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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774
变更情况:Newly Added by 2017

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Quantitative Economics

Cover image for Vol. 8 Issue 3

Edited By: Christopher Taber

Impact Factor: 1.614

ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2016: 90/347 (Economics)

Online ISSN: 1759-7331

Associated Title(s): Econometrica, Theoretical Economics




Quantitative Economics, an Econometric Society journal, is an open access journal, freely availableonline. To learn more about the journal please visit http://www.qeconomics.org.

Editorial Standards

Quantitative Economics is oriented towards (1) empirical research that is rigorously informed by econometrics and/or economic theory and (2) econometric and theory work that is empirically directed. In particular, the journal welcomes theoretical and computational papers that have empirical orientation, such as work on identification or estimation and computational techniques with practical interest. Quantitative Economics aims at covering a variety of applied fields, including labor economics, industrial organization, development and growth economics, macroeconomics, international economics, public finance and social economics.

The editorial board is especially interested in providing a forum for papers that are innovative beyond established types of analysis, for papers that are willing to challenge conventional ways of conducting empirically oriented work, and for papers that build new bridges across fields. Quantitative Economics’ editorial board will strive to reduce the length of the editorial process, keeping at a minimum multiple revisions and trying to avoid delays while maintaining the highest standards in the editorial process.


Abstracting and Indexing Information


  • ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)
  • Business Premium Collection (ProQuest)
  • Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
  • EconLit (AEA)
  • ProQuest
  • Proquest Business Collection (ProQuest)
  • ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)

Instructions to Authors

Submit A Paper

To submit a paper, at least one of the authors of the paper has to be a member of the Econometric Society. There is no submission fee or publishing fee; membership of the Econometric Society by at least one author is all that is required. If none of the authors is a member of the Econometric Society, please join at http://www.econometricsociety.org/memb.asp .

Papers must be submitted as pdf files; the size of the text font must be at least 12 point and the spacing should be 1.5 or double spaced. Please include each figure and table on the relevant page in the paper; do not collect figures and tables at the end of the paper. The list of references should appear after any appendices, at the very end of the paper.

Authors must post their submission on a publicly available website. (Editors may grant exceptions to this policy.)

A letter of submission need not be included unless it contains information pertinent to the review process. If the author has submitted related work elsewhere, or does so during the term in which Quantitative Economics is considering the manuscript, then it is the author's responsibility to provide Quantitative Economics with details. If the submission is on a topic related to earlier rejected submission to Quantitative Economics, the author should describe the relation and explain why he/she believes it is sufficient distinct to merit independent review.

References cited in all published papers must be published, available in a stable public archive (like SSRN), or provided by the authors of the manuscript at the time of final publication. (Editors may grant exceptions to this policy.)

The editorial process at Quantitative Economics is completely independent of that at Econometrica. However, if your paper has been previously rejected by Econometrica, in our submission process you have the option of requesting the transfer of the coeditor's decision letter, referees' reports, and referees' covering letters directly from Econometrica to us. (This transfer is completely optional. Not revealing that you previously submitted your paper to Econometrica is perfectly fine.) Note there is a presumption that we will consult referees different from the ones consulted by the Econometrica coeditor. If you do request that the reports be transferred from Econometrica, then you must provide a cover letter describing how your submission differs from the paper reviewed by Econometricaand, in detail, how you have responded to the referees' comments. If we use the same referees, your description of your responses will be forwarded to them.

In the ordinary course of events, we expect authors who are offered the opportunity to submit a revised version of their paper to return it within one year. If a paper is returned after two years there will be no presumption that it will be sent to the original Co-Editor (especially if he/she has left the board.)

Editorial Board
Associate Editors


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