

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (ASC) is the leading primary journal in organic, organometallic, and applied chemistry. The 2008 2-year Impact Factor has jumped to an unprecedented 5.619 and a 2008 5-year Impact Factor to 5.458. These are the highest ever for a primary organic chemistry journal.

The high impact of ASC can be attributed to the unique focus of the journal, which publishes exciting new results from academic and industrial labs on efficient, practical, and environmentally friendly organic synthesis. While homogeneous, heterogeneous, organic, and enzyme catalysis are key technologies to achieve green synthesis, significant contributions to the same goal by synthesis design, reaction techniques, flow chemistry, and continuous processing, multiphase catalysis, green solvents, catalyst immobilization, and recycling, separation science, and process development are also featured in ASC. The Aims and Scope can be found in the Notice to Authors or on the first page of the table of contents in every issue.


Abstracting and Indexing Information


Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

Cambridge Structural Database (CSA/CIG)

CAS: Chemical Abstracts Services ()

Catalysts & Catalysed Reactions (RSC)

CCR Database (Thomson ISI)

Ceramic Abstracts ()

Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder (ACS)

ChemInform (Wiley-VCH/FIZ Chemie)

Chemistry Citation Index™ (Thomson ISI)

Chemistry Server Compound Center (Thomson ISI)

Chemistry Server Reaction Center (Thomson ISI)

ChemPrep™ (Thomson ISI)

ChemWeb (ChemIndustry.com)

Computer & Information Systems Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

CSA Advanced Polymer Abstracts ()

CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

CSA Computer information & Technology Abstracts ()

CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

CSA Technology Research Database (CSA/CIG)

Current Chemical Reactions® (Thomson ISI)

Current Contents®/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (Thomson ISI)

Engineered Materials Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

Index Chemicus® (Thomson ISI)

International Aerospace Abstracts & Database (CSA/CIG)

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI)

Materials Business File (CSA/CIG)

MDL Beilstein (Elsevier)


Methods in Organic Synthesis (RSC)

NISEE: Earthquake Engineering Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

Reaction Citation Index™ (Thomson ISI)

Science Citation Index Expanded™ (Thomson ISI)

Science Citation Index® (Thomson ISI)

SCOPUS (Elsevier)

Web of Science® (Thomson ISI)

Instructions to Authors

Notice to Authors

1. General Information

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis is an international journal dedicated to the advancement of efficient and practical synthesis, which is a joint effort by academic and industrial chemists to meet the global and societal challenges with which chemistry is faced in the 21st Century. The journal brings together chemists from various areas of research including synthetic organic chemistry, organometallics, metal-complex catalysis, organic catalysis, biocatalysis, biotechnology, and process chemistry. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis succeeds the time-honored German "Journal für Praktische Chemie" (founded 1828).

Manuscripts should be submitted in English to the editor, Joe P. Richmond via Manuscript Central. Online submission is mandatory – conventional submission of manuscripts via courier service or E-mail is no longer accepted.

Prepare your manuscript in keeping with the guidelines given below (§3 and §4). Manuscript templates are available on the Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis website at http://asc.wiley-vch.de/.

For the submission of new manuscripts, a single Word DOC or PDF file needs to be uploaded as "Main Document" on the File Upload screen. Tables and all graphics should be embedded in the DOC file in the text where they belong (not collected at the end). The graphic abstract for the table of contents should be embedded at the end of the DOC file. Do not choose the file designation "Image" when uploading new manuscripts. Supporting Information can be uploaded as a single, separate Word DOC or PDF file with all graphics embedded by choosing the file designation "Supporting Information".

For the submission of revised manuscripts and final manuscript files for production, text, tables and graphics prepared with ChemDraw, ISIS Draw and Excel need to be uploaded as a single Word DOC file; the graphics need to be linked to those programs within the Word file. Upload this file as "Main Document". All other graphics need to be uploaded as separate files in a graphic format such as TIFF or JPG with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher; for these graphic files choose the designation "Image" on the File Upload screen. Figure and Scheme captions should not be embedded into the graphic files, but rather included at the end of the text file of the manuscript. Supporting Information is uploaded as a single, separate Word DOC or PDF file with all graphics embedded by choosing the file designation "Supporting Information".

Steps for using the Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis online submission system:

Go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/asc.

If you use the system for the first time, you need to click on the "Create Account" link. If you have been an author or referee for Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis recently, your email address will already be in the database. In that case, enter your email address under "Password Help" on the Log In screen. You will receive an automatically generated E-mail, providing you with the details to access your personal homepage (login and password).

Once logged in, please click on "Authoring Center" and let the system guide you through the submission process. Online help is available at all times. It will be possible to exit and re-enter the system without losing any information at any stage of the submission process. All submissions are kept strictly confidential.

If applicable, please choose a Special Issue to which you have been invited to contribute.

Authors can follow the progress of their manuscripts on their personal homepage: All manuscripts of the authors submitted to and all review reports written for Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis are archived here. This homepage should also be used to upload the revised and final versions of all manuscripts submitted to Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.

Note that when multiple files are uploaded as "Main Document" or "Image", the system generates a single PDF file. IMPORTANT: only Word DOC, TIFF and JPG files are included in the PDF file generated. File formats not included are Excel XLS, PowerPoint PPT, ChemDraw CDX, ISIS Draw SKC, GIF, PCT, PSD, BMP, 123, RAR, SIT and ZIP.

With the exception of Commentaries and Book Reviews all manuscripts will be peer-reviewed, and if accepted, edited with a view to clarity, brevity and consistency. Manuscripts that are clearly inappropriate for the journal can be rejected without consulting referees. Authors are required to inform the editor of any related manuscripts that have been submitted or are soon to be submitted to other journals. Copies of these manuscripts are to be supplied to the editor and their relationship to the submitted manuscript explained.

All queries regarding manuscripts should be addressed to the editor at asc@wiley-vch.de.

The main correspondence author will receive a complementary copy of the issue in which his/her paper has appeared. Reprints and high-resolution PDFs can be ordered for a reasonable price when the corrected proofs are returned.

The Ethical Guidelines of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences are followed by Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (http://www.euchems.org/Publications/index.asp). In particular, authors should reveal all sources of funding for the work presented in the manuscript and should declare any conflict of interest.

Manuscripts containing animal experiments must include a statement in the Experimental Section to state that permission was obtained from the relevant national or local authorities. The institutional committees that have approved the experiments must be identified and the accreditation number of the laboratory or of the investigator given where applicable. If no such rules or permissions are in place in the country where the experiments were performed, then this must also be clearly stated.

Manuscripts with experiments with human subjects or tissue samples from human subjects must contain a disclaimer in the Experimental Section to state that informed signed consent was obtained from either the patient or from next of kin.

On behalf of our authors who are also US National Institutes of Health (NIH) grantees, we will deposit in PubMed Central (PMC) and make public after 12 months the peer-reviewed version of the author's manuscript. By assuming this responsibility, we will ensure our authors are in compliance with the NIH request, as well as make certain the appropriate version of the manuscript is deposited. We reserve the right to change or rescind this policy.

If authors have to or want to make their publications freely available at the moment they are published (open access), Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis offers such a service. Under the keyword OnlineOpen you can find all the information about this subject on our homepage. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis also complies with the request or mandate from research funding agencies, for example the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), to make manuscripts freely available online in the unedited and not proof-read form after acceptance. In general we recommend that authors link on their homepage to their publication in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis through the "Digital Object Identifier" (DOI). Only in this way can Crossref function correctly and full-text downloads be tallied.

2. Aims and Scope

Although total synthesis reached extraordinary levels of sophistication in the last century, the development of practical and efficient synthetic methodologies is still in its infancy. Achieving chemical reactions that are highly selective, economical, safe, resource- and energy-efficient, and environmentally benign is a primary challenge to chemistry in this century. Realizing this goal will demand the highest level of scientific creativity, insight and understanding in a combined effort by academic, government and industrial chemists and engineers.

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis promotes that process by publishing high-impact research results reporting the development and application of efficient synthetic methodologies and strategies for organic targets that range from pharmaceuticals to organic materials. Homogeneous catalysis, biocatalysis, organocatalysis and heterogeneous catalysis directed towards organic synthesis are playing an ever increasing role in achieving synthetic efficiency. Asymmetric catalysis remains a topic of central importance. In addition, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis includes other areas that are making a contribution to green synthesis, such as synthesis design, reaction techniques, flow chemistry and continuous processing, multiphase catalysis, green solvents, catalyst immobilization and recycling, separation science and process development.

Practical processes involve development of effective integrated strategies, from an elegant synthetic route based on mechanistic and structural insights at the molecular level through to process optimization at larger scales. These endeavors often entail a multidisciplinary approach that spans the broad fields chemistry, biology, and engineering and involve contributions from academic, government, and industrial laboratories.

The unique focus of Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis has rapidly made it a leading organic chemistry and catalysis journal. The goal of Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis is to help inspire a new era of chemical science, based on the efforts of synthetic chemists and on interdisciplinary collaboration, so that chemistry will make an even greater contribution to the quality of life than it does now.

3. Categories of Contributions

Commentaries are editorial statements by the Editors or by other responsible leaders from academia, industry and politics on issues of relevance to the goals of the journal and of importance to the chemical community. The subjects discussed can range widely, from questions directly concerned with synthetic science to those at the interface of chemistry with social and global problems associated with the health, materials, food, energy, environment, and many others. Commentaries are generally written upon invitation. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, as long as they fit into the concept of the journal.

Reviews are concise overviews of developments in a given area of high interest to the readership. As with other sections of the journal, the areas covered are not restricted to synthesis, but can include theoretical or mechanistic studies, separation science, reaction techniques and other subjects that are of interest to the practical synthetic chemist. The value added, above and beyond what one gets from compiling the results of a literature search, is that the authors apply their expertise and experience to critically analyze all of the literature available and provide the reader with a conceptual, comparative survey, using selected examples to illustrate the principles involved. The author places the subject into the broader scientific context for the benefit of non-specialist readers. In the coverage of a given methodology, not only the scope but also the limitations should be discussed. The practical utility and the future potential of the area should be central themes of the coverage. To the extent possible, the authors are encouraged to provide optimized experimental procedures, which have not been published previously. The material should be presented simply and understandably so that the broad readership of the journal rapidly grasps the essential aspects of the area. A biographical sketch (maximum length 800 characters) and a portrait-quality black-and-white photograph of the author(s) should be submitted. Reviews are generally written upon invitation. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, as long as they fit into the concept of the journal.

Communications report results of scientific studies that have not previously been published and whose immediate significance to the readership justifies their urgent publication. The authors are requested to address the question of usefulness and practical potential of the work presented, which will be taken into consideration during the peer-reviewing process. Essential experimental details for new methodology are required, including, for example, information on catalyst preparation and characterization, catalyst loading and reaction times. This should be summarized in a section with the heading Experimental Section at the end of the manuscript before the acknowledgments and references. Further experimental information and spectroscopic data can be submitted as Supporting Information (see "Electronic supporting information" below). The rest of the text should not be divided into sections with headings. The length of the manuscript, including illustrations and tables, should not exceed six double-spaced pages.

Updates allow authors to report new advances and insights obtained for projects that are being actively pursued; e.g., improvements in catalyst synthesis, reaction conditions, etc. These advances are expected to have significant practical impact, but need not have the urgency of communications or the scope of full papers.

Full Papers give a detailed report of significant results not published previously, except in preliminary form. As in the case of communications, the usefulness and future potential of the work should be discussed. Complete experimental details should be included in the Experimental Section. Supporting Information should be restricted to things like nonessential experimental information (e.g., routine use of a known method) and characterization data. The length of the manuscript depends on the amount of scientific content being presented.

Book Reviews give critical evaluations of recently published books or multimedia products of interest to the readership. Publishers should send books directly to the Editor. Unsolicited books will not be returned.

4. Preparation of Manuscripts

Use of standard programs such as Microsoft Word and ChemDraw is preferred. In the original electronic submission, the manuscript file should be in Word DOC format with tables and all graphics embedded in the text where they belong (not collected at the end). Manuscript templates are available at http://asc.wiley-vch.de/. Supporting Information should be submitted as a separate file. In the revised or final accepted manuscript, graphics prepared with ChemDraw, ISIS Draw or Excel need to be embedded into the Word file and linked to those programs. All other graphics need to be supplied as separate files in a graphic format such as TIFF or JPG with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.

Unless stated otherwise, the following instructions apply to all sections of the journal, except for Commentaries and Book Reviews.

Title page: Series title and number, if applicable; title; authors names and alphabetical references ( a, b, c, etc.) referring to addresses, and an asterisk to denote the correspondence author; affiliations of all the authors including the full postal address, fax number, and e-mail address of the correspondence author; dedication if applicable; footnote referring to the previous paper in the series, if applicable. The title should not contain chemical formula.

Abstract should be brief (600–2000 characters) and not too technical.

Table of Contents (Reviews only) using Arabic numbers for the sections and subsections (e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.2, etc.).

Keywords: A maximum of six keywords to appear in the printed and online indexes should be given in alphabetical order. At least two keywords from the basic keyword list available at http://asc.wiley-vch.de/ should be included to aid online searching.

Introduction (the heading is only for Reviews and Full Papers, optional for Updates) should include relevant references.

Results and Discussion (the heading is only for Full Papers, optional for Updates) may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided by subheadings. This section should not be cluttered with technical details. The discussion should not only summarize the scope and limitations of the work, but also make a comparative evaluation of its practical significance and the potential for further development. To what extent do the results satisfy the initial expectations? What further improvements are necessary? For synthetic methodology, the discussion of scope and limitations should include consideration of isolated yield, selectivity, scale, catalyst stability, catalyst loading, reaction times, temperature restrictions, functional group compatibility, restrictions in solvent or conditions, wastes produced, and also an indication if further work is necessary to determine the general applicability.

Conclusion (the heading is only for Full Papers, optional for Updates) summarizes the results obtained and addresses questions such as: To what extent do the results satisfy the initial expectations? What further improvements are necessary?

Experimental Section (Full Papers, Updates and Communications) should be given in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat your work. In so far as practical, authors should use a systematic name for each title compound in the experimental section. Equipment and conditions used for the measurement of physical data as well as any enzymes or nucleic acids used should be described at the beginning of the experimental section. For catalytic methodologies, the catalyst preparation and characterization should be described in detail (unless it is commercially available). In the individual experimental procedures, quantities of reactants, solvents etc. should be included in parentheses rather than in the running text [e.g., triphenylstannyl chloride (0.964 g, 2.5 mmol) in toluene (20 mL)]. Information on catalyst loading (or S/C ratio or TON) and on reaction times (or TOF or rate) must be included. Physical data (using SI units whenever possible) should be quoted with decimal points and negative exponents (e.g., 25.8 JK−1mol−1). The purity of all new compounds should be verified by elemental analysis, to an accuracy of within ±0.4%. Optimized experimental procedures reported in Reviews should be incorporated into the text where appropriate following the instructions above regarding content and style.

Acknowledgements should be as brief as possible and placed before the References.

References: In the text the numbers should be typed in square brackets as superscripts (e.g., Noyori[3]) and, if applicable, after punctuation. If you use the automatic reference collation system of your word-processing program, please convert the references into text before submitting the manuscript; otherwise they may disappear when typeset. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI); unpublished results and lectures should only be cited for exceptional reasons. Please follow the examples below (page range is optional but should be consistent throughout).

Journals: [1] a) W. Zhang, J. S. Moore, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 93–120; b) R. H. Grubbs, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 23–24.

[2] R. A. Sheldon, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 1289–1307, and references cited therein.

Books: Without editor. [3] P. G. M. Wuts, T. W. Greene, Greene's Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis, 4th ed., Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2006, pp. 1–15.

With editor: [4] R. R. Schrock, in Handbook of Metathesis, Vol. 1 (Ed.: R. H. Grubbs), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003, pp. 8–32.

Miscellaneous: [5] a) T. Aratani, H. Yoshihara, G. Susukamo (Sumitomo Chemical Company), US Patent 4552972, 4603218, 1985; Chem. Abstr. 1985, 103, 71551m; b) A. Student, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge (UK), 1998; c) P. Knochel, Science of Synthesis 2004, Vol. 3, pp. 5–90; d) M. T. Reetz, X. Li, Synthesis 2005, 3183–3185; e) D. E. Bergbreiter, J. Li, Top. Curr. Chem. 2004, 242, 113–176.

Legends: Each figure and scheme should have a legend. "Charts" are designated as figures. In the final accepted manuscript, the legends should be listed together after the reference section of the text file and not be included with the drawings in the separate graphic files. The position of each equation, figure, scheme, structure or table in the text should be indicated as in the following example:

((Insert Scheme 1 here:))

Tables must have a brief title and should only be subdivided by three horizontal lines (head rule, neck rule, foot rule). Footnotes in tables are denoted [a], [b], [c], etc. The table should be constructed using the table function in Word; do not make tables using the tabulator. Drawings within a table prepared with ChemDraw or ISIS Draw need to be linked to those programs within the Word file. All other graphics in tables need to be supplied as separate graphic files and their position in the table indicated. When a table consists mainly of graphic elements, the entire table should be prepared with a drawing program such as ChemDraw.

Illustrations (structural formulas, figures, schemes) must be readable after reduction to a one-column (8.5 cm wide) or two-column format (17.7 cm wide). We recommend use of the Adv. Synth. Catal. Document style sheet, which is supplied with ChemDraw and can also be downloaded from the Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis website at http://asc.wiley-vch.de/. The settings are: One-Column Drawing Width 13 cm, Two-Column Drawing Width 26.7 cm; Caption and Label Font: Helvetica or Arial [Symbol Font for minus (− not -) or multiplication (× not x) signs], Font Style Standard, Font Size 10 pt; Chain Angle 120°, Bond Spacing 18% of length, Fixed Length 17 pt, Bold Width 2 pt, Line Width 1 pt, Margin Width 1.6 pt, Hash Spacing 2.5 pt. ISIS/Draw can also be used. Illustrations prepared with other chemical drawing programs need to be supplied as TIFF or JPG files with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.

Computer-aided image enhancement is often unavoidable. However, such manipulation cannot result in data that are less relevant or unrepresentative being shown and/or genuine and significant signals being lost. A clear relationship must remain between the original data and the images that result from those data. If an image has been electronically modified, the form of the modification shall be given in the Figure caption. If computer-aided processing or modification of an image is a fundamental part of the experimental work, then the form that this processing takes must be clearly described in the Experimental Section.

Color: Printing of Schemes and Figures in color is expensive, and we request that part of the additional costs be carried by the author. If color printing is essential and the author does not have access to funds for color printing, the editor should be informed.

Cover Picture: Suggestions for the cover of the issue (with an explanatory text up to 500 characters) are welcome (space available: a square with sides of 12 cm). Part of the additional cost for color printing must be paid by the author.

Symbols: Do not use the field or object commands on the insert menu to create symbols graphically. Use the symbol command on the insert menu; it opens a dialog box that contains a font box. Your options for this font box are "Normal Text Font" and "Symbol Font"; do not use MS Linedraw. Use these "Symbol" and "Normal" text fonts to insert Greek letters and characters with umlauts, accents, tildes, etc.: a, Š, ã, , à. Italicize symbols of physical quantities, but not their units (e.g., T for temperature, in contrast to T for the unit Tesla, but K as unit; J, but Hz; a, but nm), stereochemical information (cis, Z, R, etc.), locants (N-methyl, a-amino) and symmetry designations (C2v). Chemical formulas should be numbered with boldface Arabic numerals (e.g., 1). In labels of axes the units should be placed in square brackets (e.g., T [K]). Abbreviations such as Me, Et, n-Bu, i-Pr, s-Bu, t-Bu and Ph (not f) may be used in formulas. General substituents should be indicated by R1, R2 (not R2, which means 2R) or R, R'. The spatial arrangement of the substituents should be indicated by hatched lines and a wedge. The symbol font should be used for minus signs.

Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently, following the system of abbreviations and symbols recommended by IUPAC and IUBMB. Where they first appear in the text, they should – apart from the most common ones such as NMR, HPLC, and THF – be defined; you may prefer to explain large numbers of abbreviations and acronyms in a footnote on the first page or in a glossary. Enzyme names should be accompanied by the respective Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers.

Graphical Abstract: A black and white drawing (without accompanying text) should be provided, which gives a visual summary of the work presented, or which is representative thereof. Graphics (formulas, part of a figure) should be kept small (ca. 6 cm × 13 cm which can be reduced to 65% for the table of contents in the printed issue).

Nomenclature: Follow the recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC: http://www.iupac.org/), the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB: http://www.iubmb.unibe.ch/), or Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS: http://www.cas.org/). IUPAC recommendations are on the WWW at http://www.chem.qmw.ac.uk/iupac/ or http://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature/. Please do not use computer programs to generate elaborate systematic names, nor use long multi-line compound names; for the sake of clarity general descriptors such as compound 2, dendrimer 3, or alcohol 4 should be used in the experimental procedures and in the general text.

English spelling may be British or American, but consistency should be maintained throughout a manuscript.

Electronic Supporting Information may be included for deposition on the WWW; the author must keep a copy to make available to readers who do not have access to the WWW. Electronic Supporting Information may consist of original data that relate to the paper, e.g. additional or color illustrations, tables, supplemental experimental details, characterization data; include information that is more convenient in electronic form, such as coordinates, spectral data, etc, or that cannot be printed: animations, audio recordings, and videos. Color is welcome in the Supporting Information and published online at no cost to the author or reader. Experimental procedures for crystallographic studies can be included, but do not include the complete crystallographic data, which needs to be deposited in an appropriate database prior to submission of the manuscript (see Crystal Structural Analysis below). Supporting Information should be included at the end of the manuscript file submitted online and sent to the editorial office as e-mail attachment together with the manuscript file.

Crystal Structural Analysis: Prior to manuscript submission, the author(s) must deposit their data or update data already available, so that referees can retrieve the information electronically directly from the database. Guidelines for depositing data can be found on the Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis website at http://asc.wiley-vch.de/.

Contact Information

Editorial Office:

Joe P. Richmond, Editor

Thomas Kast, Associate Editor

Karen du Plooy, Associate Editor

Li Grundl, Associate Editor

Mariel Radlwimmer, Editorial Assistant

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis

Otto-Schuster-Strasse 20

73760 Ostfildern, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)711-1205-603; Fax: +49 (0)711-1205-604

E-mail: asc@wiley-vch.de or joe.richmond@t-online.de


Copy-Editing and Proofs:

Richard E. Dunmur, Senior Associate Editor

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis

Schillerstrasse 6

71254 Ditzingen, Germany

Fax: +49 (0)7156-959-024

E-mail: richard.dunmur@t-online.de

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Chairman of the Editorial Board 

Ryoji Noyori

Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan


RIKEN, Saitama, Japan 



Joe P. Richmond

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis

Otto-Schuster-Str. 20

73760 Ostfildern

Germany Fax: +49 (0) 711-1205 604 

Phone: +49 (0) 711-1205 603 

E-Mail: ASC@wiley-vch.de


Members of the Editorial Board 

Stephen L. Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

 Mark J. Burk, Genomatica, San Diego, CA

 Eric N. Jacobsen, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

 Shu Kobayashi, University of Tokyo

 Andreas Pfaltz, University of Basel

 Chi-Huey Wong, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 


Industrial Advisory Board 

Hans-Ulrich Blaser, Solvias, Basel

 Boy Cornils, Hofheim

 Joel M. Hawkins, Pfizer, Groton, CT

 Kunisuke Izawa, Yokohama

 Hidenori Kumobayashi, Takasago International Corporation, Tokyo

 Rainer Metternich, Merck, West Point, PA

 William A. Nugent, Vertex Pharmaceutical Co., Cambridge, MA

 Oljan Repic, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, East Hanover, NJ

 Rudolf Schmid, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel

 Ichiro Shinkai, Tokyo

 Ralph P. Volante, Merck, Rahway, NJ

 Johannes G. de Vries, DSM Pharmaceutical Products, Geleen


Academic Advisory Board 

Howard Alper, University of Ottawa, ON

 Jan E. Bckvall, Stockholm University

 R. Thomas Baker, University of Ottawa, ON

 José Barluenga, Universidad de Oviedo

 Matthias Beller, Universitt Rostock

 Donna G. Blackmond, Imperial College, London

 Carsten Bolm, RWTH Aachen

 Maurice S. Brookhart, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

 John M. Brown, Oxford University

 Erick Carreira, ETH Zürich

 Albert S. C. Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

 Elias J. Corey, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

 Dennis P. Curran, University of Pittsburgh, PA

 Pierre Dixneuf, Universitè de Rennes I

 Michael P. Doyle, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

 David A. Evans, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

 Ben L. Feringa, University of Groningen

 Wolf-Dieter Fessner, Universitt Darmstadt

 Jean M. J. Fréchet, University of California at Berkeley

 Gregory C. Fu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

 Alois Fuerstner, Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim

 Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

 Bernhard Hauer, Universitt Stuttgart

 Tamio Hayashi, Kyoto University

 Günter Helmchen, Universitt Heidelberg

 J. Bryan Jones, University of Toronto, ON

 Henri B. Kagan, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay

 Paul Knochel, Universitt München

 Gerard van Koten, Utrecht University

 Horst Kunz, Universitt Mainz

 Piet W. N. M. van Leeuwen, Institut Català d'Investigació Química, Tarragona

 Walter Leitner, RWTH Aachen

 Steven v. Ley, Cambridge University

 David W. C. MacMillan, Princeton University, NJ

 Shinji Murai, Japan Science and Technology, Osaka

 Junzo Otera, Okayama University of Science

 Larry E. Overman, University of California at Irvine

 Manfred T. Reetz, Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim

 Richard R. Schrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

 K. Barry Sharpless, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA

 Roger A. Sheldon, Delft University of Technology

 Masakatsu Shibasaki, The Microbial Chemistry Research Center, Tokyo

 Victor Snieckus, Queen's University, Kingston, ON

 Keisuke Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology

 Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

 Antonio Togni, ETH-Zürich

 Barry M. Trost, Stanford University

 Jonathan M. J. Williams, University of Bath

 Hisashi Yamamoto, University of Chicago, IL 


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