt, the upper margin of the illustration should be indicated. Black and white (half tone) photographs may be used. Authors may be asked to contribute to printing costs if the space requested for illustrations is considered excessive or if colour photographs are requested. Where there is any possibility of doubt, the upper margin of the illustration should be indicated. Black and white (half tone) photographs may be used. Authors may be asked to contribute to printing costs if the space requested for illustrations is considered excessive or if colour photographs are requested.

Units and Abbreviations
All measurements should be in SI units with the exception of haemoglobin (g/dL) and blood pressure (mmHg). Original observations recorded in other units should be stated, together with the appropriate conversion factors. Standard abbreviations, without punctuation, are used. Units, Symbols and Abbreviations (1988) published by the Royal Society of Medicine, and SI: The International System of Units (1982) from HMSO both provide useful guides. Abbreviations, used sparingly, should follow the first full spelling, in parentheses.

Methods should be referenced. Two-tailed significance tests should be used unless explicitly stated. Controls should be described as completely as experimental subjects. Measures of location should be accompanied by measures of variability (e.g. mean and confidence intervals) as well as conventional probability values. Clinical trial reports should include the power of the study design.

An ethics committee should have approved human studies but in questionable matters the Editors reserve the right to reject papers. Sources of financial support must be acknowledged. Other kinds of association (such as consultancy, share ownership, or patent-licensing arrangements) should be disclosed to the Editor in a covering letter at the time of submission. Such information will be held in confidence.

Use the Vancouver system. References should be numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, and should be identified in the text, tables and legends by arabic numbers in parentheses. The first three authors and 'et al.' should be used if there are more than six authors.

The form of references adopted by the US National Library of Medicine and used in Index Medicus applies. References must be verified by the authors against the original documents.

Drug Names
Generic names should, in general, be used. If an author so desires, brand names may be inserted in parentheses.

The corresponding author will receive an e-mail alert containing a link to a web site. A working e-mail address must therefore be provided for the corresponding author. The proof can be downloaded as a PDF (portable document format) file from this site. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following web site:

This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Hard copy proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available. Excessive changes made by the author in the proofs, excluding typesetting errors, will be charged separately.

Authors will be provided with electronic offprints of their article. Paper offprints may be ordered at prices quoted on the order form which accompanies the proofs, provided that the form is returned with the proofs. The cost will be higher if the order arrives too late for the main print run.
Offprints are normally despatched within three weeks of publication of the issue in which the paper appears. Please contact the publishers if offprints do not arrive, but please note that offprints are sent by surface mail, so overseas orders may take up to six weeks to arrive. Electronic offprints are sent to the first author at his/her first email address on the title page of the paper, unless advised otherwise. For this reason, please ensure that the name, address and email address of the corresponding author are clearly indicated on the manuscript title page if he/she is not the first author of the paper.

Editorial Board


Professor R E Pounder, London

Professor W L Peterson, Dallas  

Associate Editors (Reviews):

Professor J M Rhodes, Liverpool

Professor P Martin, Los Angeles

International Editorial Board

Chairman: Professor J-R Malagelada, Barcelona 

Professor A T R Axon, Leeds 
Professor K D Bardhan, Rotherham
Professor L Beaugerie, Paris
Dr F K L Chan, Hong Kong
Professor S E Crowe, Charlottesville
Professor P Desreumaux, Lille
Professor E M El-Omar, Aberdeen
Professor M J G Farthing, London
Professor B M Fennerty, Oregon
Professor A G Fraser, Auckland
Professor J P Galmiche, Nantes
Professor P R Gibson, Victoria
Professor N J Greenberger, Boston
Professor S B Hanauer, Chicago
Professor C J Hawkey, Nottingham
Professor P Hayes, Edinburgh
Professor G J Holtmann, Essen
Professor C W Howden, Chicago
Professor R H Hunt, Hamilton
Professor D P Jewell, Oxford
Professor M A Kamm, Harrow
Dr P O Katz, Philadelphia
Professor K Kawai, Kyoto City
Professor E B Keefe, Palo Alto
Professor D A Kelly, Birmingham
Professor G J Krejs, Graz
Professor E J Kuipers, Rotterdam
Professor L Laine, Los Angeles
Professor S K Lam, Hong Kong
Professor C B H W Lamers, Leiden
Professor M J S Langman, Birmingham
Professor P Malfertheiner, Magedeburg
Professor K R McQuaid, San Francisco
Professor D C Metz, Philadelphia
Professor P Moayyedi, Hamilton
Dr R Moreno-Otero, Madrid
Dr C U Nwokolo, Coventry
Professor S Okabe, Kyoto City
Professor C O??Morain, Dublin
Professor J M Pajares, Madrid
Dr S C Pappas, Houston
Professor T Poynard, Paris
Professor E M Quigley, Cork
Professor D S Rampton, London
Professor J Rask-Madsen, Herlev
Professor J Rodes, Barcelona
Professor P Rutgeerts, Leuven
Professor P Schoenfeld, Ann Arbor
Professor F Shanahan, Cork
Professor A Sonnenberg, Portland
Professor S J Spechler, Dallas
Professor E F Stange, Stuttgart
Professor V Stanghellini, Bologna
Professor R W Stockbrugger, Maastricht
Professor J J Y Sung, Hong Kong
Professor A Terano, Dokkyo
Professor G N Tytgat, Amsterdam
Professor D Vaira, Bologna
Professor N Vakil, Milwaukee
Dr C M Wilcox, Birmingham
Professor B C Y Wong, Hong Kong
Professor S-D Xiao, Shanghai


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