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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The journal is included in Web of Science (ISI Web of Knowledge) | Scopus | EBSCO | ARTbibliographies Modern | Design and Applied Arts Index | European Science Foundation (European Index for the Humanities – ERIH)

Basic information

The bimonthly journal Umění/Art is devoted to the history of Czech and central European art from the early Middle Ages up to the 21st century. It also publishes articles with an international focus and studies in methodology. It offers a platform for intellectual diversity and for exploring the links between art, philosophy and literature. Alongside original studies by researchers in the Czech Republic and abroad, the journal publishes interviews with important figures in art history and the philosophy of art, newly discovered archive materials, debates, reviews, news, and polls. Approximately one-third of the journal’s content is published in one of the major world languages, in most cases German or English. The journal is aimed at both professionals in the art field (subscribers include a number of university libraries outside the Czech Republic) and anyone in the general public interested in culture.Published by Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.

Editor in Chief: Lenka Bydžovská

Editors: Pavla Machalíková, Taťána Petrasová, Tomáš Winter

Copy Editor: Dagmar Nárožníková

Cover and Graphic Design: Jan Šerých

Type Setting: Jaroslav Vlček

Printed by: T. A. Print

Umění / Art is published 6 times a year, ca. 100 pages, 80 b/w. and col. illustrations.

© ÚDU AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha

ISSN 0049 5123

ISSN 1804 6509 (online)

Umění / Art is supported by the Foundation Czech Literary Fund and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Many thanks for advice on language to Robin Casling.

Wir danken Katrin Wippich-Roháček für die sprachliche Beratung.


The bi-monthly journal Umění / Art has been published by the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic since 1953. It evolved from a magazine of the same name, which had been produced by the Publisher Jan Štenc since 1918.

Pavla Sadílková, Půlstoletí psaní o umění v Umění (Half a Century of Writing about Art in Umění / Art), Umění L, 2002, nos. 1–6: Bibliografie / Bibliography, pp. 3–11

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Grafické úpravy obálek v letech 1953–2001 (The Graphic Design of the Cover from 1953–2001), Umění L, 2002, nos. 1–6: Bibliografie / Bibliography, pp. 12–24

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Tomáš Winter, Chronologický přehled redaktorů, redakčních rad a grafických úpravců časopisu Umění/ A Chronological Overview of the Editors, Editorial Board and Graphic Designers of Umění / Art, Umění L, 2002, nos. 1–6: Bibliografie / Bibliography, p. 25

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Instructions to Authors

We ask authors to follow these style guidelines in texts submitted for publication in Umění / Art. We accept contributions in the Word for Windows format. The notes may be automatic or entered by hand using the upper index. A list of illustrations and a summary (300 words) must be submitted. Authors are responsible for arranging copyrights and reproduction rights for their illustrations.

Editing Principles for Publications in Umění

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Richtlinien zur Text Gestaltug

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Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: Lenka Bydžovská

Editors: Pavla Machalíková, Taťána Petrasová, Tomáš Winter

Copy Editor: Dagmar Nárožníková

Editorial board

Neil Cox (University of Essex)

Paul Crossley (Courtauld Institute of Art)

Jiří Fajt (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig / Technische Universität, Berlin)

Ivo Hlobil (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., Prague)

Kaliopi Chamonikola (Brno)

Lubomír Konečný (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., Prague)

Vojtěch Lahoda (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., Prague)

Jozef Medvecký (Institute of Art History, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)

Miroslav Petříček jr. (Charles University, Prague)

Friedrich Polleroß (Universität Wien)

Jan Royt (Charles University, Prague)

Lubomír Slavíček (Masaryk University, Brno)

Karel Srp (Prague)

Rostislav Švácha (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., Prague)

Petr Wittlich (Charles University, Prague)


Editorial Office:

Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.

Husova 4

110 00 Praha 1

Czech Republic


Tel., fax: 222 221 646

E-mail: art@udu.cas.cz; umeni.art@seznam.cz (for sending of larger files)


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