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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Acta Astronautica publishes original contributions in all fields of basic, engineering, life and social space sciences and of space technology related to: (1) the peaceful scientific exploration of space, (2) its exploitation for human welfare and progress and (3) the conception, design, development and operation of space-borne and Earth-based systems. In addition to regular issues of contributed papers, the journal publishes selected proceedings of the annual IAF Congress, transactions of the IAA and special issues on topics of current interest, such as microgravity, space station technology, geostationary orbits, and space economics. Other major subject areas regularly covered include satellite technology, space transportation and communications, space energy, power and propulsion, astrodynamics, extraterrestrial intelligence and Earth observations

Instructions to Authors


Submission of manuscripts: Manuscripts should be submitted in quadruplicate to the Editor:

Dr J.-P. Marec
c/o IAA
B.P. 1268.16
75766 Paris Cedex 16
along with a covering letter, including the wording that "this is an original paper which has neither previously, nor simultaneously, in whole or in part, been submitted anywhere else".

The manuscripts are examined by an Associate Editor and Reviewers. The Editor notifies the author of his decision on publication, possibly after revision.

All authors must sign the "Transfer of Copyright" agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables Elsevier Ltd to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, without the author relinquishing his/her proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of a similar nature, and translations. It also includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any material for which copyright already exists.

Language: Papers must be in English.

Typing: Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced throughout, on one side of the page only, with wide margins, in the following order: title, abstract, main text, acknowledgments, references, appendices. Where possible, the email address of the corresponding author should be supplied with the manuscript, for use by the publisher. Figure and Table captions are to be presented on separate sheets. While no maximum length is prescribed, authors are encouraged to write concisely. Papers should be divided into sections, subsections and sub-subsections with clearly marked subtitles and noted numerically (e.g. 2.1.3.), the Introduction being Section 1. Figures, Tables, Equations and References should be numbered sequentially throughout the paper. Desired locations of Figures and Tables should be marked in that margin.

Titles and Authors' Names: Paper titles must be brief (about twelve words maximum). Authors' names should be typed immediately below, with full names preferred, followed by Authors' affiliations, with complete addresses. Authors' official titles, if desired, should be presented as footnotes.

Abstract: A 100-150 word abstract must be included. If the article is not in English, an English translation of the title and abstract should follow the original abstract.

Mathematics: All mathematical symbols may be either handwritten or typewritten, but no ambiguities should arise. Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified in the margin. Any symbol to be printed bold faced should be underscored on the typescript with a single wavy line. The numbers identifying the equations should be placed in parentheses on the right. Nomenclature (if any) should be treated as an Appendix, following any other Appendices. It should be presented in alphabetical order of symbols. If included, a footnote should be inserted in the first section where symbols are used, reading "See Nomenclature at end of paper".

References: References to published literature should be quoted in the text in square brackets and grouped at the end of the paper in numerical order and presented as follows:

[1] J.K. Knowles, E. Reissner, Note on the stress-strain relations for thin elastic shells, Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (1958) 269-282.

[2] H.S.Carslaw, J.C.Jaeger, Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics, second ed., Oxford University Press, London, 1953, p. 121.

Footnotes, if absolutely necessary (except for table footnotes), should be identified with superscript numbers.

Illustrations: They should be restricted to the minimum necessary. Line drawings should be complete, including labels, letters and numbers and should be drawn in black ink on plain white drawing paper or tracing cloth. Line thickness and letter size should be appropriate for the necessary reduction at the printers. Originals should be provided but good photoprints are acceptable. Photographs should be sent as glossy prints.

Disk manuscripts: Authors are encouraged to submit a computer disk (3.5" or 5.25" HD/DD disk) containing the final manuscript to the Editorial Office. Please observe the following criteria:

(a) Send only hard copy when first submitting your paper.

(b) When your paper has been refereed, revised if necessary and accepted, send a disk containing the final version with the final hard copy. It is essential that the printed version supplied is produced directly from the disk version. In the event of differences between disk and hard copy, the hard copy will be considered to be definitive.

(c) Specify what software was used, including which release (e.g. WordPerfect 4.0)

(d) Specify what computer was used (either IBM compatible PC or Apple Macintosh).

(e) Include the text file and separate table and illustration files, if available.

(f) The file should follow the general instruction on style/arrangement and, in particular the reference style of this journal.

(g) The file should be single-spaced and should use the wrap-around end-of-line feature (i.e. no returns at the end of each line). Use hard returns (i.e. the enter key) only at the end of paragraphs. Page design will be handled by the publisher. There is no need therefore to use formatting commands such as centering, justifying text, indenting etc. Use the word processor's facilities to indicate the following text attributes: bold, underline, italic, superscript, subscript, strikeout. When using symbols to denote special characters, please supply a list of all codes used. Do not use the hyphenation facilities available on the word processor. Authors should not use their own macros. When preparing tables, tabs should be used, not spaces to align columns.

(h) Keep a back-up disk for reference and safety.

Page proofs will be sent to the author (or first-mentioned author in a paper of multiple authorship) for checking. Corrections to the proofs must be restricted to printer's errors. Any substantial alterations other than these may be charged to the author. Authors are particularly requested to return their corrected proofs as quickly as possible in order to facilitate rapid publication. Please note that authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before return, since late corrections cannot be guaranteed to inclusion in the printed journal. Reprints and copies of the issue (at a specially reduced rate) can be ordered on the form which will accompany the proofs. These should be returned to: Elsevier Science Ltd, Bamfylde Street, Exeter EX1 2AH, England. The first-named author of each paper will receive 25 reprints free of charge.

Return of manuscripts: Original manuscripts and figures will be discarded one month after publication unless their return is requested.


The above instructions apply to the Academy Transactions Notes with the following exceptions:

Submission of manuscripts: An author wishing to have a Note published should first seek the sponsorship of one Academy member of the appropriate Academy Section, asking him to sign the submission form for Academy Transactions Notes, which is to be found in every issue of the journal. The manuscripts, together with the submission form, are to be sent to the Guest Editor for Notes, at the address mentioned in the form. They will then be published as quickly as possible, without any further review. If one of the authors is a Member or a Corresponding member, no recommendation is required. The latest membership list appeared in the Ex-Mundo Astronautico Section in Volume 26, Number 11 (November 1992) pp.843-853.

Length of paper: Notes are strictly limited to four pages of the journal. This includes a 50-word abstract, and the translation of the title and abstract into English if the Note is written in another language.

Titles and authors' names: The title preceded by the words "Academy Transaction Note" should be followed by the authors' names, affiliations and complete addresses and by the words "Endorsed by X."

Footnotes indicate (a) the authors' official titles, if desired, (b) the quality of Member of X and the Academy Section. If an author is a Member or a Corresponding member the words "Endorsed by X" are suppressed and his quality indicated in a footnote.

Author Enquiries

Authors can keep a track on the progress of their accepted article, and set up e-mail alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway.

For specific enquires on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authorartwork/.

Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.


Editorial Board



Jean-Pierre Marec, International Academy of Astronautics, BP 1268.16, 75766 Paris Cedex 16, France


G.G. Chernyi, Russia
J. Grey, USA
S. Saito, Japan

Associate Editors:

R.M. Bonnet, France (Physics, Sensors and Experiments)
E.A. Ilyin, Russia (Life Sciences)
P. Jankowitsch, Austria (Social Sciences)

J.C. Mankins, USA (Systems)
A.K. Misra, Canada (Astrodynamics)
J.N. Pelton, USA (Informatics and Communications)
P. Santini, Italy (Materials and Structures)
R. A. Williamson, USA (Policy and Economics)
T. Yasaka, Japan (Operations)

Publication Committee Members:

R. Bonnet, France
J.-M. Contant, France
H. Curien, France
R. Gerzer, Germany
A. Grigoriev, Russia
K.E. Klein, Germany
J. -P. Marec, France
P. Molette, France
H. Stoewer, Germany
E. Stone, USA
E. Vallerani, Italy
R. White, USA
M. Yarymovych, USA

Publication Committee Chairman

H. Matsuo, Japan




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