

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774
变更情况:SCIE used the online version of ISSN(1369-1600) in 2013

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Addiction Biology publishes original research reports, short communications and review articles in the various biomedical aspects of alcohol, substance and tobacco misuse. Papers are accepted in the metabolic, nutritional, immunological, molecular, genetic, biochemical, toxicological, pathological and pharmacological fields of both clinical and experimental research.

The journal is truly international, with Regional offices in North America, Europe and the Western Pacific, and is committed to interdisciplinary research and communication. Its contents include peer reviewed original scientific research, invited reviews, short communications, scientific letters and correspondence, book reviews and a calendar of relevant scientific meetings and events.

Addiction Biology

Addiction Biology is published on behalf of the Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs (SSA).

Recent and Forthcoming Articles include:

  • New directions in the genetic mechamisms underlying nicotine addiction - Marcus Manajo, Elaine Johnstone, Michael Murphy, Robert Walton
  • Nitric oxide and cirrhosis of the liver - Jose M. Lopez-Novoa; J. Garcia-Estaff
  • Failure of 5-HT, receptors in regulation of ethanol-induced ascorbic acid release in rat striatum - Chun-Fu Wu; Jing Liu;Wen-Liu;Silvana Consolo;Mei Huang; Jing-Yu Yang
  • Effects of volatile inhalents on sensorimotor reactivity in rats - Jenny L Wiley; Scott E Bowen; Robert L. Balstor
  • The accute cardiovascular effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMD) and p-methoxyamphatemine (PMA) - Rodney J Irvine; Natasha P. Toop; Benjamin D. Phillis; Tanya Lewanowltsch
  • Salivary cortisol during opiate dependence and withdrawel - J Bearn, N Buhtwal, A Papadopoulos & S Checkley
Publisher:  Taylor & Francis Health Sciences, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN:  1355-6215 (Paper) 1369-1600 (Online)
Subject:  Health Science \ Psychiatry and Mental Health
  Life Science \ Pharmacology and Toxicology
  Psychology \ Addictions
  Psychology \ Psychiatry and Mental Health
URL:  Linking Options

Instructions to Authors

Review and Action
Manuscripts are examined by the editorial staff and are generally sent to outside reviewers. We encourage authors to suggest the names of possible reviewers but reserve the right of final selection. Decisions about manuscripts will usually be given within six weeks. Enquiries should be addressed to the Editorial Manager, Rosamund Greensted on Fax/Answerphone: +44 (0) 1923 284822.

Ethical standards
Articles are accepted on the understanding that they are subject to editorial revision. Submissions should be accompanied by a signed statement from all authors saying that: (a) the material has not been published in whole or in part elsewhere; (b) the paper is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere; (c) all authors have been personally and actively involved in substantive work leading to the report, and will hold themselves jointly and individually responsible for its content; (d) all relevant ethical safeguards have been met in relation to patient or subject protection, or animal experimentation. This statement must also declare sources of funding, direct or indirect, and any connection with the tobacco, alcohol or pharmaceutical industries.

Submissions should be double spaced and clearly legible. There is no maximum length for articles. We ask authors to be as concise as possible and will negotiate with you personally and sympathetically if we feel shortening would improve communication. Short communications, i.e. not more than 6 typewritten pages, will receive expedited attention. Case reports should be of similar length to short communications, and letters not more than 2 typewritten pages. Please avoid unnecessary referencing.

Electronic Submissions.

Authors should send the final, revised version of their articles in both hard copy paper and electronic disk forms. It is essential that the hard copy (paper) version exactly matches the material on disk. Please print out the hard copy from the disk you are sending. Submit three printed copies of the final version with the disk to the journal's editorial office. Save all files on a standard 3.5 inch high-density disk. We prefer to receive disks in Microsoft Word in a PC format, but can translate from most other common word processing programs as well as Macs. Please specify which program you have used. Do not save your files as "text only" or "read only".

Please submit four copies of each manuscript. They should be typed on one side of the paper, double spaced, with margins of at least 25 mm. The first sheet should contain the title of the paper, a short title not exceeding 45 characters, names of authors, the address where the work was carried out, and the full postal address including telephone, fax number and Email, where appropriate of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence and offprints. The second sheet should contain only the title, names of authors, and an abstract of between 100 and 200 words in one paragraph. The entire manuscript, including all references, tables, figures, and any other material, should be numbered in one sequence from the title page onwards. If possible, at the bottom of the title page, include a word count for the text and references (excluding title and abstract pages, tables and figures). Footnotes to the text should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

These may be submitted in the Vancouver system (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Eng J Med 1977;336:309-15). References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by arabic numerals (in parentheses). References cited only in tables or in legends to figures should be numbered in accordance with a sequence established by the first mention in the text of the particular table or illustration.

The references should be listed in full in numerical order at the end of the paper on a separate sheet and take the following standard forms:.

  1. Nutt DJ, Peters TJ. Alcohol: the drug. Br Med Bull, 1994;50:5-17.
  2. Peters TJ. Individual susceptibility to alcohol abuse and to ethanol toxicity. In: Lader M, Edwards E, Drummond DC, editors. The nature of alcohol and drug related problems. Oxford: Oxford Medical Publications; 1992, pp. 151-60.

Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus. Referencing should be as sparing as possible.

These should not be inserted in the text but each provided separately and numbered on the back with Figure numbers, title of paper and name of author. Illustrations should be prepared about twice their final size. Four copies of all figures must be submitted. All photographs, graphs and diagrams should be referred to as Figures and should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 3). The approximate position of each illustration should be indicated in the text. A list of captions for the figures should be submitted on a separate sheet and should make interpretation possible without reference to the text. Captions should include keys to symbols.

These should be typed on separate sheets and their approximate position in the text should be indicated. Units should appear between parentheses in the column heading but not in the body of the table. Words or numerals should be repeated on successive lines 'ditto' or 'do' should not be used. Tables should not be ruled.

SI units
Addiction Biology uses the recommended SI units for all measurements.

Technical Information
Details of technical data e.g. chromatography, enzymes, isotope experiments, other physical aspects and constants, mathematics and abbreviations of biochemicals are as published in The Biochemical Journal 1995, 305, 4-15 (with permission from The Biochemical Journal and Portland Press).

Statistical methods should be specified explicitly and referenced if they are non-standard. Estimates presented should be accompanied by indices of precision (e.g. means accompanied by confidence intervals). Authors are advised to consult the following: ALTMAN, D. G., GORE, S. M., GARDNER, M. J. & POCOCK. S. J. (1983) Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals, British Medical Journal, 286, 1489-1493.

Proofs are supplied for checking and making essential corrections, not for general revision or alteration. Proofs should be corrected and returned to the publisher within 3 days of receipt.

Early Electronic Offprints:
Corresponding authors can now receive their article by e-mail as a complete PDF. This allows the author to print up to 50 copies, free of charge, and disseminate them to colleagues. In many cases this facility will be available up to two weeks prior to publication. Or, alternatively, corresponding authors will receive the traditional 50 offprints. A copy of the journal will be sent by post to all corresponding authors after publication. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased at the author’s preferential rate of ?5.00/$25.00 per copy.

It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in the Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may, of course, use the article elsewhere after publication without prior permission from the Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs, provided that acknowledgement is given to the journal as the original source of publication, and Taylor & Francis is notified so that records show that its use is properly authorize.


Editorial Board

The editorial staff will be most grateful for your assistance in relation to the matters listed below.

Please read these instructions carefully before preparing a submission. Four copies of the manuscript in English should be submitted to:

Kim Wolff ,
Addiction Biology,
Addiction Sciences Building,
4 Windsor Walk,
London SE5 8AF,

or to the Regional Editors:

Dr A. C. Collins
Institute for Behavioral Genetics
University of Colorado
CO 80309

Asia Pacific:
Dr M. Iyo,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology,
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine,
3600 Handa-cho,
Hamamatsu-Shi, 431-31

Acting Editor-in-Chief:

Dr. Kim Wolff,
National Addiction Centre,

Editorial Manager:

Rosamund Greensted, Fax/Answerphone: +44 (0) 1923 284822,
E-mail: adbiol@globalnet.co.uk

Editorial Executive Group:

David Ball
Rosamund Greensted
Michael Joseph
Anne Lingford-Hughes
Kim Wolff

Regional Editor for the Americas:

A. C. Collins - Institute for Behavioural Genetics, University of Colorado, USA

Regional Editor for Asia and the Pacific:

Dr M. Iyo - Department of Neuropsychiatry, Chiba University School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan

Assistant Editors:

Dr E. Albano - Istituto de Patologia Generale, Torino, Italy
Dr C. Alling - Department of Medical Neurochemistry, Lund University Hospital, Sweden
Dr D. J. K. Balfour - Department of Psychiatry, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, UK
Dr W. H. Berrettini - Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, USA
Professor R. Butterworth - Neuroscience Research Unit, University of Montreal, Canada
Professor Zhi-Ji Cai - National Institute on Drug Dependence, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Professor C.-N. Chen - Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr D. W. Crabb - Department of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Dr S. De Marchi - Department of Internal Medicine, University of Udine Medical School, Italy
Dr G. Di Chiara - Department of Toxicology, University of Cagliari, Italy
Dr A.H. El Rasheed El Mougy, Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Egypt
Dr C. Guerri - Instituto de Investigaciones Citologicas, Valencia, Spain
Dr P.S. Haber - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW, Australia
Dr K. Hashimoto - Saitama, Japan
S. Higuchi - Kanagawa, Japan
Professor M. J. Kreek - The Rockerfeller University, New York, USA
Dr H. Sung Lee - Department of Pharmacology, The National University of Singapore, Singapore
Professor H. Little - Department of Pharmacology, Durham University, UK
Dr M. Monteiro - Programme on Substance Abuse, World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland
Professor D. Nutt - Psychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Science, Bristol, UK
Professor N. Palmer - Department of Biochemistry, University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr X. Pares - Departament di Bioquimica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Dr R. Ray - Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Professor T. Sato - Department of Neuropsychiatry, Chiba University School of Medicine, Japan
Professor H. Seitz - Department of Internal Medicine, Salem Medical Centre, Heidelberg, Germany
Dr K. T. Shetty - Department of Neurochemistry, National Institute of Mental Health, Bangalore, India
Dr T. Suzuki - Department of Pharmacology, Hoshi University, Tokyo, Japan
Dr G. R. Uhl - Addiction Research Center, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
Dr S. Wonnacott - Department of Biochemistry, University of Bath, UK
Dr S-J. Yin - Department of Biochemistry, National Defence Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan

Editorial Advisory Board:

Professor I. Anokhina - Moscow, Russia
Dr H. Begleiter - New York, USA
Dr R. Brady - Bethesda, USA
Professor P. Couzigou - Pessac, France
Professor I. Diamond - San Francisco, USA
Professor O. El-Rufaie - United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Dr E. Gordis - Rockville, USA
Professor R.S. Holmes - New South Wales, Australia
Professor M. Ingelman-Sundberg - Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Y. Israel - Philadelphia, USA
Dr J. H. Jaffe - Maryland, USA
Professor H. Jornvall - Stockholm, Sweden
Professor M. H. Lader - London, UK
Dr C. S. Lieber - New York, USA
Professor J. Littleton - London, UK
Dr U. Marinari - Genova, Italy
Professor F. Nomura - Chiba, Japan
Professor M. A. H. Russell - London, UK
Dr J. B. Saunders - Camperdown, Australia
Professor B. Tabakoff - Denver, USA
Professor R. Williams - London, UK
G. Edwards - Chair SSA Publications Committee



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