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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ACM TOG is the foremost peer-reviewed journal in the area of computer graphics.


The TOG journal has a close synergistic relationship with ACM SIGGRAPH, the premiere conference organization in graphics. Of the six issues published by TOG each year, two are special issues containing the papers presented at the annual SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia conferences. Conversely, authors of papers published in the regular issues of TOG are given the opportunity to present their work at either of these two conferences.


TOG papers are available online via the ACM Digital Library. Note that SIGGRAPH members have complimentary access to TOG (and other graphics content) in the ACM Digital Library.

According to the 2006 journal impact factor analysis by Thomson Scientific, ACM TOG is the most-cited software journal among the 82 journals indexed.


And according to the 2008 data of eigenfactor.org, among the 88 journals in the category Computer Science, Software Engineering, TOG has the top ranking in both “Eigenfactor score” and “Article influence store”, ahead of other influential journals such as Journal of the ACM, Communications of the ACM, and IEEE Computer

Instructions to Authors

TOG accepts manuscript submissions in these categories:

Previously unpublished research paper. These are original manuscripts submitted to TOG that have not been published anywhere else. These can include material presented as a SIGGRAPH Sketch or in a workshop, symposium or conference so long as the paper was not published in a proceedings commercially available after the event.

Extended version of a conference paper. A paper previously published in a workshop, symposium, or conference can be submitted to TOG for consideration if (1) the conference paper does not already appear in a journal (such as ACM TOG, Computer Graphics Forum, IEEE TVCG, etc.), and (2) it contains significant new material, such as the exploration of further research, deeper analysis including theorems and proofs, and/or implementation details. We are looking for strong new impact, not a repackaging of the same material. Authors should include a cover letter that identifies the new contributions and justifies their importance for publication at TOG.

SIGGRAPH accept with major revision. Some papers submitted to the SIGGRAPH conference are sufficiently compelling to warrant acceptance, but would require more revision than the few weeks the SIGGRAPH conference schedule permits. The SIGGRAPH Papers Committee recommends these papers for acceptance with major revision to appear in an upcoming issue of TOG. These manuscripts once revised are submitted to TOG under this category for verification of the revisions and eventual publication.

Resubmission of SIGGRAPH paper requesting reviewer continuity. New, starting after SIGGRAPH 2010. If a paper has previously been rejected from a SIGGRAPH conference, the authors may request that the original SIGGRAPH reviewers examine the revised paper, in order to improve continuity of the review process. The SIGGRAPH organization will forward the reviews and reviewer names to a TOG associate editor, who will coordinate the process and make the recommendation on acceptibility.

Publication policies

The ACM Publications Policies page addresses issues of plagiarism, copyrights, simultaneous submissions, etc.


We prefer manuscripts submitted as PDF files, but can also accept PostScript or Microsoft Word documents.

Documents should follow the formatting of the sample paper in this ZIP file so that we can properly assess page count. Note that the format of ACM TOG differs from that of other ACM Transactions in that it follows the two-column style of the SIGGRAPH Proceedings.

Instructions and style files for formatting a submission using LaTeX are present in the same ZIP file.

Because TOG has page count constraints, authors are encouraged to keep the presentation concise. For instance, figures and tables should be formatted to span only a single column rather than both columns if possible. Also, it may be appropriate to place content in supplementary electronic material that accompanies the submission. Such supplementary material is made available with the paper in the ACM Digital Library after the paper is published.


TOG accepts submissions electronically via Manuscript Central. Authors should go there, create an account and password, login selecting "Transactions on Graphics", and proceed to the Author Center to submit a manuscript.

A submitted paper must overcome several hurdles in its quest for publication in ACM Transactions on Graphics.

An administrative assistant first checks the submission for completeness and notifies the Editor-in-Chief.

The Editor-in-Chief then determines if the paper is appropriate for consideration by TOG and, if so, assigns it to an Associate Editor.

The Associate Editor reads the paper and further determines if it is appropriate for TOG consideration, and if so, selects several referees.

The referees read the submission and measure its novelty, impact and correctness, and each returns a review to the Associate Editor.

The Associate Editor collects the reviews and makes a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief on the acceptability of the submission.

The Editor-in-Chief, based on the reviews and Associate Editor's recommendation, makes a final, binding recommendation on the acceptability of the submission, and communicates to the author this recommendation along with the Associate Editor's comments and referees reviews.

For papers on which the Editor-in-Chief has a conflict, the role of Editor-in-Chief is assigned to the Past-Editor-in-Chief.

Our goal is to get your submission out to the graphics community as soon as possible.

We strive to complete this process from submission to decision in 3 months, and our average time is 2.5 months from submission to decision, though some papers can require longer periods to perform the complete and thorough evaluation required by the top journal in computer graphics.

If at any time during this process we determine your submission is inappropriate for consideration by TOG, we will return the submission to the author immediately so the problem can be fixed or the submission can be sent to a more appropriate venue. This is in the best interest of the author and the timely publication of the submission as it avoids a lengthy review process that would nevertheless result in rejection.

Once a paper is accepted, we immediately make the entire paper freely available on the TOG website, until its TOG issue is physically published and it becomes available in the ACM Digital Library.

The journal submission process is unlike that of a conference, workshop or symposium.

There is no deadline. Submit your manuscript when it is ready.

There is no page limit. Use the least number of pages necessary to adequately describe your idea.

For assistance, please contact the Assistant to the Editor-In-Chief.


Your submission will be returned with one of the following recommendations:

Accept as is. The submission will appear in an upcoming issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics.

Accept with minor revisions. If the author implements the requested revisions, the revised submission will appear in an upcoming issue. The revisions will be verified by the Associate Editor.

Accept with major revisions. If the author implements the requested revisions, the revised submission will appear in an upcoming issue. The revisions will be verifies by the original referees.

Provisional reject. The author is encouraged to submit a revised version of the manuscript, but there is no guarantee that even if the requested revisions were successfully performed that the submission would be accepted. There may be additional revisions necessary beyond the ones originally requested.

Reject. The author is encouraged to submit the manuscript elsewhere, or the manuscript does not yet meet the standards of breadth, impact, novelty or correctness required for publication by the number one journal in computer graphics.

An accept with revisions decision is contingent on the timely submission of a revised manuscript, to ensure the novelty of the contribution. We expect authors to submit revised manuscripts within six months of the decision, unless a request for an extension is granted by the Editor-in-Chief.

Questions regarding editorial review process should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief.

Questions regarding the post-acceptance production process should be addressed to the Publisher, Jono Hardjowirogo.

Once Accepted

The acceptance email will contain the most up-to-date instructions.

We are trying to improve the quality of the PDF and print images too. Please help us with that by verifying that the images in the proofs you receive have not been overly compressed.

Questions regarding the formatting of the final version of the paper should be directed to Joanne Pello.

Editorial Board


Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft Research)


Assistant to the editor-in-chief

Andrea Beaty
Microsoft Research
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399


Past editor-in-chief

John Hart (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Associate editors

Aseem Agarwala (Adobe Systems Inc.)

Pierre Alliez (INRIA)

Nina Amenta (University of California at Davis)

Daniel Cohen-Or (Tel Aviv University)

Doug DeCarlo (Rutgers University)

Julie Dorsey (Yale University)

Philip Dutré (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Michael Gleicher (University of Wisconsin)

Steven Gortler (Harvard University)

Cindy Grimm (Washington University)

Radek Grzeszczuk (Nokia Research Center)

Aaron Hertzmann (University of Toronto)

Takeo Igarashi (University of Tokyo)

Doug James (Cornell University)

Henrik Wann Jensen (University of California, San Diego)

Dani Lischinski (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Dinesh Manocha (UNC Chapel Hill)

Nelson Max (University of California, Davis)

Jorg Peters (University of Florida)

Hanspeter Pfister (Harvard University)

Zoran Popović (University of Washington)

Ravi Ramamoorthi (University of California, Berkeley)

Ramesh Raskar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Thomas Sederberg (Brigham Young University)

François Sillion (INRIA)

John Snyder (Microsoft Research)

Jos Stam (Autodesk, Inc.)

Joe Warren (Rice University)

Kun Zhou (Zhejiang University)

Denis Zorin (New York University)


ACM headquarters staff

Jono Hardjowirogo, Associate Director of Publications

Irma Strolia, Editorial Assistant, ACM Journals


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