

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA is an international quarterly journal publishing papers of general interest from all areas of paleontology. Since its founding by Roman Kozłowski in 1956, various currents of modern paleontology have been represented in the contents of the journal, especially those rooted in biologically oriented paleontology, an area he helped establish.


In-depth studies of all kinds of fossils, of the mode of life of ancient organisms and structure of their skeletons are welcome, as those offering stratigraphically ordered evidence of evolution. Work on vertebrates and applications of fossil evidence to developmental studies, both ontogeny and astogeny of clonal organisms, have a long tradition in our journal. Evolution of the biosphere and its ecosystems, as inferred from geochemical evidence, has also been the focus of studies published in the journal.

   The language of the journal is English. Submissions may be in the form of articles, brief reports, discussions, or paper/book reviews. Papers are evaluated on the originality of data, interpretations, and ideas, and on the degree to which their findings can be generalized. All papers are subject to peer reviews.Articles accepted for publication are usually published in order of submission. Exceptions are made for papers of particular scientific significance, and for manuscripts which fully comply with editorial requirements given in the instruction for authors and require only minor changes.

   Acta Palaeontologica Polonica is indexed in Biological Abstracts, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, GeoArchive, Geological Abstracts, GeoRef, PASCAL, Petroleum Abstracts, Polish Scientific Journals Contents-Agric.& Biol. Sci., Referativnyj žurnal, Research Alert, Science Citation Index Expanded, SciSearch, and Zoological Record.

   Impact Factor (IF) of Acta Palaeontologica Polonica is invariably high; the latest data for 2008 JCR indicate the IF = 1.128 which gives the journal the 15th position out of 40 periodicals ranked in the Paleontology category worldwide [see also
SCI-BYTES report]. Some papers published in Acta Palaeontologica Polonica make a significant impact among professional paleontologists as recently indicated by Essential Science Indicators [see ESI notification, see also most frequently cited papers published in Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 1996-2008].

Instructions to Authors

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica uses a web-based submission and review system at http://www.app.pan.pl/esubmission.html. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions below, please visit the online submission system. You will need to be a corresponding author to register and use the service. Please prepare the following documents before clicking on 'register' button:


text file of your manuscript (Word format),

document (PDF format) that will contain all figures and tables etc.,

cover letter (Word format),


if applicable, you may also include Word or PDF document with Supporting Online Material.

By using this service you will guarantee fast and safe submission of your manuscript, and speed the assessment process.
If you do not have access to the Web, please send one hard copy of your manuscript and a CD-R containing all relevant electronic files to the editorial office using the following address:

Editors, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
ul.Twarda 51/55
PL-00-818 Warszawa, POLAND

It is no longer necessary to submit a hard copy in addition to an electronic submission.


Cover letter

The corresponding author must give written assurance that neither the submitted material nor portions thereof have been published previously or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any closely related material currently in press should be submitted with the manuscript.
It is assumed that the corresponding author represents all co-authors in certifying that all listed authors participated meaningfully in the study and that they have seen and approved the final manuscript. Suggest five potential reviewers (you will be asked to insert their names, and addresses during electronic submission of your manuscript) whose expertise qualifies them to review the work and who have no close working relationships with the authors (provide names, mail and e-mail addresses or fax numbers). Any reviewers the authors wish to exclude may be named, along with the reason for exclusion. While all suggestions will be considered, the final choice of reviewers rests with the Editors.



Submissions may be in the form of Articles (usually 4,000-10,000 words, the maximum length being set at 120 double-spaced manuscript pages, including illustrations, or up to 30,000 words), Brief reports (usually 2,000-3,000 words, ca. 12 double-spaced pages including illustrations), Discussions (1,000-1,500 words, ca. 6 double-spaced pages), or paper/book Reviews (500-1,500 words, ca. 3 double-spaced pages).


There is no obligatory page charge for papers up to 8 printed pages (approximately 24 double-spaced manuscript pages, 12 points font; assuming no illustrations), although any financial support for publication is welcome. For longer papers, a page charge of EUR 27 (VAT not included) will be requested for each page over the 8 free pages. It is the policy of APP for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of color artwork at a rate of EUR 82 (VAT not included) per figure (up to full page size).

In general, use no more than three levels of heading. The following sequence is suggested for the Article organization: title of the paper; author name(s); abstract; keywords; authors mail and e-mail addresses; introduction; main text; conclusions; acknowledgements, references. Brief report should be presented in the following sequence: title; author name(s); bold first paragraph of the introduction that provides rationale for the work and summarizes the main results; main text; acknowledgements, references; authors mail and e-mail addresses.

Number all pages (at the top of the page, on the right side), beginning with the title page. Do not justify or break words at the right margin. Figures and tables should normally be cited in consecutive order in the text. Use appendices for longer tables or listings such as specimens examined and locality information.



Titles should be in capital and lowercase letters. A title should be informative but as brief as possible. Do not use terms or names that may not be known to most readers, for instance those introduced in the paper for the first time. Avoid abbreviated words, names of high rank systematic or stratigraphic units given in parentheses, and authorities and dates.


Abstract, key words

A concise abstract of not more than 300 words for larger papers (or about 3% of the length of the text of short articles) should be informative, stating the results presented in the article rather than describing its contents. Authors may suggest 6 to 8 key words identifying the nature of the subject matter. For higher-rank taxonomic units use Latin names.



The Introduction should be concise and intelligible to a professional paleontologist or geologist, and preferably to an educated lay reader.

Institutional abbreviations. Provide institutional abbreviations used in the text in alphabetic order: abbreviation, a comma, name of the institution, town, country.

Other abbreviations. Provide explanation of the abbreviations used in the text in alphabetic order.


Main text

Material and methods. In accordance with the recommendations of the International Codes of Zoological and Botanical Nomenclature (ICZN, ICBN), all illustrated and described fossils should be deposited in an appropriate public institution. Collection numbers must be quoted, preceded by an institutional abbreviation.

Results. Present your results in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations; emphasize or summarize only important observations. In papers dealing with taxonomy, ensure that diagnoses distinguish the taxa in question from all morphologically similar taxa. We recommend using the differential diagnoses for new taxa (ICZN Recommendation 13a). The number of taxon authors should be kept within reasonable limit, preferably not exceeding three.

Discussion. The discussion should focus on the interpretation and significance of the findings. State the implications of the findings and their limitations, including possibilities for future research. Relate the observations to other relevant studies.



Acknowledge contributions that do not justify authorship, technical help, and financial support. Provide the first names of all acknowledged persons, as well as their institutional affiliations (if applicable) and/or city and country names in parentheses.



Do not abbreviate journal names. Give the names of editors of symposium volumes and edited books. The original titles of publications in Latin alphabets are to be retained. Names of journals and titles of books in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated (to facilitate library retrieval), while titles of individual papers should be translated into English (to help in understanding the contents). A note such as “[in Russian ]”or “[in Chinese, with English abstract ]” should be added at the end of the reference. For examples of exact formatting of references, consult the bibliographies in recent APP papers.

Endnote and Procite users may download the output styles (PC platform) for Acta Palaeontologica Polonica here [
EndNote] [Procite].


Supplementary Online Material

Authors are welcome to submit animations, movie files, sound files or any additional information for online publication. Supplementary material should be submitted at the same time as the manuscript. Please supply descriptions, captions, and references for all supplementary materials in one Word file using the following template (appXX-TEMPLATE_SOM.doc).



•    Illustrations can be printed at two-column width (183 mm) or one-column width (89 mm), and should be designed accordingly. All illustrations are consecutively numbered as figures even if they use the full page size (183 × 236 mm). In the latter case captions have to be inserted at the bottom of the neighboring page. Preferably, a figure should leave enough space on the same page to insert its caption. First sentence of the figure caption should summarize the main information presented in the figure. Figure captions of taxonomic papers should include authority name(s), date, age, and locality of the illustrated taxa.
•    Letters on figures (A, B, C, etc.) should run consecutively from left to right and from top to bottom. If more than one specimen is illustrated in a figure, label all views of the same specimen with the same letter with numerical subscripts (A1, A2, A3, etc.). However, if only one specimen is shown on a figure, label different views with consecutive letters (A, B, C, etc.). Magnification should be indicated by a scale bar. Use full terms rather than abbreviations in labeling both line drawings and, if there is enough space, photographic illustrations. Font: we recommend Arial 8 pt., line thickness should be 0.2 mm, scale bars 0.7 mm, do not use „hairline” thickness. Line art images should be tightly cropped.
•    DRAWINGS: Drawings can be prepared in vector- (preferred) or bitmap-based programs). Please upload the computer files prepared in CorelDraw! (preferable; any version up to X3), Adobe Illustrator (any version up to 8) or EPS formats, line art images scanned or saved in bitmap-based programs as TIFF format (black and white bitmap) at a resolution of 600–1200 dpi.
•    IMAGES: Photographs should have a black background, and margins of photographed objects must be clearly delineated. A white background is acceptable, provided that the lightest areas within the picture are not completely white. Stereo-photographs for objects with complicated anatomy are recommended, preferably accompanied by explanatory drawings with full terms. The items within a stereopair should be arranged side by side (not one under another), with a maximum distance of 65 mm apart.
•    Save photographic images in AI, PSD, CDR or TIFF (layered) format of resolution at least 400 dpi at final size, non-interpolated and not compressed at any stage (e.g., JPEG format).
•    Illustrations should be submitted either as editable files (CDR, AI, PSD, layered TIFF) with labeling on separate layer or as vector-based elements or in two versions: one with labeling, the other set should lack any labels (not insert letters, lines, arrows, symbols, etc.). Final lettering and symbols will be added by us, to insure consistency with APP style.
•    All figures in the final version should be submitted separately, one by one. In case of very large files try saving in ZIP or RAR archive formats. In addition a complete set of figures as pdf file is welcome for online publication of accepted manuscript.


Paper acceptance

After all the editorial work is completed and revisions have been made by the author, the final version of the text should be uploaded via our online submission system (or submitted on PC-compatible CD/DVD-ROM). Use only MS Word compatible word processors working in a Windows environment or convert text to RTF format (in which case, both converted and native format files should be sent). For the final version mark the approximate position of figures and tables close to the initial citation. It is highly recommended that you zip (compress) all your data into one zip file prior to uploading.

Editorial Board


Richard L. Cifelli [@]
Jarosław Stolarski [


Assistant editors

Brian Davis (USA) [@]
Andrzej Kaim [


Corresponding editors

Michael A Kaminski (UK)
Paul D. Taylor (UK)


Editorial board

Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska - Chairman (Poland)
J. David Archibald (USA)
Alexander Averianov (Russia)
Tomasz K. Baumiller (USA)
Stefan Bengtson (Sweden)
William A. Clemens (USA)
Andrzej Elżanowski (Poland)
John W.M. Jagt (The Netherlands)
Christine Janis (USA)
Józef Kaźmierczak (Poland)
Hubert Szaniawski (Poland)
Wighart von Koenigswald (Germany)
Grzegorz Racki (Poland)
Mikhail A. Shishkin (Russia)


Editorial office


Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
Twarda 51/55
PL-00-818 Warszawa, Poland
tel. (+4822) 697 88 79, 697 88 50
fax. (+4822) 620 62 27


Technical editor

Jolanta Kobylińska [@]


Publishing department

Andrzej Baliński - Production Manager
Aleksandra Szmielew - Typesetting and Layout



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