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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal description

QRAM is an international journal that publishes qualitative research investigating the interface of accounting and management/managerial work in different contexts and from various theoretical perspectives and that contributes to contemporary academic debates.

Aims & scope

Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management is an international journal that publishes qualitative research at the interface of accounting and management.

The journal encourages interdisciplinary research of practices in the accounting field through a variety of theoretical lenses and perspectives. In doing so, it seeks to challenge and add to our knowledge of the accounting-management nexus in various (e.g., organisational, historical, social and political) contexts.

QRAM welcomes submissions of original research papers, conceptual pieces, substantive review articles, and shorter papers such as comments or research notes.

The following is intended to indicate potential topics, but is by no means prescriptive. These topics can be overlapping rather than discrete subject areas, and researchers should not feel restricted by the scope of the topics listed below.

• Management accounting and control
• Accountability, transition and organisational change
• Performance management and accounting metrics
• Accounting for strategic management
• The use and behavioural effects of accounting information in organisational decision-making
• Public and third sector accounting and management
• Accounting and management controls for sustainability and the environment
• Historical perspectives on the accounting-management interface
• Methods and methodologies for research at the interface of accounting and management
• Accounting and management in developing countries and emerging economies
• Technology effects on accounting-management dynamics
• Financial accounting and managerial work
• Auditing and managerial work

Submissions are also welcome covering other topics that combine elements of the accounting and management domains.

Indexing & rankings

ABI/INFORM Complete/ ABI/INFORM Global/ ABI/INFORM Professional Advanced/ ABI/INFORM Professional Standard (ProQuest), Academic Search Alumni Edition/ Academic Search Complete/ Academic Search Elite/ Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Accounting & Tax Periodicals (ProQuest), The British Library, Business Source Alumni Edition/ Business Source Complete/ Business Source Corporate Plus/ Business Source Elite/ Business Source International/ Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Accounting, and Management, OCLC - Electronic Collections Online, Professional ABI/INFORM Complete/ Professional ProQuest Central/ ProQuest Central (ProQuest), ReadCube Discover.

and ranked by:
The Association of Business Schools' (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2015 (the Guide), Australian Business Deans Council, Australian Research Council (ERA Journal List), BFI (Denmark), CNRS (France) grade 4, NSD (Norway), Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN), Scopus, VHB (German Academic Association for Business Research)-B ranked journal.

Instructions to Authors
Editorial Board
  • Editors

  • Editorial Assistant

    • Ferdinand Kunzl 
      University of Innsbruck - Austria 
  • Associate Editor

    • Michela Arnaboldi 
      Politecnico di Milano - Italy 
    • Nicolas Berland 
      Paris Dauphine University - France 
    • Wai Fong Chua 
      University of Sydney Business School - Australia 
    • Jonas Gerdin 
      Orebro University - Sweden 
    • Matthew Hall 
      Monash University - Australia 
    • M. Kabir Hassan 
      University of New Orleans - USA 
    • Trevor Hopper 
      University of Sussex, UK; Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 
    • Christopher Humphrey 
      University of Manchester - UK 
    • Irvine Lapsley 
      University of Edinburgh - UK 
    • Kari Lukka 
      Turku School of Economics - Finland 
    • Hanne Norreklit 
      Aarhus University - Denmark 
    • Brendan O'Dwyer 
      University of Manchester, UK and Amsterdam University - The Netherlands 
    • David Otley 
      Lancaster University - UK 
    • Hanno Roberts 
      Norwegian School of Management - Norway 
    • Ian Thomson 
      University of Birmingham - UK 
    • Henk ter Bogt 
      University of Groningen - Netherlands 
  • Section Editor: Financial Accounting and Reporting

    • Christoph Pelger 
      University of Innsbruck - Austria 
  • Section Editor: Sustainability Accounting

    • Hannele Mäkelä 
      Tampere University - Finland 
  • Commissioning Editor

  • Journal Editorial Office (For queries related to pre-acceptance)

  • Supplier Project Manager (For queries related to post-acceptance)

  • Editorial Board

    • Siti Nabiha Abdul Khalid 
      Universiti Sains Malaysia - Malaysia 
    • Dr Chris Akroyd 
      The University of Canterbury Business School - New Zealand 
    • Manzurul Alam 
      Murdoch University - Australia 
    • Simon Alcouffe 
      Toulouse Business School - France 
    • Marcia Annisette 
      York University, Canada 
    • Richard Baker 
      Adelphi University - USA 
    • Gudrun Baldvinsdottir 
      University of Gothenburg - Sweden 
    • Sebastian Becker 
      HEC Paris, France 
    • Gordon Boyce 
      La Trobe University - Australia 
    • David Brown 
      University of Technology Sydney - Australia 
    • John Burns 
      Exeter University, UK 
    • Cristiano Busco 
      University of Roehampton - UK 
    • Ariela Caglio 
      Bocconi University - Italy 
    • Salvador Carmona 
      Instituto De Empresa - Spain 
    • Lino Cinquini 
      Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa - Italy 
    • Tiphaine Compernolle 
      IESEG School of Management - France 
    • Martine Cools 
      KU Leuven, Campus Antwerp - Belgium 
    • Christine Cooper 
      University of Edinburgh, UK 
    • Suresh Cuganesan 
      University of Sydney - Australia 
    • John Cullen 
      University of Sheffield - UK 
    • Jesse Dillard 
      Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and University of Central Florida, USA 
    • Hans Englund 
      Orebro University - Sweden 
    • Laurence Ferry 
      Durham University - UK 
    • Warwick Funnell 
      University of Kent - UK 
    • Delphine Gibassier 
      Audencia Business School - France 
    • Jennifer Grafton 
      The University of Melbourne - Australia 
    • Allan Hansen 
      Copenhagen Business School - Denmark 
    • Elaine Harris 
      Roehampton University Business School, London, UK 
    • Zahirul Hoque 
      La Trobe University - Australia 
    • Noel Hyndman 
      Queen's University, Belfast - UK 
    • Timo Hyvonen 
      University of Turtu - Finland 
    • Ingrid Jeacle 
      University of Edinburgh - UK 
    • Vassili Joannides 
      Grenoble Business School France and Queensland University of Technology - Australia 
    • Marko Järvenpää 
      University of Vaasa - Finland 
    • Eksa Kilfoyle 
      Monash University, Australia - Australia 
    • Ralph Kober 
      Monash University - Australia 
    • Katsuhiko Kokubu 
      Kobe University - Japan 
    • Caroline Lambert 
      HEC Montreal - Canada 
    • Bernard Leca 
      ESSEC Business School - France 
    • Pingli Li 
      Southampton Business School, Southampton University - UK 
    • Johnny Lind 
      Stockholm School of Economics - Sweden 
    • Habib Mahama 
      Department of Accounting, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), UAE - United Arab Emirates 
    • Maria Major 
      Nova School of Business & Economics - Portugal 
    • Martin Messner 
      University of Innsbruck - Austria 
    • Jodie Moll 
      Queensland University of Technology - Australia 
    • Jeremy Morales 
      Kings College University of London - UK 
    • Hiroshi Okano 
      Osaka City University - Japan 
    • Joao Oliveira 
      University of Porto - Portugal 
    • Lee D Parker 
      University of Glasgow - UK and RMIT University - Australia 
    • Jukka Pellinen 
      University of Jyvaskyla - Finland 
    • Pedro Araujo Pinzon 
      University of Cadiz - Spain 
    • Paolo Quattrone 
      University of Manchester - UK 
    • Martin Quinn 
      Dublin City University - Ireland 
    • Joao Ribeiro 
      University of Porto - Portugal 
    • John Roberts 
      University of Sydney - Australia 
    • Norio Sawabe 
      Kyoto University - Japan 
    • Will Seal 
      Loughborough University - UK 
    • Umesh Sharma 
      University of Waikato, New Zealand 
    • Peter Skaerbaek 
      Copenhagen Business School - Denmark 
    • David Smith 
      RMIT University - Australia 
    • Kim Soin 
      University of Exeter - UK 
    • Crawford Spence 
      Kings College University of London - UK 
    • Samuel Sponem 
      HEC Montreal - Canada 
    • Gary Spraakman 
      York University - Canada 
    • Ileana Steccolini 
      University of Essex - UK 
    • Erik Strauss 
      University of Witten/ Herdecke - Germany 
    • Zhiyuan Simon Tan 
      University of Sydney - Australia 
    • Sophie Tessier 
      HEC Montreal - Canada 
    • Helen Tregidga 
      Royal Holloway, University of London, UK 
    • Juhani Vaivio 
      Aalto University School of Economics - Finland 
    • Eija Vinnari 
      University of Tampere - Finland 
    • Ed Vosselman 
      Radboud University - Netherlands 
    • Danture Wickramasinghe 
      University of Glasgow - UK 
    • Ivo de Loo 
      Neyenrode Business University - Netherlands 
    • Jeltje van der Meer-Kooistra 
      University of Groningen - Netherlands 
    • Martijn van der Steen 
      University of Groningen - Netherlands


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