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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The journal publishes exceptional scholarship in all areas of western philosophy from antiquity up to contemporary philosophy. The Archiv insists on the highest scholarly standards and values precise argumentation and lucid prose. In addition to publishing articles and reviews, the journal occasionally features a “Zur Diskussion” section in which particularly controversial positions are debated.

Type of Publication:
Western Philosophy; Philosophy/Current Debates

Academics and Students of Philosophy, Libraries, Institutes

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie is covered by the following services:

  • Base d’information bibliographique en patristique / Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP)
  • Celdes
  • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastucture)
  • De Gruyter - Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
  • De Gruyter - IBR (International Bibliography of Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • De Gruyter - IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • EBSCO - Humanities International Complete/Humanities Source
  • EBSCO - TOC Premier
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Elsevier - SCOPUS
  • Gale/Cengage - Academic One File
  • Google Scholar
  • INIST Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique
  • International Philosophical Bibliography - Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie
  • J-Gate
  • Naviga (Softweco)
  • Philosopher's Index
  • Philosophy Documentation Center - Philosophy Research Index
  • PhilPapers
  • Primo Central (ExLibris)
  • ProQuest - Deep Indexing: Technical Information
  • ProQuest - Illustrata: Arts and Humanities
  • ProQuest - Illustrata: Natural Sciences
  • SCImago (SJR)
  • Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest)
  • TDOne (TDNet)
  • Thomson Reuters - Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • Thomson Reuters - Current Contents/Arts & Humanities
  • UB Frankfurt - BDSL Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb
  • WorldCat (OCLC)


Instructions to Authors

Directions concerning style and format of manuscripts submitted for publication in the
I. General directions
1. Two print-ready copies of each manuscript should be sent to the editorial office in Bonn (ARCHIV FÜR GESCHICHTE DER PHILOSOPHIE,
Universität Bonn, Philosophisches Seminar LFB I, Am Hof 1, D-53113 Bonn; email:
agph@uni-bonn.de). Contributions from the USA
and Canada should be sent to the editorial office in New York (Prof. Christia Mercer, Columbia University, 708 Philosophy Hall, MC
4971, 1150 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027, USA; email:
2. An abstract of ca. 100 words should be added to every article.
3. An informal statement by the author should also be enclosed in every submission to the effect that he/she has not simultaneously
submitted his/her paper to any other journal apart from the ARCHIV and that he/she will not do so until the editors of the ARCHIV have
reached a decision concerning the publication of the paper. Submissions lacking such a statement will not be considered.
4. Once a paper has been accepted for publication, the author will be asked to submit an electronic version of the paper as a text file in one of
the newer versions of MS Word for Windows (Word 95/97/2000). Those authors whose papers have been accepted will be provided with
further information concerning the layout of the text file.
II. Directions concerning style and format of the typescripts
1. Page format: Typescripts should leave a margin of at least 2 cm (0.8 inches) on the left side, of 4 cm (1.8 inches) on the right
side. All material, footnotes included, must be 1 or double-spaced.
2. Notes: Footnotes should be numbered continuously and placed at the end of the text. In the electronic file, footnotes should be
inserted using the automatic footnote format in Word and the default “footnote text"   should be used.
3. Main text/ petit: Roughly 30 % of the text (not including footnotes) should be marked by the author to be set in petit for
typescripts of up to 39 pages,
40 % for typescripts of up to 49 pages, 50 % for typescripts of 50 and more pages. The parts of the text that are to be put in petit should be
indicated by a vertical red line on the right margin.
4. Quotations:
(a) Double quotation marks should be used for quotations. No quotation marks should be used for longer quotes that are set in petit and
marked by indentations. Citations should be placed in the footnotes, not in the text. Exceptions are permitted if the author refers several times
to the same primary text or if a classical author is being cited by established conventions specific to the author (e.g. references to specific
dialogues of Plato in Stephanus-pagi-nation). Single quotation marks should be reserved to demarcate individual words and concepts or
paraphrases and summaries.
(b) Omissions from quoted texts should be marked by three periods in square brackets. The brackets should be separated from the preceding
and the succeeding word by a single space.
(c) The punctuation that concludes a quotation should in principle be put outside the quotation, with the exception of cases where the quote
consists of complete sentences. Numbers marking footnotes should follow immediately after the quotation mark. They are to succeed the
final punctuation only if the preceding period contains more than one quotation or if the quotation consists of a complete sentence.
Instead of e.g.:
He praises "all the clockwork of Nature, the greater part whereof"   he says, "It is so wonderfully fine and subtle as scarce to be    discerned by the best microscope"

It should be written:
He praises "all the clockwork of Nature, the greater part whereof" He says “It’s so wonderfully fine and subtle as scarce to be  discerned by the best microscope” .
Numbers of footnotes that do not contain a reference to the source of the quote should follow after the final punctuation, unless the
note concerns only one phrase or part of the sentence. They should then be placed after the word or phrase in question and, if
necessary, before the punctuation that concludes that part of the sentence.
5. Italics: Phrases to be printed in italics should be underlined by a single line. They should be marked in this way even if a wordprocessing
program is used that permits the use of italics. Bold print cannot be used. Titles and phrases to be emphasized are to be set in italics.
6. Type face: Single words or quotations in Greek should be written in Greek script, not in Latin transliteration. They should be
either typed or handwritten in a clear and legible form.
7. Abbreviations: Adequate spacing between words and after punctuation marks is to be observed.


8. Bibliographical citations: Classical authors should be quoted in the customary way. Abbreviations of their works are to be used with
consistency and must be listed at the end of the article. A separate bibliography at the end of the article should be included for the citation of
other authors. The authors should be listed in alphabetical order. Different publications by the same author should be listed chronologically,
Barnes, J. 1982. Aristotle. Oxford. (in the case of monographs)
Barnes, J. 1993. “Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstration” Phronesis 14:
123?2. (in the case of articles) Multiple editions should be indicated
by numbers in superscript, e.g.:
Barnes, J. 31987. Aristotle. Oxford. In the case that one of the authors listed in the bibliography published several works within one year, the
year of publication should be supplemented with lowercase letters to indicate the difference, e.g.: 1995a, 1995b etc. All titles of primary texts,
monographs, or periodicals should be underlined with a single line. Titles of articles should be marked by double quotation marks, not by
underlining. As far as monographs are concerned, only the place of publication, and not the publisher, should be listed. Citations made in the
footnotes should include (in this order): the name of the author, the year of publication, followed by a comma and the page reference, e.g.:
Barnes 1982, 25. References to pages should be given by page number only, without a preceding “p” When referring to two
subsequent pages abbreviation “f.”should always be used (not: 24, but: 24f.). Further references to a title already quoted should be
given in the way indicated above, i.e. "bid. etc should not be used referring to titles already quoted.
9. Name and address: The author’s full (institutional) address should be written on the back of the last page of the typescript. In order to
ensure that the assessment of the papers submitted remains anonymous, there should not be any mention of the author’s name in his/her






Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Office

Simon Weber
Universität Bonn
Institut für Philosophie
Am Hof 1
53113 Bonn
phone: +49 (0)228/73-7743
fax: +49 (0)228/73-6851
email: agph@uni-bonn.de

Prof. Christia Mercer
Columbia University
708 Philosophy Hall
MC 4971
1150 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

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