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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica

Official Publication of the Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Edited by:Per Olof Janson

Print ISSN: 0001-6349
Online ISSN: 1600-0412
Issues per Volume: Monthly
Current Volume: 82
ISI Journal Citation Reports?Ranking: 2002: 24/52 (Obstetrics & Gynecology); Impact Factor 1.241

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica covers all aspects of obstetrics and gynecology and publishes contributions concerned with clinical and experimental research work in the field, including perinatology, gynecologic endocrinology, female urology and gynecologic oncology.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts must be submitted in clear, concise English (American spelling), and submitted in triplicate. All authors must give signed consent to publication in a letter sent with the manuscript.
To facilitate blind refereeing, authors should avoid identifying themselves or their department in the text.

Contributors should submit their manuscripts to:

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
S-413 45 Gothenburg

Typescript specifications - Manuscripts should be typed double spaced, in an ordinary typeface (e.g. Times on a computer printer) with a font size of 12 points, on white paper, size ISO A4 (210X297 mm). Margins should be a minimum of 25 mm.

The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the Title page. Each section of the manuscript should commence on a new page, in the following sequence: Title page, Abstract, Abbreviations, Main text, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and Legends for illustrations.

Particular attention should be taken to ensure the manuscript adheres to the style of the journal in all respects.

Title page - Page 1 of the manuscript should contain:
1. The title itself.
2. The name(s) of the author(s), (first name(s) spelled out; family name underlined).
3. The name(s) of the department(s) or institution(s) from which the study originated.
4. The name and full address (including telephone- fax numbers, and email address) of the "corresponding" author.
5. A "running headline" of maximum 40 characters, including word spaces.

Abstract and key words - Page 2 of the manuscript should carry both the title and an abstract, the abstract not to exceed 250 words. The abstract must not contain abbreviations apart from SI-units. A structured abstract is required for original research reports but not for case reports and short reports. The structured abstract should as a minimum contain the following headings: Background (main question or hypothesis), Methods (study design, number and type of subjects, treatment, and type of statistical analysis), Results (outcome of study and statistical significance, if appropriate), Conclusions (those directly supported by data, along with any clinical implications). Additional headings may be used. Each heading should begin a new paragraph.

The abstract should be followed by up to five key words or short phrases for indexing purposes. They should be separated by semicolons.

Abbreviations and units - On page 3 of the manuscript, list abbreviations used and spell them out in full. For quantitative data, the International System of Units (SI) should be used, except for blood pressure, which should be expressed in mmHg.

Drugs should be described by their official names, but trade names should be indicated in brackets the first time a drug is quoted in the main text.

Main text - The text is conventionally divided into sections headed: Introduction, Material and methods, Results, and Discussion. Lengthy papers may require sub-headings for clarification.

Introduction. State clearly the purpose of the paper. Do not review the subject extensively, and give only pertinent references.

Material and methods. Describe the study population in detail including controls. Describe the methods and procedures, so that other workers can reproduce the results. If the methods used are new or substantially modified, describe them and state their limitations.

When reporting research on human beings, the authors must include an assurance that the work was approved by a medical ethics committee and that the subjects gave their informed consent to participate.

Results. Do not repeat in the text all the data displayed in the tables or illustrations: only important observations should be emphasized or summarized.

Discussion. Emphasize only the new and important aspects and conclusions of the study, including the implications and the limitations of the findings and their relation to other relevant studies. The conclusions should be clearly linked with the objectives of the study. Avoid unqualified statements and conclusions that are not supported by the data. Do not claim priority, and do not allude to work in progress.

Statistics - The design of the study and the data sources should be clearly identified. The statistical methods used should be described so that it is clear which method was used where. Give relevant references additional details if non-standard methods of analysis have been applied. The basic principle is to supply sufficient information about design and analysis to allow the research to be repeated by someone else. The presentation of the analysis should include relevant summaries of the data, not just the results of significance testing. The use of confidence interval is encouraged.

Acknowledgements (separate sheet) - Acknowledgements should be made to funding institutions and organizations and, if to persons, only to those who have made substantial contributions to the study. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from anyone acknowledged by name.

References - References should be numbered consecutively (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they appear in the text. In the text section, the reference numbers should be given in parentheses.

Reference within tables or legends should be numbered in accordance with the order in which they appear in the text.

Avoid abstracts as references. Unpublished observations and personal communications may not be listed in the reference list, but may be cited within parentheses in the text.

Only papers published or in press should be numbered and included in the reference list. Manuscripts with "in press" references may be withheld from publication until the complete references are supplied.

Examples of correct form of references:

1 . Standard journal article
- List all authors when six or less. When seven or more, list only first six and add et al.
Soter NA, Wassermann SI, Austen KF. Cold urticaria. N Engl J Med1975; 294: 687-9.

If the language is not English, add the translated title in brackets, e.g. Swedin G. Transkutan elektrisk nervstimulering som smärtlindring vid förlossning. [Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for analgesia in childbirth.] (in Swedish with English abstract.)Läkartidningen 1979; 76: 1946-8.

2. Book
Eisen HN. Immunology: an introduction to molecular and cellular principles of immune response. 5th ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1974: 406.

3. Chapter in book
Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Soderman WA Jr, Soderman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1974: 457-72.

Tables - Tables should be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered consecutively (in Roman numerals) and provided with a concise title. Vertical and horizontal lines should not be used within the body of the table.

Illustrations - All figures must be submitted either as glossy black and white photographs or as graphic reproductions. (Three complete sets.) They should be professionally executed; freehand or typewritten lettering is unacceptable. A three-dimensional effect should be used only if necessary to visualize a third variable.

Letters, numbers and symbols must be clear and large enough to remain legible after size-reduction for printing, so that its smallest elements will not be less than 2 mm high after reduction to a size that fills a column in the journal.

Computer-generated figures must be legible and clearly printed in jet black ink. Laser prints should be full size at 300 dots per inch. Dot matrix prints are not acceptable.

Photomicrographs must have an internal scale marker (the magnification factor must not be given in the legend). Any symbols, arrows or letters used should be in strong contrast with the background. X-ray and similar material should be submitted as photographic prints.

Do not write on the reverse side of illustrations or attach paperclips or tape to any part of the figure. Figures should be identified by an adhesive label, affixed to the back of the illustration, with the first author's name and the number of the figure. Indicate the top of the figure with an arrow at the figure border. Do not mount figures on cardboard.

Each figure should be cited in the text in consecutive order. Previously published illustrations must be acknowledged, giving the original source: the author(s) must supply written permission from the copyright-holder to reproduce the material. No permission is required for documents in the public domain, regardless of authorship or publisher.

For illustrations in color, color negatives or positive transparencies must be supplied.

It is the policy of Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica  for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork.

Therefore, please note that if there is colour artwork in your manuscript when it is accepted for publication, Blackwell Publishing require you to complete and return a colour work agreement form before your paper can be published. This form can be downloaded as a PDF* from the internet. The web address for the form is:


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 Tel: +44 (0)131 718 4460


And they will be able to email or FAX a form to you.
Once completed, please return the form to the Production Editor at the address above. 

Any article received by Blackwell Publishing with colour work will not be published until the form has been returned.

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Legends for illustrations should be typed on a separate page, using Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations.

Disks - When papers have been accepted for publication, and after any revision has been completed, authors should supply a full copy of the accepted manuscript on diskette. The printed versions and that on diskette must be identical. Tables and figures should be saved in separate files (TIFF, EPS or JPEG) on the diskette.

Every diskette must be clearly labeled with name of the journal, author and title, file content, format, software and program version number. The text must not be justified. Further details can be obtained from the publishers. Authors are advised always to keep a copy of the disk, as no responsibility can be accepted for loss.

Proofs - Proofs will be sent for the correction of typographic errors only. No change in make-up can be accepted. Proofs not returned within 10 days will be considered approved by the author.

General - Authors may be requested to contribute to the cost of typesetting and reproducing tables, if these are inordinately elaborate or numerous. The cost of printing illustrations in color will be charged to the author(s).

Case reports and short reports - Case reports and short reports do not require an abstract. They should not exceed 600 words and generally not contain more than five references, and one table or one figure. Letters to the editor are encouraged.

Supplements - Monographs or series of articles that have undergone conventional scientific review, university approved theses, and conference proceedings may be printed as supplements to Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. They will be published subject to editorial approval regarding the relevance of their content to the scope of the journal.

Offprints - Offprints can be obtained by using the offprint order form accompanying the proofs.

Copyright - Submission of the manuscript means that the authors agree to assign exclusive copyright to Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. A Transfer of Copyright form will be sent by the Editor together with the accepted manuscript to be returned signed by the corresponding or senior author on behalf of all the authors, together with the revised manuscript.

The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright which covers translation rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm or videocassettes or in electronic databases and the like or reproduced photographically without the prior written permission of Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.


Editorial Board

Per Olof Janson, Gothenburg, Sweden


Editorial Office:
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
S-413 45 Gothenburg
Tel.: +46 313 426 168
Fax: +46 3182 9248

Associate Editors:
Per Bergsj? Bergen, Norway
Peter Damm, Copenhagen, Denmark
Risto Erkkola, Turku, Finland
Pertti Kirkinen, Tampere, Finland
Britt-Marie Landgren, Huddinge, Sweden
Ian Milsom, Gothenburg, Sweden
Britt-Ingjerd Nesheim, Oslo, Norway
Bent Ottesen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Finn Egil Skjeldestad, Trondheim, Norway
Alexander Smárason, Akureyri, Iceland
Jes G Westergaard, Odense, Denmark
Olavi Ylikorkala, Helsinki, Finland

International Editorial Board:
Chiara Benedetto, Turin, Italy
Luis Cabero-Roura, Barcelona, Spain
George Creatsas, Athens, Greece
Salim Daya, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Paul Devroey, Brussels, Belgium
Klaus Diedrich, Lübeck, Germany
Jean-Michel Foidart, Liege, Belgium
Carlos Freire de Oliveira, Coimbra, Portugal
Seiichiro Fujimoto, Sapporo, Japan
Robert L. Goldenberg, Birmingham, AL, USA
David Healy, Clayton, Australia
Peter Husslein, Vienna, Austria
Barry Kacinski, New haven, CT, USA
Marc J. N. C. Keirse, Bedford Park, Australia
Siri Linda Kjos, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Linda Mason, Liverpool, UK
Fiona Stanley, West Perth, Australia
Ignace Vergote, Leuven, Belgium
Liliana S. Voto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Henk C. S. Wallenburg, Al Khod, Oman
Jurij Wladimiroff, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Marcelo Zugaib, Sao Paulo, Brazil


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