

字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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影响因子: 0.926 (2020年) 0.759(2018年) 0.898(2017年) 0.723(2016年) 0.848(2015年)
变更情况:Newly Added by 2015

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for our readers to explore the theoretical, technical, and strategic elements of health care quality management. The journal's primary focus is on organizational structure and processes as these affect the quality of care and patient outcomes. In particular, it:

  • Builds knowledge about the application of statistical tools, control charts, benchmarking, and other devices used in the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of care and of patient outcomes;
  • Encourages research in and evaluation of the results of various organizational strategies designed to bring about quantifiable improvements in patient outcomes;
  • Fosters the application of quality management science to patient care processes and clinical decision-making;
  • Fosters cooperation and communication among health care providers, payers and regulators in their efforts to improve the quality of patient outcomes;
  • Explores links among the various clinical, technical, administrative, and managerial disciplines involved in patient care, as well as the role and responsibilities of organizational governance in ongoing quality management.


Journal Content and Manuscript Review Process:

QMHC welcomes original manuscripts that are prepared in accordance with these objectives. Content includes theoretical papers, case studies, quality improvement project reports including “action research," and literature reviews. A variety of study designs, from prospective controlled trials to observational studies and simulation studies, is acceptable. Blind review of each submitted manuscript is conducted by representatives of the Editorial Board or other qualified peer reviewers. Assessment criteria include such factors as (1) consistency with the journal’s editorial objectives as described above; (2) logical ordering of ideas; (3) rational argument and defense of original ideas; (4) use of sound methods of scholarly research and investigation; (5) appropriate literature references; and (6) timeliness of subject matter.

Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts

Angela Richardson

Advertising Sales
Cindy Dozois
Phone: 248-486-7011

Translation, Rights & Licensing
Silvia Serra

LWW Business Offices
Two Commerce Square
2001 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-521-8300

Kathleen Murphy White, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Baltimore, MD


Instructions to Authors

Purpose of the Journal
Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC)
is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for our readers to explore the theoretical, technical, and strategic elements of quality management, and assists those who wish to implement this discipline in health care. In particular, it:

1. Builds knowledge about customers, processes, and statistical thinking in health care.

2. Encourages research and evaluation of quality management methods and related strategies for organizational change.

3. Fosters the application of quality management sciences to patient care processes and clinical decision making.

4. Enhances cooperation and communication between health care suppliers, providers, payers, and regulators in efforts to disseminate quality management in health care.

5. Establishes links between the various disciplines and components of quality management including organizational behavior, systems research, statistics, leadership theory, quality assurance, outcomes research, survey research, clinical epidemiology, medical decision sciences, and other.

Journal Content/Manuscript Review Process
QMHC welcomes original manuscripts on the subject of quality management, which are prepared in accordance with these objectives. The journal intends to publish theoretical papers, case studies, quality improvement project reports, and literature reviews. Examples of appropriate research topics include: the efficacy of or new applications of specific tools and methods in health care; the relationships between quality management and care improvements or cost reductions; and the determinants of successful organizational change. A variety of study designs, from prospective controlled trials to observational studies, is acceptable. Representatives of the Editorial Board conduct a blind review of each manuscript submitted for publication in QMHC. They assess manuscripts using the following criteria:
(1) consistency with the objectives of QMHC;
(2) concise, logical ordering of ideas;
(3) rational argument and defense of original ideas;
(4) use of sound methods of research or other forms of scholarly investigation;
(5) appropriate references to existing literature; and
(6) timeliness of subject matter.

Submitting Manuscripts
On-line manuscript submission:
All manuscripts must be submitted online via Editorial ManagerTM, at http://www.editorialmanager.com/QMH

Authors should pay particular attention to the items below before submitting their manuscripts.
Manuscript Preparation

  • Manuscripts should be created in Microsoft Word.
  • Manuscripts should be double spaced (including quotations, lists, and references, footnotes, figure captions, and all parts of tables).
  • Manuscripts should be ordered as follows: title page, abstracts, text (Absolutely NO Author Contact Information), references, appendixes, tables, and any Digital Artwork.

First-time users: Please click the Register button on the Editorial Manager home page (http://www.editorialmanager.com/QMH). Enter the requested information to complete your registration. Upon successful registration, an email containing your user name and password will be sent to you. Please be sure to enter your email address correctly; if an error has been made or an incorrect email address has been provided, you will not receive this notification.
Note: If you have already received an email containing your User ID and password, or if you are already registered, do not register again. You may log in to the site using the information previously provided to you. You may access your Author, Reviewer, and/or Editor accounts with the same log-in information.

Authors: Click the log-in button on the Editorial Manager home page, enter your username and password, and click on Author Login. Click on the Submit Manuscript link to begin the submission process. Be sure to prepare your manuscript according to the requirements laid out in these author instructions. Following submission to the journal office, you will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system.

If you experience any problems with Editorial Manager or have any questions, please contact the Editorial Office: EMAIL; PHONE; FAX.

Cite figures consecutively in your manuscript.
Number figures in the figure legend in the order in which they are discussed.
Upload figures consecutively to the Editorial Manager web site and number figures consecutively in the Description box during upload.
Manuscript Contents

Each manuscript must include the following:

  • Title page including
    1. title of the article,
    2. author names (with highest academic degrees) and affiliations (including titles, departments, and name and location of institutions of primary employment),
    3. corresponding author's name and complete address including email,
    4. any acknowledgments, credits, or disclaimers, and
    5. disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s).
  • Abstract of 200 words or fewer describing the main points of the article. If it is a research article, prepare a structured abstract describing
    1. what was observed or investigated,
    2. the subjects and methods, and
    3. the results and conclusions. Also include 3-5 key words that describe the contents of the article like those that appear in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) or the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
  • Clear indication of the placement of all tables and figures in text.
  • Each author must sign their own copyright transfer. It can be downloaded here. Please sign electronically, save it to your desktop and load with your submission. Http://edmgr.ovid.com/qmh/accounts/copyrightTransfer.pdf
  • Written permission, including complete source, for any borrowed text, tables, or figures.


  • References must be cited in text and styled in the reference list according to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Ed. 10, Copyright 2007.
  • References should not be created using Microsoft Word's automatic footnote/endnote feature.
  • References should be included on a separate page at the end of the article and should be double spaced
  • References should be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited; reference numbers can be used more than once throughout an article.
  • Page numbers should appear with the text citation following a specific quote.
Here are some examples of correctly styled reference entries:

Journals: Author, article title, journal, year, volume, inclusive pages. Doe J. Allied medical education. JAMA. 1975;23:170–184. Doe J. Drug use during high school. Am J Public Health. 1976;64(5):12–22.

Books: Author, book title, place of publication, publisher, year. Farber SD. Neurorehabilitation: A Multisensory Approach. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders; 1982. Winawar S, Lipkin M. Proliferative abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. In: Card WI, Creamer B, eds. Modern Trends in Gastroenterology. 4th ed. London, England: Butterworth & Co; 1970. For multiple authors in journals and books:

  • If six or fewer, list all authors
  • If more than six, list the first three followed by et al.

A) Creating Digital Artwork
Learn about the publication requirements for Digital Artwork: http://links.lww.com/ES/A42
Create, Scan and Save your artwork and compare your final figure to the Digital Artwork Guideline Checklist (below).
Upload each figure to Editorial Manager in conjunction with your manuscript text and tables.

B) Digital Artwork Guideline Checklist
Here are the basics to have in place before submitting your digital art to [journal title]:
Artwork should be saved as TIFF, PDF, Word Doc, PPT, or EPS files.
Artwork is created as the actual size (or slightly larger) it will appear in the journal. (To get an idea of the size images should be when they print, study a copy of the journal to which you wish to submit. Measure the artwork typically shown and scale your image to match.)
Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
Diagrams, drawings, graphs, and other line art must be vector or saved at a resolution of at least 1200 dpi. If the art is created in an MS Office program, convert to a hi-res PDF. If the PDF creation process is unfamiliar then submit the MS Office doc.
Photographs, radiographs and other halftone images must be saved at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
Photographs and radiographs with text must be saved as postscript or at a resolution of at least 600 dpi.
Each figure must be saved and submitted as a separate file. Figures should not be embedded in the manuscript text file.


  • Tables must be in Microsoft Word format. (NO EXCEL) files.
  • Number tables consecutively and supply a brief title for each.
  • Include explanatory footnotes for all nonstandard abbreviations. For footnotes, use the following symbols, in this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||,**, ††, etc.
  • Cite each table in the text in consecutive order.
  • If you use data from another published or unpublished source, obtain permission and acknowledge fully. Include a source line. Type "Source: Author" on tables that you created.

Authors are responsible for obtaining signed letters from copyright holders granting permission to reprint material being borrowed or adapted from other sources, including previously published material of your own or from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. This includes forms, checklists, cartoons, text, tables, figures, exhibits, glossaries, and pamphlets; concepts, theories, or formulas used exclusively in a chapter or section; direct quotes from a book or journal that are over 30% of a printed page; and all excerpts from newspapers or other short articles. Without written permission from the copyright holder, these items may not be used.
*Authors are responsible for any permission fees to reprint borrowed material

Compliance with NIH and Other Research Funding Agency Accessibility Requirements
A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW will identify to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and will transmit the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism.

Open Access
LWW's hybrid open access option is offered to authors whose articles have been accepted for publication. With this choice, articles are made freely available online immediately upon publication. Authors may take advantage of the open access option at the point of acceptance to ensure that this choice has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process. These articles are subject to the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit. Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. The article processing charge for Quality Management in Health Care is $2,000. The article processing charge for authors funded by the Research Councils UK (RCUK) is $2,540. The publication fee is charged on acceptance of the article and should be paid within 30 days by credit card by the author, funding agency or institution. Payment must be received in full for the article to be published open access. Any additional standard publication charges, such as for color images, will also apply.

Authors retain copyright Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant LWW a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.

In addition, each author must complete and submit the journal's copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (www.icmje.org/update.html).

A copy of the form is made available to the submitting author within the Editorial Manager submission process. Co-authors will automatically receive an Email with instructions on completing the form upon submission.

Creative Commons license Articles opting for open access will be freely available to read, download and share from the time of publication. Articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommerical No Derivative 4.0 which allows readers to disseminate and reuse the article, as well as share and reuse of the scientific material. It does not permit commercial exploitation or the creation of derivative works without specific permission. To view a copy of this license visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0.

Compliance with NIH, RCUK, Wellcome Trust and other research funding agency accessibility requirements A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW identifies to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and transmits the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism. LWW ensures that authors can fully comply with the public access requirements of major funding bodies worldwide. Additionally, all authors who choose the open access option will have their final published article deposited into PubMed Central. RCUK and Wellcome funded authors can choose to publish their paper as open access with the payment of an article process charge (gold route), or opt for their accepted manuscript to be deposited (green route) into PMC with an embargo. With both the gold and green open access options, the author will continue to sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) as it provides the mechanism for LWW to ensure that the author is fully compliant with the requirements. After signature of the CTA, the author will then sign a License to Publish where they will then own the copyright. Those authors who wish to publish their article via the gold route will be able to publish under the terms of the Attribution 4.0 (CCBY) License. To view of a copy of this license visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Those authors who wish to publish their article via the green route will be able to publish under the rights of the Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 (CCBY NC) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). It is the responsibility of the author to inform the Editorial Office and/or LWW that they have RCUK funding. LWW will not be held responsible for retroactive deposits to PMC if the author has not completed the proper forms.

FAQ for open access http://links.lww.com/LWW-ES/A48

Editorial Policy
Manuscripts are considered for publication if they are submitted only to this journal and the author has not published similar topics elsewhere. One author should be the primary contact. The journal is not responsible if a manuscript is lost. Authors should keep a copy of their manuscript.

Submission of Manuscript
Online manuscript submission: All manuscripts must be submitted online through the new Web site http://www.edmgr.com/qmh/. First-time users: Please click the Register button from the menu above and enter the requested information. On successful registration, you will be sent an e-mail indicating your user name and password. Note: If you have received an e-mail from us with an assigned user ID and password, or if you are a repeat user, do not register again. Just log in. Once you have an assigned ID and password, you do not have to re-register, even if your status changes (that is, author, reviewer, or editor). Authors: Please click the log-in button from the menu at the top of the page and log in to the system as an Author. Submit your manuscript according to the author instructions. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system. If you experience any problems, please contact us through the "Contact Us" tab along the top of every page of the submission site.

Manuscript Preparation
Leave one-inch margins and use double spacing throughout (including tables, figures, and references). Do not justify text.

Number the pages at the upper right from the first page of the text to the end of the references. The preferred length of a manuscript is 12-16 pages including figures, tables, and references.

Also include the following:

An abstract of the article (approximately 50-75 words) that gives an overview of the article and clearly states the specific benefits of the article for staff development educators. Do not cite references in the abstract. Spell out abbreviations and acronyms.

Author Biography. Include full name followed by suitable abbreviations for both professional licenses and the highest degree earned; honorary degrees in order of bestowal; professional or occupational title; and current position.

EXAMPLE: Marci J. Smith, MSN, RN, is Director of Staff Development at Memorial Hospital, Anytown, USA.

Title Page. Submit this page as a separate file when you are instructed to attach files to your submission. Include the title of the article and the author's name, preferred address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. Author identification should appear only on the title page of the manuscript.

The author must request permission for the use of material owned by others such as any copyrighted material: tables, charts, forms, and figures. All letters of permission should be submitted with the manuscript.

References, Tables, and Figures
Use the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition for style and format guidelines.

A) Creating Digital Artwork

  • 1. Learn about the publication requirements for Digital Artwork: http://links.lww.com/ES/A42
  • 2. Create, Scan and Save your artwork and compare your final figure to the Digital Artwork Guideline Checklist (below).
  • 3. Upload each figure to Editorial Manager in conjunction with your manuscript text and tables.

B) Digital Artwork Guideline Checklist
Here are the basics to have in place before submitting your digital artwork:

  • Artwork should be saved as TIFF, EPS, or MS Office (DOC, PPT, XLS) files. High resolution PDF files are also acceptable.
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Diagrams, drawings, graphs, and other line art must be vector or saved at a resolution of at least 1200 dpi. If created in an MS Office program, send the native (DOC, PPT, XLS) file.
  • Photographs, radiographs and other halftone images must be saved at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  • Photographs and radiographs with text must be saved as postscript or at a resolution of at least 600 dpi.
  • Each figure must be saved and submitted as a separate file. Figures should not be embedded in the manuscript text file.


  • Cite figures consecutively in your manuscript.
  • Number figures in the figure legend in the order in which they are discussed.
  • Upload figures consecutively to the Editorial Manager web site and enter figure numbers consecutively in the Description field when uploading the files.

Manuscript Review
All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by a minimum of 2 Editorial Board members. Acceptance of manuscripts is based on the reviews and the Editor's decision. Accepted manuscripts will be edited to conform to the standards of the journal.

Publication of Accepted Manuscripts
Editing changes are subject to author approval before publication. Authors will be notified in advance of the issue in which their article will appear. A complimentary copy of the issue in which the article appears is mailed to each author.

Review of Proof
Authors will have the opportunity to review a page proof of their manuscript; this will come directly from the publisher. Alterations to page proof should be kept to a minimum and are subject to approval by the publisher.

Authors may order reprints when page proofs are returned. A purchase form with the cost of reprints is sent with the proofs.

Conflicts of interest
Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading "Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:" For example:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker's bureau for Organization X – the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared.

In addition, each author must complete and submit the journal's copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (www.icmje.org/update.html). The form is readily available on the manuscript submission page http://www.edmgr.com/qmhc/ and can be completed and submitted electronically. Please note that authors may sign the copyright transfer agreement form electronically. For additional information about electronically signing this form, go to http://links.lww.com/ZUAT/A106.

Compliance with NIH and Other Research Funding Agency Accessibility Requirements
A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW will identify to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and will transmit the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism.

Editorial Board
Kathleen Murphy White, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Baltimore, MD

Associate Editors
Farrokh Alemi, PhD
Department of Health Systems Administration
Georgetown University
Washington, District of Columbia

Michael R. Dobbs, MD, MHCM
Associate Chief Medical Officer
University of Kentucky HealthCare
Professor of Neurology
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Eugene C. Nelson, DSc, MPH
Director, Quality Education, Measurement & Research Professor
Community & Family Medicine
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, New Hampshire

Duncan V. Neuhauser, PhD
Charles Elton Blanchard Professor of Health
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
School of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

Editorial Board
Paul B. Batalden, MD
Health Care Quality Improvement
The Center for Evaluative Clinical Sciences
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Hanover, New Hampshire
Department of Healthcare Quality Improvement, Education and Research
Henry Ford Health System
Detroit, Michigan

Donald M. Berwick, MD
President and CEO
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Newton, Massachusetts

Maureen Bisognano
Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer

Gayle L. Capozzalo
Executive Vice President
Strategy & System Development
Yale–New Haven Health
New Haven, Connecticut

V. Susan Carroll, MS,RN-BC, SCRN
Clinical Educator
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois

David Glenn Litaker, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Departments of Medicine Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University Hospitals of Cleveland
Associate Professor
Center for Health Promotion Research
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

Nancy Lorenzi, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Informatics
Vanderbilt Medical Center
Nashville Tennessee​

Ross Mullner, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor
Health Policy and Administration
School of Public Health
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois

Jesper Olsson, PhD, RN, Lic Eng
Consultant, Health Systems Improvement
Health and Social Care Division
The Swedish Association of Local
Authorities and Regions
Stockholm, Sweden

Irwin Press, PhD
Press Ganey Associates
Chicago, Illinois

Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, FCCM
C Michael and S Ann Armstrong Professor of
Patient Safety Director of the Armstrong
Institute for Patient Safety and Quality Johns
Hopkins Medicine Senior Vice President for
Patient Safety and Quality

Stephen M. Shortell, PhD
Blue Cross–Blue Shield Distinguished
Professor of Health Policy & Management
Professor of Organizational Behavior
University of California
Berkeley, California

Martha L. Sylvia, PhD, MBA, RN
Director, Population Health Analytics, Office of
Chief Analytics Officer, Clinical Assistant
Professor, College of Nursing, Medical
University of South Carolina

Anne Breen Tomolo, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Louis Stokes Cleveland DVAMC
Cleveland, Ohio

Miles J. Zaremski, JD
Partner and Founder
Zaremski Law Group
Northbrook, Illinois



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